EDD in Sept 2011


Babybull - I hope my older boy will be like that... Fingers crossed. Already telling me he's going to teach baby how to dance like professional, how to kick @ss so nobody can bully & how to get away from me when I nag! Lol... What u mean ure overseas? Ure not in Sg now or ure not Sgreans? My parents have migrated a long time ago too, luckily I have my sister & other families still around. But it's exciting when my parents or Hubby's parents come for a holiday. I hope ure coping well tho... :)
Carisella - haiyah u ah! So funny! Everything u can't wait... Lol. U boink boink ur hubby 1st lah, after a month or so then u boink boink baby. :p


Babybull - I hope my older boy will be like that... Fingers crossed. Already telling me he's going to teach baby how to dance like professional, how to kick @ss so nobody can bully & how to get away from me when I nag! Lol... What u mean ure overseas? Ure not in Sg now or ure not Sgreans? My parents have migrated a long time ago too, luckily I have my sister & other families still around. But it's exciting when my parents or Hubby's parents come for a holiday. I hope ure coping well tho... :)
Carisella - haiyah u ah! So funny! Everything u can't wait... Lol. U boink boink ur hubby 1st lah, after a month or so then u boink boink baby. :p
Hubby's pi gu play till no feeling already.. It's no longer fun :( I got alot of things i cannot wait lo!!

I can't wait for baby's first HARD KICK, I can't wait to know the sex so I can start buying lots and lots of nice baby clothes, I can't wait for this pregnancy to be over (but i also don't want baby to come out so fast *fickle-minded*) so i can finally enjoy my raw salmon and oysters and a glass of ice cold BEER!! I can't wait for Baby to call me MAMA!!

And i seriously can't wait to BINGE on JUNK FOOD and ICE CREAM and EAT LIKE A PIG!! :D OMG!! lolz.. so many of the can't waits to do !!

How to Avoid a Cesarean - Ten Steps to Take for a Healthy Delivery, Page 3 of 6 - Associated Content from Yahoo! - associatedcontent.com
Actually saw this web on "how to avoid a cesarean" .. haha.. dunno how true but i like this two points from the webby..

3-Stay Home for as Long as Possible During Early Labor
Early labor is the longest stage of labor, especially in first time moms. You will be more comfortable, and less stressed in your home environment and your pain level will stay lower at home than once you arrive at the hospital. Staying home during early labor also helps you avoid unneeded interventions like enforced fasting, routine IV's, and constant EFM which can all increase your chances of Cesarean delivery.

4-Avoid Induced Labor if Possible
Studies have proven that the average first time mother actually has a gestational period of 41 weeks and 1 day. According to the research you aren't "overdue" until you hit 42 weeks. Be sure you discuss with your doctor or care provider whether an induction you may be discussing is absolutely necessary. Many inductions fail for the simple reason that the baby wasn't ready yet. In fact, medically induced labors are associated with an increase in Cesarean rates three times higher that of "God appointed" labors.


Carisella - Its actually not that long lah. Time flies when you have a newborn! Barely any time to eat or sleep especially if you don't have confinement nanny or in-laws to help.

I believe the peeling skin is from the leftover vernix (white creamy substance covering baby when born) and also because they've been immersed in amniotic fluid for so long... so their skin needs a little time to adapt to the outside world. Will resolve on its own after a while. Shouldn't be ezcema at such an early age? Let's hope your baby doesn't inherit daddy's skin!


Chocobaby - We're Singaporeans, but living overseas for a couple of years. Your boy sounds so cute, wanting to teach the baby to kick @ss and run away from you! Haha he's going to be one loving brother!

Carisella - why cannot eat junk food and ice-cream during pregnancy? That's what I've been surviving on so far leh, since my baby rejects most proper food.

Oh, and the study you found about inducing labour is true. We decided to induce my girl at 40 weeks cos too impatient to wait further, in the end nearly kena c-section cos no progress after almost 28 hours of labour. Only after the gynae said to prepare for caesarean THEN she finally decided to come out. So since then we always think that this kid must 'threaten' her otherwise she won't move! =)


Carisella - Its actually not that long lah. Time flies when you have a newborn! Barely any time to eat or sleep especially if you don't have confinement nanny or in-laws to help.
I believe the peeling skin is from the leftover vernix (white creamy substance covering baby when born) and also because they've been immersed in amniotic fluid for so long... so their skin needs a little time to adapt to the outside world. Will resolve on its own after a while. Shouldn't be ezcema at such an early age? Let's hope your baby doesn't inherit daddy's skin!
My hubby is ezcema since he was in Kindergarden.. That's what he told me.. he's 28 already this year and it's getting worst .. Doctors gave him cream, but he apply already he said very uncomfortable.

Chocobaby - We're Singaporeans, but living overseas for a couple of years. Your boy sounds so cute, wanting to teach the baby to kick @ss and run away from you! Haha he's going to be one loving brother!

Carisella - why cannot eat junk food and ice-cream during pregnancy? That's what I've been surviving on so far leh, since my baby rejects most proper food.

Oh, and the study you found about inducing labour is true. We decided to induce my girl at 40 weeks cos too impatient to wait further, in the end nearly kena c-section cos no progress after almost 28 hours of labour. Only after the gynae said to prepare for caesarean THEN she finally decided to come out. So since then we always think that this kid must 'threaten' her otherwise she won't move! =)
haha.. cos I'm diabetic, then have to monitor blood glucose every now and then.. i got take junk food but it's on Off Days (saturdays and sundays) but ice-cream is less frequent..


oh my parents are not around anymore. my sis in france, another sis working. my mil wanna goooo. but erm dont feel comfy. im asking my cousin to go.
oh my parents are not around anymore. my sis in france, another sis working. my mil wanna goooo. but erm dont feel comfy. im asking my cousin to go.
good luck on ur scan let us know..

my detail scan on 6th May 2011.. on sat night i felt my baby first kick.when we were watching GI Joe... just like a little one.. usually i feel aches and pain but it was just 1 small push to my tummy... lol my hubby want to feel it too and keep asking baby to kick me.. we were wondering baby is a boy since he kick when GI joe movie was over.. haha


sigh my hubby went reservist today. 2 weeks outfield. tmr is my detailed scan. cant wait!!
OOo.. My hubby also reservist 2 weeks!! I wonder if they are at the same camp!!

oh gosh, must be difficult having to ration the good stuff...
Not really :) getting used to it.. If i take sweet, I just have to walk that extra mile :p

Wah like that u better watch ur sugar intake! Cancel eating mooncakes!!
Mooncake is after baby pop.. no need to cancel :p


Lydia -> EDD 4 Sept 2011 -> Gender unknown -> Thomson Medical Center with Dr AL Lim
Carisella -> EDD 4 Sept 2011 - > Gender unknown - > Mt Alvernia / Thomson Medical Center (not yet decided between this two) with Dr Adrian Woodsworth
qian1984 -> EDD 15 sept 2011 > Gender unknown > Mt Alvernia with Dr C K Tho
Yun -> EDD 20 Sept 2011 -> Gender unknown -> Thomson Medical Center
RabbitMummy -> EDD 20 Sept -> Gender unknown -> Thomson Medical Center
Shannyang -> EDD 23 Sept 2011 -> Prince -> Thomson Medical Center with Dr Lawrence Ang

Wow.. so long neva come in le.. :p
I just went for my appt last sat, my gayne said my baby is prince.. but me and my hub want princess.. keke..
And also, I supposed to be Week 16 4 days as at today, but my scan said my baby is already Week 17 +..


Lydia -> EDD 4 Sept 2011 -> Gender unknown -> Thomson Medical Center with Dr AL Lim
Carisella -> EDD 4 Sept 2011 - > Gender unknown - > Mt Alvernia / Thomson Medical Center (not yet decided between this two) with Dr Adrian Woodsworth
qian1984 -> EDD 15 sept 2011 > Gender unknown > Mt Alvernia with Dr C K Tho
Yun -> EDD 20 Sept 2011 -> Gender unknown -> Thomson Medical Center
RabbitMummy -> EDD 20 Sept -> Gender unknown -> Thomson Medical Center
Shannyang -> EDD 23 Sept 2011 -> Prince -> Thomson Medical Center with Dr Lawrence Ang

Wow.. so long neva come in le.. :p
I just went for my appt last sat, my gayne said my baby is prince.. but me and my hub want princess.. keke..
And also, I supposed to be Week 16 4 days as at today, but my scan said my baby is already Week 17 +..
Oooo Same as me!! I went to scan last Saturday suppose to be 18 weeks 6 days, but then become 19 weeks 4 days!! I was like D: You so lucky can know the sex already.. My baby so notti, don't let us know.. most probably is girl already since Doc said "cannot see properly" :(


Haha.. tat was becoz boy boy easy to "spot" ba..
But hor, will our EDD bring forward?
Actually, 14 weeks scan that time saw something sticking there already but doc just went "hmmmmmmmmmmm"
then Saturday scan , baby was in a good position facing forward but then when gynae zoom in, baby turn turn turn until buttock face us :( * I was like :O * Nurse saw my expression and laff at me, then doc said "cannot see properly" :( so notti

My EDD at first was 30th Aug then after went to TMC for the Down Syndrome Scan they said become 4th Sept..
Saturday scan that time EDD changed to 28th Aug.. I think not accurate also la.. lol.. When baby is ready to come out, it'll ownself come out la.. haha.. Don't wanna stress over it also .. But just come out after the Chinese 7th Month can already :( Dear mommy me got exams in early August

By the way, any mommies had friends/family/relatives with first birth going up to 42 weeks? Just wondering to see how accurate the study from the website i read yesterday was as it mentioned that fail inductions are simply because the baby wasn't ready yet, and medically induced labors are associated with an increase in C-Sect rate 3 times higher than non-medically induced labors.
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By the way, any mommies had friends/family/relatives with first birth going up to 42 weeks? Just wondering to see how accurate the study from the website i read yesterday was as it mentioned that fail inductions are simply because the baby wasn't ready yet, and medically induced labors are associated with an increase in C-Sect rate 3 times higher than non-medically induced labors.
With my first baby gynae estimated that I could go all the way to 41 weeks. But we chose to induce at 40 weeks exactly cos my hubby had some important conference to present papers at and he wanted baby out first! In the end my induction nearly ended up in C-section. Cos no progress for 28 hours of labour man... Even before that my gynae also warned at the last few checkups that if the baby is not ready, most inductions end up in C-section, especially if bb cannot tahan the trauma of long induced labours.

One of my friends gave birth to her first baby at 41 weeks 4 days... And she had been waiting impatiently for her daughter since 37 weeks so it was an extra month before baby made its appearance.
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