EDD June 2012 Mummies


My confinement nanny insists I shld rely on red date tea only cos water creates wind. I hv to secretly drink. After pumping, I need a glass of water. So dehydrated


Hai, I also hope so... Now can't slp haha... So excited... Hope tml admit can jus break waterbag to make it faster... I don need lie on bed wait too long... Haha... Jia you Jia you, I do feel contraction but not that strong... After me ur turn le haha... Which hospital u chose?
Hehe..Jenni - jia you!! Wish u tomorrow fast fast delivery...!!! ;)
Thanks, I was so excited till can't slp, now so sleepy, so gd most of u confinement going finish, I jus going to start hai...


Hi gals, did any of u drink water besides red date tea. Cannot tahan to only rely on red date red. Any side effect to drink some water daily?
Heard frm my mum will have water retention... My aunt have it when she drink plain water, I don dare to drink... Only rely on red dates...


With my confinement nanny ard, both my hubby & I are getting lazy. Just sleep, eat, watch tv & play games. We probably hv to start learning from the nanny. Otherwise, it will be a mess after she is gone. I am planning my gal's bb shower. Still thinking of ideas to make it interesting. Will be preparing party sets for kids who attend, favours for my friends & cakes for relatives. getting some balloons to deco the place etc. Ladies, what are you planning to do?


Hi Jenni,

That's wat my nanny said too.

Hv a smooth delivery dearie! You will be carrying your previous one anytime today. Tears rolled down my eyes when the nurse carried her to me. Tears of joy & happiness


Hi Jenni,

That's wat my nanny said too.

Hv a smooth delivery dearie! You will be carrying your previous one anytime today. Tears rolled down my eyes when the nurse carried her to me. Tears of joy & happiness
Ya... Thanks... Still need to induce, hope can endure the induce, I don wan epidural...
With my confinement nanny ard, both my hubby & I are getting lazy. Just sleep, eat, watch tv & play games. We probably hv to start learning from the nanny. Otherwise, it will be a mess after she is gone. I am planning my gal's bb shower. Still thinking of ideas to make it interesting. Will be preparing party sets for kids who attend, favours for my friends & cakes for relatives. getting some balloons to deco the place etc. Ladies, what are you planning to do?
My gal 1st month bash just over, last sat, We held in at our own house.
ordered neo garden catering and sweetest moments cakes...
then bought own balloons to decor the house... ;)


Can drink milo also..

Joey.. I don't care le. MIL also don't care. Haha. I bath and wash hair everyday now. Next thurs will be the end of the food!! How come rebonding will affect breastfeed?? The chemcials?? Anyway, How's ur baby shower preparations??

Engravedx, u must be so pek chek have this kind of maid. After giving birth so tired liao, still have to clean up on your own. Be firm and scold your maid.. She should do her job well. Or u change another one.

Jenni, hope u have a fast labour!!

I don't have engorgement leh.. Haha. Just when I bath I will clean my nipples and some milk will leak lo..

Blackangel is ivy?? Ur CL know she leaving soon liao, so slack liao...
Black angel- jiayou ... Left 1 more day to go.. Soon u will release by confinement.. Gd for u...haiz.. I still have 11 days to go .. Omg.. Lol .. Actually I even went out for movie leh.. : p.. N bath n wash hair twice lo.. D others days is wipe wif herbs.. It's really a thumbs up Shiok.. But due to weather too hot.. Bath Liao like nvr bath.. Sweat like hell.. Haiz.. But was enjoying bathing inside d bath room.. Enjoy every sec sia.. Lol.. Like I nvr bath for 100 yrs Liao.. Heehee..

Wonder if I go rebond will it affect bb by bf? I can't tahan my hair Liao.. Really.. Damn chui like bird ness , nt vaness.. Lol.. Been hoping to end my pregnancy faster n do a rebond straight away when I was 3 mths pregnancy .. But some they recommend is best to wait 1 more mth.. Headache.. Hw long more I have to carry bird ness around my head? Haiyo..
I don't know whether will affect bf or not, but I doubt so bah..
but I planned to rebound when I go back to work... ;)


I ordered cakes from chocz..

Buffet wise FIL settle. But foresee will be very hot.. A lot people also.. Just making a banner with construction paper.. Where to find nice clothes for baby shower??
Can drink milo also..

Joey.. I don't care le. MIL also don't care. Haha. I bath and wash hair everyday now. Next thurs will be the end of the food!! How come rebonding will affect breastfeed?? The chemcials?? Anyway, How's ur baby shower preparations??

Engravedx, u must be so pek chek have this kind of maid. After giving birth so tired liao, still have to clean up on your own. Be firm and scold your maid.. She should do her job well. Or u change another one.

Jenni, hope u have a fast labour!!

