Final Countdown

Hi autumn82,

Does that means you are still trying to do natural if your cervix had dilated? So not neccessary that breech must do c-section?


Hi edd is 18 August..think will pop anytime from now..tho its my 2nd pregnancy..i am still very nervous...

Hope to deliver my 2nd gal without epidural...had epidural for my first one cos cant tahan the pain...anyone gave birth naturally without epidural?
i had it without e epidural cos i wan to feel how isit like n it turns out to be sooooo pain but i still endure it.but i did use e gas to smell(it makes me feels so high:wink:)hahaha quite useful to me cos makes me blur blur then blur blur baby come out..hahaha


New Member
Hi Mummies, Friday had my routhine chk up. Gynae said my bb is very big...
Me now only 33 weeks and it is about 2.7 which rightfully shld be abt 2.4.
Gynae alert me tht I might need to go to caesarean section if it is too big and will review again on next apptmt.. Me worries.... Any experiences ???


New Member
Hi Mummies, Friday had my routhine chk up. Gynae said my bb is very big...
Me now only 33 weeks and it is about 2.7 which rightfully shld be abt 2.4.
Gynae alert me tht I might need to go to caesarean section if it is too big and will review again on next apptmt.. Me worries.... Any experiences ???

my bb also too big.... week 34 weighing 3.2kg... i asked doc if can still go for normal... he said he will not encourage cos scared vaginal will tear... anyway he said we'll discuss about it again when i go back to see him this fri...

I heard from my colleague .. her gf gave birth to a 4kg baby via normal... no complications lor


New Member
hi miumiuger, SNG&GT,

it is still possibly to deliver normally even though baby is big. My hubbby was a 4.3kg baby himself!
It depends also on the mummy's build. Generally, a bigger-build person have less problem giving birth to a larger baby. I think can always opt to try for a normal delivery. Of course with a larger baby, there is increased risk of an emergency Caesarian if the labour progess poorly (ie, baby takes too long to come out).

Hope it helps. Don't worry about it too early. Whatever it is, the gynae will advise you to carry the preg to term. So see how later.....

Ah Cheng

So that's is to say it's possible not to use epidural as one of the labour pain relief right?

Heard that most commonly used is epidural, but there will be side effects and can be dangerous too (cos it's injected to the spine to reduce the pain).

How long altogether from the contraction to labour pain to delivery?
More than 10 hours?



Active Member
So that's is to say it's possible not to use epidural as one of the labour pain relief right?

Heard that most commonly used is epidural, but there will be side effects and can be dangerous too (cos it's injected to the spine to reduce the pain).

How long altogether from the contraction to labour pain to delivery?
More than 10 hours?

Hi, I also awaiting the final countdown this month..

i also think tat even thou epidural the most common anaesthetic but still can hv side effect. I read tat using epidural actually slowing down the pushing ...

Hope i can deliver thru normal.

heard tat for 1st time mom, labour can go up to 12 hr..:embarrassed:


So you MTBs going to opt for Epidural?
Till now, i still cannot decide what to go for...
Are you ladies going to try other pain relief method other than Epidural?
Like using the mask? Fully natural without any pain relief?

I also heard First birth would usually take more than 10 hours...


New Member
first birth usually takes at least 10 to 12 hours, its true.

like all procedures, epidural injections may give rise to some complications, but not all injections will have complications lor...

I had epidural injection for my first labour, which lasted about 12 hours. Lucky :) no complications. Was glad that I chose it, cause for a large part of labour, I was pain-free, can read newspaper, watch TV.

Some pp have problem pushing the baby out with epidural, cause cannot feel the pain. This may cause delay in labour, but the anaesthetist can off the epidural drip so you can start feeling the pain sensation to help with pushing. They did for mine.

My other friend had no problems pushing and the baby came out smoothly without her having any pain, so she had a painless labour.

Didn't use any pain relied for my second labour, cause oredi 7cm dilated by the time I reached hospital. Lucky short labour (2 hours).


wah..really ah... 1st time mum, the labour last ard 10-12 hrs?? Gosh... I'm nervous... But my fren her 1st time labour only last for 2hrs..she so lucky.. some more to epi..juz gas mask...

Ah Cheng

first birth usually takes at least 10 to 12 hours, its true.

like all procedures, epidural injections may give rise to some complications, but not all injections will have complications lor...

