EDD May 2012 Mummies!


Active Member
According to my tcm doc. For people with weak stomach like me, we cannot take too much fruits or juices. Dunno why leh, but I did listen to him cos he helped stop my spotting despite me going to gynae to take jabs and duphaston during my first trimester. Was so grateful to him!

Btw, there's one more thing we should be weary. He mentioned white fungus as a big no no to pregnant women. He says though the medical books never say it is bad for expectant moms, he has personally seen 6 cases of miscarriages due to that. He banned that food for all his expectant patients.

Chinese doc usually will follow all the Chinese Myth! If you visit a Chinese doc .. He will tell u almost everything cannot eat. :) fruits and juice are best for pregnancy.. U need vitamin c. White fungus is best for pregnancy Boiled with bird nest !!

Wow.. Maybe so happen that his 6 cases of miscarriage had taken white fungus so he determine that they r the cause!! But not true... My mum having 5 of us.. She has been taking alot of fruit juice(*water melon juice somemore), lot of white fungus also. We are all fine..

Miscarriage sometimes are out of no reasons....



Chinese doc usually will follow all the Chinese Myth! If you visit a Chinese doc .. He will tell you almost everything cannot eat. :) fruits and juice are best for pregnancy.. you need vitamin c. White fungus is best for pregnancy Boiled with bird nest !!

Wow.. Maybe so happen that his 6 cases of miscarriage had taken white fungus so he determine that they r the cause!! But not true... My mum having 5 of us.. She has been taking alot of fruit juice(*water melon juice somemore), lot of white fungus also. We are all fine..

Miscarriage sometimes are out of no reasons....
Hi Dilys,

Understand where you come from. Just that I have a really weak disposition. Can't anyhow input food like the normal moms if not I end up in cramps and pains. He mentioned if I were ok bodied, I could just take anything and still have a healthy baby. So now instead of fruits, I have to replace with lots of vege.

My sis in the medical field explained it could be due to the fact that my body cannot even absorb nutrients properly. So taking Vit C pills and stuff gives no effect for me. Darn sian....

As for white fungus, he just wanted me to play safe and not take it since the cases he handled has linkages to it.
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Now I onli drink warm water. No oily food also! Just eat plain congee or white bread! Scare the little one hungry! baby still very active inside! give a few kicks when I call him. So happy he is ok.


Active Member
Hi Dilys,

Understand where you come from. Just that I have a really weak disposition. Can't anyhow input food like the normal moms if not I end up in cramps and pains. He mentioned if I were ok bodied, I could just take anything and still have a healthy baby. So now instead of fruits, I have to replace with lots of vege.

My sis in the medical field explained it could be due to the fact that my body cannot even absorb nutrients properly. So taking Vit C pills and stuff gives no effect for me. Darn sian....

As for white fungus, he just wanted me to play safe and not take it since the cases he handled has linkages to it.
Hi dear..
If ur body is not so strong!! Try taking some cordyceps boiled with black chicken. It's very good for ur body !! Take some bird nest also ..


Maybe white fungus is too 凉 for some ppl. Same to fruits. I eat alot veg now also, less fruit as tired of cold food! I like hot n warm food onli now.


Active Member
Now I onli drink warm water. No oily food also! Just eat plain congee or white bread! Scare the little one hungry! baby still very active inside! give a few kicks when I call him. So happy he is ok.
:) don't worry u will recover soon !! Take some milO !! Bread will keep ur baby full don't worry !!


Active Member
Maybe white fungus is too 凉 for some ppl. Same to fruits. I eat alot veg now also, less fruit as tired of cold food! I like hot n warm food onli now.
Ya agree! Depends on your body type . I feel so warm.. I have to sleep in Aircon without covering blanket.


Hi dear..
If ur body is not so strong!! Try taking some cordyceps boiled with black chicken. It's very good for ur body !! Take some bird nest also ..
Yup these 2 herbal stuff I am able to drink along with a daily dose of tcm herb to boost up my health. Did help me a lot. Dr is hoping I can regain all the body strength then give me green light for fruits. Wah piangs.. nowadays even the simplest look of an apple can make me drool! The only fruit I have been given green light is the durian but not too huge amts.

