EDD May 2012 Mummies!


Gynae checked 1.5cm dilated but no contraction yet. Why is it like that? It does not mean in labour? But I am having pain in tummy and brown discharge after gynae checked. Are these labour symptom?
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New Member
I'm currently using Swing but thinking of getting a double pump. More inclined towards freestyle since it's more compact and can be recharged. Only bad thing is the replacement parts are different from the other pumps.. How is it so far?


I lost 6kg so far. But i am always hungry. Wonder is it cos i bf?
Rukia, yes I think it's due to BFing. I can eat a lot more now compared to my preggy days :)[/QUOTE]

i hope i can lose more weight. My cousins are still teasing me if i have another baby on the way..


Am waiting at kk now, stitches pain every move I made, cannot take it anymore :( I don't know how much more pain need to endure, sob sob
Rukia, yes I think it's due to BFing. I can eat a lot more now compared to my preggy days :)[/QUOTE]

i hope i can lose more weight. My cousins are still teasing me if i have another baby on the way..[/QUOTE]

Have u tried post natal massage? I think it's effective in making our tummy smaller etc. and of course exercise when we r able to :)


Jia you climsp, hope u meet ur active little one soon... I bet he will come out very fast cause he is so active![/QUOTE]

Haha!! My hubby was joking abt baby kick his way out!!


Dear Climsp, hang on tight!! Mon is another 2 days to go. Tahan tahan k. Soon u will get to hug ur Bao Bei!

Re extra charges, fir my c sect, my gynae told me before tt if we deliver earlier or later than the pre determined date, will be consider as emergency so need to incur additional charges. Doesn't matter if weekend or PH.

For normal delivery, not sure if additional charges applies[/QUOTE]

Will enjoy e 2 days b4 baby out!! Now at least I know when is the final days!


Maybe like mine. i plan to induce end up he choose his own date and came out earlier. Jiayou!!! Very soon can see your darling already![/QUOTE]

Hope he kick his way out b4 Monday Midnite then I buy the sophie giraffe for him!! Hahha


Thanks dear! I bath on the 3rd day after i discharged cause I need to bring bb to the doc as well as for my own chkup. Cannot go out smelly smelly la. eeeeyer... haha. My mum say i can only wash my hair after 2weeks. Gosh! I'm gg crazy lor.

Bb jaundice level is 19.3 when admitted. today is the 2nd day, has dropped to 8 so can discharge already. Phew! MIL says feed with formula first to flush out the jaundice. Checked with PD, he agreed too.
Glad to hear tt Bb's jaundice reading is now normal. Bet u muz be happy tt he can go home today. Yup, pd will typically advised to tentatively stop bf if Bb hv jaundice. Juz to wif fm n when Bb no more jaundice, u can switch back to BM. Juz rem to pump n store ur BM ;)


Hi Rukia, Chendolgal

U ladies really lose weight fast. Today is day 19 n I hv yet to lose any weight at all, despite bf-Ing. In fact, due to all the good n yummy food my CL cooks, I even put on 800gm. Chiam.

Frens telling me once CL leaves n I start looking after my gal myself, I will lose weight. Hope so.


New Member
anyone bought diaper changing table? besides ikea, where else can i get them? looking for those with shelves below to store stuff :)


Hi mummies,
I just discharged from hospital today. Total stay in hospital for 5 days. However my little fella having jaundice and he not allowed to go home. Sigh the earliest he can go home is on mon provided his jaundice is ok. Is it true that by feeding formula milk will flush out the jaundice? The nurses keep ask me to breast feed my baby and i know is not enough for him cos too little. I can stuck in the nursery for 2 hours with him. After that, when I went back to room to rest, less than 1 hour they will asked me go back again cos baby crying. Even midnight also same. In the end I din really really rest, most of the time in nursery. I'm quite tired and stress when my baby keep on crying and knowing that he doesn't have enough to feel full. Once I can't take it, I just cry with him. Lucky there r some nice nurses who
Suggest to feed him with formula milk so that he will feel full and I can rest. While some of them keep asking me to latch him, keep ask me to
Go back to nursery when my boy cry. I was quite pissed off with them. Then u know when baby having jaundice they need to be naked and under the phototherapy. Imagine the room is so cold, they din even warm my baby first and just on the blue light for the therapy. My baby is shivering and my husband told them baby is shivering ok. Can warm him first. We were
So pissed with the two nurses. Unlike the nicer nurses, they will warm him up first before he undergo phototherapy. Now I understand y they keep ask me go back to nursery to feed/pacify my boy!! I told my gynae what happen cos he mentioned I look very tired. After listening, my gynae said nursery to handle the baby, I should rest.

For mummies who through c sect, how long did you wait before u go for post natal massage??


mummies, wondering what's the color of ur bb's poo? mine's yellow and runny.. I'm actually feeding BF and FM together cos I cant meet the demand yet.


New Member
I still have a little pain from the ditches, yet from discharge till be haven taken any pain killer, in laws and Cl discourage me to eat.pain killer even I want to...... is just thanks. I feel skin itchy around the ditches, do any mummies experience this?


Gynae checked 1.5cm dilated but no contraction yet. Why is it like that? It does not mean in labour? But I am having pain in tummy and brown discharge after gynae checked. Are these labour symptom?
Dear Fanger, u feeling better? I did not go thru any dilation test but recalled from this forum sharing After the dilation test, some mummies will exp discharge n slight pain.

Thus, if ur discharge is not heavy n pain not intense n frequent, shd be normal. But since ur EDD is very close now, rem to constantly monitor ur conditions. Any sign of labour, go down to hospital


Hi, I delivered already this morning 4am+. The epidural doesn't help much. Cox in end they will want u to feel the contraction pain to push bb out and side effect was vomiting and fever. But everything is ok.


I still have a little pain from the ditches, yet from discharge till be haven taken any pain killer, in laws and Cl discourage me to eat.pain killer even I want to...... is just thanks. I feel skin itchy around the ditches, do any mummies experience this?
My is c sect but when the stitches are recovering, tend to get itchy too. Guess u feeling itchiness due to wound recovering.