Thread Kami Bahasa Melayu 2

Mama Ina

Well-Known Member
Semalam i went to JB.. Yesh!! Dapat movie melayu satu dah kua.. "Jangan Pandang Blakang Congkak 2"... Hooorraayy!!! Lum tengok alek malam ni akan ku tengok.. Then i got buy 2 more disc cerita pasal mahluk2 halus seems like real.. Forgot the title.. Seram gitu lor.. Ti ku dah watch ku inform korg k.. Ooooppss..!! All the malay disc i bought at Pandan is PREEEEE!!!

Now waiting for CUTI CUTI CINTA.. Bila nak kua noh..? haiz...


Well-Known Member
Afternoon Ladies..

Woit!! Mengumpat ke?? Aku tengah busy cari flight tuk holiday next year noh.. hahahahahahaha... Plan nak gi Krabi on the 3rd march to 8th march with cousins. Very cheap for 2kepala.. Tapi hubby cakap "BDK2 cam ne? Siapa nak jaga? If stay ysh takpe now stay wdld..":embarrassed: So ku tengah tukar plan nak go SPORE-JKT-Bandung or SPORE-JKT-Bali together wit kids during march holiday lahh.. Hoping to get a good deal.. Any recommendation anyone? Baru nak HORNYMOON skali si tua sound pasal bdk2, haiz..!! MELEPAS!!!
I hear Ina's i am back here again....hahaha

Beb, i suggest u go to SG-JKT-BALI for now with kids. If u berdua aje...u go to SG-JKT-BANDUNG...unless ur kids esp Q dahh besar sikit, bandung tu ok lah.

By the way, drive from JKT to BANDUNG abt 3-4hrs kalo tak macet iya mbak. If u really wanna bring kids, y not fly from SG direct to Bandung, safe time and $ on that lengit roadtrip


Active Member
wah! ina... hornymoon jek... tapi setahu aku ko kan 24hrs hornymoon.. wakakakak... so far aku tk pernah go krabi cuma gi phuket jek... bwk budak2 ok pe... relaxing jgk... dat time aku gi indon d only thing yg aku suka is d theme park other than dat enjoy scenery je la... hehehehe.. siang jgk ko dah planning hols eh...

ni adik aku ajak p JB on d 19th tapi aku tgh tinking nk go ke tak.. mcm malas pun ader coz d next day aku dah nk ciao go hols.. heheheh..

kalo kiter semua nak mit up any venue suggestions? ina please make sure ko dtg mit up eh.. jgn nk bubble2 eh...

Mama Ina

Well-Known Member
I hear Ina's i am back here again....hahaha

Beb, i suggest you go to SG-JKT-BALI for now with kids. If you berdua go to SG-JKT-BANDUNG...unless your kids esp Q dahh besar sikit, bandung tu ok .

By the way, drive from JKT to BANDUNG about 3-4hrs kalo tak macet iya mbak. If you really wanna bring kids, y not fly from SG direct to Bandung, safe time and $ on that lengit roadtrip
Great u r here.. Enflor, tell me more abt bandung.. Wat is that abt the red sentence?? Ceritakan ar.. Tengah survey ni..

Mama Ina

Well-Known Member
wah! ina... hornymoon jek... tapi setahu aku ko kan 24hrs hornymoon.. wakakakak... so far aku tk pernah go krabi cuma gi phuket jek... bwk budak2 ok pe... relaxing jgk... dat time aku gi indon d only thing yg aku suka is d theme park other than dat enjoy scenery je ... hehehehe.. siang jgk ko dah planning hols eh...

ni adik aku ajak p JB on d 19th tapi aku tgh thinking nk go ke tak.. mcm malas pun ader coz d next day aku dah nk ciao go hols.. heheheh..

kalo kiter semua nak mit up any venue suggestions? ina please make sure ko dtg mit up eh.. jgn nk bubble2 eh...
Ayu, bestkan dpt jejak phuket... Tadi pagi je aku sound hubby, nak kita plan tuk 2org je gi krabi or phuket? Tak yah bwk bdk2? Dah lama tak hornymoon.. Trus dia senyap je.. Haiz..!! Agaknye dia takut aku rape dia kot sampai terdpt MADE IN THAILAND BABY... Hahahahahahahahaa....

Cousin aku ar inform aku pasal tiger airways tengah promo cheap giler ar flight.. Tu part aku tengah kemarok ni surf2.. hahahahhahaa.. If not no plan yet ar..

