EDD Sep 2010


Welcome dl28! Ya feeling hungry often but maybe bcos i cant eat alot each time... If eat too full i feel my stomach pressing against my ribs... Hahaha
I will also get hungry easily. However, if I eat too much at 1 go, I will get heartburn. Oh upon reaching 30th week, your checkup will be more frequent right? Like every 2-3 weeks once.


I will also get hungry easily. However, if I eat too much at 1 go, I will get heartburn. Oh upon reaching 30th week, your checkup will be more frequent right? Like every 2-3 weeks once.
Yes I'm 28 weeks, next appointment with gynae will be 2 weeks later. :) Yay! Can see bb more often!


New Member
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New Member
same here. cant eat much at one go..so now more meals in smaller portion.
i am suffering from heart burn and it could get bad.
waiting to see my gynae in july..


New Member
Are they the higher-end versions of breast pump Medela have??? Someone just told me she bought hers thru UK and ship to SIN via Vpost, she say it's alot cheaper... you might want to check it out... :)
Thanks mrs_eg, yep.. it's the higher-end version of breast pump from medela.. I'm exploring the option to get one and determine myself to breastfeed for at least 6months becoz both hubby & I have ezcema and one of the way to cut down baby from exposure to allergies and ezcema is to breastfeed him/her as long as possible.

Again, I'm thinking of whether to get US set bcoz they don't come with local warranty but they are so much cheaper. Like the Medela PIS advanced locally is selling SGD700+ but US import is only SGD385..


New Member
Welcome to join us dl28!! :001_302:

Mummies, I had my first leg cramp experience last night..! Anyone had it before? I had a shocking pain and it woke me up in the middle of the night. It was so painful that I went screaming for my hubby and he has to hold my feet towards my direction to loosen the cramp..


Welcome to join us dl28!! :001_302:
Mummies, I had my first leg cramp experience last night..! Anyone had it before? I had a shocking pain and it woke me up in the middle of the night. It was so painful that I went screaming for my hubby and he has to hold my feet towards my direction to loosen the cramp..
Yes! Terrible when it happens! But the good thing is there is one way of making it go away fast - you need to flex your foot towards you (meaning your toes point towards yourself, bear with the pain and hold it there for a while) and the cramp will disappear. But around 2 days later your calve muscle will ache, like when you long time never exercise then go for a 10 km run haha.

Also try sleeping with legs propped up on pillows, and do some light stretching exercises of your calves before sleeping - I really think it helps reduce cramping occurrences!


Active Member
mummyk - had the cramps and it can be painful..i need to get off the bed and stretch my leg..
wah dl28.. u can still get off ur bed to stretch your leg!!! i think mine was too painful to budge!!!

MummyK, ya! the leg cramps I had was a sudden attack too... so helpless to it... but to add on to nightingale, other than doing some stretches b4 bedtime and prop ur legs up, u can take a quick hot bath, and also I wear supporting socks (knee length or thigh length) to help better blood circulation thru out my calves and legs......
and also, if I had know earlier that buying and shipping the breast pump from overseas is sooo much more cheaper, I probably will do that too!!!


Useful tips! Thanks mummies =) I have encountered 5 cramps in the middle of the night so far. There was once where my hubby got kicked in the face by me in the dark when he was trying to massage my calf. I hope by taking the necessary preventive measures, things will improve :tlaugh:
I also encounter leg cramps all of a sudden in the middle of the night. Was advised to soak legs in warm water to ease the pain. These days I try to do more exercise and walk more often.... I have cravings for unhealthy fast food. How ah? I m literally craving for curry puffs everyday knowing it's bad for my baby but I really cant stop myself. Any advise?


I also encounter leg cramps all of a sudden in the middle of the night. Was advised to soak legs in warm water to ease the pain. These days I try to do more exercise and walk more often.... I have cravings for unhealthy fast food. How ? I m literally craving for curry puffs everyday knowing it's bad for my baby but I really cant stop myself. Any advise?
I think it's okay to have fast food / curry puffs but just remember - everything in moderation. So if you're not like having fast food for every meal, everyday, it should be fine. My gynae gave me 2 rules to follow: 1) no raw food, and 2) no more than 1 cup of coffee a day. Later on when I started gaining weight a little too soon he recommended more exercise as well as cutting down on carbohydrates and even milk - which is too nutritious he said, haha - the calcium supplements that we take daily is actually more than enough.
I think it's okay to have fast food / curry puffs but just remember - everything in moderation. So if you're not like having fast food for every meal, everyday, it should be fine. My gynae gave me 2 rules to follow: 1) no raw food, and 2) no more than 1 cup of coffee a day. Later on when I started gaining weight a little too soon he recommended more exercise as well as cutting down on carbohydrates and even milk - which is too nutritious he said, haha - the calcium supplements that we take daily is actually more than enough.
Oh, I see. Thanks for your advice nightingale. I do crave for curry puffs everyday but I do try to take in moderation. If that's the case, I better watch my carbohydrates too. I have been taking a lot of milk and milo these days. Think I better monitor too. Thanks a lot!


Active Member
I also encounter leg cramps all of a sudden in the middle of the night. Was advised to soak legs in warm water to ease the pain. These days I try to do more exercise and walk more often.... I have cravings for unhealthy fast food. How ? I m literally craving for curry puffs everyday knowing it's bad for my baby but I really cant stop myself. Any advise?
Hahaha same here... Kfc, prata, nuggets, french fries, nasi lemak, fried chix wings... Slurp!

So terrible right??? Hahaha am trying to eat more fruits to 'neutralise' the "sinfulness" hahaha


hahaha~ mrs_eg, need to also watch fruit intake because of the sugar content! Have you ladies done your glucose blood test for gestational diabetes yet? I'm so glad I passed mine - but trying hard not to overdo it also. I'm so craving for chocolate right now!


Active Member
hahaha~ mrs_eg, need to also watch fruit intake because of the sugar content! Have you ladies done your glucose blood test for gestational diabetes yet? I'm so glad I passed mine - but trying hard not to overdo it also. I'm so craving for chocolate right now!
yup yup will take note...
but shldnt be a problem cos Im not a sweet person... hahaha so food more of salty than sweetness.... hahaha

haven't gone for the test yet leh... will ask abt it during my next gyn visit :)


have not't gone for the test yet ... will ask about it during my next gyn visit :)
Maybe it's only for those who are at high risk - e.g. if there is family history of diabetes. Not sure - how about the rest? Did your gynaes order a glucose test?

I'm at KL now. Heading back tomorrow afternoon. I saw a promo going on for diapers for Mummy Poko and Dryers. Dryers going at 30.90 RM (56pcs) for New Born. Any mummies wanna get it?! I can get it for you. Sorry, pretty last minute! Let me know soon okay! :)


Active Member
Ya... Things in the neighbouring country are most of the time abt a quarter cheaper... :)

thanx for the offer claralicious, for mine, we have already bought our disposible diapers... (hehe also frm my)