EDD June 2012 Mummies

;( Amazingpig - don't worry lah, she will be ok.
I also cannot take cow milk, since young I took goat milk.
did u ask PD whether she can take goat milk?
i know a mummy whereby her baby doesn't even drink milk, not even goat milk or soya bean.
so the baby has to drink Vit oil everyday.
I tried the soy based milk, so far so good. No vomit and no sign of discomfort. Still monitoring.
Hi mummieS,
Glad that m0St mummieS here haS already given birth.. aS f0r me, ive juz given birth a week ag0.. SleepleSS night haS already Started.. hehe.. but itS w0rth it.. my baby girl w0nt cry even when itS tyme f0r feeding.. S0 i g0tta f0rce feed her.. & She alS0 difficult t0 burp..
S0me mummieS S0 f0rtunate t0 have CL t0 take care 0f mummieS aS well aS baby..
AS f0r me, g0tta d0 all 0n my 0wn.. MIL cann0t help 0ut.. aSk thingS that im unSure all d0nt n0e d0nt n0e.. haiz...
S0 i try t0 Survive 0n my 0wn.. S0mem0re, i 1St tyme mummy.. S0 al0t thingS d0nt n0e.. lucky hubby Still 0n paternity leave.. hiS the 0ne wh0 help me 0ut.. m0nday he Start w0rk lia0.. really dunn0 h0w.. if hiS n0t ar0und..
Btw, my d0ter haS jaundice when She waS at h0me.. after diScharged fr0m h0Spital.. have lia0.. in h0Spital d0nt have.. when t0 PD t0 check her jaundice level.. itS 10.2.. S0 i Sunbathe her & let her bath the chineSe herbS i buy fr0m SinSeh.. S0 h0pe it will diSappear S00n.. :)
Jaundice is very troublesome. I hate jaundice.
no one helping you, how you gonna bath bb next week. It tiring to squat and bath bb since you just given birth.
and at night it is also very tiring.


Mummies.. I am getting very tired of even expressing milk now and my milk flow seems to have slowed down already. I hate my battery breast pump cos it feels like there's no difference from manual when I've got to hold it and press the button to release suction. It's tiring! Been feeding my bbgirl formula milk whenever she cries, and just A LIL bit of whatever breast milk I managed to express out. Probably only 1-2oz. It's only the 5th day and I'm afraid I might totally stop giving her breast milk cos my hands are aching from expressing the milk out. I've stopped latching her on cos she rejects my breasts with so much force. She claws my face and literally grabbed my specs and threw them on the floor (i didnt know a 5day old bb is so strong. Lol). She almost ripped out my necklace as well. And she shakes her head like as though in spasm when I try to put her head to my nipple. It's all the signs of her telling me "mummy you're TORTURING me. STOP IT!" okay to be fair, she does try to suckle sometimes when i bother to try to latch her on. But only for awhile and there she goes wailing her lungs out again... :(

Anyway, i'm hoping to get opinions on which electric duo pumps that is recommended. I'm trying to buy it off second-hand or brand new from other mummies who did not use it and selling off at lower price. Saw a few duo pumps for sale on the forum here, but I dont know what is the difference and which one I shld get.. Appreciate your feedbacks!! Thanks in adv ^^


ShalynnShafii:665069 said:
Hi mummieS,
Glad that m0St mummieS here haS already given birth.. aS f0r me, ive juz given birth a week ag0.. SleepleSS night haS already Started.. hehe.. but itS w0rth it.. my baby girl w0nt cry even when itS tyme f0r feeding.. S0 i g0tta f0rce feed her.. & She alS0 difficult t0 burp..
S0me mummieS S0 f0rtunate t0 have CL t0 take care 0f mummieS aS well aS baby..
AS f0r me, g0tta d0 all 0n my 0wn.. MIL cann0t help 0ut.. aSk thingS that im unSure all d0nt n0e d0nt n0e.. haiz...
S0 i try t0 Survive 0n my 0wn.. S0mem0re, i 1St tyme mummy.. S0 al0t thingS d0nt n0e.. lucky hubby Still 0n paternity leave.. hiS the 0ne wh0 help me 0ut.. m0nday he Start w0rk lia0.. really dunn0 h0w.. if hiS n0t ar0und..
Btw, my d0ter haS jaundice when She waS at h0me.. after diScharged fr0m h0Spital.. have lia0.. in h0Spital d0nt have.. when t0 PD t0 check her jaundice level.. itS 10.2.. S0 i Sunbathe her & let her bath the chineSe herbS i buy fr0m SinSeh.. S0 h0pe it will diSappear S00n.. :)
Hi shalynn, I m oso on my own with no CL nor Mil nor my own mum. Hubby took 2wks leave initially to help me out....after that I m on my own liao. Everything is all manageable except for the sleepless nites.... it's 4wks tmw n I m feeling real tired liao....long for hubby's off days so that he can take over the nite shift ...haha

My ger is an angel at day time but a demon at nite time.... always want to be carried...the moment u put her down, she will start to cry....but daytime she's happy to sleep anywhere....dunno why.. .haiz....


Hi engraved ...I m using avent electric pump n I love it....can't imagine life without it now...it comes with battery operated function as well so u can still use it when on the road but I have nvr used it so can't say whether it's good or not...

