Caesarean Section (C-Sect) - Welcome all Advices & Sharing!


New Member
Hello Everyone,

Was hoping to hear some of your personal experiences going through C-Sect...
:) Please if you could share your story, and perhaps shed some light on the following too?

- How was it like to have C-Sect?
- General or regional anaesthesia (esp. for twin delivery)?
- How long does the wound take to heal?
- Breastfeeding after C-sect?

I have had 2 natural births in the past but it seems like my upcoming labour would possibly be C-sect. :07: The last scan showed my twins in breeched positions (heads up and lying X across my belly). Am currently in my 31st week.

Feeling very nervy and unsettled... :we2unsure: Sigh!


Well-Known Member
Hello Everyone,

Was hoping to hear some of your personal experiences going through C-Sect...
:) Please if you could share your story, and perhaps shed some light on the following too?

- How was it like to have C-Sect?
- General or regional anaesthesia (esp. for twin delivery)?
- How long does the wound take to heal?
- Breastfeeding after C-sect?

I have had 2 natural births in the past but it seems like my upcoming labour would possibly be C-sect. :07: The last scan showed my twins in breeched positions (heads up and lying X across my belly). Am currently in my 31st week.

Feeling very nervy and unsettled... :we2unsure: Sigh!
my experience with C sect is

1) it is over before i know itv:tlaugh:
2) mine is GA cos i dun want to suffer the side effect of Epi
3) i am still in the healing process but for me i can get out of bed the next day and been walking around since that day and no issue and by 2nd week the wound is 90% heal and stitches are removed
4) i BF on the 2nd day but some hearsay bf that very day...guess it depend on whether it is GA or Epi . my op is in the evening so by the time i am sober also quite "late" so i only start BF on day 2


Active Member
my experience with c-sect;

-ya, same as 1mummy here, it was over b4 i knew it.
-mine was c-sect with Epi, so i can see my son the moment gyne took him out. but i was shivering in-btw the c-sect.
-wound outside takes 2weeks to heal. but wound inside will take abt 6mths to fully heal. i drank fish essence after delivery to heal my c-sect wound. my stitches were removed 1week later.
-my breastmilk only came in on 3rd day after i delivered.
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New Member
Hello Everyone,

Was hoping to hear some of your personal experiences going through C-Sect...
:) Please if you could share your story, and perhaps shed some light on the following too?

- How was it like to have C-Sect?
- General or regional anaesthesia (esp. for twin delivery)?
- How long does the wound take to heal?
- Breastfeeding after C-sect?

I have had 2 natural births in the past but it seems like my upcoming labour would possibly be C-sect. :07: The last scan showed my twins in breeched positions (heads up and lying X across my belly). Am currently in my 31st week.

Feeling very nervy and unsettled... :we2unsure: Sigh!

hi faye,

i jus have my boy in sep 2010.
-c-sect very fast, i think take less than 10 mins.
-i hav regional anaesthesia, but i feel very pain when inject the epi, and after the epi take effect, i start feel drowny, when the mid wife bring the bb for me to take alook, i cant really focus. after that start vomit on the operation bed and even back to ward,i had vomit for the first whole day. i think that is my side effect on epi. as 1 yr before i had op to remove cyst, that is general anaethesia, i vomit seriously too after that.i keep shivering and feel very cold after that and my blood pressure had drop till very low,the nurse hav to give me warm air to keep my body warm.
-the second day after my vomit stop, i can go down the bed and walk ard, u hav too as if u scare then will be more painful.after 2 wks i hav remove my stictches, gynae say it's nicely heal. but the healing is only outside, inside still need take lots of time to heal. and on and off i will feel itchy and sometime feel a little pain.
-the nurse in hospital will encourage mother to breastfeeding straight after that, but the milk will not come so early. only the 3 or 4 days. but hav to let the bb get use first.


New Member
PTB7476 / pkshl / carollai

Thank you very much for your sharing... Appreicated! :smile:

Epidural sounds very frightening!
Now I'm having doubts to want to stay awake to witness the birth of my twins...
I hate the throwing up part - years ago, i had a terrible viral infection and threw up until my throat lining was badly injured and sore. Couldn't drink anything, much less eat.

