Seat in MRT


Well-Known Member
huh, how come tt lady dun give it up herself!!!
i know! preg ladies, next time, pretend to hv leg cramps!!then ppl will sure give it up!!
they pretend, we also pretend lohh!! :D


Well-Known Member
Ok now that is wayyyy too much...!!!! As for my case,i think my pregnant bump sometimes makes people fall asleep immediately..There were a few cases where the minute i stand in front of those people in the priority seats,their eyes will drift from my face down to my bump and then they will doze off..!!! Like kena hypnotised..!!! So far ive only had 2 different occasions where these ladies gave up their seats for me..And both of them were aunties..And they were NOT even seated in priority seats..!!! The priority seats are normally taken up by those young "educated"-looking..Smartly dressed office workers..!!!! But on both occasions,i politely decline coz i was going to work @ the airport..So i took my MRT @ Simei and alighted at the next stop Tanah Merah before changing trains..that is only 1 station so i can tahan..:001_302:
i agree! i was offered seats a few times only but most (in fact all) are offered by those aunties and uncles...

my hubby said v weird, he often offer seats to ppl when he took public transports but why no ppl offer seats to his wife.. haha...


Active Member
I think we should ask for the seats in a polite manner. I was feeling dizzy on the train today, the lady@ the priority was sleeping, I went up, gently tap her and politely ask for the seat. She gave up the seat to me and was quite embarassed, think she didnt slp on purpose but maybe plain tired.


huh, how come that lady dont give it up herself!!!
i know! preg ladies, next time, pretend to have leg cramps!!then ppl will sure give it up!!
they pretend, we also pretend lohh!! :D
No lah, this lady who asked my wife had just walk into the mrt together with another pregnant woman. Think she was being helpful and wanted to help the pregnant lady to look for a seat. In the end, she asked the passenger sitting next to my wife to give up the seat. Lol.

My wife was laughing when she was telling me this story as she was wondering, how come my tummy not big enough for people to realise that she is pregnant meh. lol


New Member
Ok, I am now abt 6.5mth pregnant can comment on this topic, as my bump is quite obvious now but depend what I wear that day, I have good and bad encounter over seat in MRT, so far I have been given seat 4-5 time since I was pregnant. Actually I was a bit not used to it when ppl given their seat and sometime I would just tell them is ok but some are really sincere where already stand up... so if I don't sit they might be embarred... so I usually smile and thank them at least they would feel what they have done is been appreciated, this might encourage them to repeat the same behavior if they see other ppl have the need.

I think is not that I am happy to be able to get a seat but it warm your heart to feel ppl living in our society are considerate abt others.


Actually, people nowadays are more interested in earning money till the part where they forget to be gracious.


Lol.. this topic again.. Dun talk abt it le.. I wasnt given a seat til the day I give birth.. Even taxi also people want to snatch from me, what do u think?


Well-Known Member
yeah i know joanna, even now ppl see me with pin, they also snatch!
esp at taxi stands, cos i carry pin, or holding pin, sure cant walk faster than them then they will "run" to the taxi stand... GRRRRRRR~!!!


Not only seats in MRT. In my gyane's clinic, other preggies's hubby also won't give up seat for me to seat. I am 5.5mths preggy with a bump still have to stand and wait for my turn to see my gynae. LOL.


Well-Known Member
No , this lady who asked my wife had just walk into the mrt together with another pregnant woman. Think she was being helpful and wanted to help the pregnant lady to look for a seat. In the end, she asked the passenger sitting next to my wife to give up the seat. Lol.

