EDD June 2012 Mummies


I'm not giving up. Just now about 1.15pm tried latching her on and she did quite a good job on my right breast. I think I latched her on too long and she didn't want anymore on my left. So hubby coax her to sleep while I rested too. During this time, changed her diaper 3 times continuously. First she pee when I breastfeed her, kept on crying. I felt the dampness on the blanket wrapped arnd her cos my maid did not put the diapers on her properly *angry*. Changed for her and less than 5 mins, could smell her poop already. Asked hubby to check and she did poop a little. He didnt want to change cos it's just a little and she was falling aslp alr, and I was like wth, dirty must change lah. Dont need save cost de lor this kind of things.. So he changed her diaper. I ask him to pass her to me (i was lying on bed) and when I carried her, I heard the sounds of pooping again. HAHAHA. Told him to go and change her AGAIN. Then I coaxed her to sleep and I fell asleep also with her on my chest. Lololol.

Going to wake her up to try and latch on again. Hubby just went to sleep so I got to do it myself. Hope she will be a good girl..

Btw, for the massage u do before breastfeeding, do you do for both sides before starting to breastfeed or do for one side first? Cos I do for one side first (as there will be milk coming out and might dry up there) but when I want to change side, I need to massage the other breast again and she will start crying..
Try not to carry baby too much to make baby slp if not next time u have to keep carry baby to make her slp, u will be very tired 1...

If baby slp Yao LAN also same once baby slp let it go don keep Yao, if not once stop baby wake up again... Try let baby lie down and slp themself... I try don go make them slp, jus let baby slp by themself, it will be more easy for u in future...


Jenni- ooo. Thanks for the advice. Will try not to carry her too much. I think we first time parents, that's why keep on want to carry her bah. Haha.

Omg she just pooped again. How many times shld bb poop in a day? So smelly. Haha. I tried to latch her on then she poop. Hais. Nxt time I gonna try at 2 hrs instead of 3 hrs. Cos 3 hrs apart now drag till 4 hrs alr..
BM bb poo very frequently. Last time mine also like that. Change Liao,she poo again.
Must make the sound "mmmmmm" then she will poo continuously.

Sleepin wise, I also try not to carry her to sleep. But it difficult, especially after night feeding,she will open her eyes big big and stare at me, If I leave her alone, she cry. Very fussy.


I'm so pissed off right now, I don't even know what to say. When I went to sleep in the afternoon, I specifically told my hubby to wake me up if baby cries for milk. HE DID NOT AND WENT TO FEED HER FM. I realised it when I decided to top up FM for her when she kept crying and refused to latch on after 5mins. I am trying my very best to latch her on and breastfeed her. HE WANT TO FEED HER FM WITHOUT CONSULTING ME OR EVEN LETTING ME TRY FIRST, THEN I DON'T BREASTFEED ANYMORE LAH! I am crying right now. Really no mood to even attend to her cries.

He stayed awake the entire night while I was asleep, playing games. This morning did not sleep becos we went to pick baby up from hospital. Came back from hospital, he continue play games when me and baby went to sleep. I told him to go and sleep but he say he stay awake in case baby cry. BABY CRY CAN WAKE UP ONE WHAT. Never cry then continue sleep lah! Now, he just went to sleep. Baby cry like hell, but he's too tired to attend to her. He always sleeps like a dead log. Esp now that he's so tired. It's very hard for me to take care of her, and to latch her on myself without any help. And I can't move around much cos of the soreness of the stitches. Worse still, I realise baby's umbilical cord seems to be having infection, cos it's really foul smelling (which I thought was her poo at first) and it's yellowish-greenish already. I told him, he just open his eyes and look at me. Shortly after, he went back to sleep. WTH I AM REALLY PISSED OFF MAXIMUM! I don't want to talk to him anymore!!


Jenni & mrs Wang - ok will sayang his head often.. My mil nw den tel me.. Scare d hell out of me sia.. Tot wat happen.. Den nw no worry Liao.. But hor .. As I say my mil always purposely go wake him up n tok tok tok.. Until he wake up n cry.. Den tel us bb cry wan ppls carry.. C la.. Like tis also can.. I hope confinement faster end n she go bk Liao den no 1 will carry him Liao.. Except us.. Haiz.. Nw we ownself carry he also cry.. Tin familiar wif her smell Liao.. Sianz.. Told her dun tok to him when he slp , nvr listen lo.. still secretly go wake him up n carry n say bb cry for ppls carry.. Like tis also can.. Buey tahan..

Engravedx - tats my husband behavior.. He also kip play game .. Till I angry till stop tokin to him n always give him a blk face den he stop.. But some time still hack care me n play.. Gt 1 time also due to my boy poo.. 1/2 hr pass.. No 1 help him change.. Mil sit there dun help.. He leh sit there play his game.. Me b cos bk pain cannot always bend.. So I ask him to change den he reply me say I nt happy c him play game izit.. Tats y hurry him n change.. Wif a f tone lo.. I super dl lo.. Den I told him I nvr say n I won't care any more.. I jus wan u change his diaper after tat den u play also nt late.. Den my tears drop.. Den I tel myself y I fan Jian go ask him , shld help myself.. Sian.. Hate gamer..


but compare engravedx and joey hubby.. engravedx hubby is still considered young la.. perhaps not prepared to be a father yet. whereas joey is really 'xin hui yi leng' liao...


Need some advice.. Should I wait for bb to wake up cry for milk then feed her, or should I wake her up and "force-feed" her? Normally when "force-feed" her she will end up crying non-stop and keep rejecting the breast after suckling awhile...

Joey- Sometimes really feel like telling them to take care of the bb themselves, don't wanna care anymore. Yet can't do that, cos bb is ours as well. Hais. And I hate their f-up tone as well. It's their responsibility to look after bb lor. Somemore we just finish giving birth, still not fully recovered yet. Can't help meh? If after confinement lidat maybe I won't be so dulan. But now is our confinement period, they should help out as much as they can mah.. My hubby is not that bad, he still will look after bb even if he is playing games. Just that he dunno his limits and end up becoming very tired and sleep till like a dead log, and will not care about the entire world. I always say him, if I kill myself beside him he also wouldn't realise. Just now bbgirl cry damn loudly, he just continue sleeping. I was trying to latch her on at that point of time. She cried till so loud and so badly, I had no choice but to give her formula milk cos nobody to help me calm her down and assist me in latching her on. I'm very angry, I just look at her and keep crying. I feel really very helpless cos I really want to breastfeed her, but it's not easy at all. I don't know how much is enough, I don't know if I should top up formula milk, I don't know how to make her stop crying, I don't know how to burp her... When she cry, I don't know if it's becos she is hungry or becos she has had enough, cos sometimes she latch on for awhile only. I coax her to sleep after that, but still worried that she's hungry, that I never feed her enough..

It's really very hard... My stitches feel very sore. I can't cough, can't sneeze. Walk also pain. And not supposed to bend down much. I feel very out of breath and my legs feel very 'suan' even if I walk for only a short distance, like maybe from my room to kitchen/toilet. Still need to carry bb for breastfeeding, my hands also very tired. Damn sian..


Engraved, so nw u have BM for bb already? It's not good for ur health if cry during confinement. U better stay strong for bb sake! Jia you!


Everytime I have to succumb to formula milk when she cries non-stop and refuses to latch on, I feel so heartpain... Should I just feed her FM then when i am able to express milk out, then give her breastmilk in the bottle? I'm rly v tired from her crying and rejection already..


Engravedx - think I read some where that FM is tastier than bm... maybe that's why ur bb refuse to latch. Also, milk in bottle might be easier for ur bb to suck than bf as u may not have that much milk now??

Dun give up...keep trying....and once ur milk is in full supply, u can express it n feed in bottle. I also expressed milk n feed my ger in bottle cos then I can monitor how much milk she is drinking... but sometimes I still bf her esp when she refuse to go sleep...bf can make her drowsy....

Jiayou OK??


