EDD September 2013 Mummies


Sunbeams, I eat the cold cut trio and chicken ranch! But must make sure they are toasted. Add extra sauce super shiok!!!

For tuna sandwich, I have the ones from Delifrance. Love their baked potato with tuna too!!
raoow, if u like baked potatoes, u must try the ones from potato depot. they are absolutely delicious! :p


Can we eat XO slice fish beehoon? I totally forgot about not being able to take alcohol and had one spoonful of soup that day and the XO was so strong that it jolted my memory and I immediately stopped drinking..hehe

A mummy

Do you all feel that your skin is super dry ? I feel giddy at afternoons, dont't know why.. Have any mummies took iron pills ? My friend told me iron pills will make the giddiness go away, is it true?
Yes yes giddy!! Like more to sleepy... My prenatal contains iron so doc said no need to eat so I bought for nothing but yes after every prenatal felt the same way .Must be the iron. As prenatal contains high in iron for mine.

A mummy

I thought iron pills will make us constipate? I feel giddy too if I stand too long ESP in the mornings :(

btw, do any of u eat subway? Can we? Been wanting to eat tuna subway! But I think tuna is no good coz of possible mercury content?
Yes iron make you constipate and iron and calcium don't work together. Iron prevent absorption of calcium and vice versa. So, gotta like eat within 4 hours apart kind or better alternate days. It's kinda normal to feel giddy especially for me after waking up. But if I ate a heavy dinner like rich in carbs like spaghetti, bread(indian naan) or rice, I don't feel giddy next day...

A mummy

How does everyone's baby bump feel now? Mine is getting hard... Is that normal? Sometimes the hard part is only at a certain area.. So I'm really puzzled.
17 weeks in few days time, and last few days been feeling pressure on my bladder,like a stone kinda feeling, but i tried to like sleep on my left or right and again try to sit up, no more pressure so obvious it's the baby.lol. and just yesterday it felt like freakingly hard. It's the uterus..for sure..

A mummy

You have any gender preference? If not it doesnt really matter if you get to know it later! This is my first too and I know a few young parents around me as well!
I want a girl, so many boys around in the family. Everybody hopes for a girl too.But Hubby prefers any gender but I know he wants a boy.Kinda slip before I got pregnant as we talked about it.hehe

A mummy

I think it's like jinx. i can't say I'm well or the nausea will come back again tomorrow and last for few days.
So, I'm just going to keep saying, ''I'm not well still''....
Now my fatigue like gone 80%. I got like energy to walk without pelvic pain. I just ran for the bus...felt my heart wanna pop out but pelvic is all ok.hip not pain too. Usually hurts...


New Member
I think it's like jinx. i can't say I'm well or the nausea will come back again tomorrow and last for few days.
So, I'm just going to keep saying, ''I'm not well still''....
Now my fatigue like gone 80%. I got like energy to walk without pelvic pain. I just ran for the bus...felt my heart wanna pop out but pelvic is all ok.hip not pain too. Usually hurts...
yessssssss, i get the same as you tooo!! i told my friend i felt better and i puked on the same night, its super jinx! nowadays i dont even tell my husband im feeling slightly better cause i think its kinda taboo (at least for me).

gal, i think you shld try to refrain from running if you get out of breath easily... not very good. just miss the bus and wait again. baby and your body more impt.


New Member
gals, do you all get red patches on ur face? im having it for the past week and its making me look weird... my mum said its normal for some pregnant ladies to get it. can i still put on makeup and go for facials?


Hi Yiks,

You can start to eat bird nest during 2nd trimester (4th ~ 7th months).
1st trimester is really to early because some pregnancy still during vomit period.
Hokki Supreme Bird Nest -rev4.jpg
We are now have 1 for 1 promotion for the bird nest soup.
You may visit our website to search out the advantages.

Can someone tell me the real benefits or disadvantages of having birds nest drink so early in first trimester? My mil is driving me crazy with all the bottles she bought and I know its not cheap!!! How to tell her to stop spending so much. Really stuck. I read that they're just v high in protein but can also cause bb to develop a lot of phlegm.

Someone help meeeeee

A mummy

yessssssss, i get the same as you tooo!! i told my friend i felt better and i puked on the same night, its super jinx! nowadays i dont even tell my husband im feeling slightly better cause i think its kinda taboo (at least for me).

gal, i think you shld try to refrain from running if you get out of breath easily... not very good. just miss the bus and wait again. baby and your body more impt.
Ya, I'm like, ''Don't wanna say it. My actions speak louder. So guess.'' I told him. haha....Aweee will do.... take care too!

A mummy

gals, do you all get red patches on ur face? im having it for the past week and its making me look weird... my mum said its normal for some pregnant ladies to get it. can i still put on makeup and go for facials?
I have it like slightly below the neck.Wouldn't say chest,just above the chest.Ya it's the hormones. Like worst than puberty.haha... facial not too sure but ya makeup should be fine if you can tolerate the smell and stuffs on yr face. I can't,just wanna puke.Weird but it's all in my head.I can't even put moisturizer.