My wife was laughing when she was telling me this story as she was wondering, how come my tummy not big enough for people to realise that she is pregnant meh. lol
haha, i ever heard of this encounter, where this 2 ladies r frens.
one preg one not.
so they both enter the train n then the not preg sat down n ask the person next to her to give up the seat to her fren!
then the person say, im also preg, why not u give your fren seat??
then that lady was so embarrassed.
i also dun get it lohh. her fren preg yet she sit first n ask other ppl give her sit. -.-"

anyway, when i was preg, my tummy also very small. but im was very skinny tt time, so can still see my bulge, n mostly who give me sit r old uncles/aunties.... n some working women... other ppl? just STARE!


i really despise those see us act sleep 1s, act somemore... really slp maybe i can accept... ahahhaha,not to mention only seats....

when walking on streets people also walk very fast towards my directions, they are like pouring towards my they dun 'give way' to me.. ''expect'' i give way to them...

must we really look like those preggy on TV, whereby our drum is the size of a antique water barrel...? or even the illustrations of the priority seats in MRT is not very well-drawn or understandable? hahaha

when walking,i even once met a couple nvr let go their hands..right in front of me le, but i think its ok...i leave it... i just walk to the ''émpty'' side of the walkway...

doesnt mean we want/need full attention pa.. jus basic courtesy...


yeah i know joanna, even now ppl see me with pin, they also snatch!
esp at taxi stands, cos i carry pin, or holding pin, sure cant walk faster than them then they will "run" to the taxi stand... GRRRRRRR~!!!
That time i was waiting for cab to work, den this family with 3 kids juz dashed out to flag the cab and when they passed by me, the guy (i believe the father) still smile at me in the cab and show hand signs.. really i duno how to react at that time but damn frustrated only..


Not only seats in MRT. In my gyane's clinic, other preggies's hubby also won't give up seat for me to seat. I am 5.5mths preggy with a bump still have to stand and wait for my turn to see my gynae. LOL.
lol my last checkup i was 37weeks and the husbands nv give up seats for me also! really not understanding! And they juz happily sit there and stare at me lol...


Well-Known Member
i really despise those see us act sleep 1s, act somemore... really sleep maybe i can accept... ahahhaha,not to mention only seats....

when walking on streets people also walk very fast towards my directions, they are like pouring towards my they dont 'give way' to me.. ''expect'' i give way to them...

must we really look like those preggy on TV, whereby our drum is the size of a antique water barrel...? or even the illustrations of the priority seats in MRT is not very well-drawn or understandable? hahaha

when walking,i even once met a couple never let go their hands..right in front of me , but i think its ok...i leave it... i just walk to the ''émpty'' side of the walkway...

doesnt mean we want/need full attention pa.. just basic courtesy...
for me, i wont, i will just walk past them.
haha. when i was preg, my temper very bad. if too crowded, i will get frustrated. esp when i say excuse me 3 times ppl still deaf.
once, i walk walk walk, then everyone was pushing me n rushing.. dunno for what, not peak period also.
damn fed up, one auntie, then walk so slowly in front of me, like she walk not to one side, but in the centre, so i cant walk past her. i say excuse me 2 times she still slowly jalan, i fed up n say EXCUSE ME very loudly n angrily, then she turn arnd n look at me, then she saw i big tummy she say sorry n move away, then she tell her hubby, wah she so fierce, next time baby also like her. i so angry then i turn arnd n tell her, is u walk so slow block my way, i alr say excuse me twice but u canot hear. pls walk to one side n not block ppl way, u not as slim as me ok! then i walk away!


for me, i wont, i will just walk past them.
haha. when i was preg, my temper very bad. if too crowded, i will get frustrated. esp when i say excuse me 3 times ppl still deaf.
once, i walk walk walk, then everyone was pushing me and rushing.. dont know for what, not peak period also.
damn fed up, one auntie, then walk so slowly in front of me, like she walk not to one side, but in the centre, so i cant walk past her. i say excuse me 2 times she still slowly jalan, i fed up and say EXCUSE ME very loudly and angrily, then she turn arnd and look at me, then she saw i big tummy she say sorry and move away, then she tell her hubby, wah she so fierce, next time baby also like her. i so angry then i turn arnd and tell her, is you walk so slow block my way, i already say excuse me twice but you canot hear. pls walk to one side and not block ppl way, you not as slim as me ok! then i walk away!
:tlaugh: That's a good one.


