EDD Aug 2011


I fed bm followed by formula in hospital... But since I express at home, collect till abt 100 ml then feed her bm...:p... So alternate, bm one meal... Formula next of not enough bm... What do u mean by water?

Eh... If nipples start bleeding can try using nipple shield? U can express some milk on nipple and rub in or use nipple cream to heal faster... Dont give up k


My nipples also injured after feeding him for the first one week.
My husband went to buy mi nipple cream and breast pump.
If heals fast when my baby does not latch on directly.

Jovin, You can try expressing breast milk and apply nipple cream.
i at night feed my baby formula so can let him sleep longer.

My baby also not full enough when he drink breast milk. In another 1/2- 1 hour he would wake n feel hungry again. So i also feed baby formula and than breast milk. My breast milk not that much. Every time only can pump out about the most 50ml.


Sorry engel and piggyhui, urs is milk? Mine is still colosume (if I spell correctly) today only 3 rd day no milk yet. So he is ok to suck both Bf and formula? I had to give in. I got blister.. But ta Han each alternate feed :(


Me at 15 days... Milk... Colostruom can still compliment with formula milk:)...
Better let ure nipple heal first.. I gave up for #1 cause nipple bled and had pus...:( hurts mad...

There's still nipple shield/ guard that u could use for breast feeding... Place it on nipple and baby latches on to that instead
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Thanks! I bought that I will try tml. I am so stress with him. Can't sleep at noon becos Bf. At night still got night duty :(
Yup Milk. Eh i got worst yesterday baby wake at 2am and dun slp till 9.30am. Lucky mother in law take over at 6am when she wake. OMG....

Today got night duty again. JY too...


Hi Mummies,

I'm back! :)

Just to share:
I admitted TMC on 19 Aug midnight and was inserted with 1 tablet, after like 5 hrs still no dilation, so proceed with 2nd tablet. At 9am, Dr checked n still no dilation so Dr say I may have to insert 2 tablet at 1 go at 12pm. Thankfully at noon, I start to hv contractions and Dr checked it's 3.5cm dilated so can proceed with drip n breaking of waterbag. As I was having a bad flu n feeling weak, I opted for epi straight away as the last thing I want is end up emergency c-sect. So epi given At 1 plus n I was fully dilated by 2 plus n my precious arrived at 3 plus. :)

Overall I would say the delivery is smooth apart from the long wait when being induced.



Hope mine is a Quickie too

Hi Mummies,

I'm back! :)

Just to share:
I admitted Thomson Medical Center on 19 Aug midnight and was inserted with 1 tablet, after like 5 hours still no dilation, so proceed with 2nd tablet. At 9am, Dr checked n still no dilation so Dr say I may have to insert 2 tablet at 1 go at 12pm. Thankfully at noon, I start to have contractions and Dr checked it's 3.5cm dilated so can proceed with drip n breaking of waterbag. As I was having a bad flu n feeling weak, I opted for epi straight away as the last thing I want is end up emergency c-sect. So epi given At 1 plus n I was fully dilated by 2 plus n my precious arrived at 3 plus. :)

Overall I would say the delivery is smooth apart from the long wait when being induced.



Did the hospital eventually change you to a single room when it is available? Or u settle for 2 bedded? I also dun hv single room at admission so gotta stay in the observatory ward for 12 hrs which is a torture for hubby cos very cramp. After delivery they also dun hv standard single room, so I was upgraded to their super delux single room. Hee.. The only console after such long wait to deliver.

Compare to Mt A where I had my first delivery, I think the ward nurses at TMC are more friendly. But I find the food at Mt A better. Haha! Personal opinion only. No offense k.


By the way, I choose to bf my bb whenever she is hungry during the day time and request for supplementary feed on both nights in the hospital so I can have undisturbed rest. Since discharged yesterday, I have been total breastfeeding my gal and the whole night I hardly sleep. Think I will complement with formula for the next 2 nights till my milk comes in. I think it's nothing wrong in giving supplement formula, my first boy I stick to full bf without knowing I hv no milk and baby is not full at all. By day 4 my boy suffered dehydration and there is blood streaks in his urine n diaper. PD say must giv formula. So I'm not repeating this mistake again. :) So Jovin, dun stress k. Can alternate feed so tt both mother n baby can benefit.


I'm so angry with my mother in law.. always said baby not full enough due to i'm latching.. that's true that if latch on the baby got to feed about 1.5 hr to 2 hours ... she doesn't know that it's so tiring when latch on the baby and nipple so painful... now still need to pump out the milk for baby...so tiring during confinement yet there is no encouragement on the breast feeding..


Just ignore her lah

Don't be angry

Just think of yr baby

I'm so angry with my mother in law.. always said baby not full enough due to i'm latching.. that's true that if latch on the baby got to feed about 1.5 hr to 2 hours ... she doesn't know that it's so tiring when latch on the baby and nipple so painful... now still need to pump out the milk for baby...so tiring during confinement yet there is no encouragement on the breast feeding..


Just ignore her lah

Don't be angry

Just think of yr baby

I wish i can ignore her.. really cannot tahan liao.. from day one the baby born until now, she keep on saying me not enough milk and baby not full enough.. direct latching not like that one meh? 1.5 to 2 hourly got to feed baby ... I really cannot tahan liao.. it's only 14 days ...


Direct latching for my gal used to be every 1 hr. isn't it worst???

Don't argue with her lah

Make yrself angry for what???

Better concentrate on yr baby.

Must eat more fish and also take more soup meant for production of milk.

If possible, drink milk.

It will help.

I wish i can ignore her.. really cannot tahan liao.. from day one the baby born until now, she keep on saying me not enough milk and baby not full enough.. direct latching not like that one meh? 1.5 to 2 hourly got to feed baby ... I really cannot tahan liao.. it's only 14 days ...


Direct latching for my gal used to be every 1 hr. isn't it worst???

Don't argue with her lah

Make yrself angry for what???

Better concentrate on yr baby.

Must eat more fish and also take more soup meant for production of milk.

If possible, drink milk.

It will help.
Thanks kim yen, I try to calm down.. I think I'll drink milk tmr morning and see whether supply got boost up or not..


My dear, it's not immediate hor.

Must give it at least 3 days

If latch on properly, milk supply will increase with demand.

Don't worry : )

Thanks kim yen, I try to calm down.. I think I'll drink milk tmr morning and see whether supply got boost up or not..


My milk is only 20 ml upon expressing... MIL keep asking wwh so little only.. "no milk arh".... "no milk arh" I felt so depress. so i tot her... after this feed of 20 ml, better than nothing mah.. regularity makes a diff right? then after that no enough give formula lor.. i also give in to formula and pacificer.. wat else more.. i feel so bad not able to produce enough. I think tml i will ask the lactation... i am already not enought sleep due night duty and day pump milk... she monitor watever medication i took... i pass her to take care becos I need to sleep... if not... i wont give up... but anyway.. BF... I am really trying very hard... it's already sore and blistered...


I'm so angry with my mother in law.. always said baby not full enough due to i'm latching.. that's true that if latch on the baby got to feed about 1.5 hr to 2 hours ... she doesn't know that it's so tiring when latch on the baby and nipple so painful... now still need to pump out the milk for baby...so tiring during confinement yet there is no encouragement on the breast feeding..
I fully understands... same compliants too..