Edd Nov 2010


New Member
hi jenny,
my appt is on thurs... are you planning to go for the pre-natal course in thomson?
Hi flin,
yes .. will be attending the pre-natal course for Sep class. I went to the Parent Craft center to enquire they are recommending to take during at later stage instead of the 20 weeks so we will not forget what we learn.... How about you? keen to take from TMC also?



Well-Known Member
anyone here not getting CL ?? i am still thinking to get or not to get ??
what makes those who engaged one to do it ?? what help can the CL really provide?


New Member
Hi flin,
yes .. will be attending the pre-natal course for Sep class. I went to the Parent Craft center to enquire they are recommending to take during at later stage instead of the 20 weeks so we will not forget what we learn.... How about you? keen to take from Thomson Medical Center also?

yea i'm planning to take the class at TMC after reading some reviews. i'm really clueless, so going for a short course will do me some good. do we need to start enrolling now? i might see u there in sept :D


New Member
I m attending the prenatal coz in Thomson coming Jul. My EDD is 18 Nov. Was advised by my colleague to attend nw b4 I get too big n tired to move ard. Esp the class requires us to ly on the floor.

I m getting a CL as both my ILs and parents r hand tied w nephews n nieces. Furthermore this is my 1st n I m totally clueless on hw to tak care of babies. Furthermore, I think I will probbaly need plenty of rest n nt to mention the confinement fd.


New Member
anyone here not getting CL ?? i am still thinking to get or not to get ??
what makes those who engaged one to do it ?? what help can the CL really provide?
I live with my MIL and she has offered to help. So I won't be getting a CL. But most of my friends encourage me to get one as they say we'll need as much help as we can and we can easily get into post natal depression.... but I really don't like strangers living with me... HrMmMm.. :nah:

I picked this up from some website

Services provided by our Nanny :
Nanny will prepare confinement ingredients and dishes for maternal mothers.
She will wash baby and mother’s clothes.
Special confinement bath for mother will be prepared.
Nanny will share her experience to mother, but mother is the one who decides the preference on how things to be done.
24 hours gentle and loving care for your precious newborn baby will be taken care of to ensure complete rest for mother.
If you do not have a maid, Nanny will also do Daddy's laundry.
Daddy's dinner will be prepared.
She will sweep and mob the floor twice a week


New Member
Hi flin, have already registered it and going to pay for it this sat...
If you want weekend classes, you might want to register for it soon.. cos they have limited slots per session so no harm registering it first.

Hi PTB7476, are u a first time mum also? Im going to engage CL cos this is my first one there a still alot of things unsure about after giving birth.. hence I think if there is someone experience ard to help it would be good. Also, i heard women should have a good rest just after giving birth so your body can recover better. I called up a few CL already, mainly they will help with cooking for you (so your body can replenish), washing yours and your baby clothes and taking care / feeding your baby during night time for the first month...some will do basic housework like sweeping and mopping once or twice every week. Unless your in-laws or parents are able to help on these else i think you might want to consider getting one. Just my personal opinion.


Well-Known Member
I m attending the prenatal coz in Thomson coming Jul. My EDD is 18 Nov. Was advised by my colleague to attend now before I get too big n tired to move around. Esp the class requires us to ly on the floor.

I m getting a CL as both my ILs and parents r hand tied w nephews n nieces. Furthermore this is my 1st n I m totally clueless on hw to tak care of babies. Furthermore, I think I will probbaly need plenty of rest n not to mention the confinement fd.
but then aint you worry that the help will be only there for 1 month for you to rest, thereafter you are all on your own so what diff is it to just begin getting use to looking after the kid since day 1 ? i have read review from some parent that baby get too attacted to the CL until when she left, they have problem managing the baby cos he just refuse to stop cry cos the sense from the mom is diff from the CL


Well-Known Member
I live with my mother in law and she has offered to help. So I won't be getting a CL. But most of my friends encourage me to get one as they say we'll need as much help as we can and we can easily get into post natal depression.... but I really dont't like strangers living with me... HrMmMm.. :nah:

I picked this up from some website

Services provided by our Nanny :
Nanny will prepare confinement ingredients and dishes for maternal mothers.
She will wash baby and mother’s clothes.
Special confinement bath for mother will be prepared.
Nanny will share her experience to mother, but mother is the one who decides the preference on how things to be done.
24 hours gentle and loving care for your precious newborn baby will be taken care of to ensure complete rest for mother.
If you do not have a maid, Nanny will also do Daddy's laundry.
Daddy's dinner will be prepared.
She will sweep and mob the floor twice a week
likewise i dun like stranger in my house.

those things which the CL claims to be doing, some of it i already have help
eg cleaning of house by part-timers...as for washing of clothes...my hubby is currently doing :tlaugh: as for caring the baby 24hrs ... imho that's should be our responsibility right ? if we dont start that responsibility since day 1 and let the CL do it...how are we going to deal with it for the rest of years when there aint any help ...


Well-Known Member
Hi flin, have already registered it and going to pay for it this sat...
If you want weekend classes, you might want to register for it soon.. cos they have limited slots per session so no harm registering it first.