So if throwing up is a confirmed side effect of epidural, i'd rather be completely knocked out. Then again, i really hope to see them firsthand...
Sigh! so confused... :bbconfused:

In any case, do you know if my husband could be in the OT (operating theatre) if I chose to have GA?

Sigh... I'm also concerned about the higher expenses related to C-Sect. In fact i think i worry too much just because i'm having twins... i dont't know how i would manage breastfeeding with twins after C-Sect, or looking after them.

Guess what i dont't know worries me loads! haha... :bembarrassed:
I'm already a mother of 2 but first-time mum to twins so can't help getting anxious by the day.

Praying hard the twins will turn heads down in the next couple of weeks.


Active Member
husband cannot be with u if u opt for GA but he can be with u if u opt for epi. my hubby was with me cos i chose epi. he saw how i shivered & so worried! btw i did not throw up after that. juz felt very tired & i slept from 5+pm to nxt morning.(my c-sect was at 1pm)


Well-Known Member
PTB7476 / pkshl / carollai

Thank you very much for your sharing... Appreicated! :smile:

Epidural sounds very frightening!
Now I'm having doubts to want to stay awake to witness the birth of my twins...
I hate the throwing up part - years ago, i had a terrible viral infection and threw up until my throat lining was badly injured and sore. Couldn't drink anything, much less eat.

So if throwing up is a confirmed side effect of epidural, i'd rather be completely knocked out. Then again, i really hope to see them firsthand...
Sigh! so confused... :bbconfused:

In any case, do you know if my husband could be in the OT (operating theatre) if I chose to have GA?

Sigh... I'm also concerned about the higher expenses related to C-Sect. In fact i think i worry too much just because i'm having twins... i dont't know how i would manage breastfeeding with twins after C-Sect, or looking after them.

Guess what i dont't know worries me loads! haha... :bembarrassed:
I'm already a mother of 2 but first-time mum to twins so can't help getting anxious by the day.

Praying hard the twins will turn heads down in the next couple of weeks.
i too hate the vomit feeling that is why i opt for GA

if you choose GA your hubby cannot be in the OT

as for Cost, i would say they are slight more exp than Natural. but for your case it is twins so i am not sure any diff from single child birth and whether you still can BF them cos that is really up to individual as you can see other can only do so on 3 or 4 th day but for me it is 2nd day and i feel ok and no diff from any other day


New Member
PTB7476 / pkshl / carollai

Thank you very much for your sharing... Appreicated! :smile:

Epidural sounds very frightening!
Now I'm having doubts to want to stay awake to witness the birth of my twins...
I hate the throwing up part - years ago, i had a terrible viral infection and threw up until my throat lining was badly injured and sore. Couldn't drink anything, much less eat.

So if throwing up is a confirmed side effect of epidural, i'd rather be completely knocked out. Then again, i really hope to see them firsthand...
Sigh! so confused... :bbconfused:

In any case, do you know if my husband could be in the OT (operating theatre) if I chose to have GA?

Sigh... I'm also concerned about the higher expenses related to C-Sect. In fact i think i worry too much just because i'm having twins... i dont't know how i would manage breastfeeding with twins after C-Sect, or looking after them.

Guess what i dont't know worries me loads! haha... :bembarrassed:
I'm already a mother of 2 but first-time mum to twins so can't help getting anxious by the day.

Praying hard the twins will turn heads down in the next couple of weeks.

hi faye,
u are welcome,i think the side effect is not for everyone, as some mothers i saw w c-section feel good after that. think is because my body cant take it.
i hav my delivery at kk, there, my husband is not allowed to enter the OT. for other hospitals, i am not too sure.
wish u have a smooth delivery and good luck to everythings.
most important, after birth during confinement, dont bend yr back. as for me, after i bend down, when want to get up, it's pain, and will walk like "old woman". until now, 2 mths +, i still feel the pain.


New Member
hi faye,
u are welcome,i think the side effect is not for everyone, as some mothers i saw w c-section feel good after that. think is because my body cant take it.
i hav my delivery at kk, there, my husband is not allowed to enter the OT. for other hospitals, i am not too sure.
wish u have a smooth delivery and good luck to everythings.
most important, after birth during confinement, dont bend yr back. as for me, after i bend down, when want to get up, it's pain, and will walk like "old woman". until now, 2 mths +, i still feel the pain.
I'm going to have the babies in KK too.
Think I'll discuss with my husband if he wants to "watch"... He never saw the previous 2 labours as he was overseas... Sigh!


