EDD May 2012 Mummies!


hi climsp and Fanger, seems like now only left 2 of u in the waiting list, Jia you!!

Mummies, how's ur wound healing so far? my wound still pain(natural birth) , i wonder if i need to go to see gyane before my appointment. alrd been a week since my delivery. especially when i get up from bed and chair or lie down on bed, pain pain pain
I'm also wondering the same thing, more importantly, hubby wants to know when can be intimate again... Shucks, will anyone answer ah? Haha


New Member

I would like to encourage all mothers these:

1) go natural, with out epidural if you can.
2) go for prenatal yoga classes to learn about breathing exercises and the basic exercises that helped to strengthen your core muscles and endurance.
I was with Ms Juliana from Holland Village and I can share her contact.
3) breast feed as long as you can. do not lose hope. my milk came in only on the 3rd day. when you are awake nearly 24-hours, 3 days are a long time. especially when you keep looking at your nipple to see when the milk will come. believe me, it will and you will then know everything is alright!
4) bath, or at least, put warm towels on your breast to 'tell your breast' that you want the milk to come out. do the massages and then think of your baby drinking milk when feeding. think happy thoughts!
5) don't stress yourself, know and believe what you are doing is right.
6) read up so that you know how to reply those people who tell you otherwise.
7) drink more water or the red-date drink (make it more dilute so that you actually drink more water) so that you will have enough liquid for your body to make milk.
8) be happy. sing song or listen to happy music so that your mood will be better.

I thought to share my experience with all of you but I was just so busy! and finally I managed write down my thoughts and experience and here it goes. abit naggy though!

I have delivered on 3 May to my adorable girl at 3kg. I had gestational diabetes and my gynae did 2 membrane sweeps to induce birth. Last one was done on 2 May and he asked me to see him at 8.30am 3 May to put a pill in to induce. He was concerned about baby having a wild insulin reading at birth.

After the 2nd membrane sweep done on 4 pm 2 May, I met my husband at Queenstown Ikea to check out some furniture for our new home. Some how, I was so tired and could not walk. I didn't realize the 2nd induction was working! By 8 pm after we had our dinner, I was having light contractions. It seemed like mild period cramps, and I normally don't have any cramps. I thought this is normal and did not tell my husband about it.

Once home, I went to bed. Only to wake up at 10pm to heavier contractions. After that, I couldn't sleep as the contractions started to become 10 mins apart. I did my prenatal yoga exercises to relieve the pain and tried to relax my pelvis muscles. The breathing exercises came in really handy and I was able to manage my pain.

Timed my contractions and they begun to close in at round 9 to 8 minutes by around midnight. I was lucky that I had downloaded this 'Contractions' app on my handphone. (Gals, please get one, it is so useful!) My husband could not sleep because I was doing the prenatal exercises on the bed and the rocking woke him up. He started surfing the net and laughed at me doing the exercises, he just could not understand how the exercises relieved my pain!

Then around 1am or 2am, the contractions started to get really close, like around 7 minutes apart. By then my husband was abit more concerned and helped to time too. He wanted to go to the hospital but I insisted to go around morning only. He remembered I was joking that I wanted to eat MacDonald Breakfast before delivery and offered to go and buy. But by then, the contractions were so close that I had difficulty walking, not to mention eating!

Finally 6am came and I took my time to bath. The warm shower really made me feel so much better and we took a cab and reached NUH at around 8am. I was like 30minutes before my appointment but I don't care. The contractions just made me want to get someone's attention!

I was then told that I needed to be strapped down to a bed to do the monitoring. Oh I hated that! Imagine being strapped down, it was so terrible! I was thinking of screaming at the MO (Medical Officer) who came to inspect me, when he told me that I needed to wait for my doctor to come (by then I had already endured 1hour of the monitoring, when I was told only 30minutes was required).

Finally, after another 10minutes, my doctor came, Dr Chong YS. But not before my water bag burst at 9.40am. I immediately requested to be taken off the bed monitoring as I couldn't endure any more. Lina (from EMMa Care) helped to bring a gym ball for me to use in the monitoring room. I then requested to transfer to a B1 ward to wait. By then my dilation was 5cm. (imagine my contractions started 12hours before?)

Once I reached there (I was on the 'throne' aka wheelchair and being pushed by Lina), the atmosphere was totally different. All beds were occupied and my immediate neighbor was a 23-year old mother of 4 (including the one she just delivered). She had quite a few visitors and the room was noisy with the other patients too. My husband did not like the place but I wanted to keep to the B1 charges in case my baby needs further medical attention. Lunch was served (after a nurse came to ask what I would like) and the food was horrible! I wanted Chinese and it was boiled Cod Fish and vegetable. The rice was so hard! and the fruits were not really sweet. I took only 1 piece of the fish and fruit, in between my labour pains. My husband keep feeding me and literally forced the food into my mouth. He told me that if I don't eat, I won't have the strength to push later. (I found out that this wasn't true. No matter what, if you have to push, you will push. All you need to do is to time your push well.) I was about semi-conscious half the time. Think it was my body resting in between, I really knocked out once the contraction subsided! By then, about 4plus, I couldn't endure anymore and requested to go to the delivery ward. I was pushed again, on the throne, by a kind nurse.

Once I reached there, the doctor told me that my dilation was about 6cm or 7cm only. I was told if I wanted to go into the pool (I had opted for water birth) I could do so, but I knew that would only delay the labour so I held out. I mentally told myself that I would go into the pool only when I was 8cm or 9cm.

Meanwhile, Lina was preparing the tub. There was supposed to be a cement tub in the Delivery Suite but another mummy-to-be was using it, so I could only use the inflatable one. So while Lina was filling it with water (using the water dispenser from outside, as the hot water tap wasn't working in the room that I was in), I was counting down. It seems like I was dilating only 1cm per hour. And in the Delivery Suite, my husband was able to see the intensity of the labour pains. He was extremely supportive and did all that he was told (so that I wouldn't pull his hair, just joking ;p). He held me, cuddled me and looked me in my eyes while chanting and doing the breathing exercises with me. Without him, I don't think I could have lasted so long!

By 6pm, I was ready to jump into the pool, because the pain was so intense to me! But my husband was telling me that the intensity is lesser like 50plus instead of 120plus) but I scolded him, I am the one feeling the pain and not him! How can he tell me what I am feeling? By then, in my heart, I would have gone for epidural but I knew it was too late and I had all along wanted to have a natural birth without any drugs and so I kept to myself the thought. There were a few times when the tape moved and Lina kindly adjusted it back for me.

While Lina was still adjusting the water temperature by adding in more hot water, there were quite a few times I requested to go into the water first but Lina insisted that the temperature wasn't at the optimal level and it would be pointless for me to go in. I managed to endure till she said it was ready. Meanwhile I kept doing the exercises and tried to remember not to squeeze my husband's left hand so that he won't feel the ring squeezing his hand.

At around 8plus I went into the pool. It was such a relief! But then I started to really pass out in the water. As in I fell asleep totally, knocked out! It was really tiring. I was told to wait till the doctor come to gauge me. I tried to pull my knees together and Lina told me not to do that as it would clamp my baby's head. Finally the doctor came and told me that I was like 8cm dilated and I should continue to work with the contractions. Finally I gave birth at around 9pm. Lina was really great, she kept topping up the water, offered me sips of water and was really encouraging. She also told me when to push and told me how hard and how many times to push :)

The first time I hold my baby in my arms, I cried. I know only that I have her in my arms and that was all it mattered. No matter how much I love my husband (and it is very much, more than life itself), suddenly he disappears and I have only my daughter in my life. It must be the intensity of pain, the sudden relief when I know she is out, the scream I had at the point when she was leaving my body and knowing that finally she is born.

I still cry when I think of that moment. I think no mothers will ever forget, especially after long labour pains. Anyway she was crying, I was crying and it was a really emotional experience.

Anyway, my girl was placed on my chest and she just felt so fragile. Shortly, Dr Chong requested to cut her umbilical cord and my darling husband took the honor *grins* I was barely aware of these, through my tears. And he carried her in his hairy chest while I was assisted to the bed to have my placenta removed. After a few stitches, we were then left alone with our baby girl and she begun to suckle. But of course there was no milk or colostrum. I did not expect any because I read somewhere that it could be up to 3rd day before the milk or colostrum came in. But she suckled no matter what and that was all it matters. My husband was so happy too.

Anyway after the birth, my husband decided to upgrade the ward to A1 and the food was wonderful. Even staff's attitude was different. I bathed only on the 2nd day morning. I had a full bladder and was told to relieve myself as often as I can. Indeed, I never know my bladder was so big when I first went to pee. I never felt any sensation that my bladder was full! By then, I was on the special panadol (there was a blue panadol and a blue pill to eat so that the acidic effect will be lesser) and the normal panadol in between. Guess the 12hourly blue panadol and the 6hourly normal panadol made me numb to any pain. I was able to move normally and went to bath the 2nd morning. But the amount of blood that came with each toilet trip and the stained pads made me worried. I was a vegetarian before I was pregnant and the amount of blood that I was losing made me feel that I should really eat meat! And I eventually (and still am) on a one-month confinement diet. I had planned to take only 2 weeks initially.

Anyway skipping all the stories, my girl had jaundice but I was told that I can be discharged on the 2nd day (the usual practice for normal delivery). I was given 10 days of panadol and thought I wouldn't need any of it, and managed to see the lactation consultant and attended the emotional talk session before discharged.

The next few days were quite disruptive. As my girl had jaundice, I needed to bring her to visit the in-house pediatrician. This happened for the next 6 days. Imagine first 3 days, I had to see my girl sucking at my nipples without any milk/colostrum, and I knew that she would lose weight. But having jaundice means that she needs to eat before she can get better. But I held on to my belief that all mothers will have milk. Dr Chong and all the nurses were very encouraging and did not ask if I wanted formula for my girl. My husband was also supportive and did not question my decision.

But every 2 or 3 hours, I will still wake up my girl and make her suck. Day or night. This was though I was really tired and the first few days I did not bath. And I was still taking the pain medicine and having so many relatives visiting me! I hardly rested and not to mention feeling sticky all over! (Imagine I bathed only once at the hospital). Finally I was so worn out that I decided enough was enough and I went to bath. It was all self-imposed as my mother-in-law nor my husband restricted me. Lucky they were all very modern and endured with my smelly self. But my husband did ask me to bath and don't be so strict. Anyway I think it was after I bathed, I had the colostrum. I think the warm water helped to make the milk come out.

Though I massaged my breasts daily and before each feed, the milk just did not come out. And my girl was latching on properly (according to the lactation consultant). And slowly, over the next few days, my girl had proper stool and now she is doing fine, though her eyes are still abit yellowish (she is now 3 weeks and 1 day old).

I realised that being a mother is not easy. I felt that I was feeling pain all over, from my sore nipples, to the pain from the stitches, to fear of losing so much blood, to having sore arms from holding my girl, to feeling so tired from lack of sleep (from the night the contraction started) and having to endure all the visits from relatives. I had lashed out on my husband a few times and my tone towards my mother-in-law wasn't so good when I just wasn't in the mood to be nice.

Kudos to all mothers who suffer in silence. I thank this forum for letting us share our experience and be aware that we are just not alone. All of us are here to support each other :)
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Dear Tataro, Tannie

My CL will always 'nag' at me to go rest. As I m used to keeping myself occupied, initially I hv difficulty simply lying down n do nothing .. Lol. After few days when I m sleep deprived bcos of waking up at night to feed or express the BM, I realised taking afternoon naps do helps, esp when i felt the tingle of neckache creeping up after long hours of sitting down. I m now rather used to taking a nap in the late afternoon n juZ waking up to hv dinner. Wonder wat to do after I go back to work. Hee.

Also, I hv lotsa neckache n backache problems before n during pregnancy so hopefully thru this confinement, I can beef up my body. Worried abt the backaches ESP now tt I hv taken Epidural. My girlfriends who took Epi hv backache probs now so caution me to be guai during the confinement period. Wish me luck ya ;)
hi climsp and Fanger, seems like now only left 2 of u in the waiting list, Jia you!!

Mummies, how's ur wound healing so far? my wound still pain(natural birth) , i wonder if i need to go to see gyane before my appointment. alrd been a week since my delivery. especially when i get up from bed and chair or lie
down on bed, pain pain pain
Tataro, did u take the painkillers prescribed to u by the gynae? If it is really painful, pls take ok! I took the painkillers during my stay in hosp cos I think my piles are more painful than the wound! Anyway I think it will help.
hi climsp and Fanger, seems like now only left 2 of u in the waiting list, Jia you!!

Mummies, how's ur wound healing so far? my wound still pain(natural birth) , i wonder if i need to go to see gyane before my appointment. alrd been a week since my delivery. especially when i get up from bed and chair or lie down on bed, pain pain pain
So far I dun hv much pain fm the stitches, but more on the piles... I stop eating pain killer after discharge...I din manage to pass motion n today is the 5th day... Yesterday gynea gave me stronger stool softener.
Tannie, try to eat dragonfruit? I have the same piles problem as u and I took lots of fruits n veggie after discharge. Dragonfruit really helps!


