EDD Sep 2010


Congrats lovemk87! :D Wah no epidural is indeed power~ I cannot imagine how you did it!! :eek: How will the doctors be treating Baby Bryson's shoulder?

Thanks Claralicious for suggesting a meetup - I'm game! :)

Raine: I am also getting around 30-40ml per pump session but it is slowly increasing. My gynae prescribed some medication to help increase milk supply, and I'm also starting on Fenugreek. Hopefully it's working~ I am trying to catch up with my baby's demand and slowly cut down on formula! *crossing fingers*


Active Member
Hi mummies,

I'm finally back :Dancing_tongue:

My baby boy has arrived on 21st September at 9.36am!!! Normal delivery w/o epidural & the laughing gas!!!! but i do take in laughing gas when the doctor did the stitching~ makes me feel so high! :shyxxx: the stitches part was damn painful !!!

btw, the contraction pain started at 12am on 21st sept i tolerate until 6.30am then cant take it, so faster rushed down to hospital.... When i rched Thomson Medical Center already 8cm dilated, me & the nurses all got shocked lols. everything was fast and quick, it took 30mins to deliver my boy. :wong19: love him so much but pediatrician said that he gt fracture on his left shoulder :(
No pain relief!!!!!!!!!! How?!?!?!?!

U champs!!!

Tell me how u do it!!!! massage??? Visualisation?? Hypnobirth???

Im so envious!!! :)

Anyway... Wat did the doctor say abt ur baby's fracture??? Wat can be done?

Dun worry too much...fracture shld be able to heal easily... U Take good care...
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Active Member
talking about breastfeeding. now i latch baby for an hr but she's still hungry after that. let her drink 100ml of fm after that then she's full. when i pump out the most only 30-40ml... do you mummies also encounter the same situation?

Claralicious: Sounds great! shall meet up with the mummies when all the babies hit full month! :)
Raine may i knw how long u take to pump 40ml? And wat pump u using???

Btw... Was told to drink a cupful of earm liquid b4 and after u breastfeed/pump... To 'prime' ur milkflow...

Can use warm towels on breasts so that milk ducts expand to intiate better flow...


Hi mummies,

I'm finally back :Dancing_tongue:

My baby boy has arrived on 21st September at 9.36am!!! Normal delivery w/o epidural & the laughing gas!!!! but i do take in laughing gas when the doctor did the stitching~ makes me feel so high! :shyxxx: the stitches part was damn painful !!!

btw, the contraction pain started at 12am on 21st sept i tolerate until 6.30am then cant take it, so faster rushed down to hospital.... When i rched Thomson Medical Center already 8cm dilated, me & the nurses all got shocked lols. everything was fast and quick, it took 30mins to deliver my boy. :wong19: love him so much but pediatrician said that he gt fracture on his left shoulder :(

Congrats! No epidural, I am impressed! Hopefully I can say the same when it is my turn..I am still waiting

May your little boy get well soon!


talking about breastfeeding. now i latch baby for an hr but she's still hungry after that. let her drink 100ml of fm after that then she's full. when i pump out the most only 30-40ml... do you mummies also encounter the same situation?

Claralicious: Sounds great! shall meet up with the mummies when all the babies hit full month! :)
Did you try using pump? I started off with no milk but pump regularly aft feeding baby and supply is slowly increasing. Now got 70 ml. But she gets hungry very easily.


Congrats lovemk87! :D Wah no epidural is indeed power~ I cannot imagine how you did it!! :eek: How will the doctors be treating Baby Bryson's shoulder?

Thanks Claralicious for suggesting a meetup - I'm game! :)

Raine: I am also getting around 30-40ml per pump session but it is slowly increasing. My gynae prescribed some medication to help increase milk supply, and I'm also starting on Fenugreek. Hopefully it's working~ I am trying to catch up with my baby's demand and slowly cut down on formula! *crossing fingers*
not sure lei, this coming monday i will need to bring him to the clinic for checkup first. :(

btw i have some questions to ask: -
did all of your baby breathe very loud when you breastfeed him/her?
how frequently did you all feed your baby?
how many times did your baby poo poo everyday?

my baby breathe very loud when he is sleeping too, is it very normal? i'm so worry...