Engravedx- yeah, when every tin u have to do urself. U will feel very tiring.. Feel like packing bag n return bk to our mum Hse.. I do really feels tat.. Specially during my pregnancy.. Cos during tat time my husband already like tis even worst.. non stop playing in d room.. always I stay at living rm n his in d com rm.. Den no tok no c each other for few hrs.. Ifi hungry till die ,he also won't kno.. Nw he gt iPad.. So he sit at living rm n play non stop.. To him tis company is better den he stay in d rm.. Feel like smash his head.. N dumb away is com n iPad.. Haiz.. Even doesn't have tis both tins.. Still have d iPhone.. Whatever can dl game.. He sure will play.. He even tel me tat , I shld kno he can't stop play game.. Den as mrs wang say.. I xing hui yi leng Liao.. I use a very cold tone n tel him.. I will nt n nvr ever care whether ur playing game or nt.. I'm nt interested anymore.. N I tel him, from nw on wrk.. Every tin I can do.. I will do myself.. den every time he c me wanna stand up will turn his head over n ask.. Wat I'm doin, I say I'm goin make milo n drink.. He say he help me , den I reply no nid.. I gt hand.. I dun wanna fan Jian again ask u do tin n gena say again.. My hart getting more n more weak.. When cme to tis all, my years will drop.. I dun expect much nw.. So won't disappointed high.. Ah Bo I will ki siao.. Ur husband hw old? Seen like very young.. N wat bout u? me 27 , n him is 29 but act like a kids.. Play non stop.. Feel damn sad.. Nw mayb I'm trying to focus more on d Hse keeping n cleaning.. C liao messy will Auto go keep it clean n neat.. Sian.. Den my bk is like damn pain too.. Can't rest well.. Tel others , they only will reply .. Do have lots of rest.. But hw to rest when there's no 1 doin Hse cleaning? I c Liao very pek chek.. Can't ask his mum do , n his mum doesn't really do cleaning also as her Hse is damn messy .. If she will , den her Hse won't b messy Liao.. C my Hse is like omg.. Can't tahan..

Why nt u pump out n feed? My boy can't latch on too.. Cos my nipple too short.. So only can pump out n feed him.. But actually I mix.. Afternoon den feed him bm.. Den at nite feed fm.. Cos at lease he can slp nicely.. But actually it depend on wat u eat.. Den ur bm will taste gd or light.. My taste quite sweet.. : p cos I test is warm or hot .. Tap on my hand den accidentally taste it.. Lol.. I always c my boy cry , I will use finger tap his upper lip.. If his huntin my finger , tat mean his hungry.. Wonder is every bb d same.. U can try.. : )


Check with u all..how u all know what brand of formula milk to buy...hospital would recommend u to buy a bottle home or stand by huh?


Snowdoll - we buy enfalac.. D hospital provide cheapest fm for our bb.. But nt for us to bring bk.. I heard tat enfalac nt bad.. U can try..


Joey- For now when i try to pump out, the mere few drops will not drip into the milk bottle. It will only stain on the breast pump, very wasted. Normally I will use hand to express out the few drops and bring bb mouth to my breast when she is crying. Wanna let her know got milk.. But no use... She cry and cry, refuse to latch on, more and more hungry, cry even louder, I will drop tears together with her.

Dreamalyn- At the beginning, for the first week, did you try to breastfeed your lil one? How was the whole process like? I would like to know more, maybe I am doing it wrongly... FM is sweeter than BM. And from bottle, she no need to put in effort and will have milk trickle down her throat to fill her tummy. Whereas for breastfeeding, she need to put in effort to suckle and might not get what she want, so she get frustrated and cry. This is what the nurse told me.. I understand that, but idk how to soothe her crying and calm her down enough to breastfeed again.

Actually I wake her up abt 3 hours to feed her even if she is not crying. End up when I try to latch her on, she will cry so hard till I need to give her FM to calm her down. So I'm not sure if I should continue waking her up from her sleep for her feeds, or wait till she auto wakeup give signal that she's hungry?

Joey- I'm 22 this yr, my hubby is 21. So we are young parents. Like MrsWang said, maybe still not prepared and rdy yet. At least my hubby, he will still do things for me when I ask him to, and he won't grumble, but maybe sometimes will give a sian face cos he wanna play his games? Just that I dont like it when he so absorb in his games till he no need sleep, end up tired maximum then sleep, sometimes can't wake up, and sometimes not enough slp cos slp too late.. I want his time to be spend with me, not his games. I quarrel with him quite alot of times cos of this, esp during pregnancy. I cried alot cos he dun understand. Same as u, feel like throwing his laptop and phone away. Worse is the laptop and iphone is i bought for him one. Hais.. So many times I damn tempted to uninstall all the games.. Still, he very teng wo. And he will look after bb.. Your hubby rly need to set his priorities right. Very tiring if u are to do everything by yourself. Tell him to auto-pilot abit leh. Lol..