Hi PTB7476, are you a first time mum also? Im going to engage CL cos this is my first one there a still alot of things unsure about after giving birth.. hence I think if there is someone experience around to help it would be good. Also, i heard women should have a good rest just after giving birth so your body can recover better. I called up a few CL already, mainly they will help with cooking for you (so your body can replenish), washing yours and your baby clothes and taking care / feeding your baby during night time for the first month...some will do basic housework like sweeping and mopping once or twice every week. Unless your in-laws or parents are able to help on these else i think you might want to consider getting one. Just my personal opinion.
thanks. yes first time mom to be ..i do have some experience in dealing with infant ...am weight the pro and con of engaging a CL or getting my mom to help out in some of the claimed duties of the CL eg cooking :p i rather give the 3K to my mom than to a stranger whom only on good luck will we encounter a good one... :p


New Member
PTB>> Hmm...I think we all hv to start learning fr somewher. Wat I planned to do is mayb for the 1st wk, I will do mostly watch n learn fr CL. Will aslo learn more abt BF. Thn 2nd wk on, I will gradually start to b more active in taking care of my baby once I knw the basic of taking care of a baby n the pattern of my baby. For the final wk, Mayb I shld b takign care of my baby as much as possible n CL n do the rest?

Tat is jus my opinion. In reality I m nt sure if I cn do tat. I hv heard abt baby getting vry upset whn CL leave. But I think this happen whn CL carries baby too often. Mayb whn it comes to carrying baby, we cn do tat? And CL jus do things lik preparing fd for baby, bathing baby, changing diapers and things lik this?


Well-Known Member
PTB>> Hmm...I think we all have to start learning fr somewher. what I planned to do is mayb for the 1st wk, I will do mostly watch n learn fr CL. Will aslo learn more about BF. Thn 2nd wk on, I will gradually start to b more active in taking care of my baby once I knw the basic of taking care of a baby n the pattern of my baby. For the final wk, Mayb I shld b takign care of my baby as much as possible n CL n do the rest?

that is just my opinion. In reality I m not sure if I cn do that. I have heard about baby getting vry upset whn CL leave. But I think this happen whn CL carries baby too often. Mayb whn it comes to carrying baby, we cn do that? And CL just do things lik preparing fd for baby, bathing baby, changing diapers and things lik this?
yah we have to learn somewhere... but i still think those who went for C-sect need the CL more than those who gone through the nature birth.. cos C-sect the wound still not fresh and not heal yet hence taking care of the baby can be a challenge

anyway just a thought... still plenty of time to think about it :p


New Member
PTB>> My sis who is bearing her 3rd baby, recommended to get a CL early, cos gd ones r usually grab up fast. Whn I confirmed my CL immediately afetr 1st tri, she was alrdy booked till Oct.


New Member
PTB - if you're confident your mum/hubbie can help you with most things, and you're not comfortable with the idea of a CL, then dont get one lor... But need to be mentally prepared it's going to be tough (and only gets tougher) if the baby refuse to sleep at night and keep crying... everyone keeps telling me "doing it alone it's easier said than done". we will definitely have sleepless nights. i'm thinking if i should start training for minimum sleep in my 3rd tri! haha

But honestly, only in asia we have the luxury of a CL - maybe because we have so many restrictions.. or is it because we're too pampered? I'm not sure... but if you're in a western country, more than likely you won't have a CL and you just rely on your family (or own) to do everything. So if they can do it, why cant we?

cookiemonster - i better call them up tomorrow to register then. im still dragging it because my hubbie is suppose to be posted o/s for work and we dont have a confirmed date yet when we're flying off. but i told him my preference is to be back by early sept... hopefully that's possible...
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Well-Known Member
PTB - if you're confident your mum/hubbie can help you with most things, and you're not comfortable with the idea of a CL, then dont get one ... But need to be mentally prepared it's going to be tough (and only gets tougher) if the baby refuse to sleep at night and keep crying... everyone keeps telling me "doing it alone it's easier said than done". we will definitely have sleepless nights. i'm thinking if i should start training for minimum sleep in my 3rd tri! haha

But honestly, only in asia we have the luxury of a CL - maybe because we have so many restrictions.. or is it because we're too pampered? I'm not sure... but if you're in a western country, more than likely you won't have a CL and you just rely on your family (or own) to do everything. So if they can do it, why cant we?

cookiemonster - i better call them up tomorrow to register then. im still dragging it because my hubbie is suppose to be posted o/s for work and we dont have a confirmed date yet when we're flying off. but i told him my preference is to be back by early sept... hopefully that's possible...
i get what you mean. i think asian are spoilt :tlaugh: unlike in the west where they do everything themselve :tlaugh: anyway i will see how things goes...worst case will jsut get a CL for the month and see how things goes :001_302:


I went to did research on what is Chinese confinement period and I just stared at the horrors. Traditional confinement period sounds like house arrest. It concentrates on giving and making sure the mother maintain her heat and prevents her from getting 'cooled'. This helps prevent joint aches, reumathism and any 'cool' illness during old age.

Confinement includes:
  • not washing hair or bathing for 30-40 days
  • no drinking plain water. It is substituted by longan drink I think.
  • All meals to have Ginger.
  • No leaving home to prevent getting 'zhao liang' or getting cold.
  • Wearing long sleeves and pants to keep warm, even in singaore's weather
  • no fan or air con allowed. Some don't even allow opening of windows to prevent wind from entering.
  • No carrying of babies for too long
  • no visitation

With so many restrictions, no wonder we need some sort of confinement lady. But now I guess we are more open minded and need not adhere too much to all these. Hope my mum-in-law don't stick too much to it. Haha!

She has no idea how to do confinement but she found this confinement recipe book in Chinese that breaks down the 3 meals day by day what it should be. Thank goodness she's a great cook. Haha! Just allow me to bath and wash my hair everyday I happy already.


New Member
wow! if i were not to wash my hair and bath, wear long sleeves pants and shirt, i think i will very soon develop lots rashes and scars for my itch..

no fan/air-con.... impossible


New Member
Is anyone using normal body lotion instead of stretchmark lotion? can have the same effect?

Hi flin,
You going for your checkup today right? Do update us your progress :)
Im going down to Parentcraft center to make payment this sat... if you need any info about the classes i can help u check out.