Active Member
not sure lei, this coming monday i will need to bring him to the clinic for checkup first. :(

btw i have some questions to ask: -
did all of your baby breathe very loud when you breastfeed him/her?
how frequently did you all feed your baby?
how many times did your baby poo poo everyday?

my baby breathe very loud when he is sleeping too, is it very normal? i'm so worry...
If you are toking about taking deep breath once in a while and shudder I little...yes... (LC say this is normal and good)..... if not.. there is also the sound of swallowing... where air is breathed out of her nose cos mouth is full... I dun consider they breathe very loudly... and I also duno how loud is your baby breathing... when is ur next paediatric check up?

my feeding patterns are average every 2.5-3hrs once...

baby poo poo abt 5-6times per day...
13 Aug - Mecolemummy aka Mecole with Princess Maegan
18 Aug - Raine aka YuRu with Princess Wen Xin
14 Sept - Nightingale aka June with Princess Cheyenne
15 Sept - Mrs_EG with Princess_LG
20 Sept - Christinawong with Princess Amber

21 Sept - lovemk87 aka Siew Li with Prince Bryson :001_302:


13 Aug - Mecolemummy aka Mecole with Princess Maegan
18 Aug - Raine aka YuRu with Princess Wen Xin
14 Sept - Nightingale aka June with Princess Cheyenne
15 Sept - Mrs_EG with Princess_LG
20 Sept - Christinawong with Princess Amber

11 Sept - DELvy aka Junyi with Prince Zheng Yang
21 Sept - lovemk87 aka Siew Li with Prince Bryson :001_302:

Congratulations Mrs_EG, Christina and lovemk87!!! Also to Mecolemummy, Raine & Nightingale once again!
I am also game for the meet up :001_302:

I am also impressed leh...no epidural. I tried taking in deep breath and imagine all those that are taught in the hynobirthing book. None worked! I broke into cold sweat and felt dizzy after sometime. Then I puked and felt that I was losing conciousness. I quickly opted for epidural. While waiting for the procedure to be carried out, I tried the laughing gas, it also didn't work leh.

My Prince's cries is very scary. He practically shriek at the top of his super pitch voice and I believe the whole block can hear. He sounds as if we are abusing him. It's quite worrying, especially the potential colic he's gonna take in. He's a very impatient boy. Anybody experiencing the same problem?

I am also having problem latching on, so I express out my milk for him. So far, my supply is enough to meet his demand. Btw, what's the average amount of milk does a 2 week old baby take per feed? My boy is drinking 70ml per feed every 2 hours, sometimes cries for more. Is it considered a lot?


13 Aug - Mecolemummy aka Mecole with Princess Maegan
18 Aug - Raine aka YuRu with Princess Wen Xin
11 Sept - mommymin with Princess Shanice
14 Sept - Nightingale aka June with Princess Cheyenne
15 Sept - Mrs_EG with Princess_LG
20 Sept - Christinawong with Princess Amber

11 Sept - DELvy aka Junyi with Prince Zheng Yang
21 Sept - lovemk87 aka Siew Li with Prince Bryson :001_302:


Aww look at all those nice nice baby names~ :D And mummies who have popped, do remember to update your signature and baby tickers!

Thanks all mummies for sharing your feeding experiences~ it's comforting to know what everyone else is doing so that we can gauge whether we're on the right track, though different mummies and babies may have different needs etc. Good for reference though! :)

My girl is feeding once every 3-4 hours, sometimes more frequently esp if the feed is expressed breast milk. Like raine shared, she tends to poo more (also more frequently) after a EBM meal compared to formula. She's getting about 60-90ml now per feed (around 2 weeks).

