Mummysg Early Birds And Night Owls Clubb - August 2009 !!!!

How many of us have a WOODY BLOCK hubby?

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all busy sleeping????

sianz...tomolo working again!!!!!!!!!!

zzzz...really feel like taking leave lehhh.....but i need to save for my trip....its only Sept(soon).....another 4 more mths.....cant anyhow use leave....zzzzz


Well-Known Member
Ho sei liaooo.... Monday coming... decisions decisions...

wad decisions???

take MC arrr???

tis morn, i really feel like taking MC !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

super tired + nice to zzzz....

I HATE MONDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

mon blue blue blue blue~



Well-Known Member
morn everyone :)
morn sweetie pudding~

mi and hubby overslept today...
so tiring...

i veri tired plus no wei kou...=(

weather really too nice to zzzzz....

princess dearie, u must eat more yaa....y always no wei kou??? very long leee lehh....not good for ur health........or u eat those light light food like least eat smting.....cannot evytime empty stomach....syaang sayang~


Well-Known Member
good morning everyone

im on half day todae, gg for followup with kk.

after dat bring sher go for a movie,follow by dinner..

i oso wanna take leave tis morn....hahahaa...really had a hard time crawling out of my bed..................

wad movie u watching?????

followup with kk is u or sher ??? :err:


Active Member
morn sweetie pudding~

weather really too nice to zzzzz....

princess dearie, you must eat more yaa....why always no wei kou??? very long leee lehh....not good for your health........or you eat those light light food like least eat smting.....cannot everytime empty stomach....syaang sayang~
yaaa....every time lunch time when i got work,i'll eat porridge...
no wei kou...=(
duno y oso...


Well-Known Member

i also wanna take leave tis morn....hahahaa...really had a hard time crawling out of my bed..................

what movie you watching?????

followup with kk is you or sher ??? :err:

review for your neck ?

what movie ??so good...xD

me appt wif KK..nt seeing neck but uterus (do pap smear etc.,) as for my neck, much better but need to go polyclinic to get referral to go back SGH as i din go for the specialist last angry at myself for act smart for nt turning up for the e end now hve to refix..

wat show...haha..maybe the cartoon show "upz"...sher wanted to watch long ago but bcos of CA2 exam, i keep postponed it.

yaaa....every time lunch time when i got work,i'll eat porridge...
no wei kou...=(
dont know why also...

princess dearie..pls eat something..cannot everytime no wei kou..bad for health.or r u facing any stress????? take some porridge will be good.


Well-Known Member
yaaa....every time lunch time when i got work,i'll eat porridge...
no wei kou...=(
dont know why also...
yaa lohhh...see see, even sun sun dearie oso say no good for ur health....

if really no wei kou, maybe grab a bread or least eat smting yaaaa.......

izzi u take care of dante dante until u very sianzz..wanna eat but dante cry..then after u sayang him, u wanna eat, see the food, really dun feel like eating liaooo leee?????

me appt with KK..not seeing neck but uterus (do pap smear etc.,) as for my neck, much better but need to go polyclinic to get referral to go back singapore general hospital as i did not go for the specialist last angry at myself for act smart for not turning up for the e end now hve to refix..
do pap smear ??? u trying no2 arrrrr??? y suddenly do lehhh ?????

u wanna test to check if ur tube is blocked arrr????


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sunflower dearie : up is nice...i cried looo.=x.veri touching to mi....i watch 3d deee wif hubby...hee...

i tink is stress tt's y i cant eat...
i oso hope is stress tt make mi cant it n not anything else...

better go n check ur neck wor....


Well-Known Member
yaa lohhh...see see, even sun sun dearie also say no good for your health....

if really no wei kou, maybe grab a bread or least eat smting yaaaa.......

izzi you take care of dante dante until you very sianzz..wanna eat but dante cry..then after you sayang him, you wanna eat, see the food, really dont feel like eating liaooo leee?????

princess dearie..juz don empty better den no eat..don lead to gastric problem or cond will be worst...guai guai..ok:tlaugh:

do pap smear ??? you trying no2 arrrrr??? why suddenly do lehhh ?????

you wanna test to check if your tube is blocked arrr????
sunflower dearie : up is nice...i cried looo.=x.veri touching to mi....i watch 3d deee with hubby...hee...

i tink is stress that's why i cant eat...
i also hope is stress that make mi cant it and not anything else...

better go and check your neck ....
me 2..i don mind to hve another one.i know the age gap is far from sher but i hope to get a sibling for for checkup,i hve been follow up wif KK for years..pap smear result is not good is one reason,another is cyst.

hw's was ur KTV session ytd?i guess u enjoyed until u too tired to crawl out of bed for work ya????