I had epidural injection for my first labour, which lasted about 12 hours. Lucky :) no complications. Was glad that I chose it, cause for a large part of labour, I was pain-free, can read newspaper, watch TV.

Some pp have problem pushing the baby out with epidural, cause cannot feel the pain. This may cause delay in labour, but the anaesthetist can off the epidural drip so you can start feeling the pain sensation to help with pushing. They did for mine.

My other friend had no problems pushing and the baby came out smoothly without her having any pain, so she had a painless labour.

Didn't use any pain relied for my second labour, cause oredi 7cm dilated by the time I reached hospital. Lucky short labour (2 hours).

Hi wlin,
So you mean for your 2nd delivery, you didnt use any pain relief at all. Was it pain? Glad it was only 2 hours for you.

Can you explain was it scarely when doing the epidural? Cos I heard not supposed to move around right? When I saw the video on how they do the epidural, it look quite scarely.


New Member
Hi Ah Cheng,

The epidural injection in good hands is very fast. Mine was not more than 10 to 15 min. Also, they are us v experienced, can time the injection between the contractions, so you can stay still :)

Compared to the labour pain, the epidural injection is nothing :0

Ah Cheng

Hi Ah Cheng,

The epidural injection in good hands is very fast. Mine was not more than 10 to 15 min. Also, they are us v experienced, can time the injection between the contractions, so you can stay still :)

Compared to the labour pain, the epidural injection is nothing :0

Hearing waht you said makes me feel more relief cos I was still scared of the epidural (cos the video look too scary). Thanks.


Hi Ah Cheng,

The epidural injection in good hands is very fast. Mine was not more than 10 to 15 min. Also, they are us v experienced, can time the injection between the contractions, so you can stay still :)

Compared to the labour pain, the epidural injection is nothing :0

Seriously, i agree with Ah Cheng. i saw the video too. Seems very scary when injecting. i heard from my frens that after they insert the tube, you can still lie on your back?! the tube wunt move from the position?! :embarrassed:i am really puzzled. then on the contrary, if you did not take epidural, it might be so painful that you might end up with no strength to push...:embarrassed:

some of my frens say it is best to take epidural for the first birth. cos sure longer labour. 2nd or 3rd birth can go without cos the labour is faster and perhaps more bearable by then?! :shyxxx:


Hi Ah Cheng,

The epidural injection in good hands is very fast. Mine was not more than 10 to 15 min. Also, they are us v experienced, can time the injection between the contractions, so you can stay still :)

Compared to the labour pain, the epidural injection is nothing :0

I have also heard there are some who give birth with a standing up position? Is this true? does it help in speeding up the labour process? :embarrassed:
yeap i went thru labour wo epi but with Laughing gas..
Dont think abt the pain. yea try walkin b4 labour cos i think it helps too.
my labour was a quick 1 although pple say normally 1st baby takes about 12 hours?
my waterbag broke at 6.30am ang my baby pops out at 10am. TMC nurse taught my hubby to massage me during the active phrase n i think it helps too so try askin ur hubby to massage ur lower back.
Good luck & dont worry. =)


yeap i went thru labour wo epi but with Laughing gas..
Dont think abt the pain. yea try walkin b4 labour cos i think it helps too.
my labour was a quick 1 although pple say normally 1st baby takes about 12 hours?
my waterbag broke at 6.30am ang my baby pops out at 10am. TMC nurse taught my hubby to massage me during the active phrase n i think it helps too so try askin ur hubby to massage ur lower back.
Good luck & dont worry. =)
Wow, this sounds brave...
Just with the gas and you gave birth? I really wonder how is the pain.
Would you be able to describe to me? Cos' am still pondering if i should try without epi. But all my frens around me went thru deliveries with epi and they sound very contented with it. So it will be great if you could share your experience with us?


omg.. laughying doesnt help for me...i went for induced birth cos was overdue baby move lesser and waited 16 hrs i tink in the suite till deliver.. long wait.. couldn't sleep... no food and drink...

lucky the labour was fast 2 and a half push and my DS is out...


omg.. laughying doesnt help for me...i went for induced birth cos was overdue baby move lesser and waited 16 hrs i tink in the suite till deliver.. long wait.. couldn't sleep... no food and drink...

lucky the labour was fast 2 and a half push and my DS is out...

So did you take Epidural? Or any other Pain Relief?
Any tips for aiding is fast labour?

This is my first birth, so abit lost still.
Yet the time is approaching...:embarrassed: