EDD Sep 2010


No no.... Nipple bled must let it heal 1st... At least tats wat they told me.... But that was on the 1st day... Lucky only one nipple so i left it alone for one day n keep applying nipple cream...

As for colostrum... I duno if it is colostrum... Because by right milk shld come ard 3rd day onwards... On the third day then only i was taught proper massage... N after massage LC squeezed my breast then only did a few drops ooze out....

I think previous days baby suckle on nthing tats why forever not satisfied leading to nipple soreness

I started on the lactation pills given by gynae on day 2... I make sure i really drink lots of warm fluid... N i ate well till now 3 heavy meals n 3 light meals in btwn... I drink anmum lactation milk too... I believe all of the above shld hv contributed to my milk production...

U able to squeeze anything after massage???
For me milk (or maybe colostrum) only started appearing after that "painful" massage session with the LC.... But was little...

On 4th day i went back w/o baby... Cos she have to stay for phototherapy... So i tried pumping... Really very little despite trying to use pump to stimulate ... But i guess it is normal... But above eating well n constant stimulation helped increase milk flow gradually

Maybe urs jus probably a little slower?? Might wana giv urself more time??? Try to remind urself to relax....

If not jus go back parent craft, im sure they have ways to help u solve ur issues like wat they did for me...

Remember to book appointment if u are going back... That time i didnt know... Walk inmore expensive.............
Wa Mrs_Eg, you are like our lactation consultant in this forum! Thanks for your many advice!!

No I can't squeeze anything even after massage, and even after painful latching on session with mrs wong! That's why she suggest I buy the supplemental nursing system until my milk can come. But omg my bb is outsmarting this device, she takes shortcut by opening her mouth small enough only to take in the thin straws so most time she did not latch on fully.

Still no milk as of now, but beginning to feel like my breasts are heavier and fuller. Is this a sign that milk is coming? Need to pump also regularly in the middle of the nite? I'm so getting not enough sleep....


Active Member
Wa Mrs_Eg, you are like our lactation consultant in this forum! Thanks for your many advice!!

No I can't squeeze anything even after massage, and even after painful latching on session with mrs wong! That's why she suggest I buy the supplemental nursing system until my milk can come. But omg my baby is outsmarting this device, she takes shortcut by opening her mouth small enough only to take in the thin straws so most time she did not latch on fully.

Still no milk as of now, but beginning to feel like my breasts are heavier and fuller. Is this a sign that milk is coming? Need to pump also regularly in the middle of the nite? I'm so getting not enough sleep....
No no no no ... Im no LC... i merely just shared my own experience.... :)

Feel fuller means milk coming in? Maybe?
But i think you definitely have to keep pumping at nite to keep up supply... Pump 2-3hrly... Try to get some rest during the day too ...
No choice....
My friend told me that we will experience a drop in milk supply sometime along the way, but it will slowly pick up again. dont't give up, continue pumping and latching...
Dearall, I have not logged in recently . I also experienced drop in milk supply recently.hope it will come back soon


New Member
Sigh. At least you mummies can latch your babies on~ I've been unable to do so, bring baby to breast, at most she will lick it hahaha! So still pumping exclusively; occasionally I get a nice full bottle but most of the time it's not a lot - around 30-40ml combined. Very disappointing but still pushing on - just trying to get as much breastmilk to my girl as possible!

hi Nightingale..
my gal is the same..have latching prob..hiaz..always end up with sore nipples. thus been pumping out BM for her which works fine. Going to get the medela freestyle since i will be using it big time..

cant believe she is already coming to 3 weeks old. Been taking care of herself by myself and at times it sure can be so very very exhausting. to a point, i switched on the tv and fell asleep immediately..lol..
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hi Nightingale..
my gal is the same..have latching prob..sigh..always end up with sore nipples. thus been pumping out breast milk for her which works fine. Going to get the medela freestyle since i will be using it big time..

cant believe she is already coming to 3 weeks old. Been taking care of herself by myself and at times it sure can be so very very exhausting. to a point, i switched on the tv and fell asleep immediately..lol..
Hey dl28, thanks for sharing - it's wonderful that you are taking care of baby on your own, I do think it helps to promote bonding faster. For me and hubby, because we have a confinement lady to help, now we're still fumbling a bit especially when bathing her and settling her when she cries. This week starting to do more hands-on.

Not sure why but feel as if baby is more fussy recently - a bit difficult to put her to sleep, need to lie her on the side and pat her bottom. Are you all feeding baby at around 3 hour intervals?

