EDD June 2012 Mummies

Amazingpig- My girl's the first of her generation. Lol. I think my MIL alr starting to get jealous. Cos they are the "nan fang" side mah, and my bbgirl is her first granddaughter, yet stay at my mum's house. She keep on calling me and coming to my house to see bbgirl. Haiyo.. I told my hubby, cos she is somehow disturbing my rest, calling me just to check if I have eaten and whether I feel okay. All these things are not even important things, can just sms, no need call mah. Hais. Hubby said he will tell her to stop, but I'm like, DON'T... Scared cause some misunderstanding between us and become very awkward. For name wise, she actually gave me a suggestion, and said she think of this name becos "EASY TO WRITE", not so much strokes. Cos my hubby chinese name quite alot of strokes and I did mention before to her. Sian. I hear this kind of reason I really sian. LOL.

MrsWang- You mean hospital or bank bah?? Why CDA do at ICA? o_O" Your confinement you go out many times to where? I also feel like going out. But my wounds still hurt. Is it suppose to still hurt at day 6? I feel kinda sore and sometimes the pain stings.. Scared infection though I do clean it up well (you can never be too sure), BUT I DON'T DARE TO CHECK. I damn freaking scared to take a mirror to see down there, scared to see the stitches. Thinking about it alr give me goosebumps. Hahha!! Or maybe becos I never took the painkillers at all.. Not even paracetamol. :\

I really peifu you lah. Bathe so little times only. I can't stand it. I sleep in aircon room, i blow fan, i bathe and wash hair, i rinse my privates after doing business with normal shower hose water (obv will cause my legs to be wet as well).. In all, I'm just doing everything like I normally do. Except my mum makes me wear slippers at home. Haha.
I wash my bottom using hosigel, my gynae have one. Then after that, I spray bottom spray (cooling... ;))
don't blow fan, later u a lot of wind in ya body, air con ok though.
Everyday I bath with da feng ai, at night Buay tahan will wipe my body with hot towel.
I also take 2 chicken essence every morning. Wonder why drink so long haven finish the boxes. Still have 2 more box! Grr. Heard from my Malay massage auntie that bird nest is cooling. So she advised not to drink after birth.
My CL gave me bird nest, the Malay massage was the one I recommend u?
She told me the same too... ;(
Bird best i don know. Chicken essence for ti Shen I think.
If scare the don eat bird nest bah.

My full month only intend to buy bangawan voucher to give away. Very tired to organize the buffet and have to clean up after the ppl leave. I also tired of my bb night feeding. Every 2-3 hr have to wake up feed her,after that have to pump to keep up the supply.
First 2months is crucial for pumping, if not supply will drop.
Engraved, I also on fan and Aircon. Very hot. My bb also very hot, she sweat a lot when drinking milk.

Anyone have the milk residue on the nipple after pumping? How you clean the milk residue?


Ya blackangel. Same auntie. Haha. Envy!! Confinement ending!! Congrats!! I wanna drink bubble tea when I end my confinement. Haha

I still have flabby tummy leh. 7kg not shedded. Hais..

Ya. That's what Mcys told me leh. Hospital or ICA to do baby bonus.

For stitches, I didn't even look once. Just keep washing with water and procanol. But went checkup at 12th day and Gynae said fully healed. But till now, when I urine still feel weird. Like not as sensitive as before. My mom says need about 1-2 month then know..
Ya blackangel. Same auntie. Haha. Envy!! Confinement ending!! Congrats!! I wanna drink bubble tea when I end my confinement. Haha

I still have flabby tummy leh. 7kg not shedded. Hais..

Ya. That's what Mcys told me leh. Hospital or ICA to do baby bonus.

For stitches, I didn't even look once. Just keep washing with water and procanol. But went checkup at 12th day and Gynae said fully healed. But till now, when I urine still feel weird. Like not as sensitive as before. My mom says need about 1-2 month then know..
Yeah, MrsWang - 5 more days to end my confinement.
but the happy thing is not to end my confinement, the happy thing is I can chase my CL away!!


Heard from the massage lady u always complain ur CL to her. Haha.. Anyway, she talk a lot leh.. Sometimes I wanna rest during massage but she keep talking. Lol..


Talking about nipple and milk.. I don't breastfeed, but milk keep coming out. When will it stop ah? Haha.. I don't wear bra at home.. Den keep leaking.. Have to wear bra like that..
Talking about nipple and milk.. I don't breastfeed, but milk keep coming out. When will it stop ah? Haha.. I don't wear bra at home.. Den keep leaking.. Have to wear bra like that..
Sama sama, I also don't wear bra at home. I ended up stuffing tissue paper..hahaha...
don't think can stop bah...


MrsWang, bobian need to wear bra w the breastshields so that wont stain ur clothes. My nipples also keep leaking milk. I also dowan to wear bra, v uncomfortable. But rly no choice.. Last night my night gown got 2 big wet patch. Till i bth go and wear bra lol.


Amazingpig, u can use baby wipes to wipe it off? I always use baby wipes to clean my nipples since I can't bath everyday. Lol
MrsWang, bobian need to wear bra w the breastshields so that wont stain ur clothes. My nipples also keep leaking milk. I also dowan to wear bra, v uncomfortable. But rly no choice.. Last night my night gown got 2 big wet patch. Till i bth go and wear bra lol.
Wear bra really damn uncomfortable lah. I just let it drip, sometimes I wear tighter top and paste the breast pads inside, hahaha..
At night also leak till my bed all wet...
I one day change 3-4 tops..


If I staying with hubby only, it's ok. But stay with inlaws. Damn sian.

Wow. Blackangel. U have a good supply of milk. Lol. Why don't u pump it out and store?