Edd dec 2012


If planning for baby name that give me a headache lei.. Cos i wan the name that start with A

Here go my name
Husband - Alan
MySon - Aaven
Mygirl - still thinking

See all with A that Y i wan with a A haha


OMG! I've nvr seen or felt my boobs to be this big!! Lolz

Sorry mummies! Was too excited n happy to see dat my boobs are so swollen wif milk. Managed to pump quite a lot to last baby for 2 days. Hehehe

Mreow Mreow: hee hee at last u can see. Yep cannot enlarge d pic. Dats a pic of her on her 2nd day of life in d world. She's tall at 42cm for a 34 weeker. Has long fingers too. Hahaha maybe cuz both me n hubby are quite tall. Her weight is now abt 1.461kg. Dropped from birth weight of 1.546kg. Dats normal for newborns to lose some weight for first few days of life. So she has to gain like 0.5kg plus. Hope she can gain fast wif d help of my bm. Can't wait to bring her hm n dress her up. :) went to see her juz now n she's doing gd. keep stretching herself n pushing d plastic wrap covering her crib wif her legs. hahaha hmmm babe u haven't chosen a name yet for ur girl? Better start soon. Hehehe a few weeks more till she makes her appearance. :D

ling.er: hello! Here's a suggestion of a girl's name starting wif A: Adelia. I've always like d name. Forgotten where I saw it but it sounds so beautiful n elegant. :D good luck!


Hi Mummies!

Momopeachgal: yah I keep drinking water coz I really felt my throat very dry in the air con room everytime... Haha I can drink min 1.5l during the night time in the room.... Lol

Cherry Blossom: I had that progesterone during my first trim... Yah like what Mreow Mreow said, remember to take the med yah. :)

Mreow Mreow: have all the different race name ready first... :) then decide which one you want to register as your baby's name :)

Ling.er: how about Ally? Heehee

Lizasaifi: wow that's good to hear you have lots of BM supply :) I am sure your little gal will gain extra 0.5kg quickly! ^^

How are all mummies' checkup? 6-7 more weeks ! I can't wait to see my baby next week checkup ^^ but also a bit scared coz my gynae has been giving me Ventolin to soften uterus, and to avoid having high contractions/cramps/spotting, but she said she's going to stop me from eating that at week34 already... That's next week!


New Member
I like the name Arissa :)

ling.er:712360 said:
If planning for baby name that give me a headache lei.. Cos i wan the name that start with A

Here go my name
Husband - Alan
MySon - Aaven
Mygirl - still thinking

See all with A that Y i wan with a A haha


New Member
Or Ariel if you prefer 2 syallabus. Hee.

ling.er:712360 said:
If planning for baby name that give me a headache lei.. Cos i wan the name that start with A

Here go my name
Husband - Alan
MySon - Aaven
Mygirl - still thinking

See all with A that Y i wan with a A haha
Hi mummies!

Is manduca carrier really that good? Haha I thought baby bjohn is the best. Ok now I will consider this next time.

By the way I Realised for whole day my tummy is tight. Or is tight tummy natural? I don't feel pain.. Just that when I press my tummy, not much flesh to press in.. And I feel bloated cos having constipation. So wondering am I really having Braxton today or just cos bloated? Cannot be whole day right? But I think last few days when I felt tight with a bit of sore feeling at my lower tummy that could be Braxton bah. Hmmm think I just take the pills and see how.. Paiseh ah I bit loh soh. :p

Oh lizasaifi, excited for you!hope my small breast will be able to become very big after giving birth too. :)

Linger, am afraid can't think of a name cos I'm not good with that! Haha


momopeachgal: yeah she's always been active since inside d womb...always kicking and punching at specific times of the day hahaha even now she seems to be awake at ard those same timing...haha so hope she will keep to it when she comes hm...at least I'll noe when to expect her to wake up n feed hehehe

MamaDT: yeah I hope she will gain it soon so she can come home...at least if she can get to 2kg it's gd enuff...I guess d pill dat my doc prescribe to me to increase BM really works! It's a tiny pill but powerful...name is Maxalon :)

Cherry Blossom: dun worry babe...I'm sure ur BM will start a day after u give birth...colostrum will be thick n yellowish at first...n ltr it will become thinner n is called transitional milk...dats wat I'm producing now...after dat d white BM will start to produce...therefore have to maintain d supply n flow by expressing every 3 hrs in d day n once at night...tiring but a rewarding job :) if ur BM doesn't kick in maybe when it's time u can ask ur gynae abt Maxalon hehehe


Cherry Blossom, I think most mummies feel tight when sitting up, that's coz baby is growing and filling up space in there :)
Try lying down, press ur tummy... Is it still as hard or slightly softer or soft? As long as can press, then don't worry :) remember to tell your gynae in your next visit ok? :) Take care!

