EDD June 2012 Mummies

Engraved, did you buy a double electric pump. Coz the let down is both side. It wasted to let the milk drip. Every drip counts.
Hand expressing is tiring.
Feed her, if she full, she will reject your breast or bottle.


Eve- congrats to you! But the pain is worth it lah. Every woman would want to experience giving birth naturally if possible. :) 22 hours is a super duper long time! You are brave to have endured thru it. Good that u didnt go c-sect cos now u will heal faster as compared to c-sect. Must think that way!! ^^
Just back from my bb blood test, her jaundice drop from 15 to 11.
Pd say not enough, her weight is not increasing also, pd suspect she is allegic to milk based formula. Cause she vomit fm after feeding a few times already.
Pd suggest to change to soy based formula.
If her jaundice nt good till next week, have to go for the liver test. :(

Heart pain whenever she went for the blood test.


Amazingpig- the electric ones are soooo exp. my mum got me a batt operated one, but i think it sucks cos i always have milk on my aureola after pumping, and some of the milk will be on the suction part of the pump. Super waste my milk!! Somemore batt one I still got to press the lil button for it to release suction, like almost the same as manual leh. That's why if can, i just express thru hand cos can massage also. V v v pain. I realise I massage too hard, the nurse in kkh told me must massage hard cos no pain no gain. But i read online that supposed to be a gentle massage. Omg now idk whether i tore the tissues inside or not. T.T

I cant latch on my bbgirl. Idk how and she always starts crying terribly. So nw i feed her express breastmilk thru bottle and top up with FM. At least she got that lil bit of nutrients from the breastmilk, better than none at all. :((


Amazingpig- how come the jaundice level is measured like that one? I went polyclinic today and they told me my bb jaundice is 163 which is safe range. As long as dun go above 200. I hear alr i also blur.

My bbgirl today 4 days, gained 0.1+ kg alr. Birth weight 3.570kg, now 3.7xx kg. Dunno normal or not. Haha. But she really fatfat like me. She got super chubby cheeks, REALLY LOOK LIKE THEODORE THE CHIPMUNK. Hahahahahaha!!


eve34:664676 said:
Hi all, I have just delivered at 4.03pm after 22 hours in KKH. Bb is healthy n weights 3.095kg. Now super tired n hungry. It's super painful too. Would have opt for c section if I know it's this pain.
No pain no gain mah :)


Congrats to eve34... Actually natural birth is better den c sec, heAl faster n there won't b a wound on ur tummy.. Already has d dark line , if + d wound scar more ugly ba.. But is worth it all pain , once u heard d bb cryin when ur bb is pop.. Anw rest well : )

Engrave did u eat alot of those food which can increase milk 1? If yes , u can try to stop for 1 to 2 days den continued.. Cos all ur milk stuck in ur breast , can't cme out le.. If still increasing den will b more painful.. Den mean while express as much as u can lo.. Im doing tis way.. Cos tat time my breast really super pain.. Slp also gt pro. Cannot turn to d side n slp.. Cos will pain..
Engorge must release the milk out. Initially I engorged also. Then I use abt two hr to pump all the milk out.
Engraved, buy a double pump, or try latch on. Don try when ur bb is super hungry that time. Although, I have give up latching on, purely expressing. Don learn from me. It tiring to sterlise the equipment and bottles.


Yay i just expressed 1oz milk total for both sides. Idk if it is good or bad but it is an improvement. Took quite long though cos the flow quite slow. And the sides of my breasts are still sore and hard :(
Wah so envy. Till now I still no hope of hitting one ounce. 9 days after my delivery, Maybe got 5ml can laugh already. I Feel like giving up but becos buy the mended freestyle pump so ex I tell myself don't give up! Must make it worth.

I never feel engorged. Likely cos no milk. Depressed.


Amazingpig - I don't latch on anymore also. I think she recognise it now and will struggle badly to reject it. Keep on shaking her head like saying NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO STOP FORCING ME *WAILS*. =.=" So i just express and top up FM. Only comfort is that at least she still get the lil bit of nutrients from the ebm..

Joey - no leh. I eat normal plain food like veggie w soysauce, tofu, fish... Then sometimes meesua w pig liver.. And about 1 apple 1 day. The pain rly v bad. Getting up from bed alr v pain cos of the stitches. Then now the breasts both so hard and sore, strain just a lil bit feel like the whole breast gonna explode -.-"

(out of topic: i'm typing on my laptop and actually pressed dbl space for fullstop, LOL!!!!)


catflying - dont depress! must slowly do it and believe in yourself..! continue to try and latch on (though i nv latch on liao) cos bb's suction will stimulate your milk flow. then use ur breast pump to stimulate also. must do it religiously every 3 hours. at least 8 times a day. (i didnt do it but that's what everyone says :X).. But i do look at my bb and think of her when i pump. Think of all the good nutrients i am giving her. Initially when I pump also only a few drops. Then it gradually got more and more, maybe becos I expect more from myself. Keep on wanting to see more, then more came out lor. Haha..


