EDD (September 2009)


Active Member
I removed the mitten after he reached 1 month old. I cut his fingernails and toenails so dont wear mitten for him. Also now he likes to suck his thumb and sometimes he drools and it makes the mitten to be wet.
ya I realised that my baby like to suck his fingers. Not so much of his thumb. Any reason why? Teething?
hihi....haven been posting....if u all remember, my baby was born on 16th sep...2mths plus now...

last evening my baby experienced her first colic....we were so stressed out...din noe why she kept crying and not drinking....the way she cried was really scary, super heartpain...and nothing can stop her...can only carry and let her go to sleep....hope tonight will be better...

by the way, any of u experience breast reject? dunno why since yesterday she starts to reject my breast while all the way i was on total breastfeeding, only sometimes i miss 1 feed to feed her formula...now my breasts are super engorged....was really disappointed when she din wanna suck my breast this morning...:(

i've removed her mittens eversince she started to lick her mittens...i thot it is very dirty so let her suck her fingers instead..and yes, she sucks all her fingers, not her thumbs only....


New Member
the breast rejection prob could be due to her colic. as her stomach is full of wind, she has no appetite to drink. u might want to keep patting her back to see if it helps. else, give her the colic drops..really helps
the breast rejection prob could be due to her colic. as her stomach is full of wind, she has no appetite to drink. you might want to keep patting her back to see if it helps. else, give her the colic drops..really helps
yah..i gave her colic drops and ruyi oil last nite.....den she started to fart and gave a major poo....after dat she was hungry....but she din wan my breast, so fed her formula....this morning, she still refuse my breast so i fed her EBM from bottle....:(


Active Member
Maybe suck for comfort...haha... He tends to fall asleep after that also when he is hungry, hw will also suck his thumb.
I am trying hard not to let him get into the habit of sucking his fingers. Any suggestion?

Have u started giving the pacifier to your baby? I have not introduce that to him.


I am trying hard not to let him get into the habit of sucking his fingers. Any suggestion?

Have you started giving the pacifier to your baby? I have not introduce that to him.
have been trying to give my baby pacifier but she dun like despite trying for weeks... she prefers to latch on for comfort as 1st choice :err:...if i dont let her then she will suck her fingers...
Some experts believe sucking fingers is good cos babies and comfort themselves whenever they want....


Hi All

Are you still wearing mitten for your little one??? When shld we remove it??
hihi.. my son is currently 2mths old.. i hv take out his mittens and booties le..but wear booties for him when he slps at nite.. and if his legs are cold i will put on booties for him..

Ya.. when i brg him out will put on mittens and booties for him..


I am trying hard not to let him get into the habit of sucking his fingers. Any suggestion?

Have you started giving the pacifier to your baby? I have not introduce that to him.
I'm not going to introduce the pacifer to him. Actually my boy only suck his thumb when he wants to sleep and when he is hungry. Like when he wants to sleep he will suck his thumb then less than 10 mins he will fall asleep then his thumb will be automatic be out of his mouth. When he is hungry he will also suck his thumb, then i will remove his thumb from his mouth then he knows that i'm going to feed him.

Le me keep my fingers cross and hope it remains like that and wont become worse....hahaha


Active Member
Is it better to let baby suck the pacifer or his fingers? So far whenever I see him put his hands into his mouth, I will attempt to stop him. Worried that this might have side-effects (for example: he might think its a way to get my attn...)


Is it better to let baby suck the pacifer or his fingers? So far whenever I see him put his hands into his mouth, I will attempt to stop him. Worried that this might have side-effects (for example: he might think its a way to get my attn...)
I think it depends on how u view it. Like for me, i dont introduce pacifer cos worried that he will be dependent on it and might be diffcult to wean off when he grows up. Also my mum didnt give me pacifer when i was young...hahaha Another thing abt sucking fingers it that their hands might be dirty and they suck suck and all the germs goes in...hahaha. So i try to clean my son's hand everytime. And aso what if i forgot to bring his pacifer when i go out...might have to get a new one for him. Cos i'm the forgetful type...hahaha