Bila korg nak mitup? Wkend ke wkday? Mana tempat? Umah aku?:001_302:

Mama Ina

Well-Known Member
Ok forget about my holiday plan.. Still not yet confirmed.. Bwk bdk2 naik plane mcm tak worth it gitu.. Hehehehhehehehe...

Mari kita bebual pasal gathering... So apa cerita? Bila? Dimana?


Active Member
wah!!! ana nk gi check up.. best jgk dgr pasal org ngandung... ni ayu kalo preggy ayu cuma harapkn things dont turned d way it did... dont tink i can take it anymore.. sebak beb kalo aku ingtkn.. niwae, dah tau gender jom ar kongsi fa cai pat sini ehk.. hehehehe
ak ah.. tak sabar nak tau gak.. !! heehhe..
apa yg sebak sgt tu noh.. bleh habaq sikit kat sini.. ??

tapi at least boleh cover with inner bila wear shawl kan... aku totally expose.. jeng jeng jeng... hehe... beh lagi tangan aku case tak tahu diam abis meraba jek kat pipi n chin aku... mcm org jakun gitu... hahaha
jgn raba2.. amik daun pandau and gesek kan jer kalau gatal.. dun use ur hands.. den kalau bleh every week once ko pakai mask buatan sendiri nyer.. ko amik putih telor n sikit air limau nipis or limau sambal tu and gaul.. dah tu sapu kat muka.. kasi muka ko rasa perit sikit but nanti dier kurang ah.. kasi sejuk.. den kalau dah terpicit.. cuci muka ngan air sejuk.. tu jer.. orang ckp if ngandung anak lelaki darah panas.. so nak kena kasi cool sikit.. heheheh.. drink lots of water oso.. aku nyer yg teruk hitam suma takleh nak buat apa.. takkan lah aku nak sental ngan berus dawai kan.. hahaha..

Btl nye healthy living ko...?wakakakak...Ne laki aku dah sibuk nak minta ko nye carbury kek lapis smlm...Habaq kan aku bila oven buka ok...

Aku ngadung Irfan too garang...Ijan sampai malas nak layan...Kali ne terbalek,aku yg malas nak layan dia...wakakakak....
banyak pompuan ngandung anak lelaki mcm tu eh.. garang.. hahhaha.. aku bang table kat hdb.. pai suma orang kat dalam opis suma kluar coz aku ngah sarat mengandung.. hahahah... laki ku diam jer.. trus dapat apa yg aku nak.. hahhaahaha.. n im aku berani.. i got to sambut baby adik angkat aku kat dalam labour ward.. i was there bila dier ngah meneran nak kluarkan baby.. hehehe.. doc tu tanya aku takut aku pon terberanak jer sama2 nanti.. but at the same time doc pon supportive pasal aku so brave nak tengok.. hahahah.. tapi panic jugak tengok dier muka cramp.. hahaha.. nasib baik dier bukan kes terpekik lolong mcm orang india.. hahah

I got no prob with time,date & venue....Cume NOT free on wekend jek..heheh
i only free on weekend leh... :embarrassed:


Active Member
I luv sch holz bila tak yah MARI MEMASAK , hahahhaha....but kalo sch holz terperap kat umah, tension otak mau pikir breakfast, lunch, dinner menu. Sini umah menu berbeza-beza, macam restrnt....ingat mummy dorang nih 5* hotel chef kahhh ???? Ari tu told hub over the phone...."Don't care lahh, u kat sana, i takkan nak duk kat umah ngadap tembok, i nak merayap with the kids." His guilt-stricken reply, "Ok lorrr."....heheheh
hahahhaaa.. tak bleh buat apa pon.. hahahaha.. kalau i pon mcm tu.. i lagik kaki merayap.. but kanchiong mother.. will bring 2 bags only for baby bayu nyer stuff.. hahah.. mcm nak lari rumah.. hehehe


Well-Known Member
bayu- first time ku dgr gesek muka dgn daun pandan... akan ku cuba... skali muka ku sbelah jadi green color eh.... hahahahaha....


Active Member
yah, u try check the webbie, ada tak that info. I saw it on the screen and i was like wahhhh, asal dulu takda ni mcm promotion sey. Ini mcm, terpingin nak branak lagi....wahahahahh (Thatz Enflor's JOKE of the day, touchwood!)
jangan mcm tu..nanti ckp2 trus jadi betol tau.. hahahaha.. but u good.. takyah tahan tembok.. enflor go jalan2.. ehhehe..
haiz.. takkan nak bawak baby bayu go watch movie kan.. confirm dier duduk diam jer tak gerak2 jadi jakun tengok screen besar.. heheheh


Active Member
bayu- first time ku dgr gesek muka dgn daun pandan... akan ku cuba... skali muka ku sbelah jadi green color eh.... hahahahaha....
jgn gesek kuat sgt.. hahahhahaa... nanti jadi incredible hulk plak.. hahahahah


Well-Known Member
hahahhaaa.. tak bleh buat apa pon.. hahahaha.. kalau i pon mcm tu.. i lagik kaki merayap.. but kanchiong mother.. will bring 2 bags only for baby bayu nyer stuff.. hahah.. mcm nak lari rumah.. hehehe
one bag enough lahh... ko nie dont be kanchiong... relax... ko kancheong lagi nnt ko panic over certain thing bila timbul....


Active Member
Afternoon Ladies..

Woit!! Mengumpat ke?? Aku tengah busy cari flight tuk holiday next year noh.. hahahahahahaha... Plan nak gi Krabi on the 3rd march to 8th march with cousins. Very cheap for 2kepala.. Tapi hubby cakap "BDK2 cam ne? Siapa nak jaga? If stay ysh takpe now stay wdld..":embarrassed: So ku tengah tukar plan nak go SPORE-JKT-Bandung or SPORE-JKT-Bali together wit kids during march holiday lahh.. Hoping to get a good deal.. Any recommendation anyone? Baru nak HORNYMOON skali si tua sound pasal bdk2, haiz..!! MELEPAS!!!
hehehe.. i no no abt holiday nie.. slalu hubby yg book kan.. but bawak budak2 tak pernah.. heeheh.. but pening kepala gak eh.. mana nak letak all the kenits if gi holiday.. nanti aku tanyakan my cousin.. dier slalu rounding every yr bawak budak2..


Well-Known Member
Great u r here.. Enflor, tell me more abt bandung.. Wat is that abt the red sentence?? Ceritakan ar.. Tengah survey ni..

Ina, have given u a long PM (jgn marah, just an insight of Bandung). Crita kat sini nanti ada hati-hati yg terluka, tak baik :)

Nak gi Krabi...careful, jgn terpegi kat beach yg ramai orang go au natural no benang on their bodies. Nanti, A n Q kena main chak-chak kat beaches.


Active Member
Ayu, bestkan dpt jejak phuket... Tadi pagi je aku sound hubby, nak kita plan tuk 2org je gi krabi or phuket? Tak yah bwk bdk2? Dah lama tak hornymoon.. Trus dia senyap je.. Haiz..!! Agaknye dia takut aku rape dia kot sampai terdpt MADE IN THAILAND BABY... Hahahahahahahahaa....

Cousin aku ar inform aku pasal tiger airways tengah promo cheap giler ar flight.. Tu part aku tengah kemarok ni surf2.. hahahahhahaa.. If not no plan yet ar..

Bila korg nak mitup? Wkend ke wkday? Mana tempat? Umah aku?:001_302:
umah ko pon ok gak.. suruh hubby ko masak pasta for us.. hahahaha... ko nie lah .. asyik ckp pasal hubby masak pasta... now ngah terpikir2 dalam kepala otak ku ini.. hehehe..


Well-Known Member
jangan mcm tu..nanti ckp2 trus jadi betol tau.. hahahaha.. but u good.. takyah tahan tembok.. enflor go jalan2.. ehhehe..
haiz.. takkan nak bawak baby bayu go watch movie kan.. confirm dier duduk diam jer tak gerak2 jadi jakun tengok screen besar.. heheheh
bagus lerr kalo dia duk tiam-tiam kat theatre. At least, u dapat watch movies kan. Kalo RA nya, confirm bb ngomel kat Ummi dia....hahahha.


Well-Known Member
Yes, kalau nak meet up do make it these sch holz ok. Sch term starts busybee pu;ak nanti. Nak chill on weekends pun susah.

Wah, i have not been doing REAL cooking for the past 3 weeks. Btulnya cuti tahunan...hahaha. Am meeting cake lady kita today to collect my barang baik punya. Pas tu gotta meet my aunty plak...balik malam antar sorang ni gi his weekly activity w/o his sidekick bro. Wooohh,. i luv sch holz

ehem, ehem... barang baik eh.... hmmmmmm


Well-Known Member
macam2 ragam jugak eh orang ngandung nie... mine pulak is a combination of mummy bayu and zhann... heeee... body pimples at my back, mak oi, tak lehhh angs... then hitam at ehem ehem ehem, sama macam bayu... heeeee...:001_302: