EDD May 2012 Mummies!


think will cook myself. more veg n steam fish w/ soup. less meat. think i can handle, always cook less then 30min. just need to wash veg before cook, other can prepare before hand when hubby around or at nite after hubby come back. cos dont wanna be restricted to stay at home every wkday..
Actually i think its the cleaning up portion that is tiring. Haha...still must wash plates, pots and mop floor...


I thought of ordering tingkat and now ordering from ChuWei San Tong.. has discontinue it on the 3rd day although the trial is for 10 days... keep paying and I wont touch the food.. just ask my hubby to eat it... not nice and portion is so little.. I ordered for 2 pax and end up I can finish all the dishes... Now I so scare and donno whether want to try from other company or not..

Has anyone try from any other company?
I heard Neo garden not bad but have not tried it myself. Anyone has good caterers to recommend?


For those wanting to wax but afraid of current infection I would suggest speaking to yr gynae first.

I went to Strip at Raffles City and yes u need to book.

The hair regrowth is finer and not so coarse as compared to if u shaved. However I last did In Feb and due to work didn't have the time to go back every month to do it again - I was told if u do every month the hair grows finer n lesser. Depending on how bushy u are some areas may have a bit of blood which is normal. My hair follicle was thick and super stubborn that some areas even after trying to wax it 2-3x won't come off! She tried plucking the remaining hair but was too painful so she left it.

Also after u wax u need to observe the after-care very closely. Don't touch with yr bare hands no matter how clean (even tho i couldn't help notice how baby smooth it was!), clean regularly, use the cream called 'ice cream' to cool the area and so forth.

If I wasn't so close to delivery I'd do one more time. I plan to do it after I deliver n when my wounds are healed


My bIg head baby in breech position also. More or less confirm need to c sec. Doc says give him one more week... Next wed when I see her again (38 week) if not turn, thur, fri can c sec. I'm still not very mentally prepared plus hubby not on leaves yet. May push a few more days till 39 weeks, not sure what the doc will advice. If really can't delay, I think next week I'll pop already. you thought of the date that you may want for c sec already?
I did asked my gynae if need c sect, can we hold until week 39 or closer to 40 weeks but he advised not going beyond week 38. Yet to decide on which date. Most probably will let Dr choose but my replacement only coming in 3 May. Thus, I will only hv few days wif her to handover. Given so, if dr is ok, will push to end of week for the c sec. I m not prepared to hv c sect too so still praying hard my gal will cooperate n turn soon


Meilynn and Gemini11, hope your baby's head can turn down soon, so no need to go for c-sect.

i just back from my 35 weeks check up, baby's head alrd turn down, weight 2.4kg. doc will go on leave during my EDD, he mentioned that he can induce me before he go on leave or wait for natural birth which will be taking care of other doc arranged by him. but i thought natural birth better than the induce birth?

Hi miracle25, doc did mentioned to me abt when we need to go to hospital.

- if we have reddish brown discharge, is like the first day of menses, means is a sign like baby ask us to prepare, no need to go hospital yet, ,wait till the contraction every 5 mins interval, then go for hospital, he said first time mummy , this process sometimes could drag like few days, if go hospital too early, just waste of time.
(if the discharge like very heavy like 2nd or 3rd day of menses, then have to go hospital immeidately)

- once the water bag break, must go hospital immediately
Thanks tataro ;)


I did asked my gynae if need c sect, can we hold until week 39 or closer to 40 weeks but he advised not going beyond week 38. Yet to decide on which date. Most probably will let Dr choose but my replacement only coming in 3 May. Thus, I will only hv few days wif her to handover. Given so, if dr is ok, will push to end of week for the c sec. I m not prepared to hv c sect too so still praying hard my gal will cooperate n turn soon
Ya I thought so too, if drag then later water bag burst before c sec date n baby not in position even more headache. I've been trying to read up more on c sec n recovery to get myself mentally prepared cuz I may just to doing it next week or so. Plan abit messed up ;(


Ya I thought so too, if drag then later water bag burst before c sec date n baby not in position even more headache. I've been trying to read up more on c sec n recovery to get myself mentally prepared cuz I may just to doing it next week or so. Plan abit messed up ;(
Dun be discouraged abt plans getting messed up ya. We hv come so far, let's treat this as another inconveniences before we get to see n hug our precious ;)

I did hv an open surgery for my cyst removal last May 2011. Was on Hospitalisation Leave for 6 weeks then n Left a scar on my tummy which is ard 10cm. My post surgery recovery considered good so hoping if now need to go for c sec, recovery will be good.

For c sec, need extra care when u get up from bed, cannot over exert urself incase wound tears n infection sets in. Initial few days will feel the pain but once we cross this hurdle, as good as new ;)

If u hv prearranged for confinement lady n post natal massage, rem to preempt them re ur possible c sec. Jia you k!


hi all,

I've given birth tis morning at 12.46am!! now resting in d ward waiting for my gynae.. had to induce & wait for d cervix to dilate, contractions come initially still can tahan, when it bcomes more frequent & longer, I surrendered.. pain once cry once.. hubby saw me so suffering also advice me to go for epi earlier at least I fun hav to suffer so much pain..

in d end, aft fully dilated, after at least abt 20 over pushes, gynae suggest to vacuum cos 1st, I'm still having fever & my water broke nearly 24 hrs.. so we agreed & only aft abt 4-5 pushes d baby is out..

now resting liao, will update when I'm feeling better.. to d rest of d mummies, jia you!!


New Member
hi all,

I've given birth tis morning at 12.46am!! now resting in d ward waiting for my gynae.. had to induce & wait for d cervix to dilate, contractions come initially still can tahan, when it bcomes more frequent & longer, I surrendered.. pain once cry once.. hubby saw me so suffering also advice me to go for epi earlier at least I fun hav to suffer so much pain..

in d end, aft fully dilated, after at least abt 20 over pushes, gynae suggest to vacuum cos 1st, I'm still having fever & my water broke nearly 24 hrs.. so we agreed & only aft abt 4-5 pushes d baby is out..

now resting liao, will update when I'm feeling better.. to d rest of d mummies, jia you!!


hi all,

I've given birth tis morning at 12.46am!! now resting in d ward waiting for my gynae.. had to induce & wait for d cervix to dilate, contractions come initially still can tahan, when it bcomes more frequent & longer, I surrendered.. pain once cry once.. hubby saw me so suffering also advice me to go for epi earlier at least I fun hav to suffer so much pain..

in d end, aft fully dilated, after at least abt 20 over pushes, gynae suggest to vacuum cos 1st, I'm still having fever & my water broke nearly 24 hrs.. so we agreed & only aft abt 4-5 pushes d baby is out..

now resting liao, will update when I'm feeling better.. to d rest of d mummies, jia you!!
Congrats !!! Have a good2 rest ya... =))


Congrats!! My Sis in law also gave birth 2 days ago at 38 weeks. She was going for drug free initially but the pain was too much for her and she kept crying. In the end she took epi cos se needed csect as she was in labour pain for over 20 hours.

I think I'm not gonna deny epi :D