EDD June 2012 Mummies


ya tue 9am admit to hospital coz today is my EDD.. your actual EDD? monday morning admit? heard some ppl very fast, some very slow...

now my tummy feels so tight & uncomfortable...aiyo
My edd is 29 June, was told to admit on Monday morning 8am... Have to bring my gers go Childcare first then go hospital...

Yeah some ppl induce super long, my #1 admit on 9am induce, I keep walking around the hospital as and when I can, mid nite 2am got show then go labour ward, next day evening 5pm then give birth, i still rmb I can't take the pain then opt for epidural then after that, I dilite very slow, I was on drip induce again then 5pm give birth, super long hrs to wait...

Maybe u starting to contraction so will feel tight... I also... Jus hope tml can go labour as the tightness very uncomfortable...since I have dilite 2cm le, this is my #3, Donno will take how long...
Avnet got a heat rash cream, I buy for my bb. Coz I read powder not good for bb. Powder may get into bb respiratory system.

I think I develop mastitis, a portion of my breast is red and swollen.


Sometimes my bb doesnt sleep. Her eyes wide open and she will make a lot of sound, cry once in awhile. Is it normal that she dont sleep?


Sometimes my bb doesnt sleep. Her eyes wide open and she will make a lot of sound, cry once in awhile. Is it normal that she dont sleep?
Yes is normal that some baby don slp at nite, both my gers at nite don slp only slp in the day time, make the CL so tired...


Avnet got a heat rash cream, I buy for my bb. Coz I read powder not good for bb. Powder may get into bb respiratory system.

I think I develop mastitis, a portion of my breast is red and swollen.
Is it painful?? See a doctor? I dunno much since I don't bf..


I still waiting, the contraction not very strong... Hai... Going for last shopping before confinement start tml haha... See if can go deliver today or tml morning admit hospital...


Congrats mengmeng.. Wow ur bb is huge, sure is hard time for u to push him out .. If is natural birth.. Do tk more rest ; )


Too pissed off. I leave my breastpump at the sink since 4am. Now 11am alr, still not washed. Wtf my maid doing? I alr miss 1 pump cos I'm too tired. And when I wake up, still not washed? Still can say wait later then wash? Why the hell must wait? Wtf... The whole freaking house so dirty. I really feel like asking her to just f off!


Ask her every morning boil one pail of water for me, I dont freaking see it. Everytime I need water, to clean bb when change diapers, for bb bath, to drink, make milk, i still need to boil the water when there's no more and end up the water so hot, I need to mix with cold water to cool it down. Defeats the purpose of using boiled water lah! Idk she at my house for what. Give her salary to eat and sleep and make my whole house dirty?

And everytime my girl cry, she keep nagging her and call her cry baby. HELL MAN! Baby need smth, dun cry then talk ah? Cannot stand her leh!

My hubby also another one. He cant take off on bb appointment checkup date, then tmr his off day. Wanna go make BC on his off, but Till now, no chinese name for her. Everything also leave to me to do.

I think they forcing me into depression. I dont feel like killing myself but I feel like smacking all of them!!!!!


congrats mengmeng, a huge baby:) have a well deserved rest!

engravedx, can understand your frustrations, calm down. Maybe u should repeat to your maid till it gets into her head! (btw, is it maid or CL?) my new maid coming during my confinement period, can foresee lotsa problems too...hopefully has initiative kind.

jenni, same here..going to wash some stuff last minute before tue..i have pain but i also dunno if it is contractions or what..gynae just said it is normal to have pain coz pressure on pelvic area. my baby's head not engaged yet loh..yours?


congrats mengmeng, a huge baby:) have a well deserved rest!

engravedx, can understand your frustrations, calm down. Maybe u should repeat to your maid till it gets into her head! (btw, is it maid or CL?) my new maid coming during my confinement period, can foresee lotsa problems too...hopefully has initiative kind.

jenni, same here..going to wash some stuff last minute before tue..i have pain but i also dunno if it is contractions or what..gynae just said it is normal to have pain coz pressure on pelvic area. my baby's head not engaged yet loh..yours?
My baby head have engaged, can feel that... Also feeling contraction, don really have appetite to eat also, lost 200g le...
Engravedx - ;( ya maid new one huh?? Y like so defiant? U nv scold her?
Don't be angry, during this month, hormones acting up, we easily lose control, later depression not good...


Engrave - I can understand ur feeling.. I have no maid , n c my Hse so dirty.. Feel like doin Hse wrk myself... Ask him do , always reply wait , wait... End up few days later d dust more thick.. He gt time sit there n play game , but no time clean d Hse.. I gt c d timing he play lo.. At lease has few hr lo.. D few hr , can vaccum n mop floor Liao.. Dun even nid 2 hr to finish tat.. Haiz.. U have maid , yet d Hse also dirty.. For me I will fire her , n send her bk.. Seen is useless ma .. Gt maid like no maid.. But try to relax.. D more we angry , d more they dun care..


mengmeng- congrats to you! But 4kg... Woah! You were induced right? Same qns as other mummies, natural birth? So curious!!

jenni- how u feel that her head is engaged? :O think u better eat at least a little bit. That day i didnt eat, breathe laughing gas till vomit the gastric juice out. Pain ><" soon u gonna deliver. Finally what u are waiting for!! ^^

snowdoll blackangel joey- she has been with me for a very long time. Since i am a toddler. Stepping all over our head already. She is leaving in 4aug to settle her divorce. But do not intend to take her back anymore. She is horrible. My bedsheets can few months nv change. My floor I think 1 year she sweep and mop once? LOL. I dont do housework, cos from young got maid. But sometimes I got to clean up my room myself cos way too dirty. Just like the day before i gave birth, maybe I had a feeling bb is coming, I went to sweep the floor myself with a big tummy. And i saw the floor STAINED with dust cos of the rainwater that leak in. GROSS!!! And She even told my mum that we are too pampered. Wtf right. My mum so furious! If my mum want us to do the housework, then hire her for what? Crazy woman. How my mum bring us up is also not her problem, who is she to say we are pampered? Irritating can. Sian. Scold her then what? She also will talk back. She really making me go crazy. Zzz.