EDD Sep 2010


Active Member
Just reading all your confinement woes~ so far I think I must be one of the naughtiest mummies here for not following all the advice! I've been showering in hot/warm water since returning from the hospital on Day 3 - wash my short hair but blow-dry immediately afterwards. I wear capris (3/4 pants) and t-shirt and sleep with air con but will cover with blanket. Maybe the only thing I've been strictly following is the confinement food because I have a confinement lady who prepares my meals (and of course nagging from mum and mum-in-law haha) - so far so good, not too uncomfortable, nor craving for anything. In fact, quite enjoying the vinegar pig trotters! Been having that for the past few days!

Are all mummies breastfeeding? Sadly I havent been able to get baby to latch on successfully, and my milk only came in on Day 5 so we started her on formula supplements. Now expressing and feeding her with bottle, and formula as top up because breastmilk quantity is still not a lot. How are your experiences so far?
Ya i also had problems initially cos nipple bled...day 4 i top up once... Day 5 i stop using top up but hav to feed at 2 hrs interval.... Duno normal anot...


Active Member
Hey Mummies,

Did you all book for Malay massage? I found one but she was telling me I need to pay the full amount on my first session. Is it normal? How do you all go about making the payment?

Also what are normally included in the massage and how long per session? How many sessions is enough?
I tink its normal i guess... I also nwed to give full payment on day 1... I duno how many session enuf but i booked for7 days... Haven start yet....


Active Member

My supply was very limited too. did not know until I tried to express out on day 3. Baby was under fed for days and kept crying. Now day 5 feeding on formula and breast milk. It's not enough.

Dun worry so much, eat more fish, drink more soup & water.
if facing latching problem, then try to pump every 2 hrs to esitablish the milk flow. When got more milk, then start to latch them again. This is what i did too.


Active Member
oh dear. =(

any brand of hair loss shampoo/hair tonic to recommend? i was hanging arnd watsons and saw several brands. or do i really have to resort to WANG. =(

and i shall eat the black sesame paste dessert by litres after my confinement!

I am using Kanz Keratin Hair Loss Shampoo (bought at chinatown), and Richenna Hair Tonic-herb formula (got it from ubi), I find the hair tonic is good, it also comes with shampoo and conditioner. But i did not try it coz i bought a lot of Kanz shampoo. Another brand u may consider is JS Olive Mositure, they got whole range of products can find it at chinatown.

Its your choice whether u wanna try WANG.


Active Member
13 Aug - Mecolemummy aka Mecole with Princess Maegan
18 Aug - Raine aka YuRu with Princess Wen Xin
14 Sept - Nightingale aka June with Princess Cheyenne
15 Sept - Mrs_EG with Princess_LG



Active Member
13 Aug - Mecolemummy aka Mecole with Princess Maegan
18 Aug - Raine aka YuRu with Princess Wen Xin
14 Sept - Nightingale aka June with Princess Cheyenne
15 Sept - Mrs_EG with Princess_LG

sorry I edited abit...


Active Member
Ya i also had problems initially cos nipple bled...day 4 i top up once... Day 5 i stop using top up but hav to feed at 2 hours interval.... dont know normal anot...

Dun worry, its normal to feed every 2-3 hrs coz we dunno how much the baby sucks. Whenever they feels hungry, they crys. But sometime they crys just wanna sucks the nipple.

Soon, your baby will move towards ur nipple whenever u carry her coz she smell ur nipple/milk.


Active Member
dont worry, its normal to feed every 2-3 hours coz we dont know how much the baby sucks. Whenever they feels hungry, they crys. But sometime they crys just wanna sucks the nipple.

Soon, your baby will move towards your nipple whenever you carry her coz she smell your nipple/milk.

she sometimes suckle for very long.... and refuse to release... till it becomes painful.....


Active Member
she sometimes suckle for very long.... and refuse to release... till it becomes painful.....

You have to help her to release from your breast and latch her on the other side. If u dun do that, next time u may face big and small boobs (how true i dunno).

Try to find out which side of the breast hving more milk. Latch her on the side with less milk, after 15 mins change to the other side. If you dun wan to waste the breast milk, dun forget to get the milk bottle ready to collect milk from the side of breast that u are not latching. When u latching her one side, the other side will leak automatically coz of stimulation.


Active Member
You have to help her to release from your breast and latch her on the other side. If you dont do that, next time you may face big and small boobs (how true i dont know).

