Thread Kami Bahasa Melayu 2


Well-Known Member
is it normal for pimple popping out during preg? ku rimas noh tgk muka ku...

masa preg H.. muka ku clean n clear jek... mcm biasa2...

Good morning ladies. Will be another bz day for me.

Han, don't worry, it is juz hormonal changes that u r going through. Nanti, dahh stable, it will be back to normal. Usually, lain pregnancy, lain experience dia ok.


Well-Known Member
Yes, kalau nak meet up do make it these sch holz ok. Sch term starts busybee pu;ak nanti. Nak chill on weekends pun susah.

Wah, i have not been doing REAL cooking for the past 3 weeks. Btulnya cuti tahunan...hahaha. Am meeting cake lady kita today to collect my barang baik punya. Pas tu gotta meet my aunty plak...balik malam antar sorang ni gi his weekly activity w/o his sidekick bro. Wooohh,. i luv sch holz


Active Member
Good morning suma..!! hehehe.. so happy and looking forward to the weekends.. heheh.. fri on leave.. tapi sat kena datang balik.. haiz... confirm ngorok nyer kat tempat keja on sat hap day jer.. heheh..

so bila nak jumpa.. ?? tak sabar nie tau.. betol ckp enflor.. nanti dah start skool trus busy.. a lot of activities.. best kan enflor skool holiday... i pon tak kisah if nak kluar ngan budak2 on sunday n balik lambat coz monday dorang tak skool.. hehehe..

Han- u dun worry.. mcm suma ckp .. its pembawakan.. mine lagik teruk.. leher.. below my breast and armpit.. heheh.. hitam.. bila dah bersalin jer dier pelan2 hilang within 1 month gituk.. jerwat jgn ckp.. now ada satu kutil eh dorang panggil.. kat dahi nie tak hilang2.. kutil nie dah happy ah duduk kat my muka.. so dier dah jadi permanent resident kat dahi i.. hahahahaa

ayu - dgn ina.. ko, han, lis, ana, nur.. diana.. n suma sekali.. tak sabar nak jumpa.. heheh.. best nyer...!!! nie baru dapat kek from starhub for the company.. almaklum.. nak xmas.. so jap lagik melantak kek coklat ah.. siap ada brownie sekali.. waaahhhhh...!!!:webiggrin::welaugh:


Well-Known Member
Yes, kalau nak meet up do make it these sch holz ok. Sch term starts busybee pu;ak nanti. Nak chill on weekends pun susah.

Wah, i have not been doing REAL cooking for the past 3 weeks. Btulnya cuti tahunan...hahaha. Am meeting cake lady kita today to collect my barang baik punya. Pas tu gotta meet my aunty plak...balik malam antar sorang ni gi his weekly activity w/o his sidekick bro. Wooohh,. i luv sch holz
For the 1st time u said this...hehehe...Slalu nye u alwayz said I hate sch holz...hehehe...

Anw,kirim salam makcik Ayu tu...dah lama tk jumpe..Ne my hubby dah sibuk suro order from her..


Well-Known Member

Today i tk masak...Yeah!!Pagi2 my MIL masak sambal goreng...Breakfast must wait BOSS bgn tdo..Tak tahu diank mkn ape...

I will be goin out ltr..Still in fickle minded...Whether to bring Irfan swimming Or Movie...Tgk arh ape BOSS ckp..Smlm,BOSS ckp this time i pregnant very2 cool..Take things easy...Mcm malas nak layan nye mood..heheh...Dia ckp my 1st rabak,i very sensitive & suka marah2...Tak perasan pulak ekh...

Han-i pun same ngan u,my face breakout quite teruk...Sekian lama my dahi tk pernah ade, ne dia kluar punye lah byk...


Well-Known Member
Gd Morning All!!!!

hope this pimple popping gone after giving birth...

bayu-ko nye experience lagi truk tu... sana hitam sini hitam... ku so far tak smpi gitu wen preg H n now...

brkfast apa sume?? me epok2 n milo...

plan to go mum hse today.. mcm malas pun ada.. tggu H wakey wakey frm her lala land... wanna ask her nak go tak to nenek soshi hse.... heheh...


Well-Known Member

Today i tk masak...Yeah!!Pagi2 my MIL masak sambal goreng...Breakfast must wait BOSS bgn tdo..Tak tahu diank mkn ape...

