EDD May 2011


Active Member
Same size but freestyle is more comfortable and there is a feature of 2mins stimulation. Last night hubby insist that I feel more relaxed so he help me out with the preparation and all. I guess I have been too stressed out thus the milk doesn't want to come out. Anyway I placed a warm towel on it and massage before pumping. Both my breast pumps are 2nd hand. We replaced the parts which is in contact with breastmilk. My freestyle will be used at work. I am hoping to request for a room to pump it. If only they have nursing room. Whole lot easier.

My husband pro bm so that explains why he bothers.
That goes to show your hubby know the importance of bm vs fm. My hubby is the type that why so stress if don't have drink fm lor as long as her girl girl is not hungry.


That goes to show your hubby know the importance of bm vs fm. My hubby is the type that why so stress if don't have drink fm lor as long as her girl girl is not hungry.

Hehe... Maybe u can make him get more involved. Sent email or what hahahaha so he might read up.

Anyway I have finally reached my destination. But it s raining heavily. Lesson learnt must check weather as well. I was desperate so used nursing cover while alighting the bus. Now the journey back. Wish me luck. Anyway NIE nursing room is very very very good. Very clean n spacious.


Active Member
your hubby is so nice!!!my hubby asked me twice want use fm :(
M using medela swing..think the 2 min stimulation is good. Mine is 2nd hand too.
From labour ward we can tell her hubby is good.
Actually all our hubby are nice just that some of them is the kind that more involved and read up themselves, some learn by listening, some listen already forget but willing to help. My hubby 3rd type la that's what makes me boiled.


Active Member
From labour ward we can tell her hubby is good.
Actually all our hubby are nice just that some of them is the kind that more involved and read up themselves, some learn by listening, some listen already forget but willing to help. My hubby 3rd type la that's what makes me boiled.
But willing to help is important ma! Can you imagine the 4th kind? Listen already forgot and don't bother to help? Lol...

When I was in the labour ward.. my hubby was busy helping me with the fever plaster.. flip and flip.. I told him he shall be the commander and I just listen to what he ask me to do.. :)


Active Member
Isy.. How many times does your girl feed every day?
She also like to put hand in mouth always wet her mitten.
Let me see these 2 days I think she got cluster feed in the late afternoon guess to prepare for her 9:30pm sleep.
In 24 hrs about 7-8 times latch bout 5-10 mins. Feeding time interval still not fixed at 3 hrs though I wanted it to be. Somewhere 2-4 hrs. I never feed ebm now. Only 2-3 times since last 2 weeks. She can drink bout 70-80 ml during the time I feed her ebm.
Oh almost forget she also 2-3 times snacking of 1-2 mins latch coz at times I see 3 hrs try to offer her but she still don't want. Or I offer when I dunno why she cried, then when she don't want then I know she wants to nap


Active Member
I start to suspect my baby never drink enough.. Every time after feed, she will still cry like when we take the bottle away for half time burping.
Let her drink, she will signal u when she needs to burp right? Got half time burping one arr? If my daughter hungry and u take bottle away she will scream.


Active Member
Yes yes. Initially I tot why always hungry heh. also like to grab my finger
It's not a hungry sign like what website says. Even sticking tongue out also not very accurate.
I will see the clock now as well as her tongue movement inside her mouth (not sticking out)


Active Member
I love my 3am pump. Hehe whole day latching can hardly see anything when pump. Yesterday night before sleep only have 20ml each side. 3am 1 side got 120ml so satisfying. But only 1 side la coz the other side latch my girl girl already.

Have your supply stabilized? If u pump every 3 hrs vs every 4 hrs any difference in ml?


Active Member
Let her drink, she will signal u when she needs to burp right? Got half time burping one arr? If my daughter hungry and u take bottle away she will scream.
Lol got. When my hb feeds her she doesn't really scream. When I feed her, she will scream most of the time. So its not easy to burP her at half time for me.


your hubby is so nice!!!my hubby asked me twice want use fm :(
M using medela swing..think the 2 min stimulation is good. Mine is 2nd hand too.
Fm is whole lot less hassle than ebm that s y ur hubby tot of fm. To make life easier for u? Hmmm dun be sad he might have his reasons for it.

Yes it helps abit. But most importantly feeling relaxed plays a huge part in expressing the milk. I have managed to pump 20ml. Will keep up with pumping frequently.

I feel like bringing my baby where ever I go cos I am going back to work very soon. Tot of bringing her out with me again later. But I have yet to bring her out with stroller. Must plan out the journey carefully. But thank God there are good people who helped me yesterday. If not I ll be more tired. The only thing that backfire was I need to pee and I was alone. So had to hurry home. All is good getting more confident in handling her alone. :D


Discipline.. I m not. Sometimes I am so tired I either cannot wake up or I gave myself another 5 min of wink which always end up hours later. I really wonder how my cousin can do it. She managed to bf for a year and some more using manual pump.
Hehe I tot u were cos by far u re the one who has managed to store so much ebm. My current ebm is a bottle of 40ml thus I might have to bring her with me later. Unless I want her to go on a diet hehe.

She has put on weight very fast. She was rather small since birth. Some of the nurses and my old folks keep advising me to supplement her with fm. I didn't want that so I followed the advise of one of the nurse who mentioned that breastfeeding should be on demand and can be anytime. I mistakenly tot have to feed her 3hrs interval only so that explains why she s tiny. Now my arms are cramped after carrying her. How time flies and the wonders of breast milk. So fast become chubby already. :D

I will miss her badly. Dunno how I will cope on my first week at work.


Active Member
I love my 3am pump. Hehe whole day latching can hardly see anything when pump. Yesterday night before sleep only have 20ml each side. 3am 1 side got 120ml so satisfying. But only 1 side la coz the other side latch my girl girl already.

Have your supply stabilized? If u pump every 3 hrs vs every 4 hrs any difference in ml?
yes there's a difference. Hmm my supply.. Sometimes will drop a little..


I auto wake up now coz engorged. This morning too sleepy engorged still sleep. Just only feed my girl while she's sleeping :p now pumping the other side.
Oh no wonder my breasts are so full in the morning as she has changed to waking up only once at night. Wasted shud have continued pumping. Ahhhhhh... Haiz what to do hopefully can store 10 bottles and have to pump twice at work. She drink 4-5times on my working hours. Hope my colleagues are understanding enough that I need sometime away to pump and clean the parts n all.