Edd, Feb 2011.


New Member
Hello Mummies
Can I ask for those who are bf their babies, how long does each feeding take? My son really enjoys taking his time so each feed is about 45 min- 1hour where he slowly drinks, falls asleep, wakes up drinks again...

I dont't mind it when we are at home but because of this dont't dare to bf when we go out and always either rush back or bring along a bottle of EBM. I wonder how other mummies deal with this.
My son used to feed on 1 side within 2 mins-3 mins then refused to take anymore. But shortly after that, within 30mins may want again. so for him, i hardly used EBM even when going out, he is very fussy, only wants warm milk/ water up till now. good thing is that he doesn't enjoy ice-cream!

so it's always latch on for him. as I bf till he is about 1.5yo, I sew my own super big nursing cover ...hahaha...actually quite easy, i use those t-shirt material to sew one, cos got elasticity.

Girl is more consistent, started with 30mins on both side (0-1month), now about 20mins on both side, but during the last feed around 11pm, she may want longer, so can be up to 45mins. Then when I go out, I sometimes use EBM too, cos others can help to feed, then it's not always I can find a available feeding/ nursing room. EMB 60ml, she will need about 20min.


New Member
Dear mummies,
My girl has been discharged ytd. Her motion is v pasty now instead of the watery loose stools. She has stopped vomiting too. But one thing i'm concerned now is, she used to drink 170ml at every feed in the past before this happens. Then after the doctor removed her drip, she drinks only 150ml at every feed while she's still at the hospital. Now at home, the least milk intake is 30ml & the most she drinks is 90ml.
Last night, she drank 90ml at 9.45pm & she went to bed at about 11 plus. She woke up at 5.45am & started playing on her own. I observed her for awhile & she showed no signs of being hungry at all. But nonetheless, i prepared 120ml of milk for her as it's been 8 hours since her last feeding. In the end, she's only willing to drink 90ml. She went back to sleep & woke up at 8.45am. I prepared 90ml of milk, & she only drank about 60ml. 3 hours later, i prepared milk for her again, & she drank 30ml.
This is kind of worrying too as she don't ask for milk at all.
Btw, doctor said her stool results are okay. & no need for further investigation on her intestines since she's okay to drink milk now.
She seems to get startled easily nowadays too. She always sleep halfway & suddenly got startled for nothing. I don't know if i should bring her to a Chinese sinsei or to bring her back to our Thai master. Because she's drinking so little milk now, i worry she 'gum cek'. She tend to suckle on the teat for very long, but not swallowing any milk.
What do you mummies think i should do ? :(

Moon kok

Glad to know your baby has been discharged. :) My girl happen to reduce her milk intake suddenly when the confinement lady left. From 90ml reduce to 50ml and it last her for 4hrs (Last time 90ml can only last her for 2 hrs)!! And this situation continues for about 3weeks. Slowly then she increase back her milk intake to 140ml for now. Till now, i still don't know what is going on with her, so long as she is still gain weight then I'm less worry.

But for your case is a bit different. Maybe you should abserve her a while more and try to note down the total of milk intake for a day then you see what you can do lor.

Dear mummies,
My girl has been discharged ytd. Her motion is v pasty now instead of the watery loose stools. She has stopped vomiting too. But one thing i'm concerned now is, she used to drink 170ml at every feed in the past before this happens. Then after the doctor removed her drip, she drinks only 150ml at every feed while she's still at the hospital. Now at home, the least milk intake is 30ml & the most she drinks is 90ml.
Last night, she drank 90ml at 9.45pm & she went to bed at about 11 plus. She woke up at 5.45am & started playing on her own. I observed her for awhile & she showed no signs of being hungry at all. But nonetheless, i prepared 120ml of milk for her as it's been 8 hours since her last feeding. In the end, she's only willing to drink 90ml. She went back to sleep & woke up at 8.45am. I prepared 90ml of milk, & she only drank about 60ml. 3 hours later, i prepared milk for her again, & she drank 30ml.
This is kind of worrying too as she don't ask for milk at all.
Btw, doctor said her stool results are okay. & no need for further investigation on her intestines since she's okay to drink milk now.
She seems to get startled easily nowadays too. She always sleep halfway & suddenly got startled for nothing. I don't know if i should bring her to a Chinese sinsei or to bring her back to our Thai master. Because she's drinking so little milk now, i worry she 'gum cek'. She tend to suckle on the teat for very long, but not swallowing any milk.
What do you mummies think i should do ? :(

choc monster

New Member
Hi Jheyyy

Glad to know that baby Alyssa has been discharged.

I agree with Moon Kok. Perhaps you monitor your gal for awhile. I guess baby also behave like us, adults i.e. if we have been unwell for awhile, we also don't have much appetite and the initial few days bit weak and will catch more sleep?
When she poo-ed, did you check the color of the motion? I have been told that if baby has been frightened, the poo will have some greenish color. My boy had a bit of greenish stool when he was very frightened. Now slightly better after taking pearl powder..at least he managed to catch some good sleep rather than get startled every 10mins or so.

Btw, you mentioned that Alyssa will get startled for no apparent reason. While asleep or awake, she just get startled or coz she got startled when someone sneezes, closed the door abit loud?

If you are really worried, I see no harm if you go back to consult your Thai master esp if it involves praying or chanting and your gal need not consume anythg "special". That way you will have a better pce of mine. As for Chinese sinseh, maybe u monitor her condition 1st.

Dear mummies,
My girl has been discharged ytd. Her motion is v pasty now instead of the watery loose stools. She has stopped vomiting too. But one thing i'm concerned now is, she used to drink 170ml at every feed in the past before this happens. Then after the doctor removed her drip, she drinks only 150ml at every feed while she's still at the hospital. Now at home, the least milk intake is 30ml & the most she drinks is 90ml.
Last night, she drank 90ml at 9.45pm & she went to bed at about 11 plus. She woke up at 5.45am & started playing on her own. I observed her for awhile & she showed no signs of being hungry at all. But nonetheless, i prepared 120ml of milk for her as it's been 8 hours since her last feeding. In the end, she's only willing to drink 90ml. She went back to sleep & woke up at 8.45am. I prepared 90ml of milk, & she only drank about 60ml. 3 hours later, i prepared milk for her again, & she drank 30ml.
This is kind of worrying too as she don't ask for milk at all.
Btw, doctor said her stool results are okay. & no need for further investigation on her intestines since she's okay to drink milk now.
She seems to get startled easily nowadays too. She always sleep halfway & suddenly got startled for nothing. I don't know if i should bring her to a Chinese sinsei or to bring her back to our Thai master. Because she's drinking so little milk now, i worry she 'gum cek'. She tend to suckle on the teat for very long, but not swallowing any milk.
What do you mummies think i should do ? :(


New Member
Glad to know your baby has been discharged. :) My girl happen to reduce her milk intake suddenly when the confinement lady left. From 90ml reduce to 50ml and it last her for 4hrs (Last time 90ml can only last her for 2 hrs)!! And this situation continues for about 3weeks. Slowly then she increase back her milk intake to 140ml for now. Till now, i still don't know what is going on with her, so long as she is still gain weight then I'm less worry.

But for your case is a bit different. Maybe you should abserve her a while more and try to note down the total of milk intake for a day then you see what you can do lor.
I scared she 'huan dio' at the hospital cos the last night of her stay she was alone. I did not stay with her that night. & after her discharge, she sleeps a lot & gets startled v easily. (E.g. she'll get startled about 4-5 times within 5 minutes into her sleep.) It's v worrying. She don't cry for milk at all too. I don't know what's wrong with her... :(


New Member
Hi Jheyyy

Glad to know that baby Alyssa has been discharged.

I agree with Moon Kok. Perhaps you monitor your gal for awhile. I guess baby also behave like us, adults i.e. if we have been unwell for awhile, we also don't have much appetite and the initial few days bit weak and will catch more sleep?
When she poo-ed, did you check the color of the motion? I have been told that if baby has been frightened, the poo will have some greenish color. My boy had a bit of greenish stool when he was very frightened. Now slightly better after taking pearl powder..at least he managed to catch some good sleep rather than get startled every 10mins or so.

Btw, you mentioned that Alyssa will get startled for no apparent reason. While asleep or awake, she just get startled or coz she got startled when someone sneezes, closed the door abit loud?

If you are really worried, I see no harm if you go back to consult your Thai master esp if it involves praying or chanting and your gal need not consume anythg "special". That way you will have a better pce of mine. As for Chinese sinseh, maybe u monitor her condition 1st.
But the problem is, she still drinks 150ml when she's still in the hospital without the drip. Only started drinking so little after she left the hospital.
She gets startled on her own, meaning even when the surrounding is so peaceful, she still gets startled.
I thought of bringing her to a medium, but i don't know where to bring her to.

choc monster

New Member
Ic. Sorry. I misunderstood you earlier. It is indeed worrying. I do not have the contact of any medium in S'pore as my mum told me before (since young) not to anyhow look for one as some are conmen or have evil thoughts to so somethg with our bazi etc. For my son's case, I asked my mum to consult medium in my hometown - Ipoh, Malaysia. My mum has my boy's bazi & name and I also briefed her his symptoms etc

It would be good if someone in this or other thread can refer a genuine medium to you. I will be going to Goddess of Mercy temple at Waterloo Street this weekend. I can also ask those seniors who work in the temple if they know of any genuine medium around here.

But the problem is, she still drinks 150ml when she's still in the hospital without the drip. Only started drinking so little after she left the hospital.
She gets startled on her own, meaning even when the surrounding is so peaceful, she still gets startled.
I thought of bringing her to a medium, but i don't know where to bring her to.

Moon kok

Oh..is it possible the nurse is too rough when doing checking for her? That's why she got frightened? I been told by the master who calculate the 'Ba Zhi' for my gal, my gal 'ba zhi' is very weak and will get frighten easily. She keep remind me not to let my girl stay alone, must have someone beside her especially when she's sleeping. So, I'm not sure whether your girl is it get frighten cox of she feel she's alone? Maybe you can try to hug her more, and keep telling her, you are always beside her. This is what I do for my girl. And it works well for her. Everytime when she cried, I will talk to her gentlely beside her ear and tell her I'm always here for her. Then she will calm down very quickly.

Try to calm your mind, observe your girl closely..

I scared she 'huan dio' at the hospital cos the last night of her stay she was alone. I did not stay with her that night. & after her discharge, she sleeps a lot & gets startled v easily. (E.g. she'll get startled about 4-5 times within 5 minutes into her sleep.) It's v worrying. She don't cry for milk at all too. I don't know what's wrong with her... :(

Moon kok

Hi Choc,

You are from Ipoh? Me too!!

Ic. Sorry. I misunderstood you earlier. It is indeed worrying. I do not have the contact of any medium in S'pore as my mum told me before (since young) not to anyhow look for one as some are conmen or have evil thoughts to so somethg with our bazi etc. For my son's case, I asked my mum to consult medium in my hometown - Ipoh, Malaysia. My mum has my boy's bazi & name and I also briefed her his symptoms etc

It would be good if someone in this or other thread can refer a genuine medium to you. I will be going to Goddess of Mercy temple at Waterloo Street this weekend. I can also ask those seniors who work in the temple if they know of any genuine medium around here.


New Member
Ic. Sorry. I misunderstood you earlier. It is indeed worrying. I do not have the contact of any medium in S'pore as my mum told me before (since young) not to anyhow look for one as some are conmen or have evil thoughts to so somethg with our bazi etc. For my son's case, I asked my mum to consult medium in my hometown - Ipoh, Malaysia. My mum has my boy's bazi & name and I also briefed her his symptoms etc

It would be good if someone in this or other thread can refer a genuine medium to you. I will be going to Goddess of Mercy temple at Waterloo Street this weekend. I can also ask those seniors who work in the temple if they know of any genuine medium around here.
Okay, thanks for your help !


New Member
Oh..is it possible the nurse is too rough when doing checking for her? That's why she got frightened? I been told by the master who calculate the 'Ba Zhi' for my gal, my gal 'ba zhi' is very weak and will get frighten easily. She keep remind me not to let my girl stay alone, must have someone beside her especially when she's sleeping. So, I'm not sure whether your girl is it get frighten cox of she feel she's alone? Maybe you can try to hug her more, and keep telling her, you are always beside her. This is what I do for my girl. And it works well for her. Everytime when she cried, I will talk to her gentlely beside her ear and tell her I'm always here for her. Then she will calm down very quickly.

Try to calm your mind, observe your girl closely..
If that explains why she gets startled so easily, then what explains why she's drinking so much lesser after discharge ??


Dear Jheyyy,

hmm.. i think the best way is to swaddle Alyssa during her sleep. this the best way n all babies have to go thru the "kenna tie" process.. i still swaddle my girl till now n she sleeps thru out n v peaceful. even we on the TV v loud, she isnt affected at all. if we dont swaddle her, she will got scare even with the water sound from the toilet which isnt loud at all.

I think u just feed her even 3-4 hours, maybe 100ml each time? let her get her timing right and amount right within this period.

my girl is still taking 110ml since 1mth old. dont really have to force them drink too much even she used to drink alot in the past. i have a friend, whose baby boy is already 4mths old, still taking 100ml every 3-4hours. so its really ok as long as there's intake.


New Member
Dear Jheyyy,

hmm.. i think the best way is to swaddle Alyssa during her sleep. this the best way n all babies have to go thru the "kenna tie" process.. i still swaddle my girl till now n she sleeps thru out n v peaceful. even we on the TV v loud, she isnt affected at all. if we dont swaddle her, she will got scare even with the water sound from the toilet which isnt loud at all.

I think u just feed her even 3-4 hours, maybe 100ml each time? let her get her timing right and amount right within this period.

my girl is still taking 110ml since 1mth old. dont really have to force them drink too much even she used to drink alot in the past. i have a friend, whose baby boy is already 4mths old, still taking 100ml every 3-4hours. so its really ok as long as there's intake.
Okay, i've just wrapped her in swaddle. Hopefully it helps. She drank 120ml at her last feeding. So now i'll just wait for her to really cry for milk then i'll feed her.
I'll see if she still feels frightened. Thanks btw ! :)


oh no, i don think u shld ignore his cries. there is always a reason why baby cry, even when he is bored. he is most likely hungry, uncomfortable w e wet diaper or stomach discomfort. hang in there!
Thanks RabbyMummy

now my boy down with flu... :(


Okay, i've just wrapped her in swaddle. Hopefully it helps. She drank 120ml at her last feeding. So now i'll just wait for her to really cry for milk then i'll feed her.
I'll see if she still feels frightened. Thanks btw ! :)
yes... swaddling helps baby to sleep better too :)
hope ur gal is feeling much better now.
Take care of urself too :)


New Member
My son is on BF, he is all the while taking 60-80-ml even till 1yo. So I think as long as intake is regular, can be 2-3 hrs apart, got poo, eyes sparkle, active, response to sound, i think it should be fine. Just look out for if baby is sleeping excessively, not responding well to sound, uninterested when people try to have eye contact with her/him.


New Member

I agree. I was very discouraged initially when my milk only came in after 1 week of pumping and latch on and even then only few drops. My boy was always hungry and it didn't help with discouraging remarks from my mil and my own mother. Until 1 day my colleague shared with me "it's not about the method and the quantity, as long as the baby is fed, happy and growing well according to the milestones". It made me realize formula or breastmilk doesn't matter, what matters most is we get to be part of the process of feeding our children well and making sure they are healthy. I'm going back work end may, so I have started to put ebm in bottle to train my son. He rejects it more at night so at night last feed still have to latch on. I pray that Alyssa will get well and gain strength. Continue to monitor her, u have done well mummy:) take care of yourself too:) happy mother's day to all of you mummies out there!