EDD Sep 2010

I think that sounds quite normal, my girl at 2 weeks old already taking 80-90ml per feed (formula / ebm). At first I was thinking wah~ that's a lot! After reading all the Western literature about how small their stomach sizes are at the beginning...but need to respond to baby's hunger cues too right?[/QUOTE]

Yes, I agree. Like you I also thought baby tummy is small how come need so much milk. I think soon I won't be able to meet her demand. Sigh.
Happyqueen, congratulations!! Yes, my daughter hiccups a lot n if she can't manage the flow of milk from the bottle she will throw up some milk. When my daughter suckle she always seems so kan cheong so will either choke or throw up.
Anyone already establish baby sleeping and drinking pattern. I wonder when I can achieve a pattern. Anyone believe in letting baby cry to sleep?


Congras Dl28 and Happyqueen! :tlaugh:
Think a lot of us are having latching on problem. Sigh. My boy slips off my nipple most of the time. I still try to let him latch on once in a while, hopefully he will improve over time as his mouth gets bigger.

I get around 150 - 180ml each time I express, and half of them gets wasted cos sometimes he cries for milk and when the milk is ready, he falls asleep.

Btw, where are u mummies planning to celebrate your precious's full month? I am planning to order a buffet, self made red egg and I ordered a cupcake tree for him.


I have nipples that are quite flat so I dont't really let baby latch on~ we cant seem to be able to get baby beyond a shallow latch, and she drops the nipple very quickly. The lactation consultant told me that in future for my next baby, I need to prepare my nipples at least 6 weeks in advance before delivery - by using a nipplet to pull the nipples out so that they stay out permanently. NOW she tells me! :(
Hee...we are having the similar problem. Nipplet can be quite painful...My lactation consultant lent me her nipplet though she said my nipple is not exactly too flat, just a bit. She concluded that my boy is simply lazy. :nah:


Yes, I agree. Like you I also thought baby tummy is small how come need so much milk. I think soon I won't be able to meet her demand. Sigh.
No worries, just keep pumping regularly and frequently, be patient and hopefully can slowly catch up with baby's demand. If not, I do think it's okay to supplement with some formula. The bottom line is that giving some breastmilk is better than not giving any at all~ so must persevere! :)


Hey just wondering: is anybody using cloth diapers? Came across Bumwear cloth diapers (>---Bumwear The Fun Batik Boutique---<) and am wondering whether to give them a try, just to see how more or less convenient they are compared to disposable diapers. Anyone heard any reviews?
My mother in law sometimes uses cloth diapers, but the washing and drying part can be quite tedious and it tends to leak and stains the mattress. So we mix with disposable ones. Tried Fitti, which was used by the hospital, and Drypers, both have leakage problem. So we ended up using Huggies and Mamy Poko.


13 Aug - Mecolemummy aka Mecole with Princess Maegan
18 Aug - Raine aka YuRu with Princess Wen Xin
11 Sept - mommymin with Princess Shanice
14 Sept - Nightingale aka June with Princess Cheyenne
15 Sept - Mrs_EG with Princess_LG
20 Sept - Christinawong with Princess Amber

11 Sept - DELvy aka Junyi with Prince Zheng Yang
21 Sept - lovemk87 aka Siew Li with Prince Bryson :001_302:
Hi mommymin! We both have little terrorists!


Congras Dl28 and Happyqueen! :tlaugh:
Think a lot of us are having latching on problem. Sigh. My boy slips off my nipple most of the time. I still try to let him latch on once in a while, hopefully he will improve over time as his mouth gets bigger.

I get around 150 - 180ml each time I express, and half of them gets wasted cos sometimes he cries for milk and when the milk is ready, he falls asleep.

Btw, where are you mummies planning to celebrate your precious's full month? I am planning to order a buffet, self made red egg and I ordered a cupcake tree for him.
Your supply is looking good Delvy! How often do you express / latch on, and for how long? Are you taking any supplements or medication? Do you drink a lot of fluids? I'm trying all these things yet my supply is only half of what you have leh! Am beginning to wonder whether quantity is determined partly by genetics~ heh heh.

