Birds nest really gd for both mummy and baby?


Active Member
Re: Bird nest really gd for both mummy and baby?

Hi hi everyone! I'm a new member :Dancing_tongue:
May i knw ..are bird nest reali good for mom and baby? which brand is best?

bird nest suppose to be good...
but nowadays, got alot of fake one lol.... must be very careful....
bird nest good, because it contain protein in it....
there is other better way to get protein.....

Phoebii Cheng

Well-Known Member
Re: Bird nest really gd for both mummy and baby?

I took birdnest during pregnancy......a lot of pple says will make ur bb skin v smooth


Re: Bird nest really gd for both mummy and baby?

There're different types of birds nest around.

You might want to go to a medical hall to check. My mum say cannot take too much coz can make baby phlegmy.

Personally I only took birds nest like 3 times over my pregnancy.
Re: Bird nest really gd for both mummy and baby?

There are 2 types of bird nest, the red color one n the normal yellow-white one, i dun think the red one is good for baby as it contain a high level of blood in it...


New Member
Re: Bird nest really gd for both mummy and baby?

I took concentrated bird's nest from Lo Hong Ka (only need to take one teaspoonful in the morning and before you go to bed. I took during my pregnancy and my baby really comes out fair (my hubby and I are pretty tanned and were surprised to have a very fair baby) and good cum smooth skin (actually most babies have smooth skin).
not sure is it really good cos my baby has quite abit of phlegm and i don't know if her skin is really smoother. Also when the nurse tried to draw my blood before delivering they had to do it 3times cos my blood was too thick (apprantly she said that I had eaten too much gdstuffs) *lol
Hi hi everyone! I'm a new member :Dancing_tongue:
May i knw ..are bird nest reali good for mom and baby? which brand is best?
Hi :)

Most pple will tell you can take bird nest and good for bb's skin and etc. Just don't take excessive amount. I bought quite a lot and was prepared to take once a week when I heard from business friends (who deals in birdnest bussiness) that too much can cause asthma in children later..It's up to you to decide.

Cheers and good luck!


Well-Known Member
not sure is it really good cos my baby has quite abit of phlegm and i dont't know if her skin is really smoother. Also when the nurse tried to draw my blood before delivering they had to do it 3times cos my blood was too thick (apprantly she said that I had eaten too much gdstuffs) *lol

my granny say cannot take bird nest when pregnant.. cause if not baby will be born with lots of phlegm... & easily get cough... they say is too cooling...


Well-Known Member
my granny say cannot take bird nest when pregnant.. cause if not baby will be born with lots of phlegm... & easily get cough... they say is too cooling...
hi hi,

I also heard from many elderly that taking bird nest in excess cause the bb to have asthma.. I dont noe how true, but i take randomly, not everyday type.. once a while lor...
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Well-Known Member
I think once a while is ok... but i got heard some mummy drink almost everyday:err:.... i think i better to be safe then sorry...:001_302:


Well-Known Member
contrary to believe, not all birdnest have nutritional value for the baby.. most eaten will only go to the mother and become "mei mei" (pretty). to identify which type of birdnest.. usually you must find an honest medical hall to let you know (which is almost impossible la!)

and birdnest for preggers mummies should be taken salty.. and not sweet. (trust me, taste utterly yucks!).


Well-Known Member
contrary to believe, not all birdnest have nutritional value for the baby.. most eaten will only go to the mother and become "mei mei" (pretty). to identify which type of birdnest.. usually you must find an honest medical hall to let you know (which is almost impossible !)

and birdnest for preggers mummies should be taken salty.. and not sweet. (trust me, taste utterly yucks!).
But why must take salty birdnest?


lol i noe theres no scientic proof tat drink le baby will have good complexion but i still drink everywk cos i like to hahaa


Erm, so far, my dear son do have fair and smooth skin as told by many frens and relatives. But my skin is still the same loh.. haha!

I dont have it so regularly when I'm preggie cos heard that its abot on the "liang" side. Only have it twice a mth in tri 2 and then once every week in my tri 3.
used to drink this brand of birdnest call nestural.

too troublesome to buy and cook, buy instant better.

it's smells very nice and the texture is very smooth.

i only took it once in awhile. like once every few days.

everything must be taken in moderation lah. too much of anything is not good!


hi there. i got a few boxes of bird nest as gifts. been drinking them once every few days for now. really tasty and i love it.

during pregnancy can drink right? cannot resist not drinking it you know.

lovelymother, are you drinking the nestural bird nest with american gingseng and rock sugar? i just realised i'm drinking that now. :shyxxx: