EDD September 2013 Mummies


@stellaC - it helps to keep m/s away? Yay, at least I found an alternative. The only one I knew was maxolon! Ha..

My previous gynae gave me dimenate cos it's useless to me. So my new gynae prescribed ondansetron. U heard of Zofran? This is the same but different branding so much cheaper. Before I had this med, I couldn't even get out of bed much or reply SMS. It kinda "deactivate" vomiting, feel so much more in control after having it.


Any mummies know of good pre and post natal massage? I did a search online and saw De'jamu. Are they good?
Im quite skeptical of prenatal massage but yet crave massage so much... Is it really safe to have massage during pregnancy? I didn't get to ask my gynae yet..


@ StellaC - ya heard of zofran. Was researching n saw this name. Will ask my gyne for it at next appt. it's always good to keep spares as u never know when m/s will hit again! Feeling sick these past 2 days.. Duno why. Thought I was recovering! Sigh sigh


@ StellaC - ya heard of zofran. Was researching n saw this name. Will ask my gyne for it at next appt. it's always good to keep spares as u never know when m/s will hit again! Feeling sick these past 2 days.. Duno why. Thought I was recovering! Sigh sigh
Yup, I'm gonna ask my doc to prescribe more when I see him next week... Mus keep spares, just in case! :) me too.. Ms like gone but still abit here as there on some days.


raoow:770730 said:
I'm looking to buy the body pillow too! I'm sleeping with 3 pillows now. One on the head, one between my legs and another I hug. Hahaha! I've got a slipped disc so my back has started to hurt though I'm not even showing yet!!
I have 4 pillows! I body pillow, one on head one on back when I turn to one side, and one below my legs when I lie on my back. My back has started hurting since about 1.5 months - I wonder why!!??

A mummy

I heard baby's heartbeat! Sounds like galloping horses. They showed baby's neck ( for the measurement ), nose bridge, basically like normal scan but longer. And as I took my blood test last week, my report was out immediately and they allow me to bring it back. Oh! Have 5 photos of baby too.
Oh yours was last thursday right? Ok, great to know everythg's good for you.

A mummy

I am not sure if Zofran is safe but read around, and it's like Angmohs sworn by them. If it's ok for pregnancy, I should have asked my Gynae my MS will only occur if I eat too much or too less. I'm gaining weight now. Like really gain at 16weeks. My bump is pretty obvious already, other women with kids seem to check out my belly area.


Ya! I feel like I need to keep eating so I won't go extremely hungry if not I will feel sick n that makes me put on weight too! But it i don't eat, n get hungry, I will feel sick too. Tough balance. I duno it I have a baby bump yet.. Going into 15 weeks in a few days.

A mummy

Ya! I feel like I need to keep eating so I won't go extremely hungry if not I will feel sick n that makes me put on weight too! But it i dont't eat, n get hungry, I will feel sick too. Tough balance. I dont know it I have a baby bump yet.. Going into 15 weeks in a few days.
Ya, understand the mini agony. I just don't know why mine is in the evening. This definitely will happen if I eat or not. Sighs. I stay away from my anti vomit pill.The yellow colour ones. Just wanna sleep all day if I consume it.

A mummy

Hi there! I'm also around the same age as you! I'm 24 this year! So excited for you too! You should be able to know the gender after your scan also dont worry! :) Yah after knowing the gender, it makes me feel more attached to the baby!
Hi, doctor was a 2D scan. So, no luck.Still have to wait for the 20 week scan thingee. Sighs... Ya I feel so naive at this age. Like everyone I met is like at least 27 and gt pregnant. This is your 2nd?How was yr 1st experience??


Ya, understand the mini agony. I just don't know why mine is in the evening. This definitely will happen if I eat or not. Sighs. I stay away from my anti vomit pill.The yellow colour ones. Just wanna sleep all day if I consume it.
Is the yellow pill dimenate?


New Member
A mummy said:
Hi, doctor was a 2D scan. So, no luck.Still have to wait for the 20 week scan thingee. Sighs... Ya I feel so naive at this age. Like everyone I met is like at least 27 and gt pregnant. This is your 2nd?How was yr 1st experience??
You have any gender preference? If not it doesnt really matter if you get to know it later! This is my first too and I know a few young parents around me as well!


I feel so naive at this age. Like everyone I met is like at least 27 and gt pregnant.
Don't feel that way! Though we might be older than you, but we are all new at this and learning all the time! It's overwhelming regardless of age.


I feel more sick in the evenings too. Sigh. Now is nausea without the puking. 14 weeks today and still like that!! Ahhhh......

We don't intend to find out the gender of baby. Want it to be a surprise when we give birth. So specifically requested not to know.


I am so envy of the mummies here who are into 15th week where I presume ms will have been improved.

StellaC: going BKK? My colleague just came back from BKK, she said it's very hot right now, like 38-deg C ! It was so hot that she just stayed in the airconditioned malls. I think it will be too hot for me to shop if my ms is going to be as bad as now.
Do u all feel that ur skin is super dry ? I feel giddy at afternoons, don't know why.. Have any mummies took iron pills ? My friend told me iron pills will make the giddiness go away, is it true?


I am so envy of the mummies here who are into 15th week where I presume ms will have been improved.

StellaC: going BKK? My colleague just came back from BKK, she said it's very hot right now, like 38-deg C ! It was so hot that she just stayed in the airconditioned malls. I think it will be too hot for me to shop if my ms is going to be as bad as now.
Actually, yesterday morning when I woke up, my ms was gone :) I wasn't very sure if it's just one lucky day but today I woke up like a normal girl again. No nausea or dizziness.. I'm going to trust God that ms is not coming back to me!

Yup my Babymoon is gonna be at Bangkok :) mum also warned me its gonna be hot but we will just have to be careful and keep indoors most of the time :) we also considered Taiwan, Maldives and London but i was afraid of the flight duration. Silly me, even Taiwan 4 hours plus I am afraid.