EDD Sep 2010


Littlelady n nightingale...

Am glad to hear that our babies have similar "sleeping pattern"...

This "Baby coax to sleep, put down 5 mins cry again... " this has been going on for the past few for me... I really wonder after confinment, when i hav to take care of her alone, cook my own meals, tidy the house... I wonder how can i cope...
Cant be making it a habit to keep carrying her around right?!?!
Maybe you can try carrying her around in a baby carrier or sling - can take some weight off but may be a bit warm at home.

Most of the time we put baby in her cot... Smtimes on the stroller... Sometimes on the floor with mattress... Basically depends which part of the house is cooler or windier...

My dad has been trying to convince me to use yao lan... Aka sarong... He say baby more likely to fall asleep faster.... Well im still considering... Cos read that it is not good for the spine....
I think our generation many of us grew up in sarongs - at least I did - so far so good lah. Some people say babies who sleep in sarongs have nice rounded head shapes compared to those who sleep on mattresses. There's always something good and bad about everything haha! I'm more concerned about her getting used to the sarong - then if I stay over at my mum's I'll need to buy one and put it there too... =.= And the 2 cots we have will be underutilised!

Btw... Does any babies reguritate milk often??? Mine 60% of the time will... Not sure if it is normal....... And not that i did not burp... After a huge sounding burp also can spit milk out....
Yeah mine also regurgitates milk - 50% of the time it's just some trickling of milk, but she did a 'Merlion' twice so far (i.e. big mouthful of milk all over the place). Should be quite normal in the initlal weeks I think?


New Member

Been too long since I down in... really glad to see all mommies doing well, coping with difficulties and staying strong!

My princess is 4.055kg now (8weeks old)! She's still facing feeding problem tot... her reflux is my biggest headach... she spit-up on every feed. :( PD say it will improve by age... but it kiils me seeing her throw up all the time. i'm giving her BM and Enfalac AR... she latch on most of the time, maybe every other hour and if i'm tired, i will feed her formula. how much are u ladies feeding?

oh, my princess is a crying machine too! hahaha... she cries for everything... hungry cry, finished drinking cry, wake up cry, wanna sleep cry, fart cry, wanna bao bao cry... only pompom she's all relax kicking water. she love to sleep on the chest... if i try to put her down, the cry alarm will go off! but when night time she's fine with the bed. who say baby dun know anything??? they know who to bully and at wat time too!!! hahaha... i call her my devil angel ^^
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Maybe you can try carrying her around in a baby carrier or sling - can take some weight off but may be a bit warm at home.

I think our generation many of us grew up in sarongs - at least I did - so far so good . Some people say babies who sleep in sarongs have nice rounded head shapes compared to those who sleep on mattresses. There's always something good and bad about everything haha! I'm more concerned about her getting used to the sarong - then if I stay over at my mum's I'll need to buy one and put it there too... =.= And the 2 cots we have will be underutilised!

Yeah mine also regurgitates milk - 50% of the time it's just some trickling of milk, but she did a 'Merlion' twice so far (i.e. big mouthful of milk all over the place). Should be quite normal in the initlal weeks I think?
Hi mummies,
My baby also spilt out milk but has improved after we change the teat for him. The philips one always stuck hence he suck in a lot of wind. The medela one that comes with the pump always leak milk so we get the nuk one which fits nicely. As my baby was feeling unwell which we felt it when he keep crying. So we brought him to doc. The doc can only conclude is colic. I also ask the doc if it iscnormal for baby to vomit milk . She ask me whether he feels ok after vomiting etc . Cos she say some might be related to some acidic reflex etc or digestive problem. Think we just notice when the baby vomit or what kind of milk they vomit and see doc to play safe. But I see my baby improving so I nv ask much.
But many old people say is normal. As long as baby is drinking regularly should be fine.

My baby also get hot very fast and cry whenever he feels the heat do very hard to get him to sleep for long.

His feeding pattern now very weird. Drank less than 40ml and dozed to sleep but wake up less than 2 hours for another feed. I scare I not enough time to pump for him and wasted my milk during every feed :(


happyqueen; said:
His feeding pattern now very weird. Drank less than 40ml and dozed to sleep but wake up less than 2 hours for another feed. I scare I not enough time to pump for him and wasted my milk during every feed :(
I am facing the same problem. My boy cannot finish his milk during 1 feed, then starts crying for more in less than 2 hours. Sigh. Very difficult to fix his feeding routine.


Did you mummies try squeezing your breast during pumping? Sometimes when it seems that the milk has run out, I will try squeezing the breast (especially from the bottom), I will get significantly more milk out.