I don't have engorgement leh.. Haha. Just when I bath I will clean my nipples and some milk will leak lo..

Blackangel is ivy?? Ur CL know she leaving soon liao, so slack liao...
Yah loh...it's me.... ;( damn pissed with her.
yesterday I already told her after preparing bf - she can leave...
can't stand anymore...
U got let ya baby latch on before?
I ordered cakes from chocz..

Buffet wise FIL settle. But foresee will be very hot.. A lot people also.. Just making a banner with construction paper.. Where to find nice clothes for baby shower??
Since confinement cannot go out, I went online shopping - bought my gal 1st month clothing from Qoo10 (Gmarket). ;)
Thrn bought the decor from SKP...


Mrs Wang - I plan to held on 13th july.. Den ordering yls catering , n bengawang full mth cake for d relative.. R u goin to order a big cake for ur boy? my cousin say only 1 yrs old will nid nia.. Den full mth no nid.. At 1st I was planning to held on 8th.. But my aunti say .. His a boy must held on actual day.. If nt future hard to wrk n always get bully.. End up might turn to b like a ah gua or some tin.. Like no guts.. Haiz.. So change to 13th lo.. At 1st my hubby colleage mostly can attend 1, nw all cannot cme.. Left my fren nia.. N relative.. Hope is true .. If nt , sure gena blame by him..

Rebonding pro i heard from others say tat d chemical will go tru d scalp n tru blood string.. Den will affect d bm.. so that's y.. I was Tinkin of i rebond den stop bf for few days..., after Tat den start again.. hope it will b fine?

Any mummy feel tat breast getting smaller after pump? N bm getting lesser? Recently I tin my breast like smaller n less milk le.. Only pump once a day.. Cos have to tk care of him den rest due to slp less nite.. I only able to rest at noon time wait for my mil to cme bk.. den wake up Liao still have to tk care of him, cos he scare of renovation sound.. Den kip screaming n crying after a nite mare.. u slp beside will suddenly get frighten by his sharp scream.. -_-" hai.. N is there any mummy bb kip making noise while slpin? Like when they tryin to Stretching their body? Like gek sai tat kind of sound.. N wif funny face expression..
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Black angel - I also order online tru gmarket.. There's alot of choice also.. Funny is I order alot during pregnancy.. Den my husband say me, free huh? Every day gt tin to tk from d mail box.. : p ask me stop buying Liao.. But mostly already buy alot.. Nw currently notin to buy Liao lo.. Only buy few more mitten n 2 sleeveless romper for him.. Weather damn hot..
Black angel - I also order online tru gmarket.. There's alot of choice also.. Funny is I order alot during pregnancy.. Den my husband say me, free huh? Every day gt tin to tk from d mail box.. : p ask me stop buying Liao.. But mostly already buy alot.. Nw currently notin to buy Liao lo.. Only buy few more mitten n 2 sleeveless romper for him.. Weather damn hot..
HAhaha..sama sama...
i also ordered a lot from gmarket - my maternity pants N etc all from there...
then baby stuff from there too.
Afte giving birth - ordered diapers lah, nappy cream lah and etc..
everyday tell hubby to open letterbox but the best part is he nv stop me from buying, anyway, my $$$ mah..


I drink milo and some plain water. plain water to go when taking medicine. am going for the breast massage tomorrow. thanks for the contact.


mine is on the 12th.. but bai bai only. buffet wise we do on 22nd july, just a sort of gathering for friends and relatives. yup, i also heard must hold on the exact day, cannot hold early..

my boy nowadays very fussy.. less than 2 hours wan drink milk. but i feed 100ml.. one day can drink up to 800+ml. he's 19 days old, 4kg.. parents-in-law say just feed but i scared he cannot take it. so i give him pacifier and drink some water. he will settle down for some time.. until he really cries for it, den i give.. mummies.. can give some opinions??
mine is on the 12th.. but bai bai only. buffet wise we do on 22nd july, just a sort of gathering for friends and relatives. yup, i also heard must hold on the exact day, cannot hold early..

my boy nowadays very fussy.. less than 2 hours want drink milk. but i feed 100ml.. one day can drink up to 800+ml. he's 19 days old, 4kg.. parents-in-law say just feed but i scared he cannot take it. so i give him pacifier and drink some water. he will settle down for some time.. until he really cries for it, then i give.. mummies.. can give some opinions??
Hi Mrs Wang,

Your boy on formula or breastmilk? My girl is currently 1mth, 4 days old & she is feeding on 130ml of breastmilk every 3 hours, & in between the 3 hours she is drinking 80ml of breastmilk. Seems like alot she is drinking but my PD says its fine as long as the baby don't vomit. I don't think its advisable to let them drink water because breastmilk has alot of water already.