I had a case of funneling cervix too just a while back... English Gynae gave me almost 10 over pills each day. For baby's sake, not only do I have to eat properly, I also have to keep taking meds... AH!!!
After delivery, I'm so going to chiong to eat my favorite laksa.


No milo! Cos of milk! so sad! I crave for milo yday had onli half cup! End up more poopoo n vomit!
My god.. You are like me... I cannot take milk too.... Lactose intolerant.

But I drink Milo-O! Buy those tin canned ones and just make it with sugar?


Hi Dilys,

Understand where you come from. Just that I have a really weak disposition. Can't anyhow input food like the normal moms if not I end up in cramps and pains. He mentioned if I were ok bodied, I could just take anything and still have a healthy baby. So now instead of fruits, I have to replace with lots of vege.

My sis in the medical field explained it could be due to the fact that my body cannot even absorb nutrients properly. So taking Vit C pills and stuff gives no effect for me. Darn sian....

As for white fungus, he just wanted me to play safe and not take it since the cases he handled has linkages to it.
Maybe u can ask ur doc Wat kind of tonic is best for u, since he been helping u. My buddy got MC b4 gynea just say no heartbeat. Her Chinese doc say maybe due to her drink too much herbal tea. She don know she is preg tat time, just feel very heaty. So it always better to play safe. ask for diff options


Active Member
Yup these 2 herbal stuff I am able to drink along with a daily dose of tcm herb to boost up my health. Did help me a lot. Dr is hoping I can regain all the body strength then give me green light for fruits. Wah piangs.. nowadays even the simplest look of an apple can make me drool! The only fruit I have been given green light is the durian but not too huge amts.

I had a case of funneling cervix too just a while back... English Gynae gave me almost 10 over pills each day. For baby's sake, not only do I have to eat properly, I also have to keep taking meds... AH!!!
After delivery, I'm so going to chiong to eat my favorite laksa.
Oh.. That's why u got to even take care well of ur health!! :) haha now u can't take laska?? Taken Somedays shouldn't be a problem ba??


Active Member
No milo! Cos of milk! so sad! I crave for milo yday had onli half cup! End up more poopoo n vomit!
Oh no !! That's very bad leh !!! I can't take milk only milo! Maybe u take some tofu, green leaf veg for ur calcium!!


My god.. You are like me... I cannot take milk too.... Lactose intolerant.

But I drink Milo-O! Buy those tin canned ones and just make it with sugar?
Gessim, I think tin-canned milo contains skimmed milk as well...but maybe the milk content is not that high...


Active Member
My god.. You are like me... I cannot take milk too.... Lactose intolerant.

But I drink Milo-O! Buy those tin canned ones and just make it with sugar?
I m also lactose intolerance ! I have been taking those packed milo that are chilled. Nice !! Yummy


Maybe u can ask ur doc Wat kind of tonic is best for u, since he been helping u. My buddy got MC b4 gynea just say no heartbeat. Her Chinese doc say maybe due to her drink too much herbal tea. She don know she is preg tat time, just feel very heaty. So it always better to play safe. ask for diff options
Yup he has given me a list of what to and what not to eat. Even right down to how to extract the best nutrients for weak stomach. Very lor so....


Gessim, I think tin-canned milo contains skimmed milk as well...but maybe the milk content is not that high...
Alamak... Heng so far still so good... But can't help it leh... No milo then the kinds of drinks I can drink is so limited...


Oh.. That's why u got to even take care well of ur health!! :) haha now u can't take laska?? Taken Somedays shouldn't be a problem ba??
Not only lactose intolerant, I'm coconut milk sensitive. Will LS.. I really miss laksa....


For me, i like dessert, i always cook white fungus with red dates, longan and wolfberry , or beancurb skin with barley alomost every week, my mum said is good for baby skin.

now i seems like like sour and spicy food, laksa, penang laksa my fav, so far my stomach still ok. I only have stomachache when i eat too much fries prawn cracker, oily food or cold drink, so now i try to avoid cold drink except vitagen and yoghurt