EDD May 2012 Mummies!


ya got 2 stores there! i dont find the stuff there cheaper then outside. the so-call cheaper one, almost trick me into buy the playpen(same price as kiddy p.) n mattress there. they only sell 1 type of mattress there which is soft and not anti dustmites . she say got holes which is more cooling for baby, but playpen is cover up at the mattress area no pt waste the $$ on mattress w/ holes, unless you getting cot. the cotton wool n baby wipe is same price as kiddy p. also. baby clothes there also more ex.

high one one is more on strollers.

to me is a waste trip to go.

thx for the heads up climsp.. i'll most prolly head down there this weekend and see2 look2 only n then compare the price w the upcoming expo baby sale.. =))


thx for the heads up climsp.. i'll most prolly head down there this weekend and see2 look2 only n then compare the price w the upcoming expo baby sale.. =))
Which expo will MTBs be going? There is 2 fairs, one in the 3rd weekend and another in the 4th weekend ... wonder which one has more bargains

BTW, anyone has experienced pain in their tummies? It feels like muscle pulls ... not menses cramps. My next visit to my gynae 2 weeks from now.*
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Which part of the muscle pull? I did experience some pulling sensation at the bottom side of the tummy but doctor said that just just muscle pull.. but a few days ago i experience some pulling from the middle of tummy.. is that how you felt too?

Which expo will MTBs be going? There is 2 fairs, one in the 3rd weekend and another in the 4th weekend ... wonder which one has more bargains

BTW, anyone has experienced pain in their tummies? It feels like muscle pulls ... not menses cramps. My next visit to my gynae 2 weeks from now.*


Which expo will MTBs be going? There is 2 fairs, one in the 3rd weekend and another in the 4th weekend ... wonder which one has more bargains

BTW, anyone has experienced pain in their tummies? It feels like muscle pulls ... not menses cramps. My next visit to my gynae 2 weeks from now.*
hi Smurfete,

I'm planning to go on the 3rd weekend one (Baby Expo) cos the 4th weekend one coincide with NATAS Fair, it'll be super crowded and difficult to find parking lots, I jus feel tat I shld avoid such crowded place.


Which expo will MTBs be going? There is 2 fairs, one in the 3rd weekend and another in the 4th weekend ... wonder which one has more bargains

BTW, anyone has experienced pain in their tummies? It feels like muscle pulls ... not menses cramps. My next visit to my gynae 2 weeks from now.*
Hi! Probably due to your uterus expanding?


harlo ladies.

Anyone getting over anxious about their weight gain. I've already gained 10kg and im in my 27th week. Feel so embarassed all the time when i go the gynae and tell my nurse my weight. Recently, when i told the nurse my weight, she was like " woahhh.." Wah. Malu sia!


hi Smurfete,

I'm planning to go on the 3rd weekend one (Baby Expo) cos the 4th weekend one coincide with NATAS Fair, it'll be super crowded and difficult to find parking lots, I just feel that I shld avoid such crowded place.
Oh, NATAS fair also at Expo. It is not easy to find a eating place to rest when we are tired and hungry.


harlo ladies.

Anyone getting over anxious about their weight gain. I've already gained 10kg and im in my 27th week. Feel so embarassed all the time when i go the gynae and tell my nurse my weight. Recently, when i told the nurse my weight, she was like " woahhh.." Wah. Malu sia!
Hi Suhaidah

Wow, 10kg! So, how much have your baby gained? Better to control your weight, else it may be hard to shed it off after delivery. Until my last gynae visit in my 27th week, I gained 1kg but my buttock becomes so big :( . Baby is 1.2kg.


Hi Suhaidah

Wow, 10kg! So, how much have your baby gained? Better to control your weight, else it may be hard to shed it off after delivery. Until my last gynae visit in my 27th week, I gained 1kg but my buttock becomes so big :( . Baby is 1.2kg.

Yeah! I think i need to start moving my butt. I sometimes envy those ppl who dont put on any weight sia. My baby is .9kg. Prob all the weight gain is going to me only! Oh my, any idea on how to control the weight?


Suhaidah are u taking powder milk? If u are best to cut down on those and just take skim milk as those powder milk have high sugar content. I'm in my 25th week and have gained 5kgs so far. I eat alot of fruits and vege and try to cut down on carbs/rice


hey ladies,

how r u gals doing? hope all is well.. =))

as for weight gain, i too gain at least 10kg from pre-pregnancy till now. n bb is only 808g! hahaha.

anw, i was told that Mt A is having 20% discount and GlenE is having 10% off now. so go make ur bookings to secure the discounts.. hehehhe


I have gained close to 12kg...and I am only in my 25th week. At first was a little worried, but my gynae told me that my baby is in his healthy weight range, and I don't see any parts of me ballooning out of portion. I really don't know how I can manage to put on so much weight.

All my colleagues and friends were very surprised when I told them my weight increase... :D


So far I gained 3 kg and Im going to be 26 week in a few days and my gynae already quite happy that I finally put on weight. My colleagues all told me that they din see me gained any weight except the bump. I do eat and snack alot. Im actually quite a big eater even before Im pregnant. That why my colleagues all surprised to see that I din really gained weight. Even my husband also mention that. If i dont stand up, nobody will know that Im pregnant. My baby now 700g so I guess all the food goes to my bb.
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wow it seems like there's such a huge variance amongst all of us!
i'm in my 27 weeks, gained 8kg so far, and baby weighs 900g.
doc says hungry have to eat, but as long as don't eat unhealthy foods, it's ok... go for quality and not quantity!


wow, the weight gain is so diff!

i nvr gain any weight, onli the 2kg i lost during 1st trims. baby 740gram. i am a slight overweight.
anyway i did ask my gynea regarding the weight, he say that mummies who r overweight or obese it ok they gain little or no weight as long as baby grow. for underweight & average mummies will gain more. he say i may slim down after give birth..hahaha hope so!


Yeah! I think i need to start moving my butt. I sometimes envy those ppl who dont put on any weight sia. My baby is .9kg. Prob all the weight gain is going to me only! Oh my, any idea on how to control the weight?
Drink low sugar soya bean milk, less rice or change to brown rice. Wholemeal bread w/ olive butter for snack. Dun take 3in1 milo, Cos very sweet. I take oat w/ plain milo or Horlick. More veg n chicken/fish, less rice.

Tat wat my gynea give me since I got Gestational diabetes. But along I been this diet since preg. Can try. My baby gain weight, but I dun. Walk more also after every meal.


wow it seems like there's such a huge variance amongst all of us!
i'm in my 27 weeks, gained 8kg so far, and baby weighs 900g.
doc says hungry have to eat, but as long as dont't eat unhealthy foods, it's ok... go for quality and not quantity!

I am in my 26 weeks and I already gained 10kg! Baby only weighed 600g when i went for gynae check up 2 weeks ago. I thinking I am getting so fat!! :(


hey ladies,

how r you gals doing? hope all is well.. =))

as for weight gain, i too gain at least 10kg from pre-pregnancy till now. n baby is only 808g! hahaha.

anw, i was told that Mt A is having 20% discount and GlenE is having 10% off now. so go make your bookings to secure the discounts.. hehehhe

For GlenE moms to be,

Do you book your hospital stay through your gynae? The receptionist at mine says don't need to book. We were just asked to tell her our preference for the room will do...