EDD May 2012 Mummies!


I thought of waxing as well, but I am worried later I will be so tense from the pain til it triggers contractions. haha


Meilynn and Gemini11, hope your baby's head can turn down soon, so no need to go for c-sect.

i just back from my 35 weeks check up, baby's head alrd turn down, weight 2.4kg. doc will go on leave during my EDD, he mentioned that he can induce me before he go on leave or wait for natural birth which will be taking care of other doc arranged by him. but i thought natural birth better than the induce birth?

Hi miracle25, doc did mentioned to me abt when we need to go to hospital.

- if we have reddish brown discharge, is like the first day of menses, means is a sign like baby ask us to prepare, no need to go hospital yet, ,wait till the contraction every 5 mins interval, then go for hospital, he said first time mummy , this process sometimes could drag like few days, if go hospital too early, just waste of time.
(if the discharge like very heavy like 2nd or 3rd day of menses, then have to go hospital immeidately)

- once the water bag break, must go hospital immediately


Hi Climps, after the waxing and the hair grown back, do you have the itchy feeling?

Climps: I did waxed before. First time about 2 months ago. I did at Strip and I wouldn't do it elsewhere because they are clean (no double dip) and professional. It hurts in some region - like the top part where it's sensitive but they usually apply pressure after waxing so u won't feel so pain. Overall I think it's ok and not crazy painful. U can tell them it's ye first time and they will take care of you :)

If u wanna do I wld suggest u do few weeks before due date? Not too late cos then there might be a risk of infection. And if u r cutting yr hair before u go, don't trim everything off cos they can't wax it. I think they did say leave about 2cm. Best is just go there n they will trim for u if needed :)


scratching now ok!! but w/ the wound!! scare i faint!! hahaha
actually i feel more clean also la. afterall our little one will pass-by, dun wanna have any hair stick on them...eek


I wax before, but without the hair to protect the vjj, I got yeast infection....before waxing never had infection... Now I scared to wax again, and it's very painful!!!


I wax before, but without the hair to protect the vjj, I got yeast infection....before waxing never had infection... Now I scared to wax again, and it's very painful!!!
I heard of one case got hair follicle infection after waxing and had to be put on antibiotics. Thats y i m aso thinking twice.


ya ya, agree! i think after the waxing, when we clean the wound also is more easy n faster, lol, climps, i don;t wanan imaging that scene la, arghhhhhhh

scratching now ok!! but w/ the wound!! scare i faint!! hahaha
actually i feel more clean also la. afterall our little one will pass-by, dun wanna have any hair stick on them...eek


maybe after wax, eat more yogurt, berries, clean more, change more panties liner in case of infection?? hahaha seem like more busy hor!!


New Member
waa headaches, then should i wax. i got UTI also...scare itchy after shave w/ wound also... toss coin?? lol
I had UTI before.. I went waxing a couple of times way before pregnancy.. I doubt it'll affect unless the equipment used not clean.. Haven't waxed yet though.. now in mid of 37th week.. =)


Anyone planning to order tingkat for lunch after confinement period is over? At least will have more time for baby and dont have to cook?


Anyone planning to order tingkat for lunch after confinement period is over? At least will have more time for baby and dont have to cook?
think will cook myself. more veg n steam fish w/ soup. less meat. think i can handle, always cook less then 30min. just need to wash veg b4 cook, other can prepare b4 hand when hubby ard or at nite after hubby come back. cos dun wanna be restricted to stay at home every wkday..
I thought of ordering tingkat and now ordering from ChuWei San Tong.. has discontinue it on the 3rd day although the trial is for 10 days... keep paying and I wont touch the food.. just ask my hubby to eat it... not nice and portion is so little.. I ordered for 2 pax and end up I can finish all the dishes... Now I so scare and donno whether want to try from other company or not..

Has anyone try from any other company?

Anyone planning to order tingkat for lunch after confinement period is over? At least will have more time for baby and dont have to cook?