EDD March 2013


Actually mine was a bit diff. I have one side crampy pain or pulling pain as if ur intestines are filled w air and pressin on the uterus ... Causing on off crampy pains and then sometimes below at the vagina inside i feel sharp short pains but doc say normal.

How is the pain like? Cause I had this sharp pain at the lower abdomen.. It comes on & off. Isit like that ?


If there is back pain or shoulder pain then how?
Is all of u all MS gone? Mine still haunting me
I read literature and it stated if the cramp accompanied with bleeding, fever and backpain then it could be another disease symptons.. Might need to consult with doctor...

I think I am pretty lucky.. I do not have MS at all for this pregnancy.. Even dont have any special cravings.. Lead my life as normal, still go backpacking at Perth during my first trimester.. Anyway, everyone is different and in fact I am always telling my little precious be Guai Guai and indeed he is an obedient bb... :001_302:


So envy Haiz ... Pain until i want to cry

I read literature and it stated if the cramp accompanied with bleeding, fever and backpain then it could be another disease symptons.. Might need to consult with doctor...

I think I am pretty lucky.. I do not have MS at all for this pregnancy.. Even dont have any special cravings.. Lead my life as normal, still go backpacking at Perth during my first trimester.. Anyway, everyone is different and in fact I am always telling my little precious be Guai Guai and indeed he is an obedient bb... :001_302:


So envy Haiz ... Pain until i want to cry
Hello Oqleong mummy, you could use natural remedies to relieve your pain, e.g: hot pack to put on your tummy, hot red date + ginger soup .. This is what I normally do to mitigate my uncomfortable.

Jia You !! :001_302:


Hot pack. Get from whr?

Hello Oqleong mummy, you could use natural remedies to relieve your pain, e.g: hot pack to put on your tummy, hot red date + ginger soup .. This is what I normally do to mitigate my uncomfortable.

Jia You !! :001_302:


Hot pack. Get from whr?
I use DIY hot pack :001_302: I normally use warm towel to cover my tummy for 5 mins to relieve the tense if there is any discomfort. I think Guardian/Watson should have this hot pack but not sure...


My baby bump started to show as this will be my 17th week :001_302:

My gynae prescribe me Obimin and fish oil. I am taking one tablet of Obimin a day and the nurse said fish oil could be taken after 20 weeks. Does anyone still continue 5mg folic acid when enter their second trimester? My nurse said Obimin contain Folic Acid so the 5mg Folic acid could be discontinued. Besides having supplements, I am taking EnfaMum a glass a day to have enough calcium and other phytonutrients. I am having red dates+guo qi ji + boiled egg brewed soup once a week to have more iron.

Does anyone start to take tonic soup or birdnest or other supplement? Mind to share?


Im still taking my folic acid as advise by my doc cause can't swallow the obimin tablet .. Have to take other food source for iron
in my 14 weeks now, I started taking bird nest once a week..

My baby bump started to show as this will be my 17th week :001_302:

My gynae prescribe me Obimin and fish oil. I am taking one tablet of Obimin a day and the nurse said fish oil could be taken after 20 weeks. Does anyone still continue 5mg folic acid when enter their second trimester? My nurse said Obimin contain Folic Acid so the 5mg Folic acid could be discontinued. Besides having supplements, I am taking EnfaMum a glass a day to have enough calcium and other phytonutrients. I am having red dates+guo qi ji + boiled egg brewed soup once a week to have more iron.

Does anyone start to take tonic soup or birdnest or other supplement? Mind to share?


Im still taking my folic acid as advise by my doc cause can't swallow the obimin tablet .. Have to take other food source for iron
in my 14 weeks now, I started taking bird nest once a week..
Yup, the obimin is relatively big tablet to swallow... :nah: I've no ideas if the statement is true - bird nest is advised to take at third trimester as it could cause asthma and skin allergy to the bb especially at second trimester (hair and skin development stage).. My hubby wanna buy the bird nest for me and wanna to see if anyone started to take bird nest.

Where did you get your bird nest? bottle one or cooked one?


2nd tri should be fine to take.. Just not too often. Some take twice a mth.. I got the dried ones and cook it myself.
But if no time can take those good quality bottled ones, can get it from 余仁生.

Yup, the obimin is relatively big tablet to swallow... :nah: I've no ideas if the statement is true - bird nest is advised to take at third trimester as it could cause asthma and skin allergy to the bb especially at second trimester (hair and skin development stage).. My hubby wanna buy the bird nest for me and wanna to see if anyone started to take bird nest.

Where did you get your bird nest? bottle one or cooked one?


Then perhaps I could considered myself petite one.. I've only gained 2kg for 4months pregnancy although little precious is growing one weeks faster than normal :001_302: I take quality but not quantity food - well-balanced diet without excess calories.. brown rice, wholemeal bread etc..

How about you? How much weight you gain so far, cagnes?


Mine oli 13 weeks:)

No special feeling. my doc gave me calcium + Neurograin. I drink the Dumex mamil mama..

I also would like to know more of the tonic soup... can any mummies share?

My baby bump started to show as this will be my 17th week :001_302:

My gynae prescribe me Obimin and fish oil. I am taking one tablet of Obimin a day and the nurse said fish oil could be taken after 20 weeks. Does anyone still continue 5mg folic acid when enter their second trimester? My nurse said Obimin contain Folic Acid so the 5mg Folic acid could be discontinued. Besides having supplements, I am taking EnfaMum a glass a day to have enough calcium and other phytonutrients. I am having red dates+guo qi ji + boiled egg brewed soup once a week to have more iron.

Does anyone start to take tonic soup or birdnest or other supplement? Mind to share?


i gained 3.5kg till now.. but very very light still, my BMI is way below underweight range :001_07:

Then perhaps I could considered myself petite one.. I've only gained 2kg for 4months pregnancy although little precious is growing one weeks faster than normal :001_302: I take quality but not quantity food - well-balanced diet without excess calories.. brown rice, wholemeal bread etc..

How about you? How much weight you gain so far, cagnes?