Dear Butt8rfly

Congrats on ur bundle of joy ;)

Reading your account makes me feel tt mums are indeed great. i felt wat u hv wrote deeply. The part n worry tt we new mummies hv re bf touched a core. I went thru the same worrying process tt the milk flow supply is not coming in n whether if my baby gal is getting enuf etc. Till today, I also tend to worry if my milk supply is sufficient n I always hv to remind myself to stay positive n happy.

Will def work hard to be a beter mummy n let all mummies jia you k. We hv a long path ahead in nurturing our babies. jia you jia you!!
Hey mummies, have u started to introduce pacifier/soother to ur BB?? My naughty BB keep asking/crying for more after each 45mins feed and refused to sleep. CL said it may be a good idea to give him d pacifier just to sooth him and take it off after he falls asleep. What do u think??


I did use the pacifier on day 2, but that was more for training my baby to suckle (he couldn't maintain a consistent suckle) and to pacify his cries (of hunger?).

But once he successfully learnt how to latch, he doesn't like the pacifier anymore so now i'm not using it.


Hey mummies, have u started to introduce pacifier/soother to ur BB?? My naughty BB keep asking/crying for more after each 45mins feed and refused to sleep. CL said it may be a good idea to give him d pacifier just to sooth him and take it off after he falls asleep. What do u think??
I gave in today :( cos she kept crying and asking for my breasts even after giving her 90ml EBM during one of her feeds. At one point I was latching her almost every hour and despite latching her for 25 mins on one side, she wouldn't fall asleep like normal! When I switched breast for her to latch, she lathed on even longer until I realize my breast was already soft and she wld have emptied most of my milk. So I kinda knew she was latching for comfort more than anything. So I had I break the latch.

My nipples are so sore today. Felt like crying cos I Couldn't keep up and felt terrified each time she cried. Sigh.

Anyway my CL gave her pacifier I try for a while and she really stopped crying. But we didn't leave it on permanently. When she slept we removed it.

Now I'm trying to increase my pump frequency from once a day to 3x a day to build up my EBM as I plan to give her bottle soon. Sigh hope I can build it soon.

btw those who bf - has anyone lost weight yet and how much? I lost 7kg in. 3 weeks and I seem to have plateau at my current weight. Hope I can lose more
Hey mummies, have u started to introduce pacifier/soother to ur BB?? My naughty BB keep asking/crying for more after each 45mins feed and refused to sleep. CL said it may be a good idea to give him d pacifier just to sooth him and take it off after he falls asleep. What do u think??
I gave in today :( cos she kept crying and asking for my breasts even after giving her 90ml EBM during one of her feeds. At one point I was latching her almost every hour and despite latching her for 25 mins on one side, she wouldn't fall asleep like normal! When I switched breast for her to latch, she lathed on even longer until I realize my breast was already soft and she wld have emptied most of my milk. So I kinda knew she was latching for comfort more than anything. So I had I break the latch.

My nipples are so sore today. Felt like crying cos I Couldn't keep up and felt terrified each time she cried. Sigh.

Anyway my CL gave her pacifier I try for a while and she really stopped crying. But we didn't leave it on permanently. When she slept we removed it.

Now I'm trying to increase my pump frequency from once a day to 3x a day to build up my EBM as I plan to give her bottle soon. Sigh hope I can build it soon.

btw those who bf - has anyone lost weight yet and how much? I lost 7kg in. 3 weeks and I seem to have plateau at my current weight. Hope I can lose more
Totally understand how u feel! I think I will also resort to giving pacifier if BB continues to 'bully' me. For weight loss, I think I lost 1kg in a few days after discharge from breast feeding. BFing is really shiong and tires me out. ESP when I perspire like mad :p


i am using Similac.

Miracle25, you can't bear of it ? i shower alt day alrd cannot tahan.

HI mummies, may i know how long to take for the wound to be healed? today alrd 7th day, my wound still pain, walk, sit and go toilet pain, i still taking pain killer now.
jus dun tink about it lor & anyway, feeding bb, wash milk bottle, change diaper.. all these will divert ur attention.. & lucky ther r days which were raining so not tat hot..


Yap Meilynn, u so good. I wear short sleeves and short plus slipper nia. I cannot stand the heat. I agreed even in air con room I feel so hot, dare not on too high cause my baby keep sneezing.

I some more play cheat, on fan in the living room but aim at my bedroom where my bed is.

I always lie on bed cause v tired, I dun feel like moving.

But I think it is good to follow confinement rules... Cause I am now feeling the backaches.