Snowdoll- my hospital gave my bb de FM is Nan. It's in a bottle, 90ml. They gave me 1 btl when bb discharged. Then just screw on the cap w teat.. The FM i give bb drink at home is Similac.. But my mum bought it for 50plus a tin, very expensive.. You shld standby FM at home to play safe. Alot of mummies giving their bb enfalac. Maybe u can try. :)


I just tried to latch on bbgirl again. She did suckle abit, after that start crying again. I put my lil finger into her mouth, she suckled it. So I know she is still hungry. But when I put my breast towards her and into her mouth, she will push away, struggle and cry terribly. Tried to change side, same thing. Suckle a lil bit, even less than the right breast, and totally reject after that even though there's milk on the nipples. Think she recognizes it and doesnt want it. I feel like I am torturing her. -.-" Finally decided to ask hubby to make FM for her to settle her hunger. Straight after finishing the bottle and burp, she fell asleep. Actually I am quite happy now when I see her suckling the bottle and drinking the milk. Cos at least she is contented and not hungry. I don't feel so pekchek.. I guess I will just try to breastfeed her everytime and top up FM till she is full bah.


Engravedx - initially I oso no milk but becos I m recovering from giving birth in a birthing unit, they dun offer fm one....they emphasise A LOT on bf. So when I no milk baby just have to cry loh... (According to them, babies are born with 3days of reserve inside them so they can survive while waiting for milk to come in for their mums.) ... so end up I carry my baby for 3days 3nites to stop her from crying n I din sleep at all for that 3days. Hubby got help carrying baby but I m too upset to sleep. Finally I can go home n milk started coming in as well n I can latch baby on. May b becos my baby nvr have fm before so I got no problem bf her ba....

Think for u now as what u said, bf baby a bit then top up with fm n wait till u r able to pump milk in bottle n feed baby with it...

Oh...and I always wake my ger up for feeding when time is up. I was told new born max can only last 4rs between each feeding so max 4rs I will wake my ger up to force feed her.....she quite OK with it..

Dun think I have no problem at all with bf....my ger develop 'sucking blisters ' which is a very 'common' problem and 'will go away by itself over time'.. this is what my midwife told me n no medication was given (think they emphasise a lot on as natural as possible)...but everyday see the blisters on my ger's lips very heartpain loh. However I think at least it's not causing her pain loh.... but I still heartpain..n I hope by expressing milk in bottle might reduce the blisters.....


Snowdoll - hospital provide nan .. Cheapest 1..

Engravedx - wow both of ur really young..lol .. Great tat ur husband still helpin.. Nt like my, hai.. But his changing rite nw, but dunno will last hw long.. He always tahan till 1/2 way n bk to d square.. So I won't expect too much.. Cos I dun wan to disappointed again.. Cos I was sad n sian Liao.. Ur still young.. Nvr kno u have same situation as my.. Hai..Jia Jia you ben nan Bian de jing.. Although can c him changing.. But I jus can't bring d gut to believe him again.. Cos overall jus a empty hope for me.. I tin I gt a bad image bout askin him to help do tins Liao.. So when ever I'm by happy wif d floor la , or messy la.. Will do it my own.. Cos no 1 will help 1.. Only myself.. I feel so tired ..

Actually u shld continues pump , me too.. At 1st pump n totally notin out.. Den after few days it cme more.. U can try eat more fish.. papaya .. Will bring up d milk.. N u can adjust alarm.. As usual.. 3 hr once.. But dun wake her up.. Monitor her movement.. She will start move around hunting some tin else like hand .. Den u try tap tap her upper lip.. Den u can start prepare to latch her or fm .. Den she Wu yen Wu yen 2 time den u already prepare finish lo.. I'm using tis way.. Dunno will it help u .. ; ) anw try no harm..