Expressed breastmilk can be stored in the fridge, don't let it go to waste! haha~ my supply is so little that every drop is super precious lol!

Still looking around for options about the full month party~ will probably be holding it at home and order a buffet as well. Are you guys ordering cakes to give to relatives/friends? I'm looking at the gift boxes from Sweetest Moments ~ Celebrating your Sweetest Moments with us... - anyone else has other recommendations?
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Your supply is looking good Delvy! How often do you express / latch on, and for how long? Are you taking any supplements or medication? Do you drink a lot of fluids? I'm trying all these things yet my supply is only half of what you have ! Am beginning to wonder whether quantity is determined partly by genetics~ heh heh.
Nightingale. Yes I drink papaya soup twice everyday, and a lot of other soups. I am also taking Fenugreek supplement, plus lots of longan red date tea. I express my milk every 3-4 hours, through day and night. Each expression takes around 20 minutes. Don't give up, keep on stimulating, the flow will come.

Expressed breastmilk can be stored in the fridge, dont't let it go to waste! haha~ my supply is so little that every drop is super precious lol!
If you store in the normal refrigerator, it can only be kept for 24 hours right? Furthermore, my MIL and maid keep opening and closing the fridge to take things, I am quite worried that the milk will go bad less than 24 hours.

Still looking around for options about the full month party~ will probably be holding it at home and order a buffet as well. Are you guys ordering cakes to give to relatives? I'm looking at the gift boxes from Sweetest Moments ~ Celebrating your Sweetest Moments with us... - anyone else has other recommendations?
Oh, I also ordered my cupcake tree from Precious Moments. As for gift boxes, my mother told me that we only need to give to those relatives/friends/colleagues who never turn up for the celebration. I love their packaging and design! But I have a concern about gift boxes too. They do customisation of baby arrival card right, and it will be included in the gift boxes. I wonder how many people actually keep the card, or they will just throw it away. The thought of my precious's photo being thrown into the bin, I feel heartache leh.:embarrassed:
Thanks all. Think all the babies are the same from what I have read hehe. Think we just has to try about a month more to catch their pattern . Suggest to pour out an estimated amount from storage so not to waste the milk. Ya milk supy a bit slow from me too so when there is wastage I quite heart pain haha. He has just vomited some out And nv finish the whole bottle.
About the pampers, I'm using drypers now but the sticker is so tight and is not user friendly. The one hosiptal has provided I.e huggies is much better.


About the pampers, I'm using drypers now but the sticker is so tight and is not user friendly. The one hosiptal has provided I.e huggies is much better.
I used Huggies at the beginning but they gave my baby diaper rashes at the end of the first week even though I was applying Desitin diaper cream right from the beginning - the rash cleared up when I switched to Pampers and Sudocrem Antiseptic cream (my confinement nanny's recommendation). Then again, I think every baby's butt reacts somewhat differently to the different brands haha! Hopefully yours will be okay. :)
No worries, just keep pumping regularly and frequently, be patient and hopefully can slowly catch up with baby's demand. If not, I do think it's okay to supplement with some formula. The bottom line is that giving some breastmilk is better than not giving any at all~ so must persevere! :)
Yes, I do pump like every 3 hrs. I will eventually give formula when I go back to work.
Congras Dl28 and Happyqueen! :tlaugh:
Think a lot of us are having latching on problem. Sigh. My boy slips off my nipple most of the time. I still try to let him latch on once in a while, hopefully he will improve over time as his mouth gets bigger.

I get around 150 - 180ml each time I express, and half of them gets wasted cos sometimes he cries for milk and when the milk is ready, he falls asleep.

Btw, where are you mummies planning to celebrate your precious's full month? I am planning to order a buffet, self made red egg and I ordered a cupcake tree for him.[/QUOTE

Wow your milk supply is a lot. I feel my milk supply like running low. Sigh.
Hi mummies, just wondering what breast pump r u all using? M using AVENT manual but my friend told me to use medala electric ones. Any review?