EDD September 2013 Mummies

I m down with flu today..need to go see GP n recover before my scan next wk
Get well soon! I read that pregnant woman are more subceptible to flu so taking some Vit C & more fruits may help. I had a very bad flu & cough last week too :( was given chlorpheniramine (the small yellow pill) for flu and Vit C.
I m down with flu today..need to go see GP n recover before my scan next wk
Get well soon! I read that pregnant woman are more subceptible to flu so taking some Vit C & more fruits may help. I had a very bad flu & cough last week too :( was given chlorpheniramine (the small yellow pill) for flu and Vit C.
Is there any special medication for pregnant mums? Or we can take normal medic?


mrsvistamio: i heard pregnant mums are to be careful on what medications we take. Good to seek advice from gynae. There was once I had cough, GP prescribed me cough syrup but specifically said safe for my baby. So I guess there is a special medication for pregnant mums?
I m down with flu today..need to go see GP n recover before my scan next wk
Get well soon! I read that pregnant woman are more subceptible to flu so taking some Vit C & more fruits may help. I had a very bad flu & cough last week too :( was given chlorpheniramine (the small yellow pill) for flu and Vit C.
Is there any special medication for pregnant mums? Or we can take normal medic?
There is no special medication for pregnant women but the medication safe for us is limited. Normally, you have to inform your GP that you are pregnant so that they are aware unless you are showing already. And it's better not to self medicate.

The medications I took was given by my Gynae, so happened to be sick on my visit to the Gynae.


Yea, I have been taking chlorpheniramine quite regularly. Think it belongs to cat A drug. Safe for consumption..
took it for antihistamine ... Due to eczema flare up..


Sunbeams, transparent colour. I encountered chest pain in the middle of the night. Just once. Where is your sharp pain located at?


Heh.. I seem "immune" to the chlor. Takes a long time for drowsiness to start n usually I take at night.
colourless discharge is ok I think. As long as no bleeding. I had abit yellowish too
I had low-lying placenta wen i was preg wif #2 (#3 is due in Sept this yr).. Wat i did was, whenever i sat down, i made sure that my knees were lower than my buttocks.. I was a presch teacher, so this was easy as we sat on the kids' chairs.. Also, i sleep more on my side, either left or right, with pillows under my legs to elevate them.. Wen i had another detailed scan at 30wk plus, the placenta has moved upwards (which was wat my gynae said b4 - dat it will move up)..
so far, i only know danzen for sore throat, ivy leaf cough syrup, paracetamol for fever , are safe for pregnancy
but better to see a GP if you are sick... and get well soon.
Hi, I am new to this forum. I am now 21 weeks pregnant and did a detailed scan. Everything is pretty fine. But I have some fishy smell discharge from my vaginal. Is that normal?
my gynae said as long as it is not itchy, it should be alright.
but to play safe, better raise this concern to your gynae, at least he can help you do some cultural test.... to ensure everything is okay
I had low-lying placenta wen i was preg wif #2 (#3 is due in Sept this yr).. Wat i did was, whenever i sat down, i made sure that my knees were lower than my buttocks.. I was a presch teacher, so this was easy as we sat on the kids' chairs.. Also, i sleep more on my side, either left or right, with pillows under my legs to elevate them.. Wen i had another detailed scan at 30wk plus, the placenta has moved upwards (which was wat my gynae said b4 - dat it will move up)..
Where did u place the pillow? In between yr tights or lift up ur legs ?
When I m not working, I feel tired n sleep is a must, but if I m working , I don't so tired , why is it so ?
Hi mrsvistamio,
When you are not working, you are more relax and hence feel like you need a rest. When you are working, you have shift your attention to your work. It's normal. Don't worry. When I have to wake up early, I won't feel tired even though I dont' get enough sleep.
Hi, I am new to this forum. I am now 21 weeks pregnant and did a detailed scan. Everything is pretty fine. But I have some fishy smell discharge from my vaginal. Is that normal?
Hi ZPF, it doesn't sound normal. Perhaps consult your gynae. You can try using yoghurt put in your vagina or salt water douching to kill bacteria. See if the smell is there.


Active Member
Hi mummies! Do you know if it is safe to consume passionfruit tea latte (from coffee bean) or ginger tea? Not everyday lah. Maybe once a fortnight.

I just read online that it is not safe to consume lemongrass tea and i was like omg, I had that 6 times during the past 18 weeks!!! So sad.. I wonder If that means I can't have Lemongrass essential oil circulating in the house too....

Anybody knows?

Ginger tea is safe to drink.
But i am not sure about passionfruit Tea latte, i think it has caffeine? basically now, i try to avoid anything with caffeine.

For Lemongrass, I am not too sure..... i think since you had already drink before that, then don't worry too much and don't think about it liao... it is not as if you drink everyday..... 6 times for the past 18 weeks is only like once every three weeks. Frequency is v low. So i think should be okay. Everything in moderation only mah.
just make sure you don't drink lemongrass tea in future weeks till delivery day... to play safe.


Hey ladies.

I've been woken up in the early mornings for the past week by what I thought was the baby moving. It feels like the baby is trying to push his way up wards and my whole stomach gets hard.

I've just been reading online and it seems like they might be Braxton hicks. Anyone has that? And how do I differentiate baby from Braxton hicks? I'm only 20 weeks and 1 day.