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lawla dearie : i veri veri stress up i guess...ytd dante keep crying plus mil come n tok 'bird words' to mi...end up,dante make mi angry again by biting his fist,i juz whack his hand veri hard till he cry until no voice...after tt my hubby sayang him....then i saw dant'e hand lik got scratches...tink is from my hand...=(


Well-Known Member
sunflower dearie : up is nice...i cried looo.=x.veri touching to mi....i watch 3d deee with hubby...hee...

i tink is stress that's why i cant eat...
i also hope is stress that make mi cant it and not anything else...

better go and check your neck ....
princess dearieeeee......maybe u go malacca wif DH, dun bring ur dante dante...juz 1 day.....u can relax relax....

or maybe weekend, ask ur DH to take care of dante for a 2-3 hours..then u do ur own tings, u can sleep, go do manicure, make hair etc.....

i tink u'r too stress.....evyting oso u handle deee......

sayang sayang~


Well-Known Member
lawla dearie : i veri veri stress up i guess...ytd dante keep crying plus mother in law come and tok 'bird words' to mi...end up,dante make mi angry again by biting his fist,i just whack his hand veri hard till he cry until no voice...after that my hubby sayang him....then i saw dant'e hand lik got scratches...tink is from my hand...=(

princess dearie..

dont be so stress thing within your mean and dont put high expectation on yourself..we are all 1st time mummy..alot of things to learn from scratch..even me todae still learning to be a good mother.just move with the flow and gget help if needed..if not you are the one to is equally impt with your son but with good health then you have energy to look after dante..

that's the reason i feeling depressed now due to my neck condition. i still need strength & energy to take care of my ger.with my neck condition, i feel like i half know..:shyxxx:
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Well-Known Member
Good mOrn eVeryOne...

mOn blueeezzz... My dog Again bleeding at her tumor area.. been bleeding since last Thurs.. Think gonna bring it to the vet to put to sleep.. She seems to be in pain.. :(

dear husband going reservist this coming Wed.. Zzzz.. Thurs PV dont know wanna go or not. Feel like going but Iggy how? Bring along can or not?? :( dont want to let mother in law look after oredi.. Kns. anyhow feed my Iggy! :(

minn darling: yesh, ask your dh to look after dante, then u go recharge battery alittle or put over at your mum place?

Sun² darling: Belle dun like the UP movie and her 3D specs kept on dropping, too heavy for her. LOL. :x


Well-Known Member
Good mOrn eVeryOne...

mOn blueeezzz... My dog Again bleeding at her tumor area.. been bleeding since last Thurs.. Think gonna bring it to the vet to put to sleep.. She seems to be in pain.. :(

dear husband going reservist this coming Wed.. Zzzz.. Thurs PV dont know wanna go or not. Feel like going but Iggy how? Bring along can or not?? :( dont want to let mother in law look after oredi.. Kns. anyhow feed my Iggy! :(

minn darling: yesh, ask your dear husband to look after dante, then you go recharge battery alittle or put over at your mum place?

Sun² darling: Belle dont like the UP movie and her 3D specs kept on dropping, too heavy for her. LOL. :x
good morn dearie

ya..i checked wif sher's cousin.she told me the up movie nt so nice oso..but i aldy promise sher so din wan to disappoint her.:tlaugh:


Active Member

lawla dearie : u r rite,everything oso i do deee...ytd i juz scolded hubby,even look for house he oso wan mi to do,i gt no time n i dun have to be e only one to learn to do things looo...=(

sunflower dearie : hai...i really sian of everything.=(

aut dearie : maybe coz tis wk i nvr left dante at my mom's place for a nite baaa.=(
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