Also, if you find that baby has a soiled nappy while she is asleep, do you wake her to change the diaper, or leave it til she wakes on her own? Feel so bad leaving a dirty diaper on her!


Seems like all our babies' patterns are slowly forming. My boy is feeding around 70-90ml every 2 hours, sometimes can go up to 100 over ml. I am very touched and motivated to see all the mummies here enduring on and never get discouraged with all the different difficulties faced. Jia you all mummies!

LittleWorm, ya I have attended Mrs Wong Boh Boi's talk before and she's the head of parentcraft centre right? Very difficult to book her appointment, I hope you have gained good tips from her :tlaugh:
Yea...it's really good to share...I feel I learn alot of things here not in textbook plus can check progress of our babies!

Yeah you are right...mrs wong is head of parentcraft. She's really good and experienced. I suggest all mummies to attend her talks when possible as she is very entertaining and you can certainly gain invaluable knowledge from her.

Also when she suggested I buy the supplemental nursing system, she told her staff must let me try before I buy it, not just explain verbally how to use it. Then later she showed me personally how to use it, and did not charge me for this service!! I appreciated it very much as it's so much easier to use when I try it out at home :Dancing_wub:


Sigh. At least you mummies can latch your babies on~ I've been unable to do so, bring baby to breast, at most she will lick it hahaha! So still pumping exclusively; occasionally I get a nice full bottle but most of the time it's not a lot - around 30-40ml combined. Very disappointing but still pushing on - just trying to get as much breastmilk to my girl as possible!

hi Nightingale..
my gal is the same..have latching prob..hiaz..always end up with sore nipples. thus been pumping out BM for her which works fine. Going to get the medela freestyle since i will be using it big time..

cant believe she is already coming to 3 weeks old. Been taking care of herself by myself and at times it sure can be so very very exhausting. to a point, i switched on the tv and fell asleep immediately..lol..
Hi dl28,

just to share on mrs wong's advice from Tmc parentcraft, I bought medela swing and she reprimanded me for buying so fast. She says should get Medela Pump-In-Style which is better than Swing and Freestyle as these 2 models can get sore nipples. Thought you might want to know this knowledge.
Hey dl28, thanks for sharing - it's wonderful that you are taking care of baby on your own, I do think it helps to promote bonding faster. For me and hubby, because we have a confinement lady to help, now we're still fumbling a bit especially when bathing her and settling her when she cries. This week starting to do more hands-on.

Not sure why but feel as if baby is more fussy recently - a bit difficult to put her to sleep, need to lie her on the side and pat her bottom. Are you all feeding baby at around 3 hour intervals?

Also, if you find that baby has a soiled nappy while she is asleep, do you wake her to change the diaper, or leave it til she wakes on her own? Feel so bad leaving a dirty diaper on her!
Nightingale, your baby very good can justie down n pat to sleep. Mine must carry a while then sleep. My daughter interval range from 2 to 2.5 hours for milk.
Oh when she is asleep n I notice soiled diaper I will change if not she will not sleep in peace keep moving around.

Seems like you are coping well and that is good news. I've ended my confinement now is trying to grasp my daughter's sleep n eat pattern. Haaa


Hi dl28,
just to share on mrs wong's advice from Thomson Medical Center parentcraft, I bought medela swing and she reprimanded me for buying so fast. She says should get Medela Pump-In-Style which is better than Swing and Freestyle as these 2 models can get sore nipples. Thought you might want to know this knowledge.
I'm using the Freestyle - 2-3 hourly pumping in the day so far so good. I think what's important is to control the suction power - adjust the strength to one that is comfortable for you. The lactation consultant I had at the hospital said that it is not the case that the stronger the suction, the better. So I think if we keep it comfortable (e.g. it shouldnt hurt when you pump) we should be able to avoid getting sore nipples - unless it is a design fault in the Medela Swing?

Nightingale, your baby very good can justie down n pat to sleep. Mine must carry a while then sleep. My daughter interval range from 2 to 2.5 hours for milk.
Oh when she is asleep n I notice soiled diaper I will change if not she will not sleep in peace keep moving around.

