young malay mums, lets meet over here!! - 28 Feb 2010 and earlier posts ~~

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hello sume!
thanks for the welcome...

im expecting my very first child now and abt 16 weeks pregnant.

i ade question. i baru gain about 4-5kg. is that normal?

and my tummy not showing yet...

salam lebaran !:Dancing_tongue:


hello sume!
thanks for the welcome...

im expecting my very first child now and abt 16 weeks pregnant.

i ade question. i baru gain about 4-5kg. is that normal?

and my tummy not showing yet...

salam lebaran !:Dancing_tongue:
no worries.. my 1st i didnt gain till i was in 4th mth.. lain orang lain.. but see if it's a concern for yr gynae..

tell me u juz got married or mayb a year ago.. u n hb r excited over tis pregnancy~

wher u deliverin?
welcome comtess & islynn!

kita dah naik keje ... curik tulang masuk forum. ekhekehke

selamat hari raya kepada suma! dah kira duit kolekshen anak2 tersayang???

this year, sebagai tanda kasih sayang dia kepada ibunya ... anakanda tersayang akan donate duit2 sampul nya kepada ibu tersayang buat satu biji beg LV. amacam, boleh tak??



welcome comtess & islynn!

kita dah naik keje ... curik tulang masuk forum. ekhekehke

selamat hari raya kepada suma! dah kira duit kolekshen anak2 tersayang???

this year, sebagai tanda kasih sayang dia kepada ibunya ... anakanda tersayang akan donate duit2 sampul nya kepada ibu tersayang buat satu biji beg LV. amacam, boleh tak??

eh wah eh wah.. byk tu collection if can get one LV... Hahaha.... :tlaugh:


elo mummies2 sekelian... WELCOME BACK!!

to d new mummies, welcome.. here no specific topic.. yg hangat, tu la yg we all will talk abt.. kekeke...

Lizz, shiok ye nk pi ML.. cam nk buat lagi satu.. tapi tak larat lak.. da malas gila sei nk work.. haiz........ ni pun fr 28-9 on leave.. 2day suppose to balik werk but hubi sakit la.. urgent leave la.. haiz.. besok keje for 1 day, cam malas lak.. cam nk throw mc je.. hahahhaha:Dancing_tongue:


no worries.. my 1st i didnt gain till i was in 4th mth.. lain orang lain.. but see if it's a concern for yr gynae..

tell me u juz got married or mayb a year ago.. u n hb r excited over tis pregnancy~

wher u deliverin?

actually i just got married this May. Shortly after, I got pregnant. Hee. Alhamdulillah amin! :001_302:

I'll be having a checkup next week. prolly I'll ask her if my weight gain is normal.

I should be delivering in KKH.


elo mummies2 sekelian... WELCOME BACK!!

to d new mummies, welcome.. here no specific topic.. yg hangat, tu la yg we all will talk abt.. kekeke...

Lizz, shiok ye nk pi ML.. cam nk buat lagi satu.. tapi tak larat lak.. da malas gila sei nk work.. haiz........ ni pun fr 28-9 on leave.. 2day suppose to balik werk but hubi sakit la.. urgent leave la.. haiz.. besok keje for 1 day, cam malas lak.. cam nk throw mc je.. hahahhaha:Dancing_tongue:
tgh tunggu jer ni.. aft deepavali, DECLARE ML! da tak larat makcik nak ke sini sane.. jage anak kat ruma pon da naik sempot... raser cam nak beranak jer skrang~ phew~! oh my.. tis time i really gonna get some family plannin..

welcome comtess & islynn!

kita dah naik keje ... curik tulang masuk forum. ekhekehke

selamat hari raya kepada suma! dah kira duit kolekshen anak2 tersayang???

this year, sebagai tanda kasih sayang dia kepada ibunya ... anakanda tersayang akan donate duit2 sampul nya kepada ibu tersayang buat satu biji beg LV. amacam, boleh tak??

wah~~ angan2 tu.. bagos jgk kalau bole.. but act tu duit dpt balik.. bag LV grd A bole ahh dpt.. korang2 pon suker bag2 branded ehh~ hmm..

actually i just got married this May. Shortly after, I got pregnant. Hee. Alhamdulillah amin! :001_302:

I'll be having a checkup next week. prolly I'll ask her if my weight gain is normal.

I should be delivering in KKH.
wah~~ congrats... bunting pelamin.. or mayb juz a cycle pass.. welcome to OUR world.. where superwoman is juz a title away..

seein specific gynae kat kkh ke? my cuzzie is a gynae ther.. dr suzanna.. heee~

take yr stride.. at tis journey, u r nvr wrong.. so take advantage of it!:wong29:


Well-Known Member
enflor.. camne buat, share ahhh~~ kan cool.. ajar ahh..

alah lizz, i'm not IT savvy but a fren introduced me to photobucket. So at that site, can choose and assemble the image that you nak.

Penat pulak petang ni. Perut pun berkerongcong...kena tunggu azan maghrib baru boleh bersantap.

you cuzin, Dr Suzanna tuh wife to Dr Jazlan izzit ? Asal boleh aje aku ni. Abih, is she your gynae then ?
actually i just got married this May. Shortly after, I got pregnant. Hee. Alhamdulillah amin! :001_302:

I'll be having a checkup next week. prolly I'll ask her if my weight gain is normal.

I should be delivering in KKH.

teehehe ... your bb will share your honeymoon then!!! :tlaugh:


enflor.. tak la..

dr jazlan wife dier fair2.. i think he's juz a colleague of my cuzzin..

n no she's not my gynae.. we both think same.. anak beranak ni kalau handle matters cm ni nnt kalau ade complications ade leceh.. so i juz amik advise jer fr her pt of view on preg stuffs..

i'll be deliverin in NUH anyways..

ni da raser2 contractions.. sakit2 da dtg buat tande ni.. bismillah~ insyallah soon..

tunggu ye kwn2~


Well-Known Member
actually i just got married this May. Shortly after, I got pregnant. Hee. Alhamdulillah amin! :001_302:

Bagus lah cepat dapat zuriat. Anyone here yang kena tunggu lama nak dapatkan zuriat ? For me, almost two yrs. I was so stressed at that time, bukan coz of lambat nak preggie but stress due to soalan2 cepu mas dari makcik and frens.

Lagipun at that time, hb selalu out of town for many months. Abih cam na nak 'together-gether' :001_302: Until, i joined him there, balik S'pore terus dah berisi. Alhamdulillah, ingat dulu there was something wrong with my biological clock, sampaikan nak buat treatment kat KKH/NUH


actually i just got married this May. Shortly after, I got pregnant. Hee. Alhamdulillah amin! :001_302:

Wah.. i pun May bride.. but 07 ye.. 3 mths later bunting.. but durin d mth yg tak de isi tu, irritatin sei org asyik ask 'BILA NAK ADA?' kdg2 terasa nk jawap balik, ' HELLO AUNTIES2.. I only 2 mth kawin!! tak kan nk terus de anak sei??' nk jugak rasa hidup ber2 dulu..
BUT when many ppl ask bila bila bila, takut jugak sei if i cant produce.. kakkaaka.... Haiz, tuhan de better plans for me.. Sangkut lak at 3rd mth.. baru diam meka2..
till now honeymoon pun tak pi.. sedih tau.. hehehe:001_302:


excited tu tak sgt la.. eh~ bole gitu~

cumer nak cepat jer langsongkan.. then bole uruskan bende2 yg tertunda..

heheh.. no worries.. 2-3 hari tak masok forum tu tande ade kat labor ward la tu.. hahah..


Well-Known Member
Hari Sat ni, boleh terperap pulak kat rumah....boring sey! Hb out of town n kena tunggu tetamu datang.

lizz, takda baby shower party ke ?.....or kita tunggu you lepas bersalin then u make mineral make-up party. Sure sell kalau buat gitu. I don't mind attending if you're gonna have one in future.

Senyap aje kat sini....semua jalan raya lah ni. :001_302:



idea~ idea.. enflor.. nnt sayer pikirkan ehh.. kalau kat rumah ni da dibereskan aft tt new kiddo has arrived, nnt saye announced.. KIV..

si mirda da paki n lovin it..~~ she can niw save not to but MAC products.. hahah... save budget..

ya.. senyap balik kat sini.. orang sebok wkend jln2 raya..

enflor, hb keje ape? slalu outstation? if my hb like tt i suruh dier bawak if more than 3 days he go.. lucky dier outstation kat p.ris jer.. cos jauh tu f wdls.. hahha.. bt if got small kids ade susah sikit~

zaman duo2 bole la..


Well-Known Member
oklah lizz make announcement kalau buat mineral make-up party. Insyallah i dtg. My skin type ni sensitip lah and i'm not a too dolled-up person jugak . Setakat bedak, lip balm and occasionally with blushers bila mood nak melawa.

Yup, hb always away. b4 kawin and anak satu he went paling lama 3-4 mths baru balik SG. Dah beranak-pinak ni dia mintak travel around this region least 3-4 hari dia M.I.A from home in a week. I'm so used to his MIA-ness. :001_302:

Masa berdua tuh memang followed him, only when i had my cuti from my job. But sekarang nak ikut, senangnya my cuti i approve myself but yang susahnya berderet babe dengan barang budak2 lain, barang mak budak lain.

So mummies here, Nov-Dec plan pergi cuti kat mana ? Sekarang news of recession leceh sikit ah....kalau ada pun kena budget betul2. Ok happy SUN-day y'll.


New Member
Good Morning Mummies!!!

Juz checkin' if you ladies are tupperware users? :)

Check tis out : Tupperware

Am recruiting new consultants too! Sape2 nak earn extra income (full/part
time), bley la join me. So if any of you are keen, do let me now ya ~

Islynn ;-)
Have a Great Sunday!!! :Dancing_wub:

P.S. Jap lagi nak siap2 pi Open House...every weekend ada O.H....ini sudah bagus! he3...


New Member
Hi Mumzies

I'm a newbie, mum of 11yo hero and 2mo heroin.

Not too late to say Eid Mubarak.

Tinggal d bedok n
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