EDD (September 2009)


Hi Imac,

I also face a stage of guilty-conscience for wanting to give up supplying breast milk and "self-blame"...

My boy was born on May 09.. I'm currently 4 months pregnant...

The reason I want to give up is bec I wanted to try for 2nd baby... My boy never did latch and I pump all the way until he is 1 year old...My menses didn't come at all when I was pumping and it's almost impossible to get pregnant bec of no menses..

You may think, your situation is diff from mine... At least I pump for 1 year... But the truth is: I believe most mom go thru guilty conscience when they want to stop (whether it's 1 month, 3 months or even 1 year like me).
Please dont't compare yourself with other moms ok? Every mom has got diff situations to cope with.. We just cannot be perfect... How good a mom you are is not measure by the amount of breast milk you give your child... It's your love for your baby that really counts... :) "Hug" God bless...


Hi Janice,

I tried not to compare n just could not make it successfully :(

But it's really comforting to receive you mummies' encouragement here :)

Thanks n will go at ease to find e most suit choice for bb n myself...cheers..t

Take care..# 2 on e way now, huh :) I still miss e preggy times v much!!


Joop joop and Imac mummy, i am also going back to work end Jan 2010... So have been considering also whether to bf till 6 mths or 4mths when i go to work...Ideally i really want to bf till 6 mths... but my workload may not allow me to stop and pump 2-3 times (20mins each session) during office hrs.. So i feel really guilty to even consider stopping at 4th month cos my frens persisted till 9mths or 1yr type... And i cant really store much cos it is just enough now or have to top up with FM....
Joop joop and Imac mummy, i am also going back to work end Jan 2010... So have been considering also whether to bf till 6 mths or 4mths when i go to work...Ideally i really want to bf till 6 mths... but my workload may not allow me to stop and pump 2-3 times (20mins each session) during office hours.. So i feel really guilty to even consider stopping at 4th month cos my friends persisted till 9mths or 1yr type... And i cant really store much cos it is just enough now or have to top up with FM....
Sigh.... It's really tough continuing to pump when women starts work... Many like you have workload that does not allow you to stop and pump... While some office does not hav proper room to let mummys pump... "Hug" Really tough..

I'm just thinking,since it's not possible to pump 2-3 times, how about just lunch time, wld u be able to spare some time to pump... Thats what many of my friends did... Pump or latch b4 work, one time in the office and third time after work..The supply of milk might lessen but it's ok bec of your situation.. oh, if you really can't pump in the office, you can just pump or latch whenever you are at home...

And remember, you are already trying your best so don't give yourself pressure ok? "Hug"
Hi Janice,

I tried not to compare n just could not make it successfully :(

But it's really comforting to receive you mummies' encouragement here :)

Thanks n will go at ease to find e most suit choice for baby n myself...cheers..t

Take care..# 2 on e way now, huh :) I still miss e preggy times very much!!
Hi Hi.. It will take sometime to get our the guilty part... I guess as Moms it's just our nature to want to give our best to our children and so sometimes it's just tough to overcome the guilt... :)

And thanks, I'll take care... I actually miss the pumping!! hehe... I guess it gives me some form of achievement when I'm able to give my boy breastmilk!! When I stop pumping, I lost the achievement part and feel quite down.. Thank God I slowly overcome... :)


Joop joop and Imac mummy, i am also going back to work end Jan 2010... So have been considering also whether to bf till 6 mths or 4mths when i go to work...Ideally i really want to bf till 6 mths... but my workload may not allow me to stop and pump 2-3 times (20mins each session) during office hours.. So i feel really guilty to even consider stopping at 4th month cos my friends persisted till 9mths or 1yr type... And i cant really store much cos it is just enough now or have to top up with FM....
Hi Stan,
Currently i also have enough to feed my son but not much extra to store. Just try to pump whenever you can. Maybe before you leave home latch or pump, then during ur lunch time if u have time to spare quickly pump also.

My friend pump as she work, she use a single electric pump so 1 hand holding the pump the other hand does the typing and answering the calls....hahaha.