Wa LAN oi.. My mil cos my boy have skin peel on his private again.. Told her nt to apply too much cream on it.. I help him change diaper n he kip cryin b cos of d pain.. Den by rite he cry no tears 1.. Den c him jus nw pain till cry out wif tears.. Hart pain lo.. She Nvr listen de leh.. Den my boy pee on d floor , den she jus throw d tissue on top of d pee n stand there waiting to carry my boy.. Den leave all d shit to me to clear.. Goin crazy Liao.. Den she tk all soup nvr be careful end up all flooring gt d stain.. No wonder I step here n there feel so sticky.. Den she nvr clean de leh.. fraustrated lo.. Cannot tel him also..ah bo he say I always complain her mum.. But it true tat his mum do 1 wat.. Wa LAN.. Cannot tahan Liao .. My bk damn pain Liao lo.. Den still have to bend dwn n clean his pee.. feel like cryin sia...


Joey- at most u tahan abit, leave the hse messy, till they ownselves realise what they are doing. We are not supposed to be bending down so often and should get more rest during this time. If not we under confinement for what? Next time such thing happen, just lie in bed and rest. They kp u, u just say u very tired, havent recover yet lor. Dont let them ride all over you. Really "de cun jing ci"
Amazingpig- how come the jaundice level is measured like that one? I went polyclinic today and they told me my bb jaundice is 163 which is safe range. As long as dun go above 200. I hear alr i also blur.

My bbgirl today 4 days, gained 0.1+ kg alr. Birth weight 3.570kg, now 3.7xx kg. Dunno normal or not. Haha. But she really fatfat like me. She got super chubby cheeks, REALLY LOOK LIKE THEODORE THE CHIPMUNK. Hahahahahaha!!
Yah, the jaundice is measuring the bilirubin Level.
My girl so skinny compare to urs. Mine at birth is 2.8 then discharge is 2.6. Now is only 3kg.
i think is because i underweight also. So she follow my gene.


Engrave - they did not force me to do.. Is I bek chek tat they nvr make it clean.. They shld kip it clean when there bb around rite? I purposely say I c those tin messy I very bek chek , c d floor so dusty also bek chek.. End up still no 1 do.. Funny de lo shld do 1 no 1 do , shldnt 1 she always do.. she treat here her Hse ah? Mess up nvm , always throw d tissue on d floor.. Make me feel so fruastrated.. That's y I dun like to stay with mil , although her temper gd , but so wat.. My is nt.. Will explore any time.. Some time I feel like crying.. Always have to do it myself.. Tel them they is like dun care.. Nvr respect wat I say.. I feel so tired.. I must as well end my confinement.. Do wat confinement.. Seen I cannot rest Liao.. Den I must well stop.. Den I at lease can go bath with normal water.. Cos seen my bk confirm will pain Liao in future.. Must well
Just hack care every tin.. Do wat ever I wan , eat wat ever I wan.. endure Liao only make me more Dulan.. haiz.. They dun auto 1.. Always must tel den will do, I can confirm if I jus nw nvr clean d floor urine wif tissue on top.. , im sure till tml still there..


Hi all, I have just delivered at 4.03pm after 22 hours in KKH. Bb is healthy n weights 3.095kg. Now super tired n hungry. It's super painful too. Would have opt for c section if I know it's this pain.
Congrats, should be induce rite, my induce will be next Monday if not sign of labour this few days so going to check this sat 1 last time, will still keep on go walking and climbing stairs hope can labour before Monday...


Engravedx, gynae also told me intercourse would help but I'm too tired to move at all loh.haha

Eve,congrats! Did u use epidural?

Amazingpig, I rem my younger bro has the same problem when he was a baby. Can't take milk. Must take soybased formula,not cheap leh


Eve- congrats to you! But the pain is worth it . Every woman would want to experience giving birth naturally if possible. :) 22 hours is a super duper long time! You are brave to have endured thru it. Good that you didnt go c-sect cos now you will heal faster as compared to c-sect. Must think that way!! ^^
Thank u... Yes I think every woman should go for natural birth. But not like mine. So long. Plus I opt for epidural n there is no sensation wen I was fully dilated they off the epidural n the pushing was really hard. Wen I started having sensation my back pain was killing me n I really wish I had opt for caesarean in the first place. I even thought of not having a second kid until later wen I tried latching my bb tat I told my hubby I want another bb (but ceaserean the next time) hee3