I have nipples that are quite flat so I dont't really let baby latch on~ we cant seem to be able to get baby beyond a shallow latch, and she drops the nipple very quickly. The lactation consultant told me that in future for my next baby, I need to prepare my nipples at least 6 weeks in advance before delivery - by using a nipplet to pull the nipples out so that they stay out permanently. NOW she tells me! :(
Hello everyone, I am new here. My baby girl is also born in Sept this year. I delivered at Mount A. It's so heart warming to see so many mummy given birth in the month of sept!!
NightIngale, are you using cloth nappies now? I wanted to use them but realized it's troublesome to wash. So had been using disposable diapers. Never explore using the one you mentioned. If it's good I don't mind trying.


Hello everyone, I am new here. My baby girl is also born in Sept this year. I delivered at Mount A. It's so heart warming to see so many mummy given birth in the month of sept!!
Hello LittleLady! :) Welcome to the Sept mummies thread! I also delivered my little girl at Mt A - when was yours? I was there from 14-16 Sept :) While in the delivery suite I listened to the sounds of my neighbours giving birth one after the other... it was exciting yet scary at the same time while waiting for my turn! hehe~

NightIngale, are you using cloth nappies now? I wanted to use them but realized it's troublesome to wash. So had been using disposable diapers. Never explore using the one you mentioned. If it's good I dont't mind trying.
I haven't tried them yet~ was also interested to see if anyone else has. Seems like disposables are the popular choice these days! Been discussing with some experienced friends about the best brands they'd recommend - it appears that everyone thinks Pampers are the best, though certainly not best value for money!
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Nightingale, thank you for yr warm welcome to the thread. I delivered on 5th sept.
When I had my son I used the cloth nappies but now with 2 children it can be a hassle to wash so many clothes. Which diapers r u using? I am using pet pet it's value for money. Maybe you would like to try. R u doing total breast feeding? My nipples are so sore that I can only express.


I'm expressing exclusively because baby still unable to latch on successfully. I think it's fine to give expressed bm - better than not giving at all! Because my supply is slow to come in, I'm also topping up with formula for some feeds. Baby seems to be doing well - over the first 2 weeks no sign of jaundice so far. Does jaundice set in after the first few weeks, or can we safely say that the 'danger' period is over now that baby is about 12 days old?
Which brand of milk powder are you using? My nipples are so sore that whenever my girl suckle, I feel this burning pain. So I express the milk. Not sure when will supply run low since she doesn't stimulate it often.
Wow your girl very good no jaundice. Usually the onset is on 3rd day after birth. Since you said 2 wks n everything seems ok then it's good news.

How is your confinement so far? Mine ending next week. Thank goodness, this Sept weather is still quite bearable.


Aww look at all those nice nice baby names~ :D And mummies who have popped, do remember to update your signature and baby tickers!

Thanks all mummies for sharing your feeding experiences~ it's comforting to know what everyone else is doing so that we can gauge whether we're on the right track, though different mummies and babies may have different needs etc. Good for reference though! :)

My girl is feeding once every 3-4 hours, sometimes more frequently esp if the feed is expressed breast milk. Like raine shared, she tends to poo more (also more frequently) after a EBM meal compared to formula. She's getting about 60-90ml now per feed (around 2 weeks).

I have nipples that are quite flat so I dont't really let baby latch on~ we cant seem to be able to get baby beyond a shallow latch, and she drops the nipple very quickly. The lactation consultant told me that in future for my next baby, I need to prepare my nipples at least 6 weeks in advance before delivery - by using a nipplet to pull the nipples out so that they stay out permanently. NOW she tells me! :(
Nightingale, I also have flat nipples though it can be drawn out when stimulated. I'm worried about not able to feed my baby with breast milk. Did you bring your own breast pump to the hospital or did you use hospital pump?

Tomorrow is my EDD but baby seems too comfortable inside even though I'm already 2cm dilated. I have scheduled for induction on tue morning, feeling very excited but same time scared, not sure if made right decision to induce. I'm just worried in the end if not dilated fast enough will have to go for c-sect