Thread Kami Bahasa Melayu 2


Well-Known Member
han- tgn ko tu jgn meraba.. nanti worse beb.. ko biarkan jek pimples tu berhari raya.. nanti dah puas raya drg hilang lerr... hehehehe... skrg naufal tgk aku mcm aku ni weirdo ummi.. hehehehe..

ana- aku ni bukan lerr healthy sgt.. skrg tgh mood malas beb so aper yg ader bedal je la.. lebih2 tu fuyooo!!! kirim salam sudah.. kekekeke...

aku nak ask korang yg p check up pat kkh... drg nye scan pat perut or pat bawah eh? ader yg ckp skrg scan pat bawah...
Scan kat perut...Scan kat bwh mcm ane ekh??Masuk kan something inside us??


Well-Known Member
han- tgn ko tu jgn meraba.. nanti worse beb.. ko biarkan jek pimples tu berhari raya.. nanti dah puas raya drg hilang lerr... hehehehe... skrg naufal tgk aku mcm aku ni weirdo ummi.. hehehehe..

ana- aku ni bukan lerr healthy sgt.. skrg tgh mood malas beb so aper yg ader bedal je la.. lebih2 tu fuyooo!!! kirim salam sudah.. kekekeke...

aku nak ask korang yg p check up pat kkh... drg nye scan pat perut or pat bawah eh? ader yg ckp skrg scan pat bawah...
klu scan kat bawah mcm ne tu?


Well-Known Member
For the 1st time u said this...hehehe...Slalu nye u alwayz said I hate sch holz...hehehe...

Anw,kirim salam makcik Ayu tu...dah lama tk jumpe..Ne my hubby dah sibuk suro order from her..
I luv sch holz bila tak yah MARI MEMASAK , hahahhaha....but kalo sch holz terperap kat umah, tension otak mau pikir breakfast, lunch, dinner menu. Sini umah menu berbeza-beza, macam restrnt....ingat mummy dorang nih 5* hotel chef kahhh ???? Ari tu told hub over the phone...."Don't care lahh, u kat sana, i takkan nak duk kat umah ngadap tembok, i nak merayap with the kids." His guilt-stricken reply, "Ok lorrr."....heheheh


Well-Known Member
morning ladies...

wah!! sch holz bestkn... nari ayu ada appt dgn puan sri enflor kiter.. yay!!! lamer tk jmpa dia... hmmm... y not let us set d venue n time.. jadi nanti nak set date senang for our gathering...

for d moment ayu nye bakery tutup coz tgh tak brapa sihatkn... mood as usual super malas... serious havent been doing serious cooking since dunno how many weeks... nari juz nak goreng ayam jek and mayb masak sup sayur ke.. tgk la kalo rajin... skrg apa2 mesti mkn nasi if not perut mcm panas sey... kesian kn.. org kelaparan...hehehehe... rite now ayu breakfast makan toast and drink a cup of soya milk... healthy living.. kekekekeke....

han- ko jgn worried.. time aku ngandung naufal kalo ko tgk muka aku so comot and dirty gitu... but after give birth it slowly cleared off so no worries... yg penting ko mesti njoy d preggy period k? hehehehe

ana- ko bagus eh cool jek.. hehehe.. aku time preggy naufal fuh!!! garang beb!!! smpi manager aku resign coz tk tahan kerja dgn aku.. hehehehe..
woiiii garangnya :)


Active Member
scan pat bwh is drg insert tube thru ur vagina... jadi d scan is mmuch more closer to ur cervix tk salah.. kwn aku 1 kena cmtu... korang ader kena morning sickness tk?


Well-Known Member
Aku this time ade ngada2 sikit...I want to be independant with irfan alone with my condition now..Mcm practise wen bb dah kluar..heheheh..Laki aku sibuk nak ikut jek..wakakakak
wakakakak.... oh aku lain... bila kat umah aku suka uat hal aku sendri... hubby bual2 ngan aku.. aku reply hmm hmm... smlm die OT.. mcm suka gitu aku dgr... ada ke patut... smlm H smpi talipon die.. papa kat mana? kol brapa alik? aku buat dek jek... hahahaha... bila pi hospital jek wish him to be ard...


Well-Known Member
Ok ladies,

I nak siap goin out to Plaza Singapura for movie...Hubby ajak tgk Narnia...Bleh lah ngecek dia sandal sketcher kat sane..I saw one abt $110...Yeah!!!heheheh


Active Member
mmg garang enflor... dgn chief financial officer pun bley bertekak smpi time i resign dia tk nk jmpa pun... den ayu bley p depan ofis dia pekik if dia takut kepe nk jmpa... once naufal dah born dah jadi pengecut.. kekekekeke... if pat SGH mcm tu kan bagus bley ku sembur kn tu prof tua kutuk tu... wakakakaka...

ina maner? dia busy ke?


Well-Known Member
scan pat bwh is drg insert tube thru ur vagina... jadi d scan is mmuch more closer to ur cervix tk salah.. kwn aku 1 kena cmtu... korang ader kena morning sickness tk?

woh, thatz traumatic sey kalo kena check-up mcm tu. First time i am hearing it. Maybe, she has some special condition tak, thatz y they need to do real thorough check-up liddat


Well-Known Member
mmg garang enflor... dgn chief financial officer pun bley bertekak smpi time i resign dia tk nk jmpa pun... den ayu bley p depan ofis dia pekik if dia takut kepe nk jmpa... once naufal dah born dah jadi pengecut.. kekekekeke... if pat SGH mcm tu kan bagus bley ku sembur kn tu prof tua kutuk tu... wakakakaka...

ina maner? dia busy ke?
Ina kan pekerja contoh bulan December :) Anak kesayangan BAPAK


Well-Known Member
scan pat bwh is drg insert tube thru ur vagina... jadi d scan is mmuch more closer to ur cervix tk salah.. kwn aku 1 kena cmtu... korang ader kena morning sickness tk?
bukan kata morning sickness noh... all day sickness aku kena... kekadang nite sickness jek....

kwan ko special case tak...


Active Member
wah!!! best nye tgk wayang.. aku ni tgh aim2 nk tgk narnia n harry potter n rapunzel.. hehehe... tapi tgk la keadaan cmne... dgn aku weak cmni... skrg naufal at least alhamdulillah... dia tk minta aku carry.. can go out wif him wifout stroller.. yay!!!!!

enflor- yup scan pat anu... heheheheh


Well-Known Member
Ok ladies,

I nak siap goin out to Plaza Singapura for movie...Hubby ajak tgk Narnia...Bleh lah ngecek dia sandal sketcher kat sane..I saw one abt $110...Yeah!!!heheheh

I was there yest....1pm, 4pm and 7pm ada Sesame St roadshow tau.

Juz found out that Cathay has this Mom and Toddler (apalah spell shortform jadi thought plak) tix which cost only $4...biar betik so cheapo gitu. But on weekdays and b4 6pm i think. So korang yg ada anak sorang toddler age, good time to go movies tau.
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Active Member
ouh... if doc tk le nmpk terang den dey will do dat i hear la... aku pun dgr tatut... mcm every check up kena anu.. kahkahkah.... hb2 yg ikut tgk wife kena anu bley pengsan sey... aku tgk instrument to insert tu quite long jgk la.. eeeeiii....

ina pekerja contoh eh.. dia slalu masuk ofis bapak tgk porn kott... wakakaka... den mak nenek yg jealous masuk stakat tumpang sekaki bwk popcorn.. hehehehe


Active Member
I was there yest....1pm, 4pm and 7pm ada Sesame St roadshow tau.

Juz found out that Cathay has this Mom and Tot tix which cost only $4...biar betik so cheapo gitu. But on weekdays and b4 6pm i think. So korang yg ada anak sorang toddler age, good time to go movies tau.
wah!!! biar btol?! syiokness tu.. nari jgk nk p tgk.. kekekekeke


Well-Known Member
ok i wanna layankan rakyat kenits ni kat umah...alahai, mcm pasar ikan betul kat umah, memekak, riuh...boleh sewel mak!!:001_302:


Well-Known Member
wah!!! biar btol?! syiokness tu.. nari jgk nk p tgk.. kekekekeke

yah, u try check the webbie, ada tak that info. I saw it on the screen and i was like wahhhh, asal dulu takda ni mcm promotion sey. Ini mcm, terpingin nak branak lagi....wahahahahh (Thatz Enflor's JOKE of the day, touchwood!)

Mama Ina

Well-Known Member
Afternoon Ladies..

Woit!! Mengumpat ke?? Aku tengah busy cari flight tuk holiday next year noh.. hahahahahahaha... Plan nak gi Krabi on the 3rd march to 8th march with cousins. Very cheap for 2kepala.. Tapi hubby cakap "BDK2 cam ne? Siapa nak jaga? If stay ysh takpe now stay wdld..":embarrassed: So ku tengah tukar plan nak go SPORE-JKT-Bandung or SPORE-JKT-Bali together wit kids during march holiday lahh.. Hoping to get a good deal.. Any recommendation anyone? Baru nak HORNYMOON skali si tua sound pasal bdk2, haiz..!! MELEPAS!!!