young malay mums, lets meet over here!! - 28 Feb 2010 and earlier posts ~~

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Selamat Hari Raya to all Mummies...

this year i & my girls wear pink.. my heroes wear light grey.. :Dancing_wub:
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Well-Known Member
Kids wore grey. hubby and I wore black. Dah mak mertua ku kata, 'eiiii, budak-budak ni apasal lah ko pakaikan warna kelabu asap hah!' :001_302:

this time jalan raya tak nampak ramai orang jalan sangat eh. Mesti sebab anak2 sit for exams. My turn start from tahun depan. Tak jalan raya pun best least ada valid reason sih! Penat pergi ke hulu ke hilir. Ni jap lagi nak kena rounding lagi kat Woodlands pulak....mak ai jauh.


ei enflor..

woodlands tu daerah i~~ heheh.. tapi nnt i takde ruma.. heheh.. mirda pon ruma dekat2 sini..

tis yr we wore red.. n black..

hb baju red n sluar black.. anak i red.. then i da sarat ni malas nak cari baju, so wore all black.. heheh..


wah... ade thread just for kita2 malay mums eh? nie sua bagus.. hehe..

ok but what is the topic eh?:Dancing_tongue:


topic skrang tunggu lizz nak beranak.. ahha

tak la.. skrang sume sebok raya2.. too busy to be in forum..

so tunggu a week then u can see all the momma's in here chit chattin abt watever stuffs.. welcome comtess..

intro.. how many kids.. n bla bla..


New Member
Hello mummies!

Me juz join the club, am I welcome here? Btw Lis, i've voted your cute son oredi....hopefully he'll win huh?


Well-Known Member
Hello mummies!

Me juz join the club, am I welcome here? Btw Lis, i've voted your cute son oredi....hopefully he'll win huh?
Firstly, ISLYNN..welcum to the cLub..! of course u're welcum..
hmm..klau ckp psl menang,i tak tau la ehk..psl i join the contest da lmbt cket..tpi tkpe la..maybe klau ade contest lain,i antar ma son msk..hehe.. :001_302:
u nk do sum intro bout urself..? brape ank..tgl ane..etc..

* BIG warm welcum to comtes toO..!! intro la diri tu ye..

hmm..tahun nie raye..i warna brown..mcm lari plak color i ngan u ol tahun nie ehk..ramai pink,red,black..etc..tpi mcm i srg jek pkai warna brown..huahahahXxx... :tlaugh:


New Member
:Dancing_tongue:Thank you....thank you....

well, here's my short intro....I oni hv 1 gal turning 4 this Dec...she's in nursery @ Iman CCK. i'm a full-time working mum but on MC today *havin' fever & bad sore throat* :embarrassed:

u're not alone, my color pong abit out lar...this year kita 1 branak color turqouise *correct spelling?* :001_302:

abt the bb contest tu....its ok, no harm trying...wish him all the best. :wink:
i entered my gal in a contest organised by young parents when she was 6 mths old and she got in 2nd, really unexpected....but alhamdullilah, rezeki anak eh...


hey.. welcome islynn..

welcome to e club..

skrangg cumer mak2 dudok ruma jer ade.. nnt2 ramai la kaum masok..

i also ngah 3 day mc.. heheh.. njoy dok ruma.. best eh..~ hehe


Well-Known Member
Selamat datang kepada semua bonda2 yang baru join. Mari kita kecoh2 kat sini. :tlaugh:

lis, u tinggal kat M.Parade. Blk 89 belah mana ? Any significant shop/landmark eg: kat library ke ? kat hawker centre ke ?


Well-Known Member
Selamat datang kepada semua bonda2 yang baru join. Mari kita kecoh2 kat sini. :tlaugh:

lis, u tinggal kat M.Parade. Blk 89 belah mana ? Any significant shop/landmark eg: kat library ke ? kat hawker centre ke ?
huahahaXxxx...sorie la babe..u kene trick la..i tk tgl kt fact,currently i tgl kat jurong..tengah tunggu nak amek kunci..will b moving to yishun soOn..
i saje jek trok kat M.P..hehe... :001_302:

* jgn marah ye...


Well-Known Member
wei.....baru lepas puasa satu bulan awak tipu2 ni. Tak aci lah gini :tlaugh:Kerana saya baik hati, I maaf kan you zahir batin. :001_302:

Oh orang west lah cik lis kita ni. ok, neva mind, will figure my way to that block at MP. lis apasal tak letak kat P.Ubin ke, St. John Island ke.....kekkkkekkee


hmm..spelling u btol la..

niwae,lizz..u tak online ke..? i mean msn..
masok kluar masok kluar.. ngah njoy mc ni.. tido sesuker hati ikotkan si kecik ni.. hahah.. besok da keje.. tapi nak declare lagi 2 minggu.. dok ruma.. tunggu si kecik dlm perot pulak kluar.

:Dancing_wub:My avatar menjadi sih :Dancing_wub:
enflor.. camne buat, share ahhh~~ kan cool.. ajar ahh..


Well-Known Member
Enflor..u nak carik blk 89 ehk..? it's near PP (Parkway Parade)..juz beside it ajek..n the blok is blakang Park Centre..u nk gi sane ade ape..? umah sedare ke..??

hEe..i tk trok Pulau Ubin ke ape ke..sbb i tak familiar w the plc..klau mcm MP..i familiar w tat plc..coz i used to hang out der w hb tym zaman dating..hehe :001_302: ngan i pon dlu keje kawasan sane la..


lizz,best eh dok umah.. i kat keje ni mata stoinkkk aje.. :wong13:
wahahahaha.. ala.. today last day~

besok da keje~ booooorrrriiiinnnnggggg~

kat keje pon main angin.. keje da hand over, tinggal belen2 nak abiskan trus bela h gi ML.. bercinnta pegi Jur nak keje..

sienn~ sienn~
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