young malay mums, lets meet over here!! - 28 Feb 2010 and earlier posts ~~

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wow kitz.. new mommy huh.. 2mo dd.. hehe masih ngah ML la ni?? or SAHM?

welcome.. good to see more n more malay mommies.. n young.. n not forgettin young @ heart` hahha..

njoy yr stay..

* harlow!! mane mak2 yg ilang sume.. masih sebok raya ke??~


Well-Known Member
Ello mummiEs..i'm back from ma hoLs..

wah..da rmai jgk new mummies yg dtg ehk..welcum to the club..

hmm..i pon tak tau nk reply topic yg mane satu..da bnyk sgt la..hmm..i'll juz join the latest topic nanti la..


New Member
Hi..everyone selamat hari raya. mmy lizz u give birth kat NUH eh? Me 2 tapi due bulan 12 la..first time give birth kat NUH tak tahu camane jgn la mcm KKH sibuk cam kat pasar gitu..


Well-Known Member
Aida83, sampai hati cakap KKH cam kat pasar...janganlah dek oi kata gitu :001_302: all mine kat sana ok apa. Service memuaskan takda yang haru biru.

I think depends on the clinic that one takes and also your timing appointment kat KKH. Kalau pergi peak hours mestilah gerammmmm, sebab have to wait long long.

Class A dia is just like any pte hospital service. Lagipun now kat KKH ada pte package also for suite ward....the suite service is WOW. Kalau terkena anak #4, i nak demand suite from hubby. (uhuk-uhuk dia slalu terbatuk-batuk when i said this) :wong29:


hello ladies!!

have a question to ask.

how do i go about choosing a gynae?

any gynae to recommend from KKH?

thanks !


New Member
Aida83, sampai hati cakap KKH cam kat pasar...janganlah dek oi kata gitu :001_302: all mine kat sana ok apa. Service memuaskan takda yang haru biru.

I think depends on the clinic that one takes and also your timing appointment kat KKH. Kalau pergi peak hours mestilah gerammmmm, sebab have to wait long long.

Class A dia is just like any pte hospital service. Lagipun now kat KKH ada pte package also for suite ward....the suite service is WOW. Kalau terkena anak #4, i nak demand suite from hubby. (uhuk-uhuk dia slalu terbatuk-batuk when i said this) :wong29:
Sori la eh...tapi experience i kat sane tk baik la dah la nk p check up lambat bis bile give birth lagi teruk paling2 the nurse at labour ward cam tk kisah gitu..ade ke dia suruh i push sorg2 pas 2 semue tkde p pat lain da la bile picit button merah lbt dtg:bsad:..bab 2 la i tk suka lagipun ank i 1st pai 3rd memang kat KKH bile 4th i give birth at SGH tu puas hati the serivce is very good.:purple: Ni skrg no 5th i nk try NUH tk tahu camane lagipun dkt dgn umah.


Well-Known Member
wah bagus juga aida, you dapat rasa at the various hospitals. I am sure you've made some good and bad comparison then. Hopefully, you will have a smooth delivery for the next one.

I pilih KKH coz kira dekat ngan rumah and lepas checkup aje slalu pergi bedal tosei kat Tekka. :tlaugh:But alhamdulilah mine all good from midwives to nurses to doctors who attended smua takda problem. Rezeki masing2 kan.

comtess, mine was Dr LC Lee. She is nice and super patient woman. She is a mum of 4 or 5 herself. Kalau nak yg doc yang ada celebrity status, try (Dr John Tee, i think - Oniatta 's gynae / The famous Dr Jazlan - entah masih kat sana lagi tak ? ) Dr Suzanna pun quite popular jugak dengan orang2 kita. Lizz said thatz her cuzin. I wanted Dr M.James masa tu but her schedule was packed so nurse tu kasi Dr LC Lee.

I prefer lady gynae sebab i am so :wong29: before male gynae esp pat seluk menyeluk tu.


thanks for the info !

but how do i tell the hospital which gynae i want?

sorry eh, i very blur on such thing.. coz nie my very first time.. and i dont have a clue about all these procedures. :embarrassed:

wah bagus juga aida, you dapat rasa at the various hospitals. I am sure you've made some good and bad comparison then. Hopefully, you will have a smooth delivery for the next one.

I pilih KKH coz kira dekat ngan rumah and lepas checkup aje slalu pergi bedal tosei kat Tekka. :tlaugh:But alhamdulilah mine all good from midwives to nurses to doctors who attended smua takda problem. Rezeki masing2 kan.

comtess, mine was Dr LC Lee. She is nice and super patient woman. She is a mum of 4 or 5 herself. Kalau nak yg doc yang ada celebrity status, try (Dr John Tee, i think - Oniatta 's gynae / The famous Dr Jazlan - entah masih kat sana lagi tak ? ) Dr Suzanna pun quite popular jugak dengan orang2 kita. Lizz said thatz her cuzin. I wanted Dr M.James masa tu but her schedule was packed so nurse tu kasi Dr LC Lee.

I prefer lady gynae sebab i am so :wong29: before male gynae esp pat seluk menyeluk tu.


Well-Known Member
wah aida...u skrg da msok 5 anak ke..? rmai btol..?? setahu i u bru jek ngah on process ngan no. 4..hmm.. :err:

lincah ehk u..i envy u la..leh handle rmai ank..i skrg nie jek..haiz..penat rabak la ngan 1 hero nie..


Well-Known Member
comtess, at KKH women's clinic, near entrance ada reception counter. Proceed to that counter and tell the nurse on duty that it's your first time here and you wish to engage a gyane.

Nanti they will get all your necessary details for form filling and usually they will ask, which gynae you have in mind. If you know of any names, just request for that particular one. Otherwise, u just tell them the kind/type of gynae that you prefer. Then they will give recommendation.

Same goes for other hospitals. Mesti ada reception counter for patients and new patients-to-be to enquire. U go there directly better instead of calling over the phone.


New Member
wah aida...u skrg da msok 5 anak ke..? rmai btol..?? setahu i u bru jek ngah on process ngan no. 4..hmm.. :err:

lincah ehk u..i envy u la..leh handle rmai ank..i skrg nie jek..haiz..penat rabak la ngan 1 hero nie..
Takde la pun penat jugak actually i punye 1st till 3rd with my 1st hubby than jodoh tk panjang:tsad:..bis i remarried with my 2nd hubby nk msuk 2 ni tapi with 1st hubby ank i cume ambil 2 je dier ambil 1 jadi i ckp je la ade nk msuk 4th....psl 1 dah takde bis dah berape lame pun i tk meet him..


halo ppl~ im back~

cheh.. kene warded la 2.5 hari.. hahah.. sakit2..

NUH ok la.. delivery suite nurses are cool.. nice2.. so no worries..

kat ward pon ok jer.. i 1st delivery n ni baru balik hosp nurses pon nice2.. i takde nak complain.

cumer mayb if go random doc queue lamer sikit ahh.. tapi tgk hari.. kat NUH i cumer nak complain pasal scan room dier.. lembab nak mampos..

abeh scan-ner dier pon ade satu i tak berkenan but most of them r ok..

so far i grade them 7.5-8/10 gitu.. quite satisfactory.. n worry free..



lom la aida.. i masok pasal cramps.. but not yet masok labor pon..

insyallah 2-3weeks lagi gaknye.. nnt i post biler da bersalin


I dulu pun beranak at KKH.. very pleased w d nurses n ppl over there... waitin time c doc, if u comes at ur stipulated appt time, u dun even wait at all.. pas urine terus masuk c doc...

comtess, my gynae Dr Tan KT.. She's a senior consultant.. very calm, firm n thorough doc..tau cakap malay lagi.. tak menyesal under her.. :001_302:.. u shd b comfortable w ur gynae tau.. sal nanti bila labour u really need him/her... bila preggy, bug them w a lots of qtn.. qtn may sound silly to u, but if its really ease yr tht, y nt??

i tink tgk nasib n day when u go hospital la eh.. diff org,hospital diff experience.. my frens beranak at diff hospital ade je their complaints.. tink we muz nt xpect too much la at hospital.. yg pentin bb n mummy ok....
i pun if can nk try all d diff hospitals... cuma hubby je say prvt out of budget.. takut complications abis bill cam hill.. :nah:

i pun tak nk male doc.. malu u.. :err: juz my opinion je..


ala.. tightenings jer... practicin for labor.. hahah..
tapi buat suspense.. lagipon bdk ni kat dlm... *shake head* punye la tak tau diam~ tak tau ape nak ckp..

hahah.. nmpk gaya mcm eager nak come out but then bukan nak kasi tanda.. main golek2 plk kat dlm.. biler kat hosp tau baik sikit.. ni da kat ruma.. start balik dier nyer tonggang langgang..

mak nyer yg meraner~


thanks Fitri.. that was useful.

Also, that time you amik classic package ke premier package?

I dulu pun beranak at KKH.. very pleased w d nurses n ppl over there... waitin time c doc, if u comes at ur stipulated appt time, u dun even wait at all.. pas urine terus masuk c doc...

comtess, my gynae Dr Tan KT.. She's a senior consultant.. very calm, firm n thorough doc..tau cakap malay lagi.. tak menyesal under her.. :001_302:.. u shd b comfortable w ur gynae tau.. sal nanti bila labour u really need him/her... bila preggy, bug them w a lots of qtn.. qtn may sound silly to u, but if its really ease yr tht, y nt??

i tink tgk nasib n day when u go hospital la eh.. diff org,hospital diff experience.. my frens beranak at diff hospital ade je their complaints.. tink we muz nt xpect too much la at hospital.. yg pentin bb n mummy ok....
i pun if can nk try all d diff hospitals... cuma hubby je say prvt out of budget.. takut complications abis bill cam hill.. :nah:

i pun tak nk male doc.. malu u.. :err: juz my opinion je..


mmy lizz u da ade tukang urut? i pun tgh cari kalau bole nk yg murah sikit and bagus la...:tlaugh:
ya.. da ade.. i take fr my cuzz tu la.. dr suzanna.. kak nana i call her.. but her price is a lil too steep but i juz close one eye la.. cos feedbacks fr my antys she's quite good. 500 for 7d package..

i have a few in my hp.. all those i collate r forums.. ranging from 380-390 gitu.. but ade yg mandi baby ade yg tak.. eh.. u kan da bersalin quite a no of times.. takkan no specific one tt u like?

mirda also ade recommend me one.. her package 450 for 7d.. u nak u pm i.. nnt i kasi.. anyways.. u biler due?
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