I also intend to bf as long as possible.

Jia You to all Mummies ^^


Joop joop and Imac mummy, i am also going back to work end Jan 2010... So have been considering also whether to bf till 6 mths or 4mths when i go to work...Ideally i really want to bf till 6 mths... but my workload may not allow me to stop and pump 2-3 times (20mins each session) during office hours.. So i feel really guilty to even consider stopping at 4th month cos my friends persisted till 9mths or 1yr type... And i cant really store much cos it is just enough now or have to top up with FM....
hi stan,

for me, e main 'culprit' is that i need to have enough sleep or else i can't work.

all e while, altho now not working n have been taking care of bb all by myself (n to cook n do housework), HB knows that my endurance of night shift is tough so helps out in bottle feeding bb.

there were a few times i wanted to relieve him as i know it's tiring (when bb was making him frustrated as bb has stomach wind everyday n gets cranky or loved so much to stretch himself that makes feeding tough) n avoiding bb from vomitting milk thus spend more time in burping him.

sad to say, i got tired in e daytime n felt lousy :( so he asked me to just focus on expressing milk for as long as i k endure to sleep as much as i k at night.

if u wanna stock up, u shld increase e frequency of pumping to increase e milk supply. for me, i started with several frequency during confinement. then in nov when i took care of him myself, it was 6x per day. gradually, decrease to 4x per day now. so far, able to stock up. wanted to increase his intake fm 130ml but duno if he k take it due to his state.

need to check out with e PD on this week.

however, there's a concern now. bb is simply sensitive. he fussed over e frozen milk when i kept during confinement. imagine during that mth, my diet was w e most quality n nutritional food (of course after freezing it, nutritional value may decrease a fair bit) alas, e metallic aroma was stronger n he yacked whenever feeding him.

thereafter, got frightened n once a while, will bring up e recent frozen milk to let him get used to it. else, i can't proceed with my intention of stopping it when back to work.

another reason for my hesitation is that started leaving him with Nanny in December n intro FM. he stopped poo poo as he used to poo every day n quite alot :( i forgot to intro him w plain water for e past 2mths :(

now giving FM then start to give water (with abit of gripwater), is kinda 'too late'. really frightened that it leads to constipation n am impatient on how long i shld monitor.

during confinement when his stomach wind was v bad, we bought S-26 for him. then given this to him on ad-hoc basis. so can't evalute how it worked on him altho many comments is that S-26 is very heaty.

then got to know that Friso Gold is also heaty. i guess all FM is so as needs to go thru drying process.

i did buy wrongly on Friso Comfort (for infants with vomitting, colicky n diarrhoea). but wonder if relying on this is e right choice... haiz...

not easy to be a mum, isn't it??


Hi Stan,
Currently i also have enough to feed my son but not much extra to store. Just try to pump whenever you can. Maybe before you leave home latch or pump, then during your lunch time if you have time to spare quickly pump also.

My friend pump as she work, she use a single electric pump so 1 hand holding the pump the other hand does the typing and answering the calls....hahaha.

I also intend to bf as long as possible.

Jia You to all Mummies ^^
hi Joop,

how to do that while working? got privacy? hee..

i guess u k endure lesser sleep :) good..unlike me, i can't..i'm lousy aren't I?


Hi Hi.. It will take sometime to get our the guilty part... I guess as Moms it's just our nature to want to give our best to our children and so sometimes it's just tough to overcome the guilt... :)

And thanks, I'll take care... I actually miss the pumping!! hehe... I guess it gives me some form of achievement when I'm able to give my boy breastmilk!! When I stop pumping, I lost the achievement part and feel quite down.. Thank God I slowly overcome... :)
Janice, v soon u k get back to yr achievement again :)

what's e gender of this coming bb?
Janice, very soon you k get back to your achievement again :)

what's e gender of this coming baby?
hehe... Actually hoping and praying that this time round I have more milk! On top of breast milk, I had to supplement with formula for my boy..

