Edd Nov 2010


Just to add on, my mum-in-law works at an infant care centre. She says that as her workplace is air-conditioned, the babies are more prone to getting sick. In addition, infant care is not cheap and her place just increased the fees by $200 at one go. I wanted her to bring my future baby along with her to the centre but she says her pay is less than the fees (she works part time) so she would rather quit and take care of my baby at home. So I'm considered lucky.


New Member
Hi All,

I'm new here... EDD 20 Nov.Currently am with TMC.... am going for my 20 weeks checkup next sat.. really excited about it, hope bibi co-operate and let us see the gender... saw alot of cute plush,clothings and shoes... hard to resist to buy ...

Anyone start buying baby stroller, breastpump or so??

currently checking out infant care ard my area too....

Hope to learn from all of you. :wewink:


Well-Known Member
Hi All,

I'm new here... EDD 20 Nov.Currently am with Thomson Medical Center.... am going for my 20 weeks checkup next sat.. really excited about it, hope bibi co-operate and let us see the gender... saw alot of cute plush,clothings and shoes... hard to resist to buy ...

Anyone start buying baby stroller, breastpump or so??

currently checking out infant care around my area too....

Hope to learn from all of you. :wewink:
welcome...good luck with your detailed scan

as for stroller (no intention to get) , breastpump still looking but based on advice from forums best to wait til give birth then get .


Well-Known Member
My younger sister was babysitted by my aunt since she was born. My parents only bring her home on Friday night and bring her back on Sunday night. This is absolutely horrible experience. As most of the time is spent with my aunt and her family, weekends seem like a torture to her as my parents seem to be strangers and our home environment is different from what she is used to 5/7 of her time. She cries in the middle of the night and my parents can't calm her down. I think for infants it's fine but as he/she goes into toddlerhood and becomes more aware of their surroundings, it might not be a good idea. Just based on my personal experience.
my cousin used to live with my grandma and only go back on weekend but their relationship seem ok and in fact he is more filial to his parent than his sibling. it all depend on how the parent work to maintain the relation between the kid

but then i am against throwing most of responsible to our parent and only bring kid home on weekend...


New Member
welcome...good luck with your detailed scan

as for stroller (no intention to get) , breastpump still looking but based on advice from forums best to wait til give birth then get .
Hey PTB7476, Any reasons why you have no intention to get a stroller first? Tot it is one of the basic item to get before birth?


Well-Known Member
Hey PTB7476, Any reasons why you have no intention to get a stroller first? thought it is one of the basic item to get before birth?
cos i dont want to be one of those inconsiderate parent who push stroller in crowded areas or dangerously on the road and expect the whole world to give way :001_302:

well that's just me...but i know alot of pple are stroller support haha


New Member
yah yah.. i also not keen on bringing baby to public places... was thinking stroller going out to in-laws or parents place... or going to see doc ....

i also sometimes dont understand how come parents being their tiny ones to shopping malls and squeeze with people....

so for my usage dont really need a stroller so early issit? Just use those 'sarong' kind wrap ard can?


New Member
yah yah.. i also not keen on bringing baby to public places... was thinking stroller going out to in-laws or parents place... or going to see doc ....

i also sometimes dont understand how come parents being their tiny ones to shopping malls and squeeze with people....

so for my usage dont really need a stroller so early issit? Just use those 'sarong' kind wrap around can?
u can also check out baby bjorn. i came from australia and it's quite common to use that instead of strollers while the baby is still small. plus point is, hubbies should be quite happy to carry bub cos it looks quite "cool" compared to using a sarong! hehehe... i can't imagine my hubbie and sarong :nah:


New Member
Hi All,

I'm new here... EDD 20 Nov.Currently am with Thomson Medical Center.... am going for my 20 weeks checkup next sat.. really excited about it, hope bibi co-operate and let us see the gender... saw alot of cute plush,clothings and shoes... hard to resist to buy ...

Anyone start buying baby stroller, breastpump or so??

currently checking out infant care around my area too....

Hope to learn from all of you. :wewink:
hey cookiemonster... i'm due on the same day as u :D

im having my scan on thurs in KKH... hopefully bub will behave and open legs big big too!! hehe..

can't wait to start buying clothes, shoes and socks!!
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Well-Known Member
yah yah.. i also not keen on bringing baby to public places... was thinking stroller going out to in-laws or parents place... or going to see doc ....

i also sometimes dont understand how come parents being their tiny ones to shopping malls and squeeze with people....

so for my usage dont really need a stroller so early issit? Just use those 'sarong' kind wrap around can?
well that's the lifestyle of typical singapore parent...bring kids to shopping mall on weekend :tlaugh: but we cant be staying at home all the time we need to expose the kid to the public... IMHO bring the kid to park , beach and expose to mother nature is better than shopping mall...at least this is what i plan to do when my bundle of joy pop out :tlaugh:

bingo...that's why i not keen in stroller. think a sarong carrier is good enuff to do the job :) no point spend a couple of hundred a stroller when it is likely to become a white elephant to me in no time..cos i definitely will not going to be like some people...everywhere bring stroller (bunky) and let the kid sit until 4 or 5 years old that kind ... IMHO the moment they can walk they should walk and not ferry them all over the place in stroller ... :001_302:


