Edd dec 2012


Congratulations Lizasaifi!! It must be such a joy to hold your baby in your arms . Hope the little one comes out of the nicu soon. How long will you be staying in the hospital ? Which hospital are you in?


New Member
Hello mummies, I'm quite new to this forum and my EDD is on 27 Dec 2012. I will be delivering at Mount A with C-section. Now I'm in my 29 weeks and my baby girl weigh around 1.4 kg liao... hopefully baby can gain more weight towards the end :) I'm still working now and maybe taking maternity leave 1 wk before I deliver so can rest a bit. I also have swollen feet now and will go to see my doctor again on 6 November.

Mreow Mreow

Hi MamaDT n allele!

Thank u for d wishes. Hahaha actually I nvr prepare anything cuz it's last minute emergency c-sect. Hahaha so was quite unprepared. Nonetheless all is well n I'm doing alrite.

D lactation consultant used a syringe to collect d colostrum. :) it's yellowish in color n very thick in consistency. Its so precious since it contains a lot of gd elements for baby. I'm really surprised I can produce dat much of colostrum after juz 1 day.

D c-sect took less than 1 hr from preparing me to be numbed half bodied until d time they finished stitching me up again. :) after dat I was sent to recovery room n by 9.30pm I was back at d ward on my bed.

I will write my birth story when I have d time mummies! :) thank u so much for all ur concerns n wishes for me. Supposed to be a December mummy but now I'm an October mummy! Lolz we can plan so much but God has better plans for us. Take care mummies!

My dear Lizasaifi....
congratulations!!!! :D

I was speechless when I saw ur post.
Was realllly praying that everything is alright with u when u didn't post often recently... Cuz normally U & I are quite active!

Anyway I can't express how happy I am for u that things have turned out well for both u and ur baby gal... :D

The other day we were juz talking about whatever will happen will happen right?
and that God has plans for us all already?
looks like Allah did indeed have plans in store for u already... :)

And I'm so glad that everything has turned out good!
that ur gal can breathe on her own & u can produce milk for her...
that is such awesome news.....

*big Hugs*

Take care lotss...
:D :D :D

Mreow Mreow

Anyone going for the Babyexpo this weekend? Im planning to go later in the afternoon and Im still kinda undecided to buy a traditional pan/steamer for boiling of bottles etc or to buy an electronic steriliser. Hmm..

And also anyone intend to store baby's cordblood?

Allele, Im not storing the cord blood..
Most probably I'll be donating baby's cord blood to the blood bank! :)

Haha, I totally forgot that the baby expo is this weekend!
means its from fri-sun?

Ohhh, that type of mattress protector...
i understand now... Hehe :)
i think same as momopeachgal, I won't buy that...
my hubby say not necessary.
Nevermind, make him wash if any stain accident happen... Wahahaha :p


Thanks ivyb on the tip about drinking water , will try that as well. I go to omsantih yoga , it is in Haji Lane .
You are always welcome, Luckystar! =)

I heard omsantih is a gd place for yoga, but the location is abit out for me and also the price is not within my budget.


Hello mummies, I'm quite new to this forum and my EDD is on 27 Dec 2012. I will be delivering at Mount A with C-section. Now I'm in my 29 weeks and my baby girl weigh around 1.4 kg liao... hopefully baby can gain more weight towards the end :) I'm still working now and maybe taking maternity leave 1 wk before I deliver so can rest a bit. I also have swollen feet now and will go to see my doctor again on 6 November.
Welcome soymilk80! :)

I'm expecting a baby girl and my edd is 19 dec. i'm planning to induce my labour around my 38/39 wks, abt one week before my gynae leaving for his US trip. I've started to count down the weeks already and hopefully everything goes well smoothly as planned.

I also quite worried that i'm carrying a light weight bb and i heard eating more durians may boost up some weight. Not sure how true but I will give it a try since i've been craving for sweet things nowadays. heheee....


Anyone going for the Babyexpo this weekend? Im planning to go later in the afternoon and Im still kinda undecided to buy a traditional pan/steamer for boiling of bottles etc or to buy an electronic steriliser. Hmm..