Seems like you are coping well and that is good news. I've ended my confinement now is trying to grasp my daughter's sleep n eat pattern. Haaa
Thanks LittleLady! Today I gave my baby her bath for the first time - not that bad haha! Except that after the bath, my baby was nice and sweet smelling but the mummy was drenched in perspiration lol! I think a mummy's instincts will somehow kick in to know what to do - anyway it's going to be a lot of trial and error along the way so we're gearing up for the roller coaster ride after the CL leaves!
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Hi, my baby's stool has always been yellow in color. But recently, one or two of his poo is green in color. I am not sure why. I search from the Internet and it says that it can be due to either over/under feeding or bug in the stomach. Could it be fright? He's been very unsettled through the night, refusing to sleep for many hours. Can tell that he's very tired cos he kept yawning, but his eyes were wide open. When he finally settled, he will suddenly let out a short high pitch shriek in less than 5 minutes.


Hi, my baby's stool has always been yellow in color. But recently, one or two of his poo is green in color. I am not sure why. I search from the Internet and it says that it can be due to either over/under feeding or bug in the stomach. Could it be fright? He's been very unsettled through the night, refusing to sleep for many hours. Can tell that he's very tired cos he kept yawning, but his eyes were wide open. When he finally settled, he will suddenly let out a short high pitch shriek in less than 5 minutes.
Old wife tale would said is Fright. But maybe you want to look out for colic sign. Usually it will occured in the same hour. During this period, the baby is very difficult to settle. At the mean time, you may want give colic medicine or apply Yu Yee Oil and go easy on yr feed.


Baby Gals
13 Aug - Mecolemummy aka Mecole with Princess Maegan
18 Aug - Raine aka YuRu with Princess Wen Xin
05 Sept- Littlelady with Princess Brenda
11 Sept - mommymin with Princess Shanice
14 Sept - Nightingale aka June with Princess Cheyenne
15 Sept - Mrs_EG with Princess_LG
19 Sept - Jaslyn aka jaslyn288 with Princess Jsabelle Lee
20 Sept - Christinawong with Princess Amber
24 Sept - .bee with Princess Delia

Baby Boys
10 Aug - Claralicious aka Clara with Tyrant Darien!
11 Sept - DELvy aka Junyi with Prince Zheng Yang
21 Sept - lovemk87 aka Siew Li with Prince Bryson


Hi mummies,

i having problem bathing my boy :nah: he keeps on crying when i put him down to the tub. how??? headache ah....the most he stays in the water is only about few seconds & he will starts to cry very loud. i don't know what's wrong :( just now i try again, when i took off his clothes & haven put him down to water he starts to cry again~~~ :embarrassed:

My baby keeps on spitting up milk!! he can spit up a lot....haiz.....he always very gan jiong when drinking milk....how to control him? do you people have the same problem???
i really don't know how to handle ah...how do i know if he is taking enough of milk??? headache, tired & stress!!!


Hi mummies,

i having problem bathing my boy :nah: he keeps on crying when i put him down to the tub. how??? headache ....the most he stays in the water is only about few seconds & he will starts to cry very loud. i dont't know what's wrong :( just now i try again, when i took off his clothes & have not put him down to water he starts to cry again~~~ :embarrassed:

My baby keeps on spitting up milk!! he can spit up a lot....sigh.....he always very gan jiong when drinking milk....how to control him? do you people have the same problem???
i really dont't know how to handle ...how do i know if he is taking enough of milk??? headache, tired & stress!!!
lovemk87, is your baby hungry when you are bathing him? Cos my boy will scream if we bathe him when he's hungry. But we also cannot bathe him right after he's had his feed. So usually, we let him rest for half an hour after his feed before we bathe him and get a bottle of milk ready by the side. Try talking and coaxing your baby, get the environment a conducive as possible.

As for regurgitating out the milk, do u burp your baby a few times in between 1 feed? My boy will also spit out his milk if he finishes 1 feed at a go, so we usually stop him a few times to make sure he burps before continuing. If your baby drinks, for eg 60ml and starts crying for more in less than 2 hours, then you can try increasing his volume to 70ml etc.


lovemk87, is your baby hungry when you are bathing him? Cos my boy will scream if we bathe him when he's hungry. But we also cannot bathe him right after he's had his feed. So usually, we let him rest for half an hour after his feed before we bathe him and get a bottle of milk ready by the side. Try talking and coaxing your baby, get the environment a conducive as possible.