Mreow Mreow

Momopeachgal, try doing squats!!
My tummy sure harden after I do that.
It will last for about 10-20secs.
Hehe :)
Yes, it feels as though Baby's head is there or baby's limbs pushing but inFact u can feel that baby isn't moving at all!
I think u had that already.
Our uterus is preparing for Big day :)
Momopeachgal, cuz I'm half-Thai & my hubby is Indian!!! :D
So really dunno wad to choose.
I don't even have a list of preferred named yet. haha.
Super slack.
After hearing MamaDT say got 6-7weeks left, kinda panic.
Wahaha. But I still so relax

Lizasaifi, its extremely great news that u are making lotsa milk....
You have no more worries regarding Bfeeding alr!!
Since u can settle the main problem that worries many mothers!! :D
Am so happy for u!!! :)
I'm certain Baby Nurin will be able to real that weight and be discharged soon!! :D

MamaDT, thanks alot for the info on bulk purchase!
Will check it later.
But think maybe Abit too late for me cuz I think my Hubby is at the shop In Germany nw & Gg to buy soon.
Haha..... :)


Lol yes Momopeachgal... Not much water retention but my soles feel quite sore if I walk too much... Lol
Air-con room can as long as the cooling air is not blowing at u directly... :)
What is a compression socks/stockings?

Mreow Mreow

Thanks Momopeachgal!! :)
I think eventually I will go for Indian name...
I got no preference at all.
Oh by the way, Glenn is my Ex's name!!! Hehe :D

Yes, that is BH!
U try getting up from a squat position.
Might have also.
Cuz I do.... Haha.
Even when I shower I have BH.

Stockings better than socks.
U can buy those stockings from most pharmacies dear.
Watsons or Guardian or Unity or hospitals pharmacies.
They are good!
Regulate bloodflow, reduce BP & prevents tired legs.
I used them all the tym during work before I quit.
But it's best to get tight ones girl... :)

I'm sure to be in Aircon room during confinement.
My hubby can't slp without Aircon!
After that still on fan!!!! Omg...
Really hope my gal don't be lk hubby, super easily perspire type....
Some babies really get hot so easily.
Then they will Mang Zang...

For me I can Tahan heat & hardly perspire.
Are u mummies like that before Preggy?
Momopeachgal, sure no problem u can add me anytime. You search Aimei Tan or the other way round. :)

Oh compression stockings is it wear up to waist or Just to thigh? If not wouldn't it be too tight for tummy?

I used to be scare of cold but after preggy I love air con so much! Have to on every night and also don't like to be out in the sun le.. I hope I still can have fan or air con on during confinement.

Now I'm trying to buy last bit of things- baby bath tub, sleep wear for hospital, thermo flask for boiling hot water. Sleep wear is it should be at least two? And thermo flask is it electric better? Thinking of getting the zorojushi (elephant brand, dont know the spelling) or tiger brand but ex. But my mil keep telling us electric one no gd.. She uses the traditional type where u boil then put in flask but all other people around me say electric one better, can keep hot water to a certain temperature. Hmmm I think I'm not going to listen to her.. Hee..

Mreow Mreow

Cherry Blossom: I actually I don't really know how the stockings looks like.. I shall drop by pharmacies and find out how these stockings look like =p yeah i will add u in FB hee =p i think sleep wear better buy 2.. In case if sweat.. at least e next day stil have new ones to wear.. i tink electric thermal flask one is more convenient. hehhee..

Cherry blossom, normally the ones that go up to waist is better but since we are preggy, get those that are thigh highs.. :)
If you can get skin colour ones, can wear out when u are up and about... :)

Hospitals do provide sleepwear right?
I dont feel like bringing my own leh....
Theirs should be front opening also right?


Mreow Mreow: hehehe yeah I dun have problem wif dat but d thing is my princess can only drink 30ml a day...I can pump more than 30ml at a time so have to pump every 3 hrs...after pump put inside freezer...but I'm running out of bottles for storage hahaha yes hopefully she will be able to gain weight fast n grow healthier :)

Anyone knows where I can get those bottles for storage in d freezer or fridge? At a reasonable price too pls. I saw d pigeon brand ones at ntuc selling for $24.90 for 4 bottles. Quite ex!


Lizasaifi: how about milk bags? Cheaper and usually comes in at least 20bags....

Or bottles / milk bags

All less than $24 I think :)
Mreow mreow, I'm delivering in Tmc and I heard they don't provide. So think must check with the hospital.

Ok i will check out the stockings. :) actuslly i didnt know can wear.. Thought should let our legs have air circulation. Thanks for providing me the numbers! Yeah will call them tmr. :)


MamaDT: yeah storage bags is another way of keeping bm. But d thing is my princess is in hospital n I have to freeze d bm first before sending them to d hospital. D nurse told me dat I can't mix d milk I express at different hrs. Dats why need individual bottles which means will need a lot of bottles. They feed her only 30ml a day so every time I express 30ml n keep in a bottle n freeze it. If I express 3 hourly I can get like 4 or 5 bottles daily. So imagine how many bottles I need for d duration she will be at hospital? Lolz dats why I'm at a loss. Dunno wat to do. But anyway thanks for d links. Appreciate it. :) so how's ur pregnancy coming along? How many more weeks to go? Hehehe