for me, i wont, i will just walk past them.
haha. when i was preg, my temper very bad. if too crowded, i will get frustrated. esp when i say excuse me 3 times ppl still deaf.
once, i walk walk walk, then everyone was pushing me and rushing.. dont know for what, not peak period also.
damn fed up, one auntie, then walk so slowly in front of me, like she walk not to one side, but in the centre, so i cant walk past her. i say excuse me 2 times she still slowly jalan, i fed up and say EXCUSE ME very loudly and angrily, then she turn arnd and look at me, then she saw i big tummy she say sorry and move away, then she tell her hubby, wah she so fierce, next time baby also like her. i so angry then i turn arnd and tell her, is you walk so slow block my way, i already say excuse me twice but you canot hear. pls walk to one side and not block ppl way, you not as slim as me ok! then i walk away!
hahaha.... fierce but true also la...
ya.. some ppl jus like to walk in the middle and STOP...
really bth....


New Member
well, this had already been a norm for quite some time already. anyway, i'd always stand in train, bcos, when i board train, the ppl will automatically fall asleep.. i nvr know that i can cast sleeping spell.:we2Randy-git:


Hi althought I'm only about 13 weeks +, my tummy can obviously seen. So far I can say most of the Singaporean are really hopeless loh. Even thoes "Anuty" about middle age.. only one words...HOPELESS...

I have a great idea for thoes that see you and pretend not to see or close they eyes immediately. We can "shout" it lound and say "Don't worry I'm not going to take your seat" hahaha I think that will make them embarrassed :001_302:. So sisters, let start it now :Dancing_tongue:


I'm currently in my 6th month.. I travel by bus to work and the bus I took is Express 502A. this bus travels from Jurong and straight to Orchard Road via PIE (no stops until Orchard.. so good luck if you don't get a seat!). The people who board the the bus are always the same faces. I'm really impressed with the drivers of this bus service. When I flag the bus to stop.. they will stop the bus directly infront of me even during crowded period. But the people who patronised this service.. hmmphh.. I was offered seats quite a number of times and it's by the same two ladies. Sometimes I feel bad that the same kind people have to offer their seats to me while others just doze off or read their books.

During the end of my first trimester.. I always have dizzy spells when I stand too long. One fine morning.. I had to stand all the way from Boon Lay to Lucky Plaza.. Along PIE near the Lornie Rd exit.. I was feeling dizzy and my vision was already blurred. My 2 hands was already holding on to the hand rails and I kept looking down and sweating (despite the cold air-con).. and I kept massaging my head and neck.. yet no one stood up and offered their seats to me. I was lucky that I did not fall unconscious..
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I'm currently in my 6th month.. I travel by bus to work and the bus I took is Express 502A. this bus travels from Jurong and straight to Orchard Road via PIE (no stops until Orchard.. so good luck if you dont't get a seat!). The people who board the the bus are always the same faces. I'm really impressed with the drivers of this bus service. When I flag the bus to stop.. they will stop the bus directly infront of me even during crowded period. But the people who patronised this service.. hmmphh.. I was offered seats quite a number of times and it's by the same two ladies. Sometimes I feel bad that the same kind people have to offer their seats to me while others just doze off or read their books.

During the end of my first trimester.. I always have dizzy spells when I stand too long. One fine morning.. I had to stand all the way from Boon Lay to Lucky Plaza.. Along PIE near the Lornie Rd exit.. I was feeling dizzy and my vision was already blurred. My 2 hands was already holding on to the hand rails and I kept looking down and sweating (despite the cold air-con).. and I kept massaging my head and neck.. yet no one stood up and offered their seats to me. I was lucky that I did not fall unconscious..
tats really serious........*sayangs*