As for regurgitating out the milk, do you burp your baby a few times in between 1 feed? My boy will also spit out his milk if he finishes 1 feed at a go, so we usually stop him a few times to make sure he burps before continuing. If your baby drinks, for eg 60ml and starts crying for more in less than 2 hours, then you can try increasing his volume to 70ml etc.

i cant bathe him after his feed cos he will sure fall asleep whenever i fed him....:nah: really headache!!! even if i want to bathe him in the morning at 9am also very difficult cos he sleeps like a log after feeding him. btw, what time do you bathe your baby?

i gt burp him but he just don't like the way i burping him...he will cry or he will keep turning his head... lols...or is it i don't know how to do or uncomfortable. i asked my mother-in-law to help but she just don't want to show it to me. haiz.....i really hate her!


hi mummies, how many times is needed to sterilise milk bottle in a day?
i keep sterilising the bottles after every feed/usage...



hi mummies, how many times is needed to sterilise milk bottle in a day?
i keep sterilising the bottles after every feed/usage...
Yes you're doing it right~ milk bottles should be sterilised after each use, and kept inside the steriliser until the next use if possible. :)

As for bathing baby, don't worry about baby fussing - he will feel better when mummy gets more practice and can handle him with greater confidence. If you're nervous and uncertain, baby can feel your anxiety too! So hold him firmly, talk or sing to him, and bath time should become more fun for both of you soon!


New Member
Hey dl28, thanks for sharing - it's wonderful that you are taking care of baby on your own, I do think it helps to promote bonding faster. For me and hubby, because we have a confinement lady to help, now we're still fumbling a bit especially when bathing her and settling her when she cries. This week starting to do more hands-on.
she has her daddy twisted around her little finger..:err:
for me she cries for her feeds, if not the wind probs in her tummy. now it is much better thanks to the massage lady and the massge oil for baby.
bathing wise, we got a routine to do and follow to which she would sleep soundly and not even wake up for her feed.. :) and tat time mummy gets sleep too but will get up to feed her even if she does not cry..

Not sure why but feel as if baby is more fussy recently - a bit difficult to put her to sleep, need to lie her on the side and pat her bottom. Are you all feeding baby at around 3 hour intervals?

Feeding..that is a saga...she has a mind of her own. usually she will have her feed every 2 hr and at times it goes according to her dictation..lol..

also she has wind probs, so my massage lady thought me today how to help her ease it and gosh..the little lady set of farting and then there was a little contented smile..hahaha..

Also, if you find that baby has a soiled nappy while she is asleep, do you wake her to change the diaper, or leave it til she wakes on her own? Feel so bad leaving a dirty diaper on her!
sometime she only soils it a little so i leave till next feed. but if she is prone to rashes, then the change will be abit more frequent.


New Member
Baby Gals
13 Aug - Mecolemummy aka Mecole with Princess Maegan
18 Aug - Raine aka YuRu with Princess Wen Xin
05 Sept- Littlelady with Princess Brenda
11 Sept - mommymin with Princess Shanice
14 Sept - Nightingale aka June with Princess Cheyenne
15 Sept - Mrs_EG with Princess_LG
19 Sept - Jaslyn aka jaslyn288 with Princess Jsabelle Lee
20 Sept - Christinawong with Princess Amber
24 Sept - .bee with Princess Delia
29 Sept - MummyK aka Kallise with Princess Kernise

Baby Boys
10 Aug - Claralicious aka Clara with Tyrant Darien!
11 Sept - DELvy aka Junyi with Prince Zheng Yang
21 Sept - lovemk87 aka Siew Li with Prince Bryson


New Member
Hello Mummies,
It has been a long long time since my last log in..

Would like to share my story on the arrival of my Princess.
Have admitted on 29Sept 8am after bloody show the previous day, gynea broke my waterbag at about 9+am (Unforgettable pain on the process!!!) and followed by drip to speed up contraction. Went for epidural at about 11am and was fully dilated by 3pm and before 4pm, we welcome our bundle of joy to the world.. =)

Was so fully occupied and dont have any spare time to tounch on my laptop until today. My dear girl rely on my breast so much that she doesnt want bottle.. She latch on every 2-3 hr and sometimes every hourly.. Is that normal? Everytime she wakes up, she'll cry and got so much wind into her tummy.. then she reject latching further.. All these got me so depressed for the past few days.. I feel myself like a milk machine and a zombie to be.. Haa, but I guess that is what we call the 'Mother love'.. Looking at her sleeping soundly wipes away everything else..
Its very heartwarmed to see Mummies here are facing all the same problems but are not giving up. Let's continue to work hard and enjoy the process with the little angel in our arms... Hugz.