But like some mummies said in the forum, their babies dont want the pacifer when they introduce it to them. Some of the used it to comfort their babies and it works for them when the babies cry. Can search the forum abt pacifer, cos some mummies posted on it and they also gave their views on it. So i think it depends on yourself and how u look at it. :001_302:


To all the sept mummy, how much are you feeding your baby currently? My baby is feeding about 100ml every 2hr. However he is already weighing 6.3kg. How about the rest of your babies? *worried*
hi, my bb alr drinks 125ml for over a mth..now he gets hungry at 1.5hrs fm 6wks (growth spurts) till now 9wks-old..sometimes k take up to 140ml.

like wat another mum has said, he may take in lesser in late afternoon..oso, applies to 5-7am..every bb differs..so long as grow n poo..ok then..

but my bb is less than 5kg (weighed 2nd half Nov), lesser than all yr babies who drinks as much..just starts alternate with FM n freq is lengthened..


To all the sept mummy, how much are you feeding your baby currently? My baby is feeding about 100ml every 2hr. However he is already weighing 6.3kg. How about the rest of your babies? *worried*
Hi All

Are you still wearing mitten for your little one??? When shld we remove it??
I started to remove his mittens after 7wks..only wear back at night if e weather is cooling.

Indeed now ard 8wks, he starts to rub his face n use more of his hands..


hihi....have not been posting....if you all remember, my baby was born on 16th sep...2mths plus now...

last evening my baby experienced her first colic....we were so stressed out...did not know why she kept crying and not drinking....the way she cried was really scary, super heartpain...and nothing can stop her...can only carry and let her go to sleep....hope tonight will be better...

by the way, any of you experience breast reject? dont know why since yesterday she starts to reject my breast while all the way i was on total breastfeeding, only sometimes i miss 1 feed to feed her formula...now my breasts are super engorged....was really disappointed when she did not wanna suck my breast this morning...:(

i've removed her mittens eversince she started to lick her mittens...i thot it is very dirty so let her suck her fingers instead..and yes, she sucks all her fingers, not her thumbs only....
Hi, my bb has got stomach wind since in e first till now, bad esp at night that causes him to vomit during bottle feeding.

Din find Ruyi Oil to be very helpful but do still give 2 times per day after bathing / wiping his body as it cannot be applied too much on them as it's hot.

I either give Ridwind or Woods 2x at night. If he k fart, he is fine altho it irritates him with bad mood like yr bb.

Also let him to lie down with his tummy to fart like what e hospital does. He dislikes it and do not know if it's bec he k only hold up his head momentarily.

Or carry him stomach facing stomach for comfort.

Do remember to cover yr bb's stomach n keep bb's mouth closed.


Is it better to let baby suck the pacifer or his fingers? So far whenever I see him put his hands into his mouth, I will attempt to stop him. Worried that this might have side-effects (for example: he might think its a way to get my attn...)
hi i giv it rather than thumb / hand. will pull it out when sleeping. at times drop out on his own.

make sure hand is clean


Is it better to let baby suck the pacifer or his fingers? So far whenever I see him put his hands into his mouth, I will attempt to stop him. Worried that this might have side-effects (for example: he might think its a way to get my attn...)
hi i give it rather than thumb / hand. will pull it out when sleeping. at times drop out on his own.

make sure hand is clean


Hi, my baby has got stomach wind since in e first till now, bad esp at night that causes him to vomit during bottle feeding.

did not find Ruyi Oil to be very helpful but do still give 2 times per day after bathing / wiping his body as it cannot be applied too much on them as it's hot.

I either give Ridwind or Woods 2x at night. If he k fart, he is fine altho it irritates him with bad mood like your baby.

Also let him to lie down with his tummy to fart like what e hospital does. He dislikes it and do not know if it's bec he k only hold up his head momentarily.

Or carry him stomach facing stomach for comfort.

Do remember to cover your baby's stomach n keep baby's mouth closed.
Maybe u can try to burp him a few times during ur feed. For example if he is drinking abt 120ml, u can stop at either for 40ml and try to burp him then continue another 40 ml, burp again then the last 40ml. It does help a bit and wont vomit out so much. My son used to merlion some of his feed when he was around 1mth plus because he drinks his milk very fast. So my pd suggest to burp him in between his feed.

Another thing is to try to move him gently when burping or changing of diaper after feed.