EDD Sep 2010


My parents in law should be taking care of baby. I guess can try breastfeeding baby to sleep usulally they like to latch on and suck to sleep. And try to play with them more in theday so they gettired at night. There is a newspaper articles saying we just breastfeed the baby once they cry ot make a fuss for first 6 months when they are still unstablebut I scare it will become an habit to them.
my parents in law like so scare of taking care of baby. When i say i want to go out buy things for awhile, they will give me that kind of scary look :err: and ask me to come back home asap. i don't know why can't they help me to look after awhile??
Even when i am having my meal, they also ask me to eat faster if not baby cry/wake up!!!! sian.....don't know what to do!! maybe i should find a half day nanny.


Hi all
My massage lady ask me to use nivea whitening for underarm and lotion for the dark patches.
Will try after my confinement ends this fri.

Regarding the full month caterer, I be using four seasons cos they have the full month menu which I have signed up during mother fair. I have been using them for my wedding and housewarming so I'm still sticking to them. My baby full month is this sat and will give review on the food after that. This means my confinement gg to end soon!

Did anyone use friso gold for formula? My boy just drank and vomitted out cos this is his first time drinking this mil
Look forward to your review after ur full mth celebration this sat  I still can't decide btw Neo garden & Four Season...though very likely may go for Neo. Initially considered Four Seasons coz it's halal certified but now our Malay colleague not comin liao...

Was also using friso gold but later find seems too heaty for my lil one as she developed heat rashes all over her neck, also stool is quite hard and she seems constipated so we decided to change to NAN upon CL's recommendation n now stool not hard anymore n heat rashes also disappeared. I like tat Nan is also not so sweet so she can still easily accept my breastmilk since my milk supply is little n therefore hv to be given to her together with FM.

You shd monitor...if ur lil one still not able to adapt to friso, mayb u can try changing brands. No need to stir n don't shake hard as may introduce too much air bubbles. Just twirl the bottle gently...the formula dissolves easily into the water 


Wow..disappear? Dfficult. But it will ligten (siler line) as time goes. So cant really see. One thing for sure, we must do lot of tummy firming exercise, if not it will be very loose.
Suggest to put a tummy binder for at least 1 month too so it can help firm up the muscles there 


Wow..disappear? Dfficult. But it will ligten (siler line) as time goes. So cant really see. One thing for sure, we must do lot of tummy firming exercise, if not it will be very loose.
Suggest to put a tummy binder for at least 1 month too so it can help firm up the muscles there 

Have been using since massage starts n can really see the difference. But must still continue to use even after massage ends...


Sorry missed your questions earlier - I had my 1st month celebration on Sunday and we ordered from Welcome to Manna Pot Catering. First time trying this caterer - food was not too bad, quantity was just right with some leftovers - we ordered for 60 pax for around 60 people (includes kids) - $10 per pax. Service is not bad, set up buffet table looks pretty. Let me know if you're ordering from this, I can give you feedback on some of the items on the menu. We ordered for 2 batches (30pax for first session at 11am, 30pax for second session at 1pm), they delivered twice.

Have tried Neo Garden before, I like the food and quantity, not too bad also. I think quite value for money since they're quite an established company.

I heard that normally if you invite guests to buffet, there is no need to distribute cakes to them (e.g. I didn't invite my work colleagues but I will be distributing cakes in return for their gifts.) But we also ordered for our 长辈 relatives which we distributed during the party. We ordered gift boxes from Sweetest Moments ~ Celebrating your Sweetest Moments with us... - love their personalised babycard and boxes and the presentation looks good. In addition, we made a tray of our own red eggs for all guests. Some people might also wish to order a tray of glutinous rice and ang ku kueh - these three items are the traditional full month must-haves according to my mum.