Don't know boy or girl yet for my unborn..
Going to see my gynae this wed...
Hopefully can see...
But detail scan more accurate..
For my 1st, gynae told me it's girl at 4th month end up it's boy during detail scan.. haha...


hi Joop,

how to do that while working? got privacy? hee..

i guess you k endure lesser sleep :) good..unlike me, i can't..i'm lousy aren't I?
No, you are not lousy, each person have difference needs. Night time i dont get my huby to feed my son cos he needs to work and he is also taking a part time course 3 times a week. There were time during night time when my son wakes up for his midnight feed, i was nodding off when i dont have enough rest during the day. This is wat i did, when my son wakes up for his morning feed like 9 or 10 plus after feeding i would go and sleep together with him to rest. In the afternoon, if i still feel tired, i would take a nap after feeding my son. As for housework, i do bit by bit, like his clothes i wash every two days (machine wash), cleaning the house i spread over the whole week (for example like wash two toilets on Mon, sweep the floor on tue, mop the floor on wed etc). I dont cook, so at night either my hubby buy back or i meet him downstair to eat. So you try to plan your time and see what works for you.

My friend put on the nursing sling when she was pumping and also her work place got cubical so she can do that. For me a bit diffcult cos my lunch time only 30mins >.< and also dont know can find a place to pump or not.
Glad to hear that she is fine now ^^.

About the massage, can tell me more about it. When we massage around the belly button do we have to use circular motionand move around the belly button or just use both of your hands to stroke around it. I'm intereste to try it on my boy. Massaging your baby can also be a good bonding time.

For burpin, your might want to positon your baby in an up right position, chest to chest, then pat him on the back, maybe can lean bac a bit so that the baby's head can rest on your chest and wont fall backward. I find this way is easier for me to burp him.
hi joopjoop...

jus massage in circular motion around the belly button.....:)

recently i've been trying to carry her upright and whenever i did that, she burps! even if it was long after she was being fed....haha
hi...i'm starting work on 21dec and my baby only turns 3 mths then....i'm also worrying how to pump at work....i planned to breastfeed in the morning before i go to work, den i will send my baby to my mom's and during lunch, pump and breastfeed again when i reach home...other times i will let my mom feed her FM....

but heard that many of you store breastmilk...can share with me how to store them? do you mean you pump now and store in the freezer? how long can they last? i'm using the medela pump, so do i need to buy the bags to store them? another thing is, if you keep pumping and latching on now, there will be a lot of milk supply, won't your breasts be super engorged when you are back at work when you can only pump once in the day?


hi...i'm starting work on 21dec and my baby only turns 3 mths then....i'm also worrying how to pump at work....i planned to breastfeed in the morning before i go to work, then i will send my baby to my mom's and during lunch, pump and breastfeed again when i reach home...other times i will let my mom feed her FM....

but heard that many of you store breastmilk...can share with me how to store them? do you mean you pump now and store in the freezer? how long can they last? i'm using the medela pump, so do i need to buy the bags to store them? another thing is, if you keep pumping and latching on now, there will be a lot of milk supply, won't your breasts be super engorged when you are back at work when you can only pump once in the day?
Hi Felic, i guess yr bb is ard e same age as mine :) i plan to take leaves after 21st dec n start clearing the balance M leaves in 2010..yet to confirm this as just try out e Nanny n hope this planning works.

After expressing e milk, u k put them in e Fridge (only store up to 48hrs). Thereafter must transfer them into e freezer (k keep max to 3mths).

Medela's milk bag (think it's $20-30 for 10 or 20bags) n disposable cups (v small n 90ml only - 19.90 for 10cups) are quite ex.

Try to get hold of glasses (hospitals do give n did they give it to you) from frens for u to save as much as u can. From Singapore Motherhood forum, there is a discussion thread on e various Storage Bags they are using.

For me, I am using Avents Cups (180ml & 240ml). Also depends on your bb's consumption per day vs yr total milk supply to determine if u really have so much to store them.

