Final Countdown


I tink the efects differs from every1 ba... Perhaps the long hrs of induced birth already wore me out no strength to tahan pain already...

Hope this time round can do a fast fast delivery.. I don wanna suffer waiting... euuuu~!


I tink the efects differs from every1 ba... Perhaps the long hrs of induced birth already wore me out no strength to tahan pain already...

Hope this time round can do a fast fast delivery.. I don wanna suffer waiting... euuuu~!
oya, i heard usu 2nd or 3rd one usu very fast one. some even say must go hospital earlier liao cos they can really pop out anytime de...
lucky for u... we 1st time mums will have to go thru the long hours le...


i hope is a fast one haha... Tired of the waiting and lying down... Stripped with machines and keep on urgent wanna go toilet.. ZZzzz
oya, i heard usu 2nd or 3rd one usu very fast one. some even say must go hospital earlier liao cos they can really pop out anytime de...
lucky for u... we 1st time mums will have to go thru the long hours le...
Mama Madalene baby no stubborn.. dont worry she will do magic to u!! haha. who knows at wk 40, she do some sommersault and head down lei?
Not true that 1st baby labour very long. i also thought so too. but my labour took me about 2 hrs only? 6.30am water bag burst. No pain. reach hospital 7+am, no pain at all. pain only started at about 8am? and baby pops out at 9.50am!!! geezz..
Have a fren whos 1st labour also super fast like 4 hrs? but her 2nd birth takes longer. dont know y also.. -.-!


Mama Madalene baby no stubborn.. dont worry she will do magic to u!! haha. who knows at wk 40, she do some sommersault and head down lei?
Not true that 1st baby labour very long. i also thought so too. but my labour took me about 2 hrs only? 6.30am water bag burst. No pain. reach hospital 7+am, no pain at all. pain only started at about 8am? and baby pops out at 9.50am!!! geezz..
Have a fren whos 1st labour also super fast like 4 hrs? but her 2nd birth takes longer. dont know y also.. -.-!

ya, maybe she is just slow la.
shy to turn. hahaha. hopefully. but its ok la, i am ready to do c section too. will look at the calendar for a good date then... just diff mode of delivery lor. :Dancing_tongue:

Wow, you are so lucky... did you walk alot or exercise alot before birth? just 2 hrs of labour. wow, really amazing leh...


Ya i guess is luck ba... Of cos i hope my 2nd deliver can be smooth and fast...

Considering my 1st time total of 21hrs cannot tahan man...
i guess i walked alot? cos die die must go shopping walk the street of orchard rd b4 i get condemn @ home for 1mth confinement! lol actually i also dont know y maybe cornie cant wait 2 see planet earth? :eek:


hmm some say walk more easy labour, some say walk less otherwise leg water rention alot haha... really dunno shld walk more or not... zzzzz LOL
On the contrary, i read it in magazines & online that we have to drink alot of fluid but not tea or coffee to prevent water retension. & i really drank alot and no water retension on any part of my body at all. my sis in law told me cant drink alot of water if not will have water retension but she still ganna water retension. So what do all mummies out there think? drink more fluid or not to prevent water retension? :err:


On the contrary, i read it in magazines & online that we have to drink alot of fluid but not tea or coffee to prevent water retension. & i really drank alot and no water retension on any part of my body at all. my sis in law told me cant drink alot of water if not will have water retention but she still ganna water retension. So what do all mummies out there think? drink more fluid or not to prevent water retension? :err:

I tink is depends on individual :Dancing_wub:body, if your lympatic drainage is no gd drink water or not oso retention haha...

I just drink lah don drink hor urine very yellowish esp we are taking supplements..

i guess i have some water retention but is not so bad, i tink more or less sure have is just serious or not...


I tink is depends on individual :Dancing_wub:body, if your lympatic drainage is no gd drink water or not oso retention haha...

I just drink lah don drink hor urine very yellowish esp we are taking supplements..

i guess i have some water retention but is not so bad, i tink more or less sure have is just serious or not...

Yup, i agree with u.
I drank alot of water. retention yup, not too serious la
I cannot dun drink. i am constantly thirsty and running frequently to toilet
if dun drink, i think i sure kena alot of constipation n skin problem ba.
As to walking, all my elders all encourage me to go walk walk more.
That's why i am checking with you MTBs lor. :embarrassed:


Yup, i agree with u.
I drank alot of water. retention yup, not too serious la
I cannot dun drink. i am constantly thirsty and running frequently to toilet
if dun drink, i think i sure kena alot of constipation n skin problem ba.
As to walking, all my elders all encourage me to go walk walk more.
That's why i am checking with you MTBs lor. :embarrassed:

ya lor must drink water lah... the suipplements esp multi vits very heaty...

i cant tahan my urine so yellowish euuuu~!:shyxxx:

Ah Cheng

Ya, those multivitamins make me feel thirsty all the times.

My next gynae visit is 16th Sept, was thinking whether to contine buying the fish oil, calcium pills and multivitmains or not. Cos it's about 1 month supply, which i dont think i will finish it when baby is due.

Still can take those supplements after giving birth since doing breastfeeding?


actually 4 weeks before can already.. but make sure you BB if healthy enuff incase of early labour 1 to 2 weeks before EDD cos if coconut take too much will be very cooling for body and may trigger early labour.

But overall 4 weeks before EDD is fine lah.. If u too heaty is best to drink coconut can oso prevent BB from having jaudice.

Ah Cheng

Haz, have been feeling very heaty recently, pimples start popping out liao.

Have been suffering from bad Heatburn these few night. So frustrating!
Plus vomited last night (maybe due to my cough).So Sad. :embarrassed:


How does heartburn feels like..

I felin terrible too, sit or ly down oso uncomfortable... Feelin very xin ku cannot breathe