New Member
I delivered my girl in 2007 via c-sect because she was breech. Now expecting my second, and I have opted for c-sect as well.

Took the epidural, altho the doc apparently had trouble getting it in the right place due my "back fat" -___-. my husband was there but after the baby came out they shoo-ed him out and I ended up dozing off during the stitching up coz I was so bored. You can't really see anything during the procedure coz they put the screen up around your chest level but hearing my daughter cry for the first time in the OT was an unforgettable experience that brought tears to both my husband's and my eyes.

I thought it was the GA that made ppl nauseous, not the epi? In any case, ppl were quite surprised to see how alert I was after my c-sect when they came to visit that afternoon.

The most uncomfortable thing was having to stay in bed about 24 hours after, and no food! The pain was a mild ache, like having done too many sit ups after not exercising for a long time. Nursing was fine, you just have to hold the baby differently.

I was up and about the next day, as soon as they took out my catheter. Important to get up on your feet as soon as you can. A good girdle to apply pressure on the wound is useful too although I needed help with putting it on coz a bit tender to bend over to pull it up. Drink fish essence to promote the wound healing.


New Member
I'm going to have the babies in KK too.
Think I'll discuss with my husband if he wants to "watch"... He never saw the previous 2 labours as he was overseas... Sigh!
if is kk, then husband is not allowed to go in with u, he can only wait at the waiting area. but u can double check with the nurse or doctor there.


New Member
Would it be a good idea to let hubby see the wife shiver and "suffer" so he'll love and appreciate wife more...? buwahahahaha!
Not easy to be woman, not easy to have baby too!


New Member
I delivered my girl in 2007 via c-sect because she was breech. Now expecting my second, and I have opted for c-sect as well.

Took the epidural, altho the doc apparently had trouble getting it in the right place due my "back fat" -___-. my husband was there but after the baby came out they shoo-ed him out and I ended up dozing off during the stitching up coz I was so bored. You can't really see anything during the procedure coz they put the screen up around your chest level but hearing my daughter cry for the first time in the OT was an unforgettable experience that brought tears to both my husband's and my eyes.

I thought it was the GA that made ppl nauseous, not the epi? In any case, ppl were quite surprised to see how alert I was after my c-sect when they came to visit that afternoon.

The most uncomfortable thing was having to stay in bed about 24 hours after, and no food! The pain was a mild ache, like having done too many sit ups after not exercising for a long time. Nursing was fine, you just have to hold the baby differently.

I was up and about the next day, as soon as they took out my catheter. Important to get up on your feet as soon as you can. A good girdle to apply pressure on the wound is useful too although I needed help with putting it on coz a bit tender to bend over to pull it up. Drink fish essence to promote the wound healing.
Oh my goodness!!!! Have to insert catheter??? I'm getting more freaked... :err:


New Member
Would it be a good idea to let hubby see the wife shiver and "suffer" so he'll love and appreciate wife more...? buwahahahaha!
Not easy to be woman, not easy to have baby too!
ya, it's a good idea. else they thought it is so easy for woman to deliver. jus like me, as i have my op at 8.32pm, and i stay in 4 bedded room, the visiting time is till 9.30pm, if i didnt remember wrongly. then after resting at the recovery room and back to my ward is already 10+pm,my husband had went off.


Hello Everyone,

Was hoping to hear some of your personal experiences going through C-Sect...
:) Please if you could share your story, and perhaps shed some light on the following too?

- How was it like to have C-Sect?
- General or regional anaesthesia (esp. for twin delivery)?
- How long does the wound take to heal?
- Breastfeeding after C-sect?

I have had 2 natural births in the past but it seems like my upcoming labour would possibly be C-sect. :07: The last scan showed my twins in breeched positions (heads up and lying X across my belly). Am currently in my 31st week.

Feeling very nervy and unsettled... :we2unsure: Sigh!
1. Mine was emergency C sect so the experience was all unexpected due to late dilation of my cervix. Husband was unable to witness the birth and assist to cut the cord therefore a bit disappointed. But the process was fast and till the end of the stiching it was painful for me.