I will be goin out ltr..Still in fickle minded...Whether to bring Irfan swimming Or Movie...Tgk arh ape BOSS ckp..Smlm,BOSS ckp this time i pregnant very2 cool..Take things easy...Mcm malas nak layan nye mood..heheh...Dia ckp my 1st rabak,i very sensitive & suka marah2...Tak perasan pulak ekh...

Han-i pun same ngan u,my face breakout quite teruk...Sekian lama my dahi tk pernah ade, ne dia kluar punye lah byk...
ko kat dahi... ku kat pipi kanan n chin... jadi hot spot this area... kejap ada kejap takde... hehehe.... bila da baik it become blemishes lepas tu nnt kuar lagi...


Active Member

Today i tk masak...Yeah!!Pagi2 my MIL masak sambal goreng...Breakfast must wait BOSS bgn tdo..Tak tahu diank mkn ape...

I will be goin out ltr..Still in fickle minded...Whether to bring Irfan swimming Or Movie...Tgk arh ape BOSS ckp..Smlm,BOSS ckp this time i pregnant very2 cool..Take things easy...Mcm malas nak layan nye mood..heheh...Dia ckp my 1st rabak,i very sensitive & suka marah2...Tak perasan pulak ekh...

Han-i pun same ngan u,my face breakout quite teruk...Sekian lama my dahi tk pernah ade, ne dia kluar punye lah byk...
best nyer sengar ragam orang mengandung.. heheheh... mcm2 eh.. so wen is ur next checkup mummy irfan..??
everyday masak pon kadang boring eh.. sampai tak tau nak masak apa.. haiz..


Well-Known Member
best nyer sengar ragam orang mengandung.. heheheh... mcm2 eh.. so wen is ur next checkup mummy irfan..??
everyday masak pon kadang boring eh.. sampai tak tau nak masak apa.. haiz..
My next check up on 27/12/2010,tk sabar nak dgr bb heart beat..heheh...Hubby planning to followed but i tk kasih...heheeh,,Wait till next mnth check up for the surprise gender...

Btl tu,sampai no ideas lagi seh nak masak ape..pening kepala


Active Member
morning ladies...

wah!! sch holz bestkn... nari ayu ada appt dgn puan sri enflor kiter.. yay!!! lamer tk jmpa dia... hmmm... y not let us set d venue n time.. jadi nanti nak set date senang for our gathering...

for d moment ayu nye bakery tutup coz tgh tak brapa sihatkn... mood as usual super malas... serious havent been doing serious cooking since dunno how many weeks... nari juz nak goreng ayam jek and mayb masak sup sayur ke.. tgk la kalo rajin... skrg apa2 mesti mkn nasi if not perut mcm panas sey... kesian kn.. org kelaparan...hehehehe... rite now ayu breakfast makan toast and drink a cup of soya milk... healthy living.. kekekekeke....

han- ko jgn worried.. time aku ngandung naufal kalo ko tgk muka aku so comot and dirty gitu... but after give birth it slowly cleared off so no worries... yg penting ko mesti njoy d preggy period k? hehehehe

ana- ko bagus eh cool jek.. hehehe.. aku time preggy naufal fuh!!! garang beb!!! smpi manager aku resign coz tk tahan kerja dgn aku.. hehehehe..


Active Member
wah!!! ana nk gi check up.. best jgk dgr pasal org ngandung... ni ayu kalo preggy ayu cuma harapkn things dun turned d way it did... dun tink i can take it anymore.. sebak beb kalo aku ingtkn.. niwae, dah tau gender jom ar kongsi fa cai pat sini ehk.. hehehehe


Well-Known Member
Yes,byk seh..rimas aku dibuat nye...
tapi at least boleh cover with inner bila wear shawl kan... aku totally expose.. jeng jeng jeng... hehe... beh lagi tangan aku case tak tahu diam abis meraba jek kat pipi n chin aku... mcm org jakun gitu... hahaha


Well-Known Member
morning ladies...

wah!! sch holz bestkn... nari ayu ada appt dgn puan sri enflor kiter.. yay!!! lamer tk jmpa dia... hmmm... y not let us set d venue n time.. jadi nanti nak set date senang for our gathering...

for d moment ayu nye bakery tutup coz tgh tak brapa sihatkn... mood as usual super malas... serious havent been doing serious cooking since dunno how many weeks... nari juz nak goreng ayam jek and mayb masak sup sayur ke.. tgk la kalo rajin... skrg apa2 mesti mkn nasi if not perut mcm panas sey... kesian kn.. org kelaparan...hehehehe... rite now ayu breakfast makan toast and drink a cup of soya milk... healthy living.. kekekekeke....

han- ko jgn worried.. time aku ngandung naufal kalo ko tgk muka aku so comot and dirty gitu... but after give birth it slowly cleared off so no worries... yg penting ko mesti njoy d preggy period k? hehehehe

ana- ko bagus eh cool jek.. hehehe.. aku time preggy naufal fuh!!! garang beb!!! smpi manager aku resign coz tk tahan kerja dgn aku.. hehehehe..
Btl nye healthy living ko...?wakakakak...Ne laki aku dah sibuk nak minta ko nye carbury kek lapis smlm...Habaq kan aku bila oven buka ok...