Try to find out which side of the breast hving more milk. Latch her on the side with less milk, after 15 mins change to the other side. If you dont want to waste the breast milk, dont forget to get the milk bottle ready to collect milk from the side of breast that you are not latching. When you latching her one side, the other side will leak automatically coz of stimulation.
ya it does leak!!! thanx for the tip!!!


You have to help her to release from your breast and latch her on the other side. If you dont do that, next time you may face big and small boobs (how true i dont know).

Try to find out which side of the breast hving more milk. Latch her on the side with less milk, after 15 mins change to the other side. If you dont want to waste the breast milk, dont forget to get the milk bottle ready to collect milk from the side of breast that you are not latching. When you latching her one side, the other side will leak automatically coz of stimulation.
the leaking from the other boob when nursing is pretty irritating to me! wets my pants or my baby's pants if i dont catch the milk droplets in time. :embarrassed:

anyway, what do you do to the collected leaked milk? do you collect from several feedings and combine to 1 feeding, or keep from only 1 feeding? cos for me, it looks pointless to keep from only 1 feeding cos the amount is not that substantial. but if combined from several feedings, then the amount is quite alot. but im worried of some form of contamination if i combine them cos of increased handling. headache!!


Active Member
the leaking from the other boob when nursing is pretty irritating to me! wets my pants or my baby's pants if i dont catch the milk droplets in time. :embarrassed:

anyway, what do you do to the collected leaked milk? do you collect from several feedings and combine to 1 feeding, or keep from only 1 feeding? cos for me, it looks pointless to keep from only 1 feeding cos the amount is not that substantial. but if combined from several feedings, then the amount is quite alot. but im worried of some form of contamination if i combine them cos of increased handling. headache!!
There is a few ways u can do it.
1. Avent got the Comfort Breast Shell set help to collect excess milk.
Philips - Comfort breast shell set 6 pcs - SCF157/02 - Breast feeding - Breastfeeding - Accessories

2. Medela Milk Collection Shells
The Shop for Pregnant Women, Mothers, Fathers, Young Children, Toddlers, Infants and New Borns - Baby Meadows Singapore - Nursing :: Nursing Accessories

3. Milkies Milk Saver Nursing Accessory
The Shop for Pregnant Women, Mothers, Fathers, Young Children, Toddlers, Infants and New Borns - Baby Meadows Singapore - Nursing :: Nursing Accessories

4. The cheapest way is to use milk bottle or the lit. Get eveything ready, once u latch onto ur baby hold the bottle to collect the leaking milk.

Combine the milk when they are the same temperature. Store the individual pumped milk in the fridge, mix the milk together & warm it up when need to feed. Guess your milk supply yet establish, once establish after every feed the pump out is alot.

Remember to get a plastic container to store your breast milk in the fridge. Seperate out the food and the breast milk.


Okay I have some questions about breastfeeding and expressing breast milk:

How do you 'prepare' your breasts before each feed / expressing? We're supposed to massage them - for how long? How exactly do you massage - circular motions? One breast at a time or both together?

How long do you express / feed with each breast per session? If expressing, do you express say 15 mins all at one go, or break it down to 5 mins with massaging in between?


Came across this useful reference for breastfeeding and expressing bm:
(source: http://www.askdrsears.com/html/2/t025600.asp)