So normally I will press a few times manually to tell the pump the speed I want, then after that i will press another button n the machine will take over based on the speed I set earlier ...Dunno this info sufficient for u not....let me know if there is any thing else u want to know....


Dreamalyn- how much did u buy it for? It's hands-free after you set it to auto right? Means u can do other things while it pumps the breasts? Haha.


Think some where between $250-$300.. (I bot the 'out and about set' as I planned to pump in office when I go back to work in Oct/Nov)....can't really rem le.. .but I m in nz, spore might be cheaper.:)

Hmm... I still need one hand to sort of support the bottle....but some times I hold the bottle in place by squashing it between my breast n my thigh when lying in bed so I could use my phone to surf the net...:p
Mummies.. I am getting very tired of even expressing milk now and my milk flow seems to have slowed down already. I hate my battery breast pump cos it feels like there's no difference from manual when I've got to hold it and press the button to release suction. It's tiring! Been feeding my bbgirl formula milk whenever she cries, and just A LIL bit of whatever breast milk I managed to express out. Probably only 1-2oz. It's only the 5th day and I'm afraid I might totally stop giving her breast milk cos my hands are aching from expressing the milk out. I've stopped latching her on cos she rejects my breasts with so much force. She claws my face and literally grabbed my specs and threw them on the floor (i didnt know a 5day old bb is so strong. Lol). She almost ripped out my necklace as well. And she shakes her head like as though in spasm when I try to put her head to my nipple. It's all the signs of her telling me "mummy you're TORTURING me. STOP IT!" okay to be fair, she does try to suckle sometimes when i bother to try to latch her on. But only for awhile and there she goes wailing her lungs out again... :(

Anyway, i'm hoping to get opinions on which electric duo pumps that is recommended. I'm trying to buy it off second-hand or brand new from other mummies who did not use it and selling off at lower price. Saw a few duo pumps for sale on the forum here, but I dont know what is the difference and which one I shld get.. Appreciate your feedbacks!! Thanks in adv ^^
1-2 oz is already very good.
My result only stop at 100ml per pump since last week.
i am using medela freestyle.


Amazingpig - Then you supplement bb with FM? Do you still pump regularly or just once in awhile? My bb only 5 days, and I alr feel tired of expressing breast milk. My hands feel damn sore already. Today I only express ONCE, and I mix with the breast milk I express last night (less than 24hrs in fridge), total about 1oz only. Today didn't manage to express much cos keep getting disturbed. Like the once I was expressing, bb suddenly cry. I no choice but to stop expressing. And only managed a little bit though my milk from both nipples still leaking -.-" Sian. After that too tired to continue liao. But the few times that I manage to express, normally take quite long. Can take half - one hour or so. Don't really remember.

Medela freestyle is duo pump? Is it hands-free or need to hold on?

Dreamalyn- is your pump single or duo? i hoping to find a duo pump that dun need to hold, LOL. got such thing?


Mine is single pump. I dunno got pump dun nid to hold on one not....maybe u can go to the shops n ask?

Day 5 still quite early for the milk to really come in....be patient.... U got eat green papaya soup not? Really really effective one....

Talking abt baby bonus, I oso haven do....mine will be a bit complicated as I m overseas....have to ask my brother to be trustee oso as we dun have ocbc n Citibank accounts..... Better hurry up n do it.... 4k ah..dun play play:p


Dreamalyn- i looking for dbl pump, cos my nipples seems to like to leak milk together at the same time. =="

I nv drink green papaya soup. Dunno how to cook. o_O maybe i will ask my mum see if she know anot. Lol.

How long are we given to do the baby bonus ah? I also no ocbc and citibank acc..


No need to be an existing member to open cda account with OCBC or SCB. Apply n they open new account for u.

I have been a human feeding machine since bb born. Feed on demand n she is drink more now. Don know how much I give her cos in hospital n latch her on all the times. Nipples not sore cos I think KKH taught me the right way to latch on. Hopefully I can do it wen I'm discharged tomolo.

Any mummy bought support pillow for breast feeding? Used the one provided by KKH n I thinking used to it. Reduce tiredness n also help cos my hands are still numb after a while


Eve- go to the bank directly to apply?

So envious that bb can latch on so well for u. My bbgirl refuse it terribly. Lol. I also at kkh but i think they nv teach me properly. :((
No need to be an existing member to open cda account with OCBC or SCB. Apply n they open new account for u.

I have been a human feeding machine since bb born. Feed on demand n she is drink more now. Don know how much I give her cos in hospital n latch her on all the times. Nipples not sore cos I think KKH taught me the right way to latch on. Hopefully I can do it wen I'm discharged tomolo.

Any mummy bought support pillow for breast feeding? Used the one provided by KKH n I thinking used to it. Reduce tiredness n also help cos my hands are still numb after a while
Me, I using the My Brestfriend pillow and I think it is really useful!
Just put my gal on top to latch on and then my friends are free! ;)

By the way - think Engravedx is talking about Baby bonus not CDA. It's different.
Anyway, I did everything in hospital for convenience sake.


Engravedx, I tried not holding the bottle this morning when I did my pumping....and it works...haha... I could use both hands to play with my phone :D