Aku ngadung Irfan too garang...Ijan sampai malas nak layan...Kali ne terbalek,aku yg malas nak layan dia...wakakakak....


Active Member
Yes, kalau nak meet up do make it these sch holz ok. Sch term starts busybee pu;ak nanti. Nak chill on weekends pun susah.

Wah, i have not been doing REAL cooking for the past 3 weeks. Btulnya cuti tahunan...hahaha. Am meeting cake lady kita today to collect my barang baik punya. Pas tu gotta meet my aunty plak...balik malam antar sorang ni gi his weekly activity w/o his sidekick bro. Wooohh,. i luv sch holz
wah enflor.. ur stove tu betol nyer blink2 ah eh.. ahhahah... bila lalu depan dapor tu mesti silau kan mata.. hahahha


Well-Known Member
morning ladies...

wah!! sch holz bestkn... nari ayu ada appt dgn puan sri enflor kiter.. yay!!! lamer tk jmpa dia... hmmm... y not let us set d venue n time.. jadi nanti nak set date senang for our gathering...

for d moment ayu nye bakery tutup coz tgh tak brapa sihatkn... mood as usual super malas... serious havent been doing serious cooking since dunno how many weeks... nari juz nak goreng ayam jek and mayb masak sup sayur ke.. tgk la kalo rajin... skrg apa2 mesti mkn nasi if not perut mcm panas sey... kesian kn.. org kelaparan...hehehehe... rite now ayu breakfast makan toast and drink a cup of soya milk... healthy living.. kekekekeke....

han- ko jgn worried.. time aku ngandung naufal kalo ko tgk muka aku so comot and dirty gitu... but after give birth it slowly cleared off so no worries... yg penting ko mesti njoy d preggy period k? hehehehe

ana- ko bagus eh cool jek.. hehehe.. aku time preggy naufal fuh!!! garang beb!!! smpi manager aku resign coz tk tahan kerja dgn aku.. hehehehe..
yeahh... am enjoying my preggy period... 4 months to go.... huhu.... insyaAllah this monday gonna get to know baby gender...

garang nye ko masa preg naufal... beh bila naufal da born.. die tgk ummi die mcm sotz2 gitu... cool jek kan die... case up to u ummi... heheheh


Active Member
han- tgn ko tu jgn meraba.. nanti worse beb.. ko biarkan jek pimples tu berhari raya.. nanti dah puas raya drg hilang lerr... hehehehe... skrg naufal tgk aku mcm aku ni weirdo ummi.. hehehehe..

ana- aku ni bukan lerr healthy sgt.. skrg tgh mood malas beb so aper yg ader bedal je la.. lebih2 tu fuyooo!!! kirim salam sudah.. kekekeke...

aku nak ask korang yg p check up pat kkh... drg nye scan pat perut or pat bawah eh? ader yg ckp skrg scan pat bawah...


Well-Known Member
My next check up on 27/12/2010,tk sabar nak dgr bb heart beat..heheh...Hubby planning to followed but i tk kasih...heheeh,,Wait till next mnth check up for the surprise gender...

Btl tu,sampai no ideas lagi seh nak masak ape..pening kepala
hehe... btol baby heart that makes us excited tu... aku pulak hubby been tagging along every appt aku... n H skali following... this monday ada scan.. nie comfirm H nnt menyelit nye kat katil baring skali bila tgh scan.... heheh.... jus lyk wat she did tat time....


Well-Known Member
hehe... btol baby heart that makes us excited tu... aku pulak hubby been tagging along every appt aku... n H skali following... this monday ada scan.. nie comfirm H nnt menyelit nye kat katil baring skali bila tgh scan.... heheh.... jus lyk wat she did tat time....
Aku this time ade ngada2 sikit...I want to be independant with irfan alone with my condition now..Mcm practise wen bb dah kluar..heheheh..Laki aku sibuk nak ikut jek..wakakakak