And also anyone intend to store baby's cordblood?
Hi allele, I didn't go to the babyexpo, did u go? is it worth gg?

Btw, my husband & I intend to keep our bb's cordblood thru cordlife but we have yet to sign up yet. Are u considering to store ur baby's cordblood too?

Sze sze

All, me not going to bb fair also, far and too crowded...
Going to see my gynae on sat... Wondering how much does my gal gain for the past 3 weeks...

Soymilk80, welcome to the group~~


Hi mummies! Gd morning! How's d long weekend going for u? Hope everyone enjoying themselves ya. :)

Ok I have a little bit of time before my doc comes to see me so here's my birth story.

Thursday 25 October

8.15am: Doc came to see me at d ward n told me dat I wld have to go for a scan tdy to see how d blood flow condition is like. Told me not to eat anything after breakfast. Juz sips of water to eat medication.

2.30pm: went down to fetal care centre for scan.

3.15pm: back in d ward n waited to hear result from doc

3.30pm: doc came n told me d result n d news dat I have to go for c-sect dat evening. After signing d forms quickly called hubby n he rushed off from work.

4.15pm: sent down to delivery suite to prepare me for d op

4.30pm: I was suited up in d sexy backless blue surgery dress, shaved n lying down on d bed wif d ctg machine attached to me n my bp taken every 10mins. A British staff nurse called Emma is in charged of me n my delivery procedure. Told her I will need to wait for my hubby as he is on his way.

5.10pm: hubby reached d delivery suite n stayed wif me. Both of us were feeling so excited n anxious. Couldn't believe will be seein our little princess in juz a few hrs

5.45pm: d anaesthetist came in n talked to me n discussed wif me which anaesthesia she will be using on me. It will be d spinal block which will numb me from under my breasts to my legs.

6.10pm: transferred to d ot trolley bed n sent to d ot. At d ot so many things happened quickly like madness. Hahaha at one point I felt like a robot as there were so many wires on my body. Then I was told to sit up n lean forward so d anaesthetist can inject me wif d spinal block. To me it didn't feel so painful at all as i think my tolerance for pain is quite high. Hahaha it's juz like a pin prick to me but can feel d liquid going into my backbone.

6.40pm: I'm already half body numbed n they covered me from my chest downwards so I can't see wats going on at my tummy. At this pt of time I was so anxious, scared, excited n kinda emotional. Hahaha

6.45pm: my doc came n talked to me for awhile. She said things wld be ok n I will see my baby soon. Then I heard another male surgeon came also.

6.55pm: I couldn't feel it but from d pressure I was having on my tummy I noe they had started to cut me already. I started praying n hope dat everything wld be well.

7.25pm: my little princess was born! Heard her strong wailing cry. My tears juz flow d first time I heard her cry n d anaesthetist who was looking after me n sitting behind my head told me my baby is out n she's beautiful. D surgeons stitched me up n d others cleaned me up after dat.

7.55pm: wheeled out of d ot n sent to recovery room. By d this time I was shivering like mad as it was so cold in d ot! Stayed at d recovery room, being warmed up n rest. Half of my body still very numb.

8.30pm: I can wriggle my toes on my right leg already n feeling better. Not shivering anymore. D nurses looking after me there talked to me n congratulated me. They were very nice!

9.10pm: d anaesthetis allowed me to go back up to d ward as I am gaining back control of my toes n legs.

9.30pm: back at d ward n have to lay down flat wif massaging leg support on my legs n a drip on my right hand. Haven't been lying down flat much for a long time so it was heaven to lay flat again. Hahahaha d ward nurses took my vital signs like bp, heart rate, temp n oxygen level. One of them explained to my husband wat he needs to do like registering birth, immunisation options n others.

9.50pm: at last I get to see a pic of my princess since I couldn't see her at all before dat! Hubby showed me a couple of pics of her n I juz fell in love!! She's beautiful, wif long legs n a head full of hair!

So dats my birth story. A sudden rush to OT for c-sect n d birth of our beautiful little princess. We are naming her Nurin Salwani, a name my mother came up wif. It means 'the light which gives me solace/comfort'. :)

Ok now I'm waiting for my doc to come n tell me how's things. Have a wonderful weekend everyone! :D


Here's a pic of my little princess!

Ok I've figured out how to post an image. Heheheh so here's a pic of my little princess mummies! :D


New Member
Ivyb, I'm also thinking about storing the baby's cord blood but with Stemcord. I heard the fees are really expensive and I'm not getting baby bonus as I'm only a PR here. If you are willing to share with me how much Cordlife charge please PM me! I just wanted to know how much roughly I need to fork out extra cash for...

Momopeachgal, my family and husband's family still follow old chinese tradition. They wanted to select good date for the baby, so I just follow lah.. no harm anyway and my gynae (Dr Henry Cheng) also OK with it.


Lizasaifi!! I can feel your joy and oh my, u are brave! U signed the C-sect paper without ur hubby beside u tt time. Wow! Really.... I hope I can be as brave as you... If it is me, I think I will still sign the paper but my heart will be pumping damn fast...... And all I know is I wanna see my hubby immediately to give me support haha u are so brave! Nice name for your princess.. Warm feeling... :)
Take more rest dear :)


Hi MamaDT! Hahaha thx...well I guess I have no choice but to sign it on my own as cannot wait too long already. It's rather more for baby's sake than myself. So I juz sign it but only God knows how I was feeling inside. Haha

Hmmm...can u mummies see my baby pics? I can't seem to see them on my post. :( dunno if d pic is too big or wat.

Anyways I mite be discharged tmrw. But baby will have to stay longer until she gained weight to abt 1.9kg. Dats quite a lot to catch up considering she's now only 1.4kg. I'm sure she will be able to catch up quick as she's a feisty one. Hahaha

Alrite mummies. Time for me to rest now. Will try to post my princess's pic again. Hope it will work. See ya mummies!

Mreow Mreow

I almost teared when I read your post.
It was as detailed as it can be.
Just felt a lil emotional as I read it.
Dunno why...

Thanks for taking precious tym to type it out so detailedly and share wif us your story.... :)
And Nurin Salwani is a really nice name...
Congrats babe!!

I'm sure Baby Nurin Salwani will be discharged soon.
Make more Colostrum for her!! :D


Wow Lizasaifi, that is some journey you have been through!!
Like Mreow Mreow , i too teared up when i read your post. You are indeed a strong and brave mummy!!
God Bless little Nurin.. and may she come be discharged from hospital as healthy and strong as can be.

Take care.


Hello mummies, I'm quite new to this forum and my EDD is on 27 Dec 2012. I will be delivering at Mount A with C-section. Now I'm in my 29 weeks and my baby girl weigh around 1.4 kg liao... hopefully baby can gain more weight towards the end :) I'm still working now and maybe taking maternity leave 1 wk before I deliver so can rest a bit. I also have swollen feet now and will go to see my doctor again on 6 November.
Welcome soymilk80,
my EDD is pretty close to yours , i am expecting my little girl to come on the 24th of Dec!!
Congrats again Lizasaifi! I think you are really brave... i heard my friends said that during c-sect, it was scary cos being only half numb, they can feel the pulling and tugging of their operation. But you sound like everything's ok for you! Great mummy you are!

Mummies: Today I went for my growth scan... actually it's like normal scan but gynae this time round take all the measurement in detail and this scan cost $70 (not included in package). Feel like he's trying to make money out of it cos he can easily do this every visit. Haha anyway, everything's is going well for me.. baby's weight, placenta, cephilic position... only that when i told my gynae I experienced braxton hicks contraction quite often, he prescribed me progestrone to stabilise the uterus.. as he said if too frequent may lead to premature birth, though right now still no signs. He said my yeast infection may have cause my uterus to be more sensitive. Oh my... hopefully baby will not want to pop out too early! :001_07:

Oh i also intend to donate the cord blood. Any idea how's the procedure?