Hi Nightingale, how are you coping after your CL left? I'm sure u are doing fine as u are so hands-on!! Me just only at the side watching n haven't really attempted hands-on yet...no good no good...anyway I worry i can't cope on my own in the 2nd month so I extended my CL for another 2 more weeks. This auntie is really good n I learned many things from her, n even pro-breastfeeding which is what I really like 

Hey thks for your review on ur caterer n other information...wow $10 per pax is really value for $$. Still discussing with hubby n will get more info from u shd we decide to use this caterer.
Two other important 'ingredients': ample rest and drink lots of fluids! I find that when I dont't have enough rest or sleep, my milk supply gets affected; similarly, if I dont't drink enough, there is also very little milk. My GP friend (and mother of 5 kids!) tells me to drink at least 3 litres of fluids per day, which includes all the red date tea, soups etc. Just drink anything, whenever you can! Input = output!

Hahhaa LittleLady you are so funny! Aiya I also have hairs on my tummy but not like a kiwi.. more like individual hairs haha. Goodness this is so unglam hahahah~! Sorry I'm feeling very high today - it's my last day of confinement! Am a bit fearful of doing night duty for the first time tonight on our own... keeping fingers crossed. My girl appears to be a nocturnal tigress - has been staying awake from midnight to 3am crying! Wish us luck! *prays*

thank you for your advise. guess you r right, i did not have enough rest these few days. ok, i will drink gallons of liquids. haha.
hey, so how are you coping with baby alone? just came back from pedi, daughter has cradle cap and milk spots, her face n skin very bad. i am so sad, i hope she gets well soon. sigh.:wong19:
LittleLady, my baby's next jab in nov too!! Will you be going back to your pediatrician for the jab or you will be going to polyclinics or private clinics to do the jab?? Taking the 5-in-1 or 6-in-1 jab?? My pediatrician mentioned 6-in-1 will have lesser jabs but may cause fever so in a dilemma which jab to take.
Sorry littleworm for replying late.
i will be going to my pediatrician for the jab. we took 6-in-1 coz my son took that too, so we do so for our daughter. the fever depends on individual, my son fever for 1 day then ok. i just went to my pedi to check my daughter coz she has bad cradle cap and milk spots...i very worried coz it looks real bad. sigh
Yes, its upstair the hawker centre. Heehee .... i dont stay in that area, me stay near parkway parade. i always go there to shop for my toiletries supply for 6 mths, at the same time shop for my kids toiletries too. Really cheap and long term run can save alot.
yah yah, i always go there stock up all my toiletries. my husband say i buy as if i stocking up for war. hehe. before i deliver, i went to buy soooooo many things that the boys there must help me carry to my car. hahaha coz i was heavily pregnant then.


yah yah, i always go there stock up all my toiletries. my husband say i buy as if i stocking up for war. hehe. before i deliver, i went to buy soooooo many things that the boys there must help me carry to my car. hahaha coz i was heavily pregnant then.
which shop u girls talkin abt?


Active Member
yah yah, i always go there stock up all my toiletries. my husband say i buy as if i stocking up for war. hehe. before i deliver, i went to buy soooooo many things that the boys there must help me carry to my car. hahaha coz i was heavily pregnant then.
hahaha .... i get what u mean, I even get myself a marketing trolley just to shop there (just pull/push the trolley). My previous trip the trolley and my bag was overload with toiletries. When reached home, got a hard time carried the stuffs to the hse coz the staircase is very long (20 steps of stairs).


Active Member
Hi mummies,
Who will be taking care of your baby when you go back to work?
What if baby cry and refuse to sleep in midnight and still need to wake up early for work, tiring :nah:

I experienced when my baby is 15mths old, she like to wake up in the midnight to play and the next day still gotta go work.

If they cry and refuse could be the following things:-

1. hungry
2. poo poo wanna change
3. colic make the stomach feel uncomfortable
4. got a shock/fright
5. want ppl to carry (alot of CL like to do craddle them to sleep)


thank you mrs_eg,
i ate liver the past 2 days..NO WONDER!!!!!!!!!!!!!Arrgh..
today i did not eat liver and milk supply still low..sigh.
Whatever we do to boost the milk supply, we need at least two days to see the effect. So maybe by Saturday, you will have your milk flowing like waterfall :). Just drink up for the time being.


Suggest to put a tummy binder for at least 1 month too so it can help firm up the muscles there 

Have been using since massage starts n can really see the difference. But must still continue to use even after massage ends...

Ya the binder. I had throw mine into the drawer. Must take out. Thank you for reminding.


Wow, everyone's confinement are almost ending when mine just started. it is really a torture, wonder how you all tahan. the weather is so hot and i refuse to wear pants.

the confinement and breastfeeding is stressful, really feel like giving up.

does ur baby vomit milk after each bf? mine does and i cannnot seem to be able to burp him. any tricks from the mummy? how abt hiccups? does ur baby hiccups? what to do?


does your baby laugh in his/her sleep ?

my baby always laugh in the midnight when he is sleeping....some more got sound one, quite scary. he will only smile when his eyes are shut :(
no matter how i play or make fun with him when he is awake he just won't smile...it is so difficult for me to capture his smile with his eyes open using the camera!!!

my baby boy do a lot of stretching, is it normal???


which shop u girls talkin abt?
There are quite a number of shops selling toiletries upstairs that hawker centre. I always visit this shop to stock up on toiletries, much cheaper than retail rates.

Phone Number: 65353604
32 New Market Road
#03-1058 Peoples Park Food Centre S050032
Location: Chinatown
Category: Cosmetics & Toiletries


Active Member
Wow, everyone's confinement are almost ending when mine just started. it is really a torture, wonder how you all tahan. the weather is so hot and i refuse to wear pants.

the confinement and breastfeeding is stressful, really feel like giving up.

does your baby vomit milk after each bf? mine does and i cannnot seem to be able to burp him. any tricks from the mummy? how about hiccups? does your baby hiccups? what to do?
hey.... totally understand ur plight... no one says confinement and breastfeeding is easy... we have all been thru our fair share of obstacles along the way... now it is better for u because at least u have a little more number of people with a little more experience to consult if u have any queries... so dun give up!!! by the time u finish ur confinment, u are ahead of those who gave birth in nov and probably jus started their confinment

ya mine does regurgitates milk... pretty often... and she really can spit very far!!! ask paediatrician abt it she says it is ok... 0-3mth old baby dun have very mature gastric... tats why like tat... she prescribed motilium for her and it does helps abit... I sometimes burp her until the cow comes home she still doesnt burp... but I like the over the shoulder carry kind of burping method... :) as for hiccups... there really isnt much u can do about it... they are exercising their lungs and diaphrams... so u jus have to let it stop by itself...

p.s.: u posted some questions in another thread regarding breastfeeding right? I've answered them... hope it helps...


Sorry littleworm for replying late.
i will be going to my pediatrician for the jab. we took 6-in-1 coz my son took that too, so we do so for our daughter. the fever depends on individual, my son fever for 1 day then ok. i just went to my pedi to check my daughter coz she has bad cradle cap and milk spots...i very worried coz it looks real bad. sigh
dont't worry LittleLady...your lil one will be fine! I'm sure your pedi prescribed medication so she should be well in no time.

Meanwhile I saw a blog that highly recommended Mustela Stelaker which is a treatment for cradle cap. Review on using this products by different users seems good n effective in short period of time. If your pedi's medicine not seeing desired results, perhaps you can consider trying this brand which is tested under dermatological control n in pediatrician's offices.

Here's link to the blog:
Mustela Stelaker, For Cradle Cap, Fragrance Free | Singapore Online Blog Shops Shopping Directory


Active Member
does your baby laugh in his/her sleep ?

my baby always laugh in the midnight when he is sleeping....some more got sound one, quite scary. he will only smile when his eyes are shut :(
no matter how i play or make fun with him when he is awake he just won't smile...it is so difficult for me to capture his smile with his eyes open using the camera!!!

my baby boy do a lot of stretching, is it normal???
hahaha i guess they are all normal ... I have all of the above experience too... :)

but my baby is starting to gain some awareness... and she did smiled once when we sang her a song to tease her... not sure if it is a genuine response of jus another reflex... but it sure was exhilarating! :)