Well-Known Member
you can also check out baby bjorn. i came from australia and it's quite common to use that instead of strollers while the baby is still small. plus point is, hubbies should be quite happy to carry bub cos it looks quite "cool" compared to using a sarong! hehehe... i can't imagine my hubbie and sarong :nah:
i tot Baby bjorn is used only when their neck is strong ... infant 1-3months still best to use sarong, in fact my Oz boss like to use sarong more to a bjorn :tlaugh:


New Member
well that's the lifestyle of typical singapore parent...bring kids to shopping mall on weekend :tlaugh: but we cant be staying at home all the time we need to expose the kid to the public... IMHO bring the kid to park , beach and expose to mother nature is better than shopping mall...at least this is what i plan to do when my bundle of joy pop out :tlaugh:

bingo...that's why i not keen in stroller. think a sarong carrier is good enuff to do the job :) no point spend a couple of hundred a stroller when it is likely to become a white elephant to me in no time..cos i definitely will not going to be like some people...everywhere bring stroller (bunky) and let the kid sit until 4 or 5 years old that kind ... IMHO the moment they can walk they should walk and not ferry them all over the place in stroller ... :001_302:
I think it's the lifestyle of Singaporeans in general to hang out in shopping malls because there's no where else to go at 1pm when the sun is scorching hot! :we2cute:

Anyway just my opinion, one probably do not need to buy a stroller during early stages if you're using a sarong, but I think the stroller will end up being a convenient item eventually. Despite being able to walk, kids do run out of battery pretty quickly and when they do, they need a place to rest and sleep - and that's when the stroller comes in handy. Plus if you're planning to travel, your poor kid can't be walking all the way... I don't think I can sarong/carry a baby when they are 15-20kgs... my back will break :tlaugh: But of course if you have a maid to carry the baby all the time or if you don't mind rushing home when your baby is tired, then it's ok... really depends on your lifestyle... :)
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New Member
i thought Baby bjorn is used only when their neck is strong ... infant 1-3months still best to use sarong, in fact my Oz boss like to use sarong more to a bjorn :tlaugh:
baby bjorn recommends the baby to be at least 3.5kg and facing inwards when their neck is still fragile. there are also other brands like ergo n beco.. have not checked them out yet... still think it's a bit early to buy... so will research more first...

anyway it's really depending on what each parent want. i want my hubbie to do half his share to carry the baby..... and we feel that the baby carrier is more suitable for a guy rather than a sarong :) plus we are also quite happy not to bring the baby out much during the first 2-3 months....


Well-Known Member
I think it's the lifestyle of Singaporeans in general to hang out in shopping malls because there's no where else to go at 1pm when the sun is scorching hot! :we2cute:

Anyway just my opinion, one probably do not need to buy a stroller during early stages if you're using a sarong, but I think the stroller will end up being a convenient item eventually. Despite being able to walk, kids do run out of battery pretty quickly and when they do, they need a place to rest and sleep - and that's when the stroller comes in handy. Plus if you're planning to travel, your poor kid can't be walking all the way... I dont't think I can sarong/carry a baby when they are 15-20kgs... my back will break :tlaugh: But of course if you have a maid to carry the baby all the time or if you dont't mind rushing home when your baby is tired, then it's ok... really depends on your lifestyle... :)
singapore may be small but there are still places to go when the sun is scorching hot! not just the shopping mall :001_302:

:tlaugh:dun have the luxury of a maid... guess we will take one step at a time and plan the activities well to allow them to rest :001_302:


New Member
singapore may be small but there are still places to go when the sun is scorching hot! not just the shopping mall :001_302:

:tlaugh:dont have the luxury of a maid... guess we will take one step at a time and plan the activities well to allow them to rest :001_302:
i dont have a maid either........ i'm the appointed 24/7 maid! :tlaugh: let's hope both our bubs will be obedient to us :D


Well-Known Member
i dont have a maid either........ i'm the appointed 24/7 maid! :tlaugh: let's hope both our bubs will be obedient to us :D
i dun have the luxury of being a SAHM too... so i am only 14/7 maid only ...my mom will be the remaining 7/7 :tlaugh: yah hopefully they are obedient


New Member
Hi all mummies,

I am new here and here to join in the fun... :001_302:

Currently in my 28th week of pregnancy and EDD is on 18 Sep 2010... Am also a FTMTB so really anxious and afraid at the same time... Hehe...

Look forward to learn more here... :tlaugh:


New Member
Hi all mummies,

I am new here and here to join in the fun... :001_302:

Currently in my 28th week of pregnancy and EDD is on 18 Sep 2010... Am also a FTMTB so really anxious and afraid at the same time... Hehe...

Look forward to learn more here... :tlaugh:
Oops... posted at wrong section... Should be under "EDD Sep 2010"... Apologies... :shyxxx: