Edd, Feb 2011.


As for me, i feed my boy every 2 hrs in the day time. My last feed will be ard 1130am, after that my boy will sleep until the next morning ard 8am.
dear mummies

are you all bfing?
how do u get ur little ones to sleep thru the night?
on average i need to get up abt 3 -4 times to bf my son, change diapers... do i ignore his cries?


New Member
My girl's diarrhea is back again. This time with vomiting.
Her vomiting is so bad that she threw up all her milk. Now she's only willing to drink 100ml, & lasts her for 4-5hours.
I'm v worried cos the other time the papers has this article, "女婴上吐下泻24小时不治会死" :(
The way she vomit was so forceful... It's like someone punched hard on her tummy & she threw up all her milk. I saw & it was so scary...
I'll bring her to the hospital later. I guess high possibility she'll need to admit.
Sigh, only less than 3 months old & she's been in & out of hospital so many times...
oh dear, I hope your daughter gets better soon. I am sure it is very worrying :(


New Member
Hi all, thanks for your concern.
I'm at hospital's A&E now, seen the doctor already
He sent my girl for x-ray & said that he saw something wrong with the results.
It seems like one of my girl's intestines got stuck with the other intestine but he can't be sure as the images are not 100% clear.
He sent my girl for ultrasound & we're now waiting for him to review the results & confirm the diagnosis. He said that if it's her intestine that got stuck then they will have to pump & blow it out.
Since throwing up her last feed at 1.30pm, she didn't ask for milk anymore. All she do is sleep. Super heart pain... :(

Moon kok

Oh dear..How's your gal now?? What did the doctor say? You have to stay strong for your baby ok? Update us again once you free. Really heart broken to hear your baby like that :(

Hi all, thanks for your concern.
I'm at hospital's A&E now, seen the doctor already
He sent my girl for x-ray & said that he saw something wrong with the results.
It seems like one of my girl's intestines got stuck with the other intestine but he can't be sure as the images are not 100% clear.
He sent my girl for ultrasound & we're now waiting for him to review the results & confirm the diagnosis. He said that if it's her intestine that got stuck then they will have to pump & blow it out.
Since throwing up her last feed at 1.30pm, she didn't ask for milk anymore. All she do is sleep. Super heart pain... :(
Hi all, thanks for your concern.
I'm at hospital's A&E now, seen the doctor already
He sent my girl for x-ray & said that he saw something wrong with the results.
It seems like one of my girl's intestines got stuck with the other intestine but he can't be sure as the images are not 100% clear.
He sent my girl for ultrasound & we're now waiting for him to review the results & confirm the diagnosis. He said that if it's her intestine that got stuck then they will have to pump & blow it out.
Since throwing up her last feed at 1.30pm, she didn't ask for milk anymore. All she do is sleep. Super heart pain... :(
oh no, really as a mother, i feel heart pain for u too. but look on e bright side, at least u fd out wat is e cause n now u and e doc can rectify e problem. pray tat ur gal will recover soon. must sayang n carry her more during tis tough time so tat she feels comforted.
dear mummies

are you all bfing?
how do u get ur little ones to sleep thru the night?
on average i need to get up abt 3 -4 times to bf my son, change diapers... do i ignore his cries?
oh no, i don think u shld ignore his cries. there is always a reason why baby cry, even when he is bored. he is most likely hungry, uncomfortable w e wet diaper or stomach discomfort. hang in there!


New Member

I may not wake up alot of times since bb born. Usually once like 4 or 5am to bf but that is because my bb boy sleep late like 1230 or 130(depending). recently I tried the last feed as formula milk and my bb can sleep longer like 6 hours so I get enough rest. Only prob is when wake up breasts super engorged so must pump or quickly bf bb. I'm also waiting for him to sleep through longer. The toughest part is getting him to sleep-partly my fault partly my mil fault. I didn't have confinement lady so she used her own way and carry bb till he sleep now my bb have to do that then can sleep:( I must get a good confinement lady for 2nd child next time.


New Member
Hi mummies,
Doctor took a look at the ultrasound & he said the intestine isn't stuck from what he sees at that point of time. He cant give me an exact diagnosis yet as he will need to run more tests. He just had her blood drawn & has put her on drip. He says if her fever continue to rise then there'll b a lot of complications.
I'm praying hard for her to get better :(

choc monster

New Member
Hi Jheyyy

Am sorry to hear abt your daughter. If all avenue fails, would you consider going "bai bai" and ask the medium (don't know how u call it but there are masters "possessed" by the different Taoist God?) to ascertain the cause/problem? There are things which science can't explain. I am a Buddhist but was brought up by my mum's Taoist belief while my dad is a Catholic. Dad who don't belief in the "super natural" things in the past also started to belief a bit over what he & his friends experienced in the last decade or so.

I have 3 "stories" to share :-

(1) Myself - When I was nine, I cannot take any solid food not even energy drinks like Milo for approximately 3-4 weeks and was so weak like jellyfish, could pass out or die anytime. Whatever goes into the mouth will also be vomitted except for plain water.
I was sent to GPs and hospital to check on my condition. Doctors just couldn't find anything - no fever, blood tests and ultrasounds didn't show any abnormality.
Mum was recommended to a lady ("possessed" by Goddess of Mercy) who then checked on me. Was told that my internal body's temperature was very high (can't be detected by doc's thermometer) and the house that my family stayed in for a few months was haunted. It was a coincidence that my luck was down and I kena. She chanted/prayed and rubbed my whole body with a type of oil and hot boiled egg. Outside the egg remained white after rubbing but the inside was blackish. Right after that, I felt hungry and my grandma gave me a cup of hot Milo....drank and no more puking...can even take solid food after that. It was a scary experience for me.

(2) My sister when she was less than 2 months old (I was 9 then and after we shifted out of the haunted house). Been crying day and night without apparent reason...the family knew that she was unwell but just couldn't pin point the cause. No amount of pacifying can help. Ask the same lady and then she prayed/rubbed ointment and then hot hard boiled egg over the whole of my sister's body. Very scary....after rubbing the whole of my sister's body including her face/sole etc was covered with like brown porcupine hairs. Those thick brown hair can be plucked out from her body..the amount was so substantial that my mum gotta shave them off and soaked my poor sis in guiness stout to close her pores.
Reason being, my mum asked pple to help her nail the yaolan hook in the ceiling just a week after my sister's birth. As it was still within 40 days from her birth, she unlucky kena and those porcupine hairs were like the nails used to nail the yaolan. Sis ok after that.

(3) My dear son is currently 10 weeks plus. He's usually a good and easy to manage boy. But for 1+week after we brought him out, he cried, sweated badly (from head to legs) and showed tantrum and looked scared - everyday from 6+pm right up to 1am. Husband and I were totally lost and don't know what to do...not soiled diaper, he was well fed, body temperature ok etc. We tot it was because he was hot (my baby is very afraid of the heat and my home don't have aircon) so come evening we removed his clothing and just wrap him with a thin cotton cloth. But he still cried and no amount of coaxing can calm him down until he dozed off between 12midnight and 1am.
When I found out that his sweat was tasteless, I got worried and called my mum and shared with her our problem. As the lady mentioned in (1) & (2) above has sort of retired due to old age, my mum looked for another lady to check.
We were advised against bringing son out of the house for the 1st 6 months of his life coz of something to do with his bazi. Will be quite difficult to jaga him (as in he will show tantrums) if he leaves home. This time round, other than pantang in bringing him out, he also kena those spirits from the Qing Ming time. Thats y other than showing tantrum, he was also frightened, pass out cold sweat etc especially in the evenings and thruout the nite.
It seemed illogical but when I relayed back, each time we bring our baby out (polyclinic to check jaundice level, Hep B vaccination, full mth celebration etc) he also got problem settling down (very naught and show tantrums) after each outing. We followed the lady's advised on getting some stuff done and he went back to his usual self on that same day!
It has been a few days since and it seemed to work...I no longer dread evenings. Husband and I decided to keep baby at home for another few months and only go out for his vaccinations.

Hi mummies,
Doctor took a look at the ultrasound & he said the intestine isn't stuck from what he sees at that point of time. He cant give me an exact diagnosis yet as he will need to run more tests. He just had her blood drawn & has put her on drip. He says if her fever continue to rise then there'll b a lot of complications.
I'm praying hard for her to get better :(


New Member
Hi choc monster,
I did bring that up to my hubby but he says we should have faith in our own religion. We're praying Thai Gods & I did bring her to one of the masters. He said she saw some little kids playing with her & she got scared.
I wanted to bring her to the medium too cos my family are buddhist but my hubby says don't have to.
Anyway her temp is 37.7 now & no vomiting after feed so I shall see how it goes. She's still on drip for now. Doctor has not come to review her yet.


Thanks for sharing. Your boy very good to sleep thru to the night! So anyway, my boy just woke up 12 ish so let's see if he wakes up again. My Nanny not too pleased with me, she would rather pat him back to sleep instead of feeding him but we see how.
I just sometimes feel like I don't know what to do
. Wish I had more confidence that I am doing the right thing.
Hmm.... if bb is really hungry, is it possible to pat him back to sleep? Mine will scream the hse down if we did that.


Hi choc monster,
I did bring that up to my hubby but he says we should have faith in our own religion. We're praying Thai Gods & I did bring her to one of the masters. He said she saw some little kids playing with her & she got scared.
I wanted to bring her to the medium too cos my family are buddhist but my hubby says don't have to.
Anyway her temp is 37.7 now & no vomiting after feed so I shall see how it goes. She's still on drip for now. Doctor has not come to review her yet.
I really wish that your Alyssa will recover soon. My heart goes out to u and bb when i read your posts. Religion is really impt at this time, i guess. Can i share with u my own experience too? I was very sick with asthma when i just a bb. My parents went to visit a lot of temples and all the deities/mediums said that there is no cure liao. But my parents doesn't give up hope, and they met someone who introduce them to become soka members. After my parents took up faith and start chanting, i totally recover and my asthma never come back to trouble me again.

choc monster

New Member
Hi Jheyyy

It is important that you have your hubby's agreement/support before taking any action involving baby. All parents (including grandparents) would want the best for the baby. How's baby Alyssa doing? Is she back home?

At the moment, my baby still need a lot of attention as he's still very frightened. Currently giving him pearl powder.

Went to a medical hall at Rivervale Plaza @ Sengkang (Jintaitong) to get more pearl powder. Was introduced to a concoction of herbs (pearl powder, pao sheng, cordyseps etc) that can boost baby's immunity. 2-3 mths supply costs $150 and 4-6mths supply at $280. Been told how good how good it is. As we will bring baby to infant care centre in 2 weeks time, we got one for our baby. Hopefully it works.
Maybe you and your hubby can also consider some chinese herbs for baby Alyssa if it helps.

Hi choc monster,
I did bring that up to my hubby but he says we should have faith in our own religion. We're praying Thai Gods & I did bring her to one of the masters. He said she saw some little kids playing with her & she got scared.
I wanted to bring her to the medium too cos my family are buddhist but my hubby says don't have to.
Anyway her temp is 37.7 now & no vomiting after feed so I shall see how it goes. She's still on drip for now. Doctor has not come to review her yet.


New Member
my gal also got problem sleeping during e day. hv to feed n then carry her till she sleep then can put her down her cot, sometimes put her down straight open her eyes n i hv to carry her again. Donno how to train her to sleep on her own. my hubby can put her on his body for an hr while she sleep which i feel is not rite. sigh, so angry. she is going to infant care soon n i really worry abt her. today she is up since10 til 6pm! slept for 3 hrs now up for milk. hopefully can sleep later.
My elder so who is now coming 3 yo has a "terrible" schedule. He is on bf, so feeds on every 1.5-2hr. no sleeping schedule despite me trying to use all sorts of method. at night, still wants to latch on 3-4 times but only for less than 2 mins! it was so tiring then! then cannot sleep thru the night until 18months (1.5yr)... then son must be carried and pat to sleep. refused the cot bed when he was 3 weeks old, cry non-stop when put in the cot so co-sleep with us.

then got 2nd one, girl, now coming to 3months. totally different. feeds regularly from 8 times to 6 times and now about 4-5 times a day. managed to sleep thru the night before she turns 1 month old!! last feed at 12mn and the next feed is 6am, now can also tahan till 8am! not fussy and she doesn't cry a lot. even after being fed, she may not sleep immediately but will play quietly on her own in the cot, sometimes up to 2 hours...just by looking at own her fist, and now she is trying to put finger into mouth...so funny.

some relative used to tell me that I didn't "trained" my son enough, eg. should simply ignore him when he cried, don't carry so much etc.,but I can say I tried a lot of methods already and all came to vain, so frustrated with all the suggested methods then, worse still my colleague who gave birth around the same time to a girl told me her daughter slept thru the night when she was 2 month old, thought something was wrong with my son or my parenting...can imagine the frustration and helplessness ...finally gave up in the end and only then I realised the "motherhood" was more relaxed then...so my conclusion, sometimes just got to do with the baby nature. this daughter, i also didn't do any "training" and yet everything falls into piece.

Thus, don't feel too vex if things are just "different" for your child bah! ")

By the way, my girl drinks about 60ml -90ml on bottle (EBM). not consistent one but still fat fat...bf baby i noticed, hardly changes the amount of milk they drink as they grow older, maybe the fat content in bf will increased accordingly to their needs so no need to "up" the amount.
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New Member
My elder so who is now coming 3 yo has a "terrible" schedule. He is on bf, so feeds on every 1.5-2hr. no sleeping schedule despite me trying to use all sorts of method. at night, still wants to latch on 3-4 times but only for less than 2 mins! it was so tiring then! then cannot sleep thru the night until 18months (1.5yr)... then son must be carried and pat to sleep. refused the cot bed when he was 3 weeks old, cry non-stop when put in the cot so co-sleep with us.

then got 2nd one, girl, now coming to 3months. totally different. feeds regularly from 8 times to 6 times and now about 4-5 times a day. managed to sleep thru the night before she turns 1 month old!! last feed at 12mn and the next feed is 6am, now can also tahan till 8am! not fussy and she doesn't cry a lot. even after being fed, she may not sleep immediately but will play quietly on her own in the cot, sometimes up to 2 hours...just by looking at own her fist, and now she is trying to put finger into mouth...so funny.

some relative used to tell me that I didn't "trained" my son enough, eg. should simply ignore him when he cried, don't carry so much etc.,but I can say I tried a lot of methods already and all came to vain, so frustrated with all the suggested methods then, worse still my colleague who gave birth around the same time to a girl told me her daughter slept thru the night when she was 2 month old, thought something was wrong with my son or my parenting...can imagine the frustration and helplessness ...finally gave up in the end and only then I realised the "motherhood" was more relaxed then...so my conclusion, sometimes just got to do with the baby nature. this daughter, i also didn't do any "training" and yet everything falls into piece.

Thus, don't feel too vex if things are just "different" for your child bah! ")

By the way, my girl drinks about 60ml -90ml on bottle (EBM). not consistent one but still fat fat...bf baby i noticed, hardly changes the amount of milk they drink as they grow older, maybe the fat content in bf will increased accordingly to their needs so no need to "up" the amount.
Hi Green Kiwi
I think you raised a very important point that we sometimes just have to relax and go with our baby's nature instead of stressing about following those methods/training our baby. As a first time mummy, these words are very comforting cos I always keep thinking "am I doing something wrong?" and worry too much.


New Member
Hmm.... if bb is really hungry, is it possible to pat him back to sleep? Mine will scream the hse down if we did that.
Haha.. I guess I never tried letting baby get too hungry. Over-anxious first time mummy :p So far, if we pat him, he does go back to sleep. Right now, I've decided to just let him wake up when he wants to and he has stuck to a 2/3 am night feeding so far.


New Member
Hi choc monster,
I did bring that up to my hubby but he says we should have faith in our own religion. We're praying Thai Gods & I did bring her to one of the masters. He said she saw some little kids playing with her & she got scared.
I wanted to bring her to the medium too cos my family are buddhist but my hubby says don't have to.
Anyway her temp is 37.7 now & no vomiting after feed so I shall see how it goes. She's still on drip for now. Doctor has not come to review her yet.
Hope Baby Alyssa is feeling better.


New Member
Hello Mummies
Can I ask for those who are bf their babies, how long does each feeding take? My son really enjoys taking his time so each feed is about 45 min- 1hour where he slowly drinks, falls asleep, wakes up drinks again...

I don't mind it when we are at home but because of this don't dare to bf when we go out and always either rush back or bring along a bottle of EBM. I wonder how other mummies deal with this.


New Member

My son drinks 90-100ml sometimes can't finish sometimes need more. But I realise bf bb bigger, brought him out shopping and clinic and met a few 2 months old bb and my son is bigger and "longer" than them. But I do supplement with formula once a day before putting him to bed cos can sleep through the night easier.



New Member
Hello Mummies
Can I ask for those who are bf their babies, how long does each feeding take? My son really enjoys taking his time so each feed is about 45 min- 1hour where he slowly drinks, falls asleep, wakes up drinks again...

I dont't mind it when we are at home but because of this dont't dare to bf when we go out and always either rush back or bring along a bottle of EBM. I wonder how other mummies deal with this.
Bring bottle alOng is a good idea when out, need plan how many servings u need for the duration u r out.

When he was 1 month plus, I breastfeed 1 hour or even more. After some time, I was tired so I went to see lactation consultant. They taught me the 15min method I'm using till now. And u need massage your breasts to improve milk flow before each feeding which will help reduce overall time. Now my son can just 1/2 hour(15 min on each side) and will be full. Keep using the 15 min cycle to prevent sore nipples-I do not need to use any cabbage or cream at all after learning this method.