EDD Aug 2011


Jia You Jovin.

Hopefully by the time Dr check you later you are ready to be admitted. Do take care and have a speedy recovery. Both of us are stressing too much on D-Day.

Hmm, seems like its 'false' signs again for me. Well, really gotta wait... Whatever will be, will be.


Just done with skating , though only for 2 hrs and my butt hurts now, feel damn shiok! Mummies who have popped and feel that their stitches healed should start exercising:)
have not felt this energy for the last 4 mths! That was when I stopped doing my 'sports' hahaha


Thanks purpeace! Dr say I barely open 2cm looks like inducing soon. We need to decide when to induce by tml, Hubby still checking out the date with mil. I am so drain, think I better sleep and let them decide. But latest check in 22 mid night 23 Aug Bb out. Dr say I am too tense may have difficulties. But how not to be :( any tips?


Thanks purpeace! Dr say I barely open 2cm looks like inducing soon. We need to decide when to induce by tml, Hubby still checking out the date with mil. I am so drain, think I better sleep and let them decide. But latest check in 22 mid night 23 Aug Bb out. Dr say I am too tense may have difficulties. But how not to be :( any tips?
Relax Jovin and JY!


Thanks piggyhui! We have decided to induce on sat and Bb out by sun. I am too sick to be gan chiong. Guess till I recover if not will be sleeping most time. I pray hard to recover soon, I need my strength! :"( wat a time to fall sick.


Hi Jovin,

I just went for my D Day check up and guess what... I am still 0cm dilated and baby still not engaged, amniotic bag still good and baby is already 3.3kg.

Hubby ask Dr base on experience how long more can we wait for natural onset of labour and Dr say not likely in the near future...!!! Yes... Dr say we can kindly choose a date to induce. :(

So... tonight will be the night. I will be admitting past midnight and Dr will insert pill for me, hopefully my cervix can dilate and my bb be out tomorrow.

Finally the waiting game is over... i just hope and pray hard it will be a natural and smooth delivery. Now my turn to fall sick... having sore throat and flu.. :( think the anticipation and waiting at home really can drive one sick. Cant wait for it to be over...

All the best to you Jovin. :)


All the best

I'm going gynae appt 2moro

Hi Jovin,

I just went for my D Day check up and guess what... I am still 0cm dilated and baby still not engaged, amniotic bag still good and baby is already 3.3kg.

Hubby ask Dr base on experience how long more can we wait for natural onset of labour and Dr say not likely in the near future...!!! Yes... Dr say we can kindly choose a date to induce. :(

So... tonight will be the night. I will be admitting past midnight and Dr will insert pill for me, hopefully my cervix can dilate and my bb be out tomorrow.

Finally the waiting game is over... i just hope and pray hard it will be a natural and smooth delivery. Now my turn to fall sick... having sore throat and flu.. :( think the anticipation and waiting at home really can drive one sick. Cant wait for it to be over...

All the best to you Jovin. :)


Todays check up:
Gynae said: oh you see your tummy, you are having contraction already girl..
Me: oh i tot that is pain is due to the postition of my girl bumbum.. haha
Already 3 cm dilated...Will be deliver this few days, if bb still doesnt wanna come out , will induce on monday..


Hi all,

Congrats to those that have given birth & enjoy motherhood!

I am also waiting for my prince to come and edd is on 22nd Aug. I really cannot wait for him to arrive soon cos i am having very bad pregnancy eczema now :embarrassed: I got to bear with the itch everyday while waiting and really cannot sleep well at all.

I am going for my appt tmr and hopefully he will arrive very soon. Praying hard! :001_302:


In hospital.. Contraction finally came really painful at 3.30pm. Still deciding to go or not. Mil say cannot wait and true enough by the time I reach there is blood show. Is alot.. Enough to wet ur undies.


Hi Jovin,

I just went for my D Day check up and guess what... I am still 0cm dilated and baby still not engaged, amniotic bag still good and baby is already 3.3kg.

Hubby ask Dr base on experience how long more can we wait for natural onset of labour and Dr say not likely in the near future...!!! Yes... Dr say we can kindly choose a date to induce. :(

So... tonight will be the night. I will be admitting past midnight and Dr will insert pill for me, hopefully my cervix can dilate and my bb be out tomorrow.

Finally the waiting game is over... i just hope and pray hard it will be a natural and smooth delivery. Now my turn to fall sick... having sore throat and flu.. :( think the anticipation and waiting at home really can drive one sick. Cant wait for it to be over...

All the best to you Jovin. :)
Take care and JY! It would get more heaty during confinement period.


Wah Jovin,

Lucky you. Baby decided to come out on its own. Jia you k.

I think we may meet each other or our baby will meet in the nursery... haha... I am getting ready to go hospital for induction soon.


All the best to you too.



New Member
Congrats!! I am getting ready to admit to TMC at 5am later too!
C-section is at 8am.. Now very excited nervous packing and re-packing my hospital bag..
Keep asking hubby if he is excited haha..


Congrats ...

Wah Jovin,

Lucky you. Baby decided to come out on its own. Jia you k.

I think we may meet each other or our baby will meet in the nursery... haha... I am getting ready to go hospital for induction soon.


All the best to you too.



Thanks gers, my Bb came out at last night before 12am. He really prefer to chose his own date. :) he's a chubby boy at 3.34kg.. Had a real bad tear give dr say my tissues are too thin :( I guess I can't realli Bf yet. They tried passing my Bb at 4am but can't Bf due painful cramp. I tot after delivery will be ok. No one told me part 2 cramp.. Hell pain. He was took bad. Now I pray the cramp lessen so I can start later morning. Took 2 epidural!! I told myself than Bb got to come out natural if not more$ and he's good :)... Smooth delivery to all nearing! Mine really came aggressively :) but all is fine.. Just 1 hr push