EDD Sep 2010


Active Member
Hahaha such a coincidence that quite a few September mummies are studying! But DELvy I think you're applauding too soon - you can tell how much 'studying' we're doing by looking at the frequency of our postings here!

Okay gotta get back to my essay! *concentrate concentrate*

opps kena caught....


Active Member
Congrats mecolemummy! ^^
my next checkup will only be on the 3rd. still another 2 weeks to go. sigh i cant wait to see the gender of my baby. though the last scan was 80% girl not confirmed. >.<

haha~ yes i'm suprised too! to see quite a few mummies studying while being pregnant~
i had to study only at night, during lunch breaks and weekends.
cuz i'm working on weekdays 8.30 to 6pm ~.~
hardly have the time to study! but i will do my best i can. to get good results, get better pay job to let my baby have a good life~ :001_302:

mrs eg:
i suggest you continue your studies! and lets be the best mummies for our baby and our own sucess career! ^^
will continue la.... but later got confinement how to??? was thinking continue again next year... cos SIM can only defer 1/2 a yr also...
So a few mummies here experience nipple itch too. I thought I got weird sickness. I tried applying some oil on it but not much use, still itchy and sometimes gotta scratch in public when nobody is looking. :embarrassed:


Hi mecolemummy - hey we have the same EDD, and I'm also expecting a girl! :D Started shopping for cute pink baby stuff yet? keke!

will continue .... but later got confinement how to??? was thinking continue again next year... cos SIM can only defer 1/2 a yr also...
If I were you I'd defer. Can study anytime but watching your first baby grow and bonding with him/her is a once-in-a-lifetime experience! :D
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So a few mummies here experience nipple itch too. I thought I got weird sickness. I tried applying some oil on it but not much use, still itchy and sometimes gotta scratch in public when nobody is looking. :embarrassed:
Haha Christina you're definitely not alone! I apply a bit of moisturiser or body lotion on it when it gets too dry and itchy and it does seem to help.

Is anyone else here bingeing on junk food? I seem to get hungry all the time and have a terrible craving for keropok!


Nightingale, I constantly crave for junk food leh. I snack of tapioca chips, Doritoes, chocolates and not forgetting curry, laksa, KFC, Mac etc. I know it's not good, but really bth leh...I think should be ok la, so long as we don't overeat can liao.. =p


**Chocolate** oh yesss I've forgotten about the Meiji bar in my fridge haha! Shall have that later tonight!
Raine, I also fell sick a few weeks ago due to too much 'heaty' food - chips and all. See lah! We all know it's bad for us but still do it leh!
DELvy, I don't know whether what I'm doing is considered overeating haha - when do we know when we have too much of it? :p


Yay! Happy for you too, MummyK! :D

Raine: Try stretching your calves before sleeping each night (e.g. when lying down, flex your toes towards you), and also sleep with a pillow below your feet to keep them raised. Friend said it helps to reduce the incidence of cramps, hopefully it helps!


New Member
Hi Hi Ladies! Those of you experiencing itch right, I guess you have to diligently use Calamine Lotion on your rash everyday. As for my case, once the spot of rash has stopped, it will move to a different spot! There's no way we can get rid of it 100%. Calamine lotion & prickly heat powder are my best friends now =D


Thanks for the info. Sure to try them tonight! ^^ :001_302:
Try this link - http://www.babycenter.com/0_leg-cramps-during-pregnancy_250.bc#articlesection2 - contains some useful tips on how to prevent leg cramps! :)

Hi Hi Ladies! Those of you experiencing itch right, I guess you have to diligently use Calamine Lotion on your rash everyday. As for my case, once the spot of rash has stopped, it will move to a different spot! There's no way we can get rid of it 100%. Calamine lotion & prickly heat powder are my best friends now =D
Thanks for the tip! I wonder if calamine lotion is safe to use on nipples as well?

It doesn't help when it's so super warm these days especially in the afternoons. Need to shower very frequently so my moisturisers and lotions are really going fast!
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New Member
Try this link - Leg cramps during pregnancy | BabyCenter - contains some useful tips on how to prevent leg cramps! :)

Thanks for the tip! I wonder if calamine lotion is safe to use on nipples as well?

It doesn't help when it's so super warm these days especially in the afternoons. Need to shower very frequently so my moisturisers and lotions are really going fast!

Heehee, better not use the calamine lotion on the nipples.. maybe u can use prickly heat powder on them. Some body lotions may trigger these rashes.. so for me, im avoiding lotions. I'm currently using Clarins body treatment oil for stretchmarks.. Yah due to the warm weather, that's when we will start to itch.. good thing, it's starting to rain nowadays


New Member
Hello all MTBs expecting angels in Sep 2010! I am expecting my first child too, EDD 25 Sep 2010, which means I'm 17 weeks :) Very excited about the whole pregnancy too.