I wear shorts and sleeveless t-shirt. Initially, I wore t-shirt with sleeves until yesterday, really cannot take the heat so I changed to sleeveless. My fan is on and aircon too. But I dont blow directly at myself.

Dont bend over so often. Especially when bathing or changing diapers for baby. That was what my aunt told me. But sometimes I am so kanjiong that I forget and will only realize it later.
but these cant b avoid isnt it? unless d cot & bath tub are high at chest level or get hubby to do it.


This morning had released sticky transparent discharge. Is it normal? Am I going into labour? Need call gynae and check?


Finally got the time and energy to log in cause bb has been admitted to hospital for jaundice =(

Just to share my process. My EDD is 28th.

18th May
Was put on CTG at the clinic. Was told that I'm already having contractions but I dun feel a thing. As baby is about 3.4kg, doc suggested inducing as she is afraid that I'm not able to push. So arrange to induce on the 22nd. Went back home and experience some mild menstrual-like cramps at night. Ignored cause thot it's normal and not very pain either.

19th May
6am - Experienced some contractions but ignore it since I'm sleepy. Hur hur.

7am to 10am - Start to feel uncomfy. Timed the contractions and it's every 5mins. Was thinking am i really due? I had those brown discharge but I thought it could be due to the dilation chk. Endured and walk around.

10am to 1130am - Went toilet and found alot of jelly-like substance discharge with brown and red blood. Decided to go down to clinic. Bath and have some breakfast. Wake hubby up and wait for him to get ready.

1230pm - Reach clinic and was put on CTG. Doc decided to admit me as contractions were quite constant.

0130pm to 0245pm - At the observation room waiting... Doc came down to do dilation check and waterbag had already burst. Nurse put me on drip, clear bowels... etc

0330pm - Contractions starts to get intense. It's like every 2mins. It's like having diarrhoea pain. Decided not to endure. Asked for epidural. Luckily the doc is just around the corner. He came 5mins later after I requested. Super relieved after the epi but was shivering like hell. Then insert the urine catheter.

0330pm to 0545pm - Was put on oxygen as baby's heartbeat keep dropping. Doc say might need to go for ceasarean if the heartbeat is unstable. Checked for dilation again. Luckily its already 10cm. And Doc worry baby so ask me to start pushing first.

0545pm to 0630pm - Transfer me to delivery suite and there goes the pushing. As baby's heartbeat is unstable, doc decided to do with the help of vacuum. In less than 15mins, baby pop!

11pm to 330am - Starts to shiver and fever went up to 39.3deg. Nurse say it's the side effects of epidural. She came in every 30mins to check temperature and change the towel for my forehead.

Yeap, that's about it for my delivery process.

My stitches are healing well too. Just that the piles are irritating me. When I try to poo, i think i pushed too hard and my stitches hurt. Ouch! Drinking prune juice and the liquid to soften the stools. Hopefully it helps. Duh..

How did u girls survive thru the weather? I'm perspiring like hell everyday! My hair stinks loh. My mum refused to let me wash hair. Aiyo... Buay tahan!

And ya, my fingers on my right are feeling numb. Is it normal?


Hey everyone, i feel so out of place in this forum now, everyone talking about bfing. Me, fanger n Climsp all haven't pop...

Anyway I went to see Gynae today. Bad news is baby growing well, lots of water, cervix closed!! But good news is my suffering will be over latest 1 June...

So tmr I can still safely go or my hi tea buffet... Hopefully baby has enjoyed enough after that and will come out.

Everybody Jia you!!
Dear Gracewz

Enjoy ur buffet hi tea ya. Soon u wil be busy wif ur qns re bf, taking care of Bb etc so to be positive k. U will not feel left out then ;) Be patient n jia you k.


This morning had released sticky transparent discharge. Is it normal? Am I going into labour? Need call gynae and check?

Dear Fanger, this stickly discharge is normal. So long u do not exp contraction or bleeding or water bag burst shd be ok. Continue to monitor ur condition k. Else if u worried, juz give ur gynae a call


Dear Seline

Congrats on ur delivery. Did ur mum said when can U shower? I showered on Day 5 using herb water. Else with this weather really buay tahan.

How abt yr Bb's jaundice? U mentioned admitted to hospital so when can ur bao bei be discharged? Are u in breast feeding? If yes, dun tk ginger since ur Bb has jaundice.


Butt8rfly , I admire ur determinations n strong will...bt if I were to go thru again, I still dun think I can do it your way...

I oso realised my baby is asking for milk wif shorter interval, is it normal? I was a little reluctant to cause nipple a bit sore...now she is sort of every 2 hrs feed...