2. Mine was epi and partial anesthesia delivering a singleton.

3. I have given birth for 4 weeks but my wound is not heal yet, especially for my right wound which I find it painful. Can't stand, sit up and walk too long. And cannot anyhow turn back to take things, I will feel like my wound is stretched.

4. I do bf in the middle of the night in the hospital (cos in the day have guests, not convenient...). Must make sure have strong arms while doing the football hold during bf, but your midwife can help you to adjust the position if very hard to do so. At home I do the cradle hold but my back will ache a while, just have to sit comfortably before I start letting my baby to latch on. If I am too sleepy to feed my baby, I will use the lying position but must try to protect my wound because baby will tend to kick that area.


As for the vomiting after epidural is just one of the side effects. Cos initially I do not want to take as I'm very terrified of vomiting too, but choose to take due to cannot bear the pain of contraction. And somemore I take twice. Side effect on me was slight fever and shivering, plus a bit of giddiness but not the vomitting stage. Had appetite to eat after the operation.


Well-Known Member
I delivered my girl in 2007 via c-sect because she was breech. Now expecting my second, and I have opted for c-sect as well.

Took the epidural, altho the doc apparently had trouble getting it in the right place due my "back fat" -___-. my husband was there but after the baby came out they shoo-ed him out and I ended up dozing off during the stitching up coz I was so bored. You can't really see anything during the procedure coz they put the screen up around your chest level but hearing my daughter cry for the first time in the OT was an unforgettable experience that brought tears to both my husband's and my eyes.

I thought it was the GA that made ppl nauseous, not the epi? In any case, ppl were quite surprised to see how alert I was after my c-sect when they came to visit that afternoon.

The most uncomfortable thing was having to stay in bed about 24 hours after, and no food! The pain was a mild ache, like having done too many sit ups after not exercising for a long time. Nursing was fine, you just have to hold the baby differently.

I was up and about the next day, as soon as they took out my catheter. Important to get up on your feet as soon as you can. A good girdle to apply pressure on the wound is useful too although I needed help with putting it on coz a bit tender to bend over to pull it up. Drink fish essence to promote the wound healing.
i guess the side effect is really up to individual . i had GA and i was widely awake thereafter but i do doze off occasionally :p and was allowed to take sip of milo cos i kept complaining hungry though they give me drip :p
and i dun have the nauseous side effect u said :p


New Member
1. Mine was emergency C sect so the experience was all unexpected due to late dilation of my cervix. Husband was unable to witness the birth and assist to cut the cord therefore a bit disappointed. But the process was fast and till the end of the stiching it was painful for me.

2. Mine was epi and partial anesthesia delivering a singleton.

3. I have given birth for 4 weeks but my wound is not heal yet, especially for my right wound which I find it painful. Can't stand, sit up and walk too long. And cannot anyhow turn back to take things, I will feel like my wound is stretched.

4. I do bf in the middle of the night in the hospital (cos in the day have guests, not convenient...). Must make sure have strong arms while doing the football hold during bf, but your midwife can help you to adjust the position if very hard to do so. At home I do the cradle hold but my back will ache a while, just have to sit comfortably before I start letting my baby to latch on. If I am too sleepy to feed my baby, I will use the lying position but must try to protect my wound because baby will tend to kick that area.
keefu, hope you feel better soon.
i can totally understand about not able to stand, sit or walk for too long (even at this point.. ha!)
to make matters worse, i have a pre-existing old back injury sustained a decade ago - all before i was first pregnant. sigh..........
by the way, what's the difference between epi & partial anaesthesia?


New Member
Oh my goodness!!!! Have to insert catheter??? I'm getting more freaked... :err:
Well since you're bedridden and they put you on the drip, something is necessary for the output right? Really, what I would do for a catheter now, rather than keep going to the loo every half hour to pee, haha.

And come in, you've had TWO natural deliveries, surely a vey thin silicon tube is nothing compared to your babies?? :D


New Member
Well since you're bedridden and they put you on the drip, something is necessary for the output right? Really, what I would do for a catheter now, rather than keep going to the loo every half hour to pee, haha.

And come in, you've had TWO natural deliveries, surely a vey thin silicon tube is nothing compared to your babies?? :D
Hahahaha! sounds silly indeed but i didn't think it was scary to deliver naturally vs. having something foreign inserted into me...
erm... how about this? :9898: are they going to do something to you to clear it too...?