EDD May 2011


Bmsg also got sell. Ya one tray.
I dun tink I will be buying cos I just bought rings and storage bottles. And I haven't even fill them up. So far still not able to replenish my stock. But husband find out and ask me to pump more frequently and bla bla bla. Sigh I am so tired but in actual fact I am just plainly lazy. Guilty as charged.


Active Member
I dont tink I will be buying cos I just bought rings and storage bottles. And I have not't even fill them up. So far still not able to replenish my stock. But husband find out and ask me to pump more frequently and bla bla bla. Sigh I am so tired but in actual fact I am just plainly lazy. Guilty as charged.
I think regular pumping does help, but need a lot of perseverance and discipline. And.. It's really both mentally and physically draining. Jiayou everyone! Btw I think the malunggay tea seems to be working. Let me try a few more days n see how.


I managed to replenish the 2 packs I used today. This time round I used my medela freestyle pump. Definitely better than my Ameda pump. Better stimulation and suction. I can roughly know how much she drinks. I was curious how much she actually drinks. I hope I will be as disciplined as whomovedmycheese. :D

I am going to sleep now. Good night mummies. Super drained. If I have that little energy left I will pump 3hrs later. :s
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I'm just reflecting how time flies. We were all just waiting excitedly for us to pop.. Fill up table list..And one by one we were sharing our delivery experiences..bf difficulties blaring blaring. And now in a flash we are going back to work. Why time pass so fast one?

I haven't even apply my maternity leave and it's gonna end. Oh my. :(
True enough. I am gonna miss my baby. Must cherish these last few weeks. Cheer up... Can always go on for another maternity leave. Hehe.


Active Member
I managed to replenish the 2 packs I used today. This time round I used my medela freestyle pump. Definitely better than my Ameda pump. Better stimulation and suction. I can roughly know how much she drinks. I was curious how much she actually drinks. I hope I will be as disciplined as whomovedmycheese. :D

I am going to sleep now. Good night mummies. Super drained. If I have that little energy left I will pump 3hrs later. :s
Same breast flange size and material? U bought the freestyle?
Haven't use freestyle before. Only tried harmony and doesn't like it as I was using with soft shield. My friend swap with the plastic shield and fine with it though.
So far my Ameda works fine able to pump around same amount as using avent manual.
Need to relax to trigger letdown.
I bought from online pumping pal super shield and handsfree hook. Anyone using the supershield here?
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Active Member
I m now left with 2 packs. Sigh sigh. Hubby advised to pump 3hr intervals. So hopefully will be able to wake up later. Hopefully tomorrow onwards I will start to create a routine as if I have started work already. So easier to see when she feeds and teach mum in law how to handle her while I am away. But tomorrow morning going to jurong with her. Wish me luck this is the furthest journey I am going to do. Hope she won't be cranky in the mrt and bus. Aiyo I shud have continued pumping long time ago.

Ganbatte everyone... :D
Ur hubby is very supportive :) try a power pump during weekend. Read from forum mummies it will boost supply


Active Member
I'm just reflecting how time flies. We were all just waiting excitedly for us to pop.. Fill up table list..And one by one we were sharing our delivery experiences..bf difficulties blaring blaring. And now in a flash we are going back to work. Why time pass so fast one?

I haven't even apply my maternity leave and it's gonna end. Oh my. :(
My mc sheet still with me lol haven't apply too. Maternity leave I applied already.
Yeah blink of an eye baby going 3rd month already. Gonna go for jabs again soon.
Later we will be worrying when baby turn, crawl etc. Think more hectic than now.
Perhaps we can organize a gathering session next year May 2012. Birthday bash for all May babies :p


Active Member
I managed to replenish the 2 packs I used today. This time round I used my medela freestyle pump. Definitely better than my Ameda pump. Better stimulation and suction. I can roughly know how much she drinks. I was curious how much she actually drinks. I hope I will be as disciplined as whomovedmycheese. :D

I am going to sleep now. Good night mummies. Super drained. If I have that little energy left I will pump 3hrs later. :s
Discipline.. I m not. Sometimes I am so tired I either cannot wake up or I gave myself another 5 min of wink which always end up hours later. I really wonder how my cousin can do it. She managed to bf for a year and some more using manual pump.


Active Member
My mc sheet still with me lol haven't apply too. Maternity leave I applied already.
Yeah blink of an eye baby going 3rd month already. Gonna go for jabs again soon.
Later we will be worrying when baby turn, crawl etc. Think more hectic than now.
Perhaps we can organize a gathering session next year May 2012. Birthday bash for all May babies :p
Do we need to apply leave with the mc sheet? I submitted my baby's birth cert to my cOmpany le.


Active Member
Same breast flange size and material? U bought the freestyle?
Haven't use freestyle before. Only tried harmony and doesn't like it as I was using with soft shield. My friend swap with the plastic shield and fine with it though.
So far my Ameda works fine able to pump around same amount as using avent manual.
Need to relax to trigger letdown.
I bought from online pumping pal super shield and handsfree hook. Anyone using the supershield here?
Saw this at the baby expo but don't knOw how effective it is. What do you think?


Active Member
But to me you very good le, I don't even wake up in middle of night to pump now. Only up when baby up to latch
I auto wake up now coz engorged. This morning too sleepy engorged still sleep. Just only feed my girl while she's sleeping :p now pumping the other side.


Active Member
I auto wake up now coz engorged. This morning too sleepy engorged still sleep. Just only feed my girl while she's sleeping :p now pumping the other side.
my girl now very smart already. When she's very hungry, she will refuse to latch. When I try to latch her, she will stick out her tongue very long and do the vomit sound. Maybe I never latch so much already, so she's too used to the flow of the bottle. Tried the latching side way method but not very successful.


Same breast flange size and material? U bought the freestyle?
Haven't use freestyle before. Only tried harmony and doesn't like it as I was using with soft shield. My friend swap with the plastic shield and fine with it though.
So far my Ameda works fine able to pump around same amount as using avent manual.
Need to relax to trigger letdown.
I bought from online pumping pal super shield and handsfree hook. Anyone using the supershield here?
Same size but freestyle is more comfortable and there is a feature of 2mins stimulation. Last night hubby insist that I feel more relaxed so he help me out with the preparation and all. I guess I have been too stressed out thus the milk doesn't want to come out. Anyway I placed a warm towel on it and massage before pumping. Both my breast pumps are 2nd hand. We replaced the parts which is in contact with breastmilk. My freestyle will be used at work. I am hoping to request for a room to pump it. If only they have nursing room. Whole lot easier.

My husband pro bm so that explains why he bothers.