I had an abortion 4 years ago, and I regret it till today. 4 years later, my little angel's EDD is almost exactly the same as my unborn child! Must be fate :)

Had a scan last week and was supposed to be able to tell baby's gender, but naughty baby's legs were crossed! Gynae says 80% female :D Can't wait for the next check-up on 14 May, which is supposed to be a detailed scan at 21 weeks if I'm not wrong. Anyone can advise what to expect?

Looking forward to more sharing between MTBs here, and may we all have a trouble-free pregnancy!


New Member
Thanks Raine ^^
80% gal... Hmmm... Talk to ur bb before the scan... Tell bb to show u the gender... It works for me! :p Good Luck!!

Thanks Mrs Eg **
no MIA... hehehe
u doing well? school? Bb? Goodgood???

Thanks Nightingale ^^
Wow!!! Same EDD! And princess too!!! Yipee!!! congratz to u too (" ,)/*
Shopping? I bet everyone here, regardless the gender known anot, shopping for the percious one starts the moment they found out the good news! hahaha

Congratz Mummyk ^^
so many princess in september!!!

Junkfood? craving? I'm a big fan for Dbl cheese burger!!! I need 1 everyday :p
but there're many food I love alot but not when I'm pregnant. Anyone same as me?


New Member
hi mrs eng

sorry i was busy fro the past few days cos i have to go to SGH for alot of blood and urine test ... very tiring... ya i have inject myself on the tummy.. on my 1st day from hopsital cant slp well kept thinking how am i gg to do the injection myself the next day even the nurse has taught me how to inject ,just worried and had a sleepless night.. anyway today is my 3 day of injection and slowly getting used to it.. what i hope is the baby safe and healthy to arrive to our family..


New Member
Hello all MTBs expecting angels in Sep 2010! I am expecting my first child too, EDD 25 Sep 2010, which means I'm 17 weeks :) Very excited about the whole pregnancy too.

I had an abortion 4 years ago, and I regret it till today. 4 years later, my little angel's EDD is almost exactly the same as my unborn child! Must be fate :)

Had a scan last week and was supposed to be able to tell baby's gender, but naughty baby's legs were crossed! Gynae says 80% female :D Can't wait for the next check-up on 14 May, which is supposed to be a detailed scan at 21 weeks if I'm not wrong. Anyone can advise what to expect?

Looking forward to more sharing between MTBs here, and may we all have a trouble-free pregnancy!


dont worry so much abt the abortion, jus take good care and have nice food ,especially eat more vege and fruits!!! i get to neo my baby gender when i was on my 16weeks.. and my baby legs was open doctor said it's gal.. and last week i went for details scan and is confirm ... so mostly if doctor tell you is gal then it shld be.. but anyway for my condition now , what is the gender of the baby are not important to me cos i want them to be healty and come to our family safely...:001_302:


Is anyone in the same hospital and EDD as me?
we can take a look out for each other!
my gynae is Dr woo from thomson women's clinic at tiong bahru.
will be at thomson medical centre when i give birth.
EDD 12th sept. ^^
Hey I'm EDD 12 Sept as well! Planning to deliver at Mount Alvernia. Gynae is Dr Douglas Ong - very nice man. Tomorrow is my next ultrasound, yay!

I'm also wondering about this so-called detailed scan - is it standard practice at around 20 weeks? Interested in bee's question as well - what can we expect during this scan and how different would it be from the usual ultrasound? *excited*
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hi mrs eng

sorry i was busy fro the past few days cos i have to go to singapore general hospital for alot of blood and urine test ... very tiring... ya i have inject myself on the tummy.. on my 1st day from hopsital cant sleep well kept thinking how am i gg to do the injection myself the next day even the nurse has taught me how to inject ,just worried and had a sleepless night.. anyway today is my 3 day of injection and slowly getting used to it.. what i hope is the baby safe and healthy to arrive to our family..
Hello cocolim,
Can imagine your discomfort - what are the injections meant for? At least you have the peace of mind that you're doing what you can to keep baby safe and sound - how brave mummies can be when it comes to their children! Take it easy, relax and try not to worry too much k. Wishing you a healthy and happy pregnancy! :)


New Member
hi cocolim, admire your courage! i almost freaked out during the blood test, but there you are bravely injecting yourself daily. salute! shows how great mommy's love can be! yes, our only wish is for the baby to be healthy and arrive safely :)

but for now, i have another little wish: for my appetite to improve! have been having very bad morning sickness and vomitting, now slightly improving. fingers crossed for it to get better, i have not had a good, satisfying meal for months. :D