  1. Follow a set routine for pumping: the place, the chair, the beverage. Get your equipment ready in the same way each time, use your mental tricks to relax, and pump. This routine conditions your milk ejection reflex.
  2. Try a few minutes of breast massage before you pump. Start at the armpit and use the fingertips of your opposite hand to make small circles on the breast tissue in that one spot. Then move your hand slightly and do it again. Work your way around the breast and gradually down toward the areola in a spiral pattern. (This is similar to the breast exam that you or your doctor use to check for lumps.) Finish the massage with a series of long strokes from the chest wall down to the areola, again working your way around the entire breast. Then massage the other breast. If your milk flow slows down during a pumping session, a few minutes of breast massage may help get it going again.
  3. "Prime the pump." Drink a couple glasses of water right before pumping.
  4. Get "pumped up" yourself. Visualize flowing mountain streams or rivers running toward the ocean as you pump. Or imagine yourself as a fountain of milk--whatever image helps your milk to let down and spray into the pump.
  5. Look at a picture of your baby while you pump. Bring along one of your baby's blankets or a piece of clothing. Enjoy your baby's smell on the fabric.
  6. Call the sitter and find out what your baby is doing right before you pump.
  7. To minimize distractions while pumping, try using a personal tape player and headphones. You can enjoy your favorite music while you pump, or listen to one of the tapes that feature sounds from nature: the ocean, the rain forest, whatever appeals to you.
  8. If pumping is making your nipples sore, try a lower suction setting. Or try a different kind of pump. Be sure that the nipple is not rubbing against the flange as you pump.
  9. To soothe sore nipples after pumping and help them heal, apply a small amount of an emollient, such as Lansinoh for Breastfeeding Mothers, to your nipples. Soften it between your fingers, then gently pat it onto the nipples.
  10. Pump as often as your baby nurses, usually every three hours. If you're worried about producing enough milk, pump more frequently. This is more effective at stimulating the milk supply than pumping longer at each session.
  11. Add an extra pumping session in the early morning, when you have the most milk. If you are trying to build up a supply of milk in the freezer, this is a good time of day to pump.
  12. If you're not pumping as much milk as you once did, check your pump. Are you putting it together properly? Is a seal or some other part of it wearing out? Check with the manufacturer (there'll be a phone number in the printed instructions). If you bought or rented your pump from a lactation consultant or a La Leche League Leader, she may be able to advise you about replacing any parts that are worn.
  13. Try pumping on one breast while baby nurses at the other. The baby will trigger the milk ejection reflex, and you'll be able to collect milk from the other breast more easily. (This is easier to do with an electric pump than with a hand-operated one.)
  14. For most women, double-pumping (pumping both breasts at the same time) yields more milk. Prolactin levels in the blood are also higher when you pump both breasts simultaneously. Good-quality electric pumps are the best and easiest way to double-pump, but some manual breast pumps can be operated with one hand. Get two of these and you can double-pump manually.
  15. If pumping is not going well, try another pump, preferably one that is a notch or two up the scale in quality from the one you are using. Rent a hospital-grade pump and try it for a week or two. You may be surprised at the difference! CONVENIENCE
  16. Wear two-piece outfits with easy access to your breasts. It's easiest to pump (just like it's easiest to nurse discreetly) if you're wearing a loose top that can be pulled up from the bottom. Investing in several good-looking nursing tops or blouses, with camouflaged openings at the breasts, can simplify both pumping and nursing.
  17. Leaning forward while you pump will prevent milk from dripping on your clothes.
  18. Double-pump with one hand. Try leaning into the desk or table holding the pump, using the edge of the furniture and one arm to hold the pump flanges to your breasts. You'll have a free hand for turning pages in a magazine or eating your lunch. Or try using a footstool or some thick book to raise your knees, so that you can rest the collecting bottles on your lap as you lean forward.
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OMG! Most mummies have given birth. Haven't been here for ages. I'm back at work after a month's break! :D How are all the babies? Noisy?

I'm thinking of organizing a gathering after all baby's hit full month. What do you think? Maybe we should all meet up! :D


13 Aug - Mecolemummy aka Mecole with Princess Maegan
18 Aug - Raine aka YuRu with Princess Wen Xin
14 Sept - Nightingale aka June with Princess Cheyenne
15 Sept - Mrs_EG with Princess_LG

21 Sept - lovemk87 aka Siew Li with Prince Bryson :001_302:


Hi mummies,

I'm finally back :Dancing_tongue:

My baby boy has arrived on 21st September at 9.36am!!! Normal delivery w/o epidural & the laughing gas!!!! but i do take in laughing gas when the doctor did the stitching~ makes me feel so high! :shyxxx: the stitches part was damn painful la!!!

btw, the contraction pain started at 12am on 21st sept i tolerate until 6.30am den cant take it, so faster rushed down to hospital.... When i rched TMC already 8cm dilated, me & the nurses all got shocked lols. everything was fast and quick, it took 30mins to deliver my boy. :wong19: love him so much but pd said that he gt fracture on his left shoulder :(


talking about breastfeeding. now i latch baby for an hr but she's still hungry after that. let her drink 100ml of fm after that then she's full. when i pump out the most only 30-40ml... do you mummies also encounter the same situation?

Claralicious: Sounds great! shall meet up with the mummies when all the babies hit full month! :)

Ya we shall meet up :) :wong19: