EDD May 2012 Mummies!


haha, tat wat he say also, he insist to go in w/ me. nowadays he always over-protective to me. always say i more important then baby..he feel guilty tat i suffer alone.

recently due to work stress. i been dreaming n talk alot when sleep. he super worry n cant sleep. i got a panda hubby now!



think this year market for my line will be hard. boss stress i also stress. feel guilty i need to take long leave also. my collg need to transfer over my branch to take over my work, which will be stress to her also, cos she still young n new.

hubby also stress cos he got more hsework to do now. he been doing alot last time. now tat i preg. he do all. i just sack my part time maid also. cos i cant stand it that she nvr clean well after so many complains. now poor hubby need to do all washing n cleaning.

he use to be a prince at home, me uses to be maid when we havent married. once married i train him to do all hsework. now he is maid, i am taitai who seldom cook. lol:001_302:

now i onli look forward to my short trip to relax b4 CNY..


Envious! My hubby sucks at household chores. Up to now, I'm still doing 80% of the chores, he only helps out once in a while. Sigh. Me not as lucky as you...

But anyway we also going for a short getaway in mid Feb. Yeah, looking forward! :)


Active Member
think this year market for my line will be hard. boss stress i also stress. feel guilty i need to take long leave also. my collg need to transfer over my branch to take over my work, which will be stress to her also, cos she still young n new.

hubby also stress cos he got more hsework to do now. he been doing alot last time. now tat i preg. he do all. i just sack my part time maid also. cos i cant stand it that she nvr clean well after so many complains. now poor hubby need to do all washing n cleaning.

he use to be a prince at home, me uses to be maid when we havent married. once married i train him to do all hsework. now he is maid, i am taitai who seldom cook. lol:001_302:

now i onli look forward to my short trip to relax b4 CNY..
haha... treasure your loving hubby now. Some of my friends always said .... during preggie they are a treating like a "Queen" after giving birth they are back to be a maid... "maid to the hubby & kid".

Lucky for me...before & after marriage ... hubby is the one who did all the housework & cooking.. I am just a lazy bum. haha. It's not stress at all for a man to do housework... it's their job ....

Oh you sack your maid... so after delivery who will be taking care of your baby?


i also lazy bum after marriage. always scold by my mum say i bully hubby. but hubby always tell her it ok!! cos when i happy i cook nice food for him. which i seldom do now also. lol

think after baby come, i will be maid to baby. hubby will be maid to us, cos i dun dare to clean poopoo.

my mum n half retired dad will take care of baby, we dun trust maid anyway.

agreed is man's job to do hsework.. lol but my hubby always got nag by me, i am a clean freak.

i do agreed that hubby is nice n sweet! must treasure him!!


Envious! My hubby sucks at household chores. Up to now, I'm still doing 80% of the chores, he only helps out once in a while. Sigh. Me not as lucky as you...

But anyway we also going for a short getaway in mid Feb. Yeah, looking forward! :)
train him, dun nag when he do wrg.. last time when my hubby still under training, i nvr nag. only now i when i mood swing i nag alot, but after nag, just act sweet n nice to him again!! hahaha

always remind him, do hsework so u can be a good daddy!! hahaha

i want my hubby to learn cooking now also, but he suck in cooking, always tasteless, but can eat lo. i treat it as on low salt less oil diet.


Active Member
i also lazy bum after marriage. always scold by my mum say i bully hubby. but hubby always tell her it ok!! cos when i happy i cook nice food for him. which i seldom do now also. lol

think after baby come, i will be maid to baby. hubby will be maid to us, cos i dun dare to clean poopoo.

my mum n half retired dad will take care of baby, we dun trust maid anyway.

agreed is man's job to do hsework.. lol but my hubby always got nag by me, i am a clean freak.

i do agreed that hubby is nice n sweet! must treasure him!!
:) nice.. Lucky your parents will be taking care of baby. What ?? U scared of cleaning poo poo?? Haha

Hmm I don't nag at my hubby.. He is a clean freak himself so he will do the cleaning without complain. My hubby believe that woman should not do housework.. It's a man"s Job so I m lucky ..haha.. When I try to do he will say " wait for me to do" Ermmm.. Werid right ...

Ya nowadays it's very hard to get a trustable n honest maid..
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:) nice.. Lucky your parents will be taking care of baby. What ?? U scared of cleaning poo poo?? Haha

Hmm I don't nag at my hubby.. He is a clean freak himself so he will do the cleaning without complain. My hubby believe that woman should not do housework.. It's a man"s Job so I m lucky ..haha.. When I try to do he will say " wait for me to do" Ermmm.. Werid right ...

Ya nowadays it's very hard to get a trustable n honest maid..

U so lucky to have such hubby!

Ya I dun dare see poopoo also! My friend keeps say I will be very happy when see baby's poopoo next time! No poopoo will be more worry!


Active Member
U so lucky to have such hubby!

Ya I dun dare see poopoo also! My friend keeps say I will be very happy when see baby's poopoo next time! No poopoo will be more worry!
I am okie with poopoo.. I love kids too much I will do everything myself. I think once baby is out u will get use to cleaning ur baby. Haha.. Ya baby poo poo.. That means he/she growing well .. Well feed.. :) Jia you !!


my detail scan is in 3 days n i so cant wait!! we pretty much know its a gal but hubs is still in denial and will let this fri confirms it.. hehehe

vomit, i still do at some point of time in the evening.

new symptoms are appearing like my tail bone will start to hurt if i sit too long and the BH is still there. guess my bb dont want me to work already. i'm ok when i'm at home tho. and i can barely go gai2 now.. i will get tired super easily and my tummy will start to hurt. the pain is more like a period pain and the stretching of the round ligament n i will have to find a plc to sit while the rest do the shopping.. =(

as for bb stuffs, i have yet to buy anything. 1 single thing also havent buy.. hehehe.. guess wait for this fri then can go see see look look.. hehehe...

and is anyone carrying low? well i am n it is so uncomfy.. everytime after i pee, my lower abdominal will hurt n hardens.. or at times when i get up from bed it hurts too. n i have to tell my bb to rest higher abit.. hehehe
Same here, Ive not bog a single stuffs... Waiting to confirm bb gender next week thn start bah...


any mummies experience Braxton Hicks contractions already?
having it this morning!! very uncomfortable.
got abdominal pain, menstrual-like cramping and feeling of baby pushing down.
try to walk ard just now. now feel better!


I'm having a baby boy!! :)

1) tangtang: 01/05/12
2) smurfete: 02/05/12 - boy
3) bleeeee: 02/05/12
4) Carikube : 02/05/12
5) mikko010410: 04/05/12
6) cupcakemum: 04/05/12
7) miniclaire: 07/05/12 - Boy
8) florence_coey: 07/05/12
9) Izanyzam: 07/05/12 - Girl
10) arielc: 09/05/12 - Boy
11) Suhaidah: 10/05/12
12) ling02 : 11/05/12
13) 2ndtimemum: 11/05/12
14) Sweetoothz: 13/05/12
15) icebaby21 : 15/05/12 - Girl
16) gindo: 16/05/12
17) Gemini11: 16/05/12 - boy
18) cn211279: 18/05/12
19) wongmeiling: 18/05/12
20) Rukia: 19/05/12
21) clearbluesky: 19/05/12
22) Meilynn: 23/05/12 - Girl
23) RedDevil: 21/05/12 - Boy
24) temari: 25/05/12
25) climsp: 26/05/12 - boy
26) Rzena : 27/05/12
27) koalarie: 27/05/12
28) Tannie:28/05/12
29) Tataro:28/05/12 - girl
30) mrsteo: 28/05/12
31) tomatoBB: 29/05/12
32) Fanger: 30/05/12
33) Esther91: 09/02/12 - Boy
34) marochippo: 05/05/12
35) selineleow: 28/05/12 - boy

What do you meant by carrying high or low? My gynae has always been telling me my 'placenta' too low n I cannot squat. Else unable to have normal delivery. May also trigger premature delivery. Got me very worried ESP my baby is small.

Anyone similar experience? Any ways to bring the placenta higher?
I have this prob when i have firat bb.. so i bought maternity belt.. put everyday till delivery...


Where can I get the maternity belt? Reàlly helps?
U can get maternity belt from most stores tt sell bb stuffs. I saw it at tampines mummy care. Was deciding if I should get one but till now tummy still not very big no one can tell I'm pregnant ( ok I wear loose most times also) so I reckon I may not need it ;)


you can get maternity belt from most stores that sell baby stuffs. I saw it at tampines mummy care. Was deciding if I should get one but till now tummy still not very big no one can tell I'm pregnant ( ok I wear loose most times also) so I reckon I may not need it ;)
My tummy not very big too but tot need the maternity belt if can help my placenta from
Being too low. Will look ard for the belt if I hv time thus weekend. Thks


Active Member
Where can I get the maternity belt? Reàlly helps?
Not true !! Maternity belt is to hold your tummy if your tummy is bulge alot.. Doesnt helps in Low lying placenta .. Placenta is inside your body ...Once bigger get bigger your placenta will automatic move up in your later trimester.

Those who r having low lying placenta need to have sufficient rest, no carry of heavy stuff to prevent spotting or bleeding!

Placenta is one of your "internal organ" .. Ridiculous .. How can a "internal organ be hold up by using the belt?


Active Member
My tummy not very big too but tot need the maternity belt if can help my placenta from
Being too low. Will look ard for the belt if I hv time thus weekend. Thks
Why do you need a maternity belt if your tummy is not very big. Purpose of the belt is to hold your Tummy if it's really bulging out..to give you a better support & better fitting into normal maternity dressing.

The belt doesn't helps u to hold u placenta up. Low lying placenta will move up in later stage of pregnancy.. As long as no carrying of heavy stuff sufficient rest will prevent u from having spotting or bleeding.