My experience is that once it's past e 'time to express', e breasts do get super-engorged. Thereafter, e body kinda get used to it n does not cause much comfort to keep them.

My schedule is now 4x / day n fine with it (fm initially every 2-3hrs per day to 6x per day). (now bb is with Nanny n just intro FM)

So you need to work out yr schedules such as how convenience is it for you to pump in ofc - once or 2x? Then back home..my colleagues r expressing 2x in ofc - late morning n late afternoon..


Thanks, will try that with my son ^^
agree..it works to diligently burp them even if long after feeds...else hiccups is also 1 of e way of gases coming out fm their body...

i gif ridwind, it either helps them to fart more or spill out fm mouth..


my baby wants to be carried very often lately. is it normal? baby getting heavier, hands getting more tired easily
was he used to be carried often?? he may be feeling insecured..any symptoms?

mayb carry a short while n put him down by repeating tat he / she has to do so n stay close to him..it takes patience for him to accept it..


hi stan,

for me, e main 'culprit' is that i need to have enough sleep or else i can't work.

all e while, altho now not working n have been taking care of baby all by myself (n to cook n do housework), husband knows that my endurance of night shift is tough so helps out in bottle feeding baby.

there were a few times i wanted to relieve him as i know it's tiring (when baby was making him frustrated as baby has stomach wind everyday n gets cranky or loved so much to stretch himself that makes feeding tough) n avoiding baby from vomitting milk thus spend more time in burping him.

sad to say, i got tired in e daytime n felt lousy :( so he asked me to just focus on expressing milk for as long as i k endure to sleep as much as i k at night.

if you wanna stock up, you shld increase e frequency of pumping to increase e milk supply. for me, i started with several frequency during confinement. then in nov when i took care of him myself, it was 6x per day. gradually, decrease to 4x per day now. so far, able to stock up. wanted to increase his intake fm 130ml but dont know if he k take it due to his state.

need to check out with e pediatrician on this week.

however, there's a concern now. baby is simply sensitive. he fussed over e frozen milk when i kept during confinement. imagine during that month, my diet was w e most quality n nutritional food (of course after freezing it, nutritional value may decrease a fair bit) alas, e metallic aroma was stronger n he yacked whenever feeding him.

thereafter, got frightened n once a while, will bring up e recent frozen milk to let him get used to it. else, i can't proceed with my intention of stopping it when back to work.

another reason for my hesitation is that started leaving him with Nanny in December n intro FM. he stopped poo poo as he used to poo every day n quite alot :( i forgot to intro him w plain water for e past 2mths :(

now giving FM then start to give water (with abit of gripwater), is kinda 'too late'. really frightened that it leads to constipation n am impatient on how long i shld monitor.

during confinement when his stomach wind was very bad, we bought S-26 for him. then given this to him on ad-hoc basis. so can't evalute how it worked on him altho many comments is that S-26 is very heaty.

then got to know that Friso Gold is also heaty. i guess all FM is so as needs to go thru drying process.

i did buy wrongly on Friso Comfort (for infants with vomitting, colicky n diarrhoea). but wonder if relying on this is e right choice... sigh...

not easy to be a mum, isn't it??
We are in the same shoes..but i have my mum who helps out in bathing the baby... i hvnt try the frozen EBM yet... my girl is very fussy abt taste... she drinks BM soo fast but when it is FM, she will fuss and fuss... not sure how she will react to frozen BM!
I guess pumping at work will have to try...acutally now i already dont go for lunch..is chop chop eat in pantry or at my desk.... sian..


We are in the same shoes..but i have my mum who helps out in bathing the baby... i hvnt try the frozen EBM yet... my girl is very fussy about taste... she drinks breast milk soo fast but when it is FM, she will fuss and fuss... not sure how she will react to frozen breast milk!
I guess pumping at work will have to try...acutally now i already dont go for lunch..is chop chop eat in pantry or at my desk.... sian..
Did she take in d FM still? Then better let her try asap if u hv any stored..