I am facing the same problem. My boy cannot finish his milk during 1 feed, then starts crying for more in less than 2 hours. Sigh. Very difficult to fix his feeding routine.
me too facing the same problem :err:
sometime he can finish the milk at a time but most of the time he drank around 30ml and dozed to sleep liao...so difficult to wake him up~

my boy now usually wake up at 3.45am cry for milk. he will stay awake till 5.30am then sleep..headache.....next cry will be 7+am :nah:
Did you mummies try squeezing your breast during pumping? Sometimes when it seems that the milk has run out, I will try squeezing the breast (especially from the bottom), I will get significantly more milk out.
Yes yes I did that too! I try to rub all directions of my breast towards the center and squeeze here and there to make sure I got every drop of the milk.


hi mummies,
how do you clean your baby's nose? i have tried using the bulb syringe but it doesn't seems working and my baby end up have a big cry!!! what about trimming the nails? what type/brand of nail cutter you all using?


New Member
dear mommies, thanks for all the encouragement, i am still trying my best to cope with baby alone. jiayou all super mommies!

anyway, sad to say i have given up on breastfeeding. baby too impatient to latch on and suckle, having problems pumping too, so i had to stick to formula milk. guess it helps to keep me more sane, rather than having to worry about breastfeeding issues all the time. salute all who are persevering with breastfeeding :) oh and i bought a tollyjoy manual breast pump and breastmilk storage bags (1 box i.e. 25 pcs) from tom & stefanie, will not get to use them so thinking of giving them away, do let me know if any mommies don't mind, i will mail it to you. i have sterilised the pump set and tried using it once but no milk expressed at all, whereas the storage bags are brand new and unsealed. too sayang to throw away, though they don't cost much.

also i have a question - any mommies experiencing growth spurts? my girl just hit the 2-week mark today. last few days she's been drinking 600+ ml of milk per day, but today she's been crying every 2 hours (or less!) for milk, and as of 10pm she has taken a total of 900ml today! i'm not sure if she's taking too much for a 2-week old...

sigh, drink too much stress, drink too little also stress! my goodness...
also i have a question - any mommies experiencing growth spurts? my girl just hit the 2-week mark today. last few days she's been drinking 600+ ml of milk per day, but today she's been crying every 2 hours (or less!) for milk, and as of 10pm she has taken a total of 900ml today! i'm not sure if she's taking too much for a 2-week old...

sigh, drink too much stress, drink too little also stress! my goodness...
i guess as long as anything that keep you sane go ahead, it will be make you less stressful.
my daughter too drank a lot of milk. so much so that i am not sure if i am over-feeding her. she wants to drink so much but in the end will throw out some. if what you mention is right, then i guess just feed them when they need.
hi mummies,
how do you clean your baby's nose? i have tried using the bulb syringe but it doesn't seems working and my baby end up have a big cry!!! what about trimming the nails? what type/brand of nail cutter you all using?
i use a cotton bud to dig the pee sai from her nose. i bought a nail cutter for baby to cut my daughter's nails.
about vaccination. i was given an appt date to see a pediatrician and also for her jabs. but now i wish to go to polyclinic to get the jabs done.
do i have to keep the pediatrician appt still?
no you do not need to keep to the pediatrician's appt. it's your choice.
Littlelady n nightingale...

Am glad to hear that our babies have similar "sleeping pattern"...

This "Baby coax to sleep, put down 5 mins cry again... " this has been going on for the past few for me... I really wonder after confinment, when i hav to take care of her alone, cook my own meals, tidy the house... I wonder how can i cope...
Cant be making it a habit to keep carrying her around right?!?!

Most of the time we put baby in her cot... Smtimes on the stroller... Sometimes on the floor with mattress... Basically depends which part of the house is cooler or windier...

My dad has been trying to convince me to use yao lan... Aka sarong... He say baby more likely to fall asleep faster.... Well im still considering... Cos read that it is not good for the spine....

Decisions... Decisions....

Btw... Does any babies reguritate milk often??? Mine 60% of the time will... Not sure if it is normal....... And not that i did not burp... After a huge sounding burp also can spit milk out....
my baby regurotate milk too, esp so when she over-eats. yes, mine also after burp also spit out milk.
when i had my elder son, people also ask me to get the yao lang but I refuse coz I am afraid that if it does not work on my son then it will be a white elephant. hahah. Elderly usually will advise us to get yao lan. I am contemplating on putting my girl to bed and letting her to cry to sleep...what do you all think? If not keep carrying also wont solve the problem right...


Nightingale, thank you for your advise. Sorry been busy for the past few days. My husband is away so am alone handling my elder son and daughter...So tired. My friend lend me her motor for mini electric, I got the parts but felt that my maual pump works more efficiently than the mini electric...haha....like back to square one. How are things for you? My girl only sleep in air con at night not in the day.
Hey LittleLady, today I tried my friend's Mini Electric and hey, I seem to get more milk from it than from my Freestyle! I think the shape of the funnel and the pumping motion sucks out more milk, not sure why. But it sure is very noisy! Then again I'm not sure if the increase in milk supply is also due to the other things I'm doing - like drinking 3 litres of fluids each day, fenugreek, gynae's prescription - will continue with the Mini Electric for a while and maybe switch back to my Freestyle and see if the supply maintains. Or maybe I should borrow a manual pump and try it too - could be that different breast shapes have a different fit with the different pump models. Aiya - whatever works!! Just hoping to see continued improvement!

i use a cotton bud to dig the pee sai from her nose. i bought a nail cutter for baby to cut my daughter's nails.
lovemk87: I also use cotton buds. You can get the skinny types from Daiso - they are thinner so can fit into baby's nostrils easier. But don't stick it too far into the nose, and don't do it when baby is awake and kicking all around! Best to try when baby is asleep.
I have a baby nail cutter too (Safety First) but havent used it yet. Confinement lady said to trim baby's nails when she is full month? So my little girl has been wearing mittens since we brought her back from the hospital.
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Nightingale, you very funny!You can try manual pump, like I said my manual is better than the mini. Wow, you really drink a lot of water!! You know when my daughter 1 month I cut her nail n accidently cut her flesh, she screamed so hard. So mummies pls be careful when you cut their nails. Sigh


New Member
Hey mummies,
When I mixed formula n breastmilk for my daughter her poo seems less frequent than full breastmilk .... Is it normal?
it's normal... formula gives lesser poo. i'm giving both too... as they grow older the lesser the diaper change... i only have 1 soil diaper per day now but make sure u still have 6-8 wet diaper.

shall we plan for a meet up soon? really like to meet u all...


Thats what I use to clear mucus from baby nose: Sterimar Nasal Spray. It help to maintain nasal hygiene

As for nail clipper, can try Pigeon brand. It have this safety feature to prevent use to cut onto the flesh. With it design, it is also easier to mummy to use.

I used to give Yao Lan to my No.1. One of disadvantage was " Cant Leave Home Without It!" I remembered we used to rush back home to catch her nap time. It make the outing very rush indeed. Cant really goes anywhere, cos my gal was very dependence on the Yao Lan to get her sleep.


Active Member
Thank u all ladies....
So far seem that everyone having similar experience

Regurgitate milk once in a while - normal
Sleep for a while - normal?
Hungry in approx every 2 hrs - normal

I wonder when they can start napping (sleep) longer?
At least easier to manage our time (i think), better to go out shopping with too!!!

Mecolemummy, urs 8weeks already... The more "advanced" among us all... Hows ur baby's sleeping and feeding pattern like??? Still feeding at close intervals?

And also... For mums who feed both formula n breastmilk, isit true that after feeding formula baby can "sustain" hunger longer and can sleep longer?

@.bee: i think growth spurts are normal... I think i did experience once a few days ago...

Btw, i was told to start trimming nails only until baby is one mth old... In the meantime i use mittens... :)
And gosh use cotton bud for nose cleaning??? Not dangerous??? Use cotton wool n twist it into thin strip safer right?? Think the nasal spray sounds even more easier :)
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Nightingale, you very funny!You can try manual pump, like I said my manual is better than the mini. Wow, you really drink a lot of water!! You know when my daughter 1 month I cut her nail n accidently cut her flesh, she screamed so hard. So mummies pls be careful when you cut their nails. Sigh
Manual pump sounds quite tiring - now that I am using the mini pump, I can massage my breast while pumping at the same time - was not able to do so with the Freestyle doublepump. Already I am finding this tiring~ manual pump will be even more siong right? How long do you pump at each breast with your manual?

My confinement lady said for first month, can use a needle to pull off the nail~ sounds so scary! I think I will try and trim with baby nail cutter when she's asleep or something.

Are you all cutting / shaving your baby's hair for full month?

Mecole: would love to meet up but still feeling quite clumsy with bringing baby out~ haven't tried it yet haha! You had a month's headstart with baby Maegan leh! I think another week or two - need to develop some confidence handling baby on my own before I can feel